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<br /> � i
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<br /> � N�N•UNlI�ORM tY3VGNAPI'fS. Bc�ROw•er aoct L�rncltr furlher ccn•en�nt en.i agroe as follow�: �70�� �D�t7��
<br /> ( I7.b'o�eWNre t'tnce�dYre.lf Lencfer rtquirrs immecliate p�ymeM in fuU urtder��groph 9, l,endrr may lnvolce the�,ocih•er of sute
<br /> Antl�,y�+tl+rr rcmt+ciin�xrmi�ted by�ppIicpbie law. Lencicr stuit!be enti[IeJ to coilcr�t aq eapenses incue�rod in Pursuing the remedirs
<br /> c�ruvidec!in thl�orraandi !7,ieeluciina. but eot limitad to.rcaKes�bie attomevs' foes and costs of titk evldena.
<br /> It IMepe�cr o�wie fi invoitrd.7�1`ee tl�rtcoed�ndkc ot defwlt M c�cs couMy In wAkl��ny p�rt ot t�e Hnpe�'ty{s iocated
<br /> rd�Yi INwr to�ia or wcl�oof,ice la tre nwrer ibed dy�pplicabk hw to Bamwer�ad to Ne albcr Re��an pmc�bed
<br /> � r!�!!��i�w. Aher d�ti�e re�ired��y a��Mw.'t�urtec�M�M Nre p��6Mc nadcc ot�ek to the pe�so��ad b We
<br /> ■rwrer�n�erMd br l�w. ,w11Yo�t dea�od aa Da�wer.ir�Urc Pt+opeKy at �uctlaa to t!e W�ieit
<br /> �iYt�M tYt t�t�i ard t�er tis te�d�ed fn tl�e�o�ce of s�k m�ae or r�;are �d v aqy orde�T�ee
<br /> dN�rwYir.Tr�hess�r p�M�oae We nf ai or an�prcd d B�e ty bl'l�obik aa�o�+ect�aeat at tie tlwe aad phce ot aay
<br /> �rsviw�.ciei�ie��ie.t�eeaer u�w �.r p�dwne uie r y M.wy aie.
<br /> IT�ne�l�t��wMt d tie price��tee�aelirer b tre pre+eY�er 71ruMte's deed coure�io�t�e Ptwperty.7tie
<br /> ntllah Y IYe 1t�■Me�rai id 6e prl�hde eridaoe attr�d tie�Ittesena eNie He��.TnMce e��t�e pnocadr
<br /> d tY�de M tle�or8er:(a)to��r d tie ede.iocludiq,ba1 aot Yn�Ne�d to,'11r�ta•a ka a�pamit�ed by sp-
<br /> wcaMe i�w a�i �balQo�w�er'ka:(b)to aM��cw�ed by tl�Sa�r�k�r IM�e�;Md(c)aisy e:aw W tre pe�soa
<br /> 1�. C�erw .UPan p!Ymeot of all wm4 sawed by tNs Se�vrity Inst�umesu�Lender shall rec�uest Tnutee w roconveY��'�P�RY
<br /> � and shll�urreede�tf�i�Secunty Irotnuneot and all now evidauing deb! saur�+d by thi9 Security Instnunent to Trusta. Tnistee sl�ll
<br /> � neooev�yryl���widaul warrau�ty u�d witl�aw ch�rae to the pe�aon ar per�on+IeEally entitlod to it. Such person or pe�otn shall
<br /> , �1l�9�M�Ee Trwlee.Leeder,�t its o�on.m�y fraa time w time runove 7'�ustae w��int s suooessor trustee to any Trustoo
<br /> heeeuMer by an inetnnnaM re+cot�dod in tt�e oounty in which�his Socurity Ia9tnunent is reoorded.WiH�out eonvoyaace oi the
<br /> � �d�e aua�essot t�utlee�luU suoceed tQ�ll the dtle,Pov�rcr�nd duda oonftmed upon Tnntee herein aod by�li�cabk law.
