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<br /> � UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bor�ower and Lertder cavenant and agree tts tal►ows:
<br /> 1. Payn►�nl ol PrinclpN and Inht�at. Borrower sh�il pramptty pay when due the principal oQ and interest on the
<br /> incieDtedne�evidenceabytheMole.prepa mentsndlaiechargeaasprovidedintho�fote,t+ndthsprinc+palotandinte:eston
<br /> eny Futuro Advances�ecured by the�of Trust
<br /> Z. Fw��aT�andlnwta�.Sub ecttoappticablelewvrtoawritten�raiverbyLendar,BoROwarahatlpaytolendar
<br /> on ths dsy monthfyinst�Umenbof pri�cipai��nd Inte►ealere psyable unde�the Note,untii theNote iy p�id in iuil,a sum(haretn
<br /> "Funds")squal to on�-twsifth of the yseiriy taxa end aaseaamentA which msy attain p�iorlty over thls Deed af Trust,and
<br /> pround�snb on the Ptoperty,i1 any,piva one•lwelftfi oi yeurly p�e�mium i nstaliments fo�hazerd i�surance,ptu�one-twelRh of
<br /> yearly premium intmlirrtenb for mortpa�e inaurence,�f eny,all es�easonably estimated initielly and from time to time hy
<br /> le�ot�Ihs basb of as�smenes an�billa a�d re�sonebte eaNmatea thareof.
<br /> The Funds thall be h�id in an institution the deposits or accounts ot which are insu�ed or guaranteed,by a Federal or atata
<br /> esency(Includin9 Lend�r II Lendar la such an inaNtution�. lende�ahall appty the funds to�pay aa�id taxe�,asseuments,
<br /> insurance prsmium�and q�ound rents.Lsr�der may nat charye to�ao holdinp and applyin�ths Funde,enalyziny sa�id sccou�t
<br /> o�vKityinpandcompifi�pa�Was�esamenbendbilla unlessLenderpeys8orrowerfnte�eatontheFundsanda�p lica�blelaw
<br /> its�e�der to mAks a�uch a cha�90,Borrower and�.ender may agree in w►lting at the ti me oi exacution of thf�Deed a1 Truat
<br /> t I�a�esi on the Funds shall be paid to 8or�ower,and unless such ap�eement Is made or appIicalbe lew�equires such
<br /> inNtest to bepa�id,lender shall not ba�equtred to p�y 6orcower any interest or earninps on the Funds.Lender shall glve to
<br /> Bprrower,witfwut charpe,an annual accounting of the Funds showin credita and debits to the Funds and the purpose tor
<br /> ?uic�,heechdebittotheFund�wasmade.YheFundaarepled�edasa�ditionalsecu�itytortheaumssecuredbythisOeedof
<br /> NMe amount of thefuRda held by Lende�,toyethe�with the tutu�e monthly Instaliments of Funds payable prior to the due
<br /> dates of tsxes,asaeaart�ents, insurance premiums and ground rents,shall exceed the amount�equired to pay said taxes,
<br /> esse�smenls.insur�ncs premiums and round renta as they tail due.such axcess shall be,at Borrower's option, elther
<br /> promptiyropa kl to BoRawer or credited�o Bo��owe�on monihly instalime�ts of Funds.If the amou�t of the Funda held by
<br /> Le�dershallnotbeautC�ianttopaytaxes,assessments.tnaurancep�emlumsand g�oundrentsastheytalldue.Bo�rowerahall
<br /> pay to lendsr anY artw�nl neceasary to make up the deflciency w�th�n 30 days from the date notice is maited by Lender to
<br /> Borrower roquestinq paKmsnt thereof.
<br /> Upon paymsnt infull of ell aums secured bythis Deed otT�us�Le�de�shall promptiy�etund to 6orrowe�any Funda held by
<br /> lender.If under paag�aph 18 hereof the Prape�t�r is sotd or tha P�operty is otherwise acqu ired by l.ender,Lender shall apply,
<br /> nolaterthanimmediatelyprtortothesaleofthePrope�tyoritsacyuisit�onbyLender,andFundsheldbyLenderatthetimeof
<br /> application as a credit�ainat the sum3 secured by thi�Deed of Trust
<br /> 3. AppNcaWfn ol Psynwnb.Unle9s applicable law provides oMen�rise,all payments saceided by Lender under the Note
<br /> and pa�ay�aphs 1 and 2 hereof sl�all be applied by Lenderfirst in payment of amounts pa�+ahle to Lender by Bor�ower under
<br /> para rapl�2hereof,then to interestpayablo on theNota.then to the principal of the Note,ar�d then to interest and principel on
<br /> any�uture Advances.
