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<br /> 2
<br /> so �o2��s
<br /> � TRUSTOR RE.+4D THiS BEFORE 8(flNiNt3:
<br /> Trwtor unde�atenda that the documon4 that Trustor 1�about to�xecute Is a Doed ol Truat and nol a monpage end thatthe power
<br /> r uf eata providsd for In the Deed of Truat provides eubstantlelty diHerent rtpht�and obliflQtlons to Trustor then a mortDage In the ever.t
<br /> � of a deMult or breach ot oblipatlon undar the Oeed ot T�ust,Includln�,but noi Ilmited to,tt�e Gender's ripht to have the Proparty aolcJ
<br /> by th�Truslee�rlMout any �udlalal p�oceodinp.Trustor �epresents and warranta thne thia acknowia.�igemen!was executed by
<br /> Truitor betore the exacudon o!the Qeed af T►wi. �,,� � f v � r-�
<br /> , Blaine K. Fac Kueband
<br /> � (Deborah L. Pac�fastod Wife
<br /> i
<br /> THIS DEEO OF TRUST, is mada a9 of the�h day of ADri 1 ,19 9�by and among
<br /> � theTruator, Blaine K. Packer and Deborah L. Packer, huaband and wife
<br /> i whose maiAn address is Route 2. Box 295. Wood River. NE 68883 �
<br /> I p (herei�"T�uator;'whetEeer one or more),
<br /> � the Truste�. �131�-3 am (:_ Ri a _kr k�nrn� A Mpmh r e h N . Stat Bar Asan �
<br /> i
<br /> � whose maiUng address is P.O. Box 2280. Grand Island� NE 68802 (herein"Trustee'�.and '
<br /> I
<br /> � the Beneflciary. F�ve Po�nts Bank . �
<br /> � whose maiAng address is P•O. Box 1507, Grand Island. NE 68802 (herein"Lender"). ' �
<br /> . r .
<br /> � FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,lncluding Lender's extension of credit identified herein to Sldine K. Packer , ' �
<br /> � and Ueborah L. Packer (herein"Borrowe;",whether one or more)and the trus4V�erein created. �
<br /> j the receigL of which ls he�eb acknQwled ed,Trustor hereb irrevocabl �
<br /> � y g y y grants, transters,conveys and asslgns to Trustee,iN , .
<br /> � TFiUST.VIfITH POWER OF SALE,fcr the benetitar�d security of Lender,under and subJect to the terms and condit+ons hereinafter set . '
<br /> forth,the real property.descrlbe�as ta�tows: ' ,
<br /> Lot Three (3), Moseman Subdivision, in the Village of Wood River, Hall
<br /> _ . . ; County, Nebraska. �°-
<br /> � -i=-
<br /> ! -
<br /> � Togeth8r with 2it buildings,Improvements,i�xtures, streets, alleys, passageways,easements, righTS,privileges and appurte-
<br /> � nances located thereon or in anywise pertaining thereto,and the rents,�ssues and protits,reversions and remainders thereof,and �
<br /> ; such per�anal property that is attached to the improvements so as to constitute a tixtura,including,but not limited to,heating and -
<br /> � coolirtg•aquipmen�and together Kitii the homestead or maritai interests,if any,which interests are herehy released and waived;all �
<br /> � C}which,inCluding replacements artd additions thereto.is hereby declared to be a part of the real estate secured�y the Hen ot thls
<br /> ' Oeed of T�ust and all 01 the toregoi:sg being reterred to herein as the"Propeny".
<br /> ,
<br /> ' This Oeed ot T�ust shal! secure ia1 the pa frrent uf the principal sum and interest evidenced by a promissory note or credit �
<br /> . t
<br /> agreement dated �-17-�� ,havlrtg•a maturity date of 1U-17-90 , �
<br /> *.
<br /> ' 4—
<br /> � in the original principaL 2mount of S �n,noo_oo ,artd any and al!modificatian�. extens�ons and renewals �
<br /> i thereof qr thereto aa�t�zy and aU future advances and readvances to @a7rower (or any ol them �f rrr�re than one) hereunder _
<br /> � pursuartra,one or more promissory�otes or cre6it agreements(herem called"Note");�b)the paymer.��f other s�ms advanced by —
<br /> ; Lender tQ�r.otect the security o}the Note;(c)the periormance ot all covenan!s and agreements ot Trustor set}orth herem;and(d)aU �'<�:
<br /> � present and future indebtedness and obligations of Borrower jor any af them it more than one)to Lender whether direct,indirect,
<br /> • � ' absotute or contingent and whether aris�ng by note,guaranty,overdraft or otherwise The Note,this Deed of Trust and any and all
<br /> other docuents that secure the Note or otherwiseexecuted in connect�on therew�th,�ncludmg without';��tat�on guarante�s,secunry
<br /> � agreements and assignments ot leases and rents,sha41 be raferred to herein as the "t.oan Instrumen�s".
