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<br /> � STAT� QF NE9RASKA. DEPARTMENT �F PUBLIC INSTTTU'i'IONS, herein call�d the
<br /> Grantor, in con�ideration of One Anllar ($l.pd), receipt of which i.s heroby
<br /> acktzoWledged, hereby gret�ta and convey� unto the
<br /> �
<br /> ' a nunicipal corporation fa Ha21 Conntq, N�breska, herein called the t3rentee,
<br /> i
<br /> � a per�anent end perpetuel easement end right-of-wey ta survey, conetruct,
<br /> �
<br /> inapect, maintain, repair, replace, extend, remove, and operate thereon,
<br /> . fi overhead and underground utility lines, n�ains, condt�its� csbles, pipes,
<br /> ;
<br /> � polea, tranafore�era, term�lnals, surface markers, an� other utility .
<br /> � appurte�nanaea connected t3�erewith, placed in, upon, ebove, along, acroas, �
<br /> � .
<br /> underneath, and through a sixteen (16.0) foot wide easement located .�e part
<br /> of the Southenst quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE}, S8�), Section Five
<br /> ' (5), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M. , � ' '
<br /> .: s .:.
<br /> � . �,:::;,
<br /> � Osand Island, Hall County, Nebraska; the centexline of the easement being . ';�
<br /> �
<br /> I j:-_' `
<br /> more particularlq described ea fo�lows: -
<br /> -.—�- =�
<br /> :- -. - _ :_ . . - `
<br /> __
<br /> ! Begianing at a paint on tho Northerly right-of-way line of Capital -
<br /> � Avenue, being thirty three (33.0) feet north and eight hundred eight
<br /> � (A08.0) feet West of the Southeast corner of Section Five (5), Township
<br /> fileven (11) north, Range Nine (9) West; thence Northerly parallel ta the �
<br /> 8dat line of said Section Five (5), a distence of two hundred seventy
<br /> � (270.03 fest; thence de�l3cting right 31°00' , a distance of thirty five
<br /> $ (35.0) feet; the sidelines of the above deacribed easement to terminate
<br /> � aZong a line parallel with the East- line of said Section Five (S).
<br /> � The above described easement containing 0.112 acre, more or less, as
<br /> shown on the plate marked Exhibit "A", dated 10/]6/89, attached hereto,
<br /> and incorgorated herein by reference, "�``
<br /> . ? �...Q,
<br /> together with the following rights:
<br /> ' � Unres�ri.cted ingress and egress to the above described easement tract � ��
<br /> for the instsllation, maintenance, aperation, and removal of such overhead
<br /> +, and underground utilities and appurtenances.
<br /> . i , ,
<br /> I -
<br /> � � Such rights of ingress and egress shell include ell rfghts necessary for
<br /> the full and complete use, occupation, and en,joyment of the easement herein
<br /> granted including. but not limited to, the right to pxcavete r�n� rwfi])
<br /> �-=--_-
<br /> ditches end trenches; to remove, �leer, and keep clear trees, bushes, hedges, '
<br /> � i
<br /> undergrowth, and other abstr�ctions interEc�ring with the surveying,
<br /> r
<br /> construction, inspection, malntenance, repair, re��aceMent, exten53on,
<br /> � remov�I, or operation of. such over.head end underqround utilities and
<br /> s�spurtenanceq. �`
<br /> �
<br /> �.� �
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