<br /> �. CharQss;LNns.Borrowers shall pay all taxes,assessments and other charges,fines and impositions attributeble to the • •
<br /> Propehy which may attain a prio►itv over this Deed of Tru�t,and leasehold payments or ground rents,if any,in the manner
<br /> provided under par��raph 2 hereol or,if not paid In such manner,by Bor�owe�making paymen�when due,directly to the .
<br /> Boirowerjs�hal make er ahall prompUyfurnlah to Lenderall notices ot amounts due underthis paragraph,and in the event
<br /> 8oROwer shall prom y�nt d�i�ectly, Borrower shall pro�ptly furnish to Lender re�celpts evide�cing such payments.
<br /> ptly disChar a an Nen which has priori over this Deed of Trust; rovided,that Borrower shall not be i
<br /> required to discharpe 8nY auch lien so tong as Borrower shali agree in writing to the payment of the obligation secu red by such ;
<br /> lien in a ma�ner acceptaote iu Lvr��ei,i,r 5i�all:��o�d?aith:.anio�t aueh flart by,or d�tarst!�M�sc�rttsnt e!sach lien ir!,!egs! ---
<br /> proceedings which operate to prevent the entorcement o}the lien or forteitu�e of the Property or any part chereot. •
<br /> 5. Has�n!I�ut�1tl.Horrowe�shatt keep U8 improvemems now existing or nereaR�r erectea on me Properry insured -
<br /> apainst losa by fire,hazards inCluded within the term"extended coverage",and such other hazards as Lender may require
<br /> , and in such amaunb and for sucb periods aa Lender may require;provided.that Lender shall�ot raquire that the amount ol �'
<br /> such coverage exceed that amount of coverage requi�ed to pay the sums secured by this Oeed of Trust.
<br /> Thisinsurancece�Nerprovidi�gtheinsuranceshalf bechosenbyBorrowersubjecttoapprovalbyLender;provided,that =
<br /> such approval�hall not be unreasonably withheld.All premiums on msurance policies shall be paid in the manner provided
<br /> under paragraph 2 hereot or,if not paid in such manner,by Borrower making payment,when due,directly to the insurance �
<br /> carrler.
<br /> All insurance policies a�d renewals thereof shall be in form acceptable to lender and shalt inctude a standard mo�tgage
<br /> clause in favor o1 and in form accegtable to l.ender.Lender shall have the nghtto hold the policies and renewals thereof,and
<br /> Bor►owev shafl promptty furnish to G.ender all renewal notices and all receipts ot paid prem�ums.In the event of loss.Borrower
<br /> shallgive ptompt noticetothe insuracace carrier and Lender.Lender may makeprootof loss If not made prompttyby Borrower. :
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower olt�erwise agrae in writi ng,insurance proceeds shall be apptied to restoration or repair ot the s t
<br /> Property dama�ed,p�ovided such resto�ation or repair is economically feasible and the security of this Deed of Trus!is not
<br /> thereby impaired.lf auch resto�ation or�epair is not economically feasible or if the security of fhis Deed of Trust would be � ±�"
<br /> Impaired.the inaurance p�oceeAs shall be a�ppl�ed to the sums secu:ed by this Deed of T�ust,with the excess,it any,paid to
<br /> Borrower.lf the Property is ebandoned by Borrawer,or ii Borrower tails to respand to Lender within 30 days from the date i
<br /> n�tice is mailed by Lender to Borrower thatthe insuranCe carrier offers to sett�e a claim tor insurance benefits,Le�de�is �
<br /> auMorizec!tp coliect and apply the insurance proceeds at Lertder's option eithev to restoration or�epair ot the P�aper�j or to
<br /> the sums secured by this Oeed d1 Truat
<br /> Unless Lenderand 6orrower othenivise agree in writing,any such application ot proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> pOstpone the due date of the monthly installments reterred to m paragraphg 1 and 2 ha�eof or change the amount of such
<br /> installmenis.11 under paragraph 18 hereof the P�operty is acquired by Lender,al l right,title and interest of Borrower in and to
<br /> enyinsarancepoticlesa�dinandtotheproceedsthereofresultingf�omdamagetothePropertypriortothesaleoraequisition
<br /> shall pas9 ta Lender to the extent of tAe sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediatety prior to such sale or a.��nisition.