<br /> , Trustor covenants and agress a�vith Lender as tollows:
<br /> ' , 1. Paym�nt ot Ind�btWn�ts.k�f+ndebiedness sece:red hereby shall be paid when due.
<br /> � 2. THI�.Trustor is the owner Of the Property,has��the nght anC authority to convey the ProperE}�.and warrants that the lien
<br /> c►eatec! hereby i9 a first and prior.lien oi trre Froperty, except tor nens and encumbrances set tcr2� by Trustor�n writing and .
<br /> , de�ivered to Lender be!'cre execut�on ot this Deect ct Trust,and the eaecut�on ard de;ivery ot tnis OeF�aF Trust does not v�o+ate any�
<br /> ° contraat or athe�obllgation to which Trustor:s s:�bject.
<br /> `' 3. t�xes,Asseurnsnb.To�ra�e betOrp delirquenC.y�1!t�xe5.spec�al assessmenis and all�ther cha:ges a���>>xE 3�:e Propariy
<br /> now or hereafter ievied.
<br /> - - ' 4. In�unnc�.To keep the Property insured against damage by ffre,hazarcfs�ncluded w�thin the term��extended covsrage",and
<br /> such other hazards as Lender may require,in amounts and with companies acceptabte to Lend�r,nammg lender as an additional
<br /> nemed insured, with loss payable to the Lender.In case of loss unde�such pot�c�es.t�e Lendar�c author�zed to ad�ust,collect and
<br /> Compromise,ell claims thereunder and sha!!have the opt�on oi applying all o+part of the�nsu�ance proceeds(�)to any�ndebcedness
<br /> se�cured heroby and in such order as Lender may determine,(�q to the Trustor to be�.sed for the repa�r or restoration of the Property % -`_--
<br /> or(iii)tor any other p�rpose or object satistactory to Lender w�thout attect�ng the I��,r�ot th�s Deed of Trust for the tu�I amaunt secured '
<br /> hereby betore such payment ever took place.Any app!icat�on of proceeds to mdebtedness shall not extend or postpone the due •
<br /> date of any payments under 4he Note,or cure any default thereunder or hereunder
<br /> S. Eterow. ilpon written demancf by Lender,'fr�stor sha11 pay to Lender.�n such manner as Lender may cfes�gnate.suH�c��ent }
<br /> sums to enable Lender to pay as they become due one or more ot the fottow�ng.(�►ail taxes,assessments and other chargas against
<br /> the Property,(ii) the premiums on the property in�urance reqw►ed hereunder,and(ii:)the prem�ums on any mortgage msurance
<br /> �equired by Lender.
<br /> � 6. II�a1MMane�, Rtpairs �nd Compllancs w�th Lawa. Trustor shall keep!he Property �n good cond:t�on and repa�r; shall
<br /> promptty repair, or reptace any tm�rovemont wh�ch may be damaged or destroyed,sha�l not comm�t or perm�t any K-aste or
<br /> detenorat�On of the Propert}r, shall not remove,demol�sh or substant�a��y alter any of tne �mprovements on the Property shail nol �
<br /> Commit,sufter or perm�t 8ny aCt to be done in or upon thE Properry�n v�olat�on of any law.ord�nance.ar r�gutat�cn,and shail pay and �
<br /> �rGr+tpUy d+SCtiory�oi T�usto�'�cos�an�e�.Nv,�sn��� i�ens,an�umorances and c�arges iev�eei, �mNused or assessed againsi tne uv#
<br /> -- Property oi any part thdreo9.
<br /> t
<br /> _ 7. Emin�nt DOm�in.Lender�s hereby ass�gnod�n compensahon awards.damages ana othe�paym�nts or rehel�nerema�ter ..
<br /> --- ��Proce�ds")in CO�nSCUOn w�4h ccndemnsUon or t�iher t��R�r�3 of tn�,P�r>>>Nrty or (i�r��hvtepf ��r ipr t pnygy�r'Ce tFl�:�U U(:.:�RG�C^:t13-
<br /> Uon Lendot shaii be enhtlod at ds option to commence appea� ^ u^:�p'O;E(..�IB,c �!S�rs�� name ary ac t•o�or proceed�ngs and
<br /> Shall also bo en4�ded to make Any�OrnprOn��Se or settier�+Nnt��+�;`^PG!U' ��tr g,���, �,�k r•U � �di-lmd,�f� In f�iy event pny port�oR o�
<br /> � !1El ?d5/.4.,.u�,..,. .•e�bor.:�,Rm�.� f;y �
<br /> � ��Y&3��e•,.�e.ile•�. �C-. T��.ei..a•a•a..s. pcn�.. � . i �.� .r..�n..�
<br /> -�C
<br /> —%r�
<br /> '�i�,
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<br /> .. . . . �t�:� . _. . . . . ' _ . . �. .. . . . .._ . . _ , . . .. . . .
<br /> , .( " � . ' ' • � �i, . , . . . . , ,.
<br />