<br /> ' ��R�eqw�t�far Nafieei.Acxrovrer coquests th�t copies of tln notioes of defiult u�d s�le be srnt to Borrovirer's add�ess which is thc
<br /> � Add
<br /> � Bo�rower a�en th�t shonld this Savrity Instnu�ent md the note savred thereby not be eligibk for insurance�u�der the Nation�f Ha�sing
<br /> � _ Act whAin 8 1110�i h& fran tt�e d�6e het+�of.LeMer may.at its option aad aotwid►uarding anything in Paragraipt�9,�oqui�e _
<br /> . i�t�rtbdiMe p�yment in full of all sums socurod by this Socuriry Instrume�. A wtittrn statement of aay authotizod�gent of the Secretary
<br /> dMOd aul�e�ent ro H IllOtlt hS fran tM d�te hcreof.�ectining to insun this Savrity In�bniment and the nae savrad
<br /> tNeieby,aMll be�eem�d caoclutive p�oof of such inelige'biliry.Nathwithwu�din�the fazgoing,this uption any not be exercised by l.eoder
<br /> when the unav�ilability of insunnoe is sokly due to ls�der's failurc to remit a mongage unvrance prcmium to the Secr�eta�y.
<br /> 1
<br /> i
<br /> i
<br /> RWtfs!O(�lI!$ltMf�ty IIIS1fY111l111.Ii one or more ridcrs are executed by Borrower and recorded togethe�w ith this Security •
<br /> lnstrument, the covcnAnts of each such rider shal: he inccrporated into and shaU amend and supplement ihe covenants and ,
<br /> a�reements of'this Security lnstrument as if the rider(sl w,rre in a part of this Sece�rity Instrument. (Check applicabte box�es)j.
<br /> ❑ Condominium Rider � Adjustable Ratr Rider �� Gn�wing Equity Rider �-==
<br /> . � _.
<br /> __-___- � Pl�.el.n_vi I fr1i([7►Y�I��ur�nt Riclvf � (_ra���afP�1 Qgfmnn(t?u1P{ !� (1l.�`i ,
<br /> • HY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agree� to the terms cantained in this Security In�trument and in any rider(s)
<br /> executed by Borrowet and recorded with it. 's"
<br /> i ess: . '�
<br /> . j � —
<br /> 1 `� • �C.Gcc�+-�/ � n�+�+ at�_ ISeah
<br /> � -
<br /> � �[[� "�0___ N��rrnWCi �
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<br /> — !�t'3�) • .t.-
<br /> A F BENfVET T e:-�N.�� ' -�
<br /> . ��
<br /> � -------�— ------ (Seall
<br /> Hiqn,wrt
<br /> ------- -- -- ------ - -- ------ (Scal)
<br /> K.,�,,•�.��
<br /> . STATE OF NEBFiASK/ti. � Gounty ss: HALL
<br /> �� 1St �;�f May ,19 � , hefon me,tbe u�ersignod.a Nauy Public
<br /> duiy oa�nmissia�ai ana qu�lifioa for saia councy,person�uy came RQLLAND R BENNETT AND LYLA F BENNETT
<br /> Hll�'�9AND AND WIFE , to me known to be the
<br /> ideobcal person(s)whose nurK{s)are subscri6ed to tha forcgoing instntment and ncknawbdgcd the eaocution theroof to 6e
<br /> t hei r vol�nt.ry aa ana doea. --- -
<br /> .-- --
<br /> Witr�a my haM and noutial�al ar �l��:Q 3SLr^,!''A., in sa�ccursr,. :2�.e
<br /> date aforcsaid. r � ` .-)
<br /> ( � �
<br /> My Cotrunission eapires: � �,
<br /> JUL �-t��,�..�.w �. . ..... Naary P�f�� _._
<br /> ,.�G:lf[7�It�k�ir,nr-Sta:e�t h:�•�:�� �
<br /> L g��"�,����s t.�Y f,�^,h fx� F^iY�I. a?"� REQLJEST FOR ItECOW�YANC� �
<br /> Iw�cs.rcvrsr�_.:r:-::�:,'::_.:��^.s:as.$; �
<br /> 'f0'TRUSI'EB:
<br /> 7f�e under�ignod ic rhe hotder of�he note or ncxes secured by this D�od of Trust. Said note or nae.ti,to�etlter with all other�ndebtedness fQ
<br /> secuced by rhis[ked of Tevat,have been pai�in full.You ate hereby dirccted ro cancei sa�d note or notes and th�s fhrd of"1'rust,which �
<br /> ue de:livere6 hereby. arnl to raonvey.without warranty.xll the estnie rzow held by yvu under this Urx�1 of'I'rust m the percon o�percnns . �
<br /> Icgally cntitlad thercia ;•. ,
<br /> Date
<br /> _.... _ ... . . . . . _....____ _�.. - - -----
<br /> .� - -- - - .
<br /> " !'.: . J I
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