<br /> 6. P�valbn�nd Mafnt�nanc*W P�opKty;L�ssM�olds;Condominlums;Ptann�d t1nH D�rMopm�n b.Borrower shall
<br /> keeptha Property in good repair and shalt rtot commit waste or permit impairment of deterioration of tt�e Property and shatl
<br /> comply withtheprovis�orasofanyfeaaeifthisDeedofTrustisonaleasehold_EtthisDeedofTrustisonaunitinacondominium
<br /> . or a planned unit devefo�pment 6or�ower shall pe►torrn all of Borrower's obligations under the declaration or covenants
<br /> creaUng or goveming the condominiUm or planned un�t developmenL the bylaws and regulations af the condominium or
<br /> planne�e�nif de�elopmen�end ct+nstituent documents.�1 a condom�n�um or planned�re►t devetopment rider is excuted by
<br /> Borrowecand recorded together with this Oeed ot Trust,the co+�enants and agreeme�ts of such r�der shall t,e inco�porated
<br /> :At.^.8.^.�r.fl8�1 3t!!.:!!Q SR�°.UF�1�iS:@t1!lhe��re:�ants as�d agS�:;;:.2�i5�=4~.a J�.;of Trv39 as ii ihe riuc�were a�ari har&ot.
<br /> 7. Prot�ctbn ot LMdK's S�curit�l.If Borrower fails to pertarm the ca+er.ants and agreements contained in this Deed ol
<br /> Trust or if any action or proceeding is commenced with meteriajty aNeccs�.ender's interest in the Property,including but not
<br /> limited to,em�nentdoma�n,insotvency,code enforcement,or ar�angen�ents or proceedings involving a bankruptor decadent,
<br /> then Lentler at Lender'a option,upan notice to 6orrower,may make such appearances,disburse such sums and take such
<br /> ectionasisneceaserytoprotectLender'sinterestincluding.4utnotlimitedta,disbursementofreasonabfeattorney'sfeesand �_- °— --
<br /> entry upo�nthaPropertytomakerepairs.IfLenderrequiredmortgageinsuranceasaconditiono}makingtheloansecuredby •
<br /> the Dee�!of Trus�Borrawer shat! pay the prern�ums required to maintain sucin insvrance in eiiect until such �ime as tt►e
<br /> requirerreentfarsuchi�suranceterm�netesinaccordancewiihSorrower'sandLender'swrittenagreementorapp licalbetaw.
<br /> Bortower shell payths emou�t oi all mo►tgage insurence permiums in ttte manner provided under paragraph 2 hereoi.
<br /> Any amounts diabursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, w�th interest thereon, shail becom� add�tional
<br /> indebtedness of BorrowerseCUred bythis Oeed of Trusi.Unless Borrower and Lender agreeto other terms ot peyrnent,such
<br /> amounts shall be payabte upon notice trom lender to Borrower requesting payment hereot,ar►d shali bear�nterest trom the
<br /> date ot disbursementattheretepayablefromtirnetotimeon outstanding pnncipal under the Note un�ess payment oimterest N
<br /> e at such rate would be contrary to applicable law, in whfch event such amounts shall bear �nterest at the h�ghest rate
<br /> L permissibleunderappllcable law.Notfimg containedin thiSparagraph 7 shall req��reLenderto incu►any expense ortakeany ��
<br /> act�on hereunder.
<br /> d
<br /> a. IaspicUon.Lender may make or causeto 6e made reasonable entr�es upon and mspecUons o1 tr�e Prooer;� prov�ded �ti
<br /> 1hatLendershaUg�veBorrowernoticepnortoanysuchinspQCtionsaec�(y�ngreasonablecausethereforereiate;.-•:.Ler,cle� � • �p
<br /> interesi�n the Properiy. �tA�
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