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<br /> � l.Pa�mcat ot Prirrfpsl�intrmt en0l.�tefA�t�e. Borrow�er shel O�4����
<br /> — CridtncCO by thc Noie and IAte chatgcs dua under the Note. �n��flfYfC;t c�tj,the:tebt
<br /> � 2�Ma��1�b'hS��W of Tue:,I�samce a�l 011ee Cf��rRe�,Borr �I;•payment.tage�her with
<br /> Ihe principal and intere�t as Ert forth in the Note And a�y late charg� �s and specia!nssessments
<br /> levied or ta be levird a�sinst the pooperty. (b) ft�sehald p�yments ty, and(c) premiums i'or
<br /> lnsur�nee rcquired by puajraph 4.
<br /> �uh monthfy irfstUlment for items(o)�(b)�nd(c)shall equa!ane- s reasonably estimated by
<br /> Leader.ptus an iunount sufflclent ta m�(ntain�n addition�l balv,nce� e estimated Arneunts,The
<br /> fut!utnual amount for each item ihaU be accumulwted Dy Lender� ith beforc an item woutd
<br /> Decome delInquent.Lender edal!huld the amounts coll�ctM in trust tc �Ihey bccome delinqu:nt.
<br /> If�t any time the total of the paymenta hcl�Dy l.endar fo�items(a future monchty paymenls
<br /> tor such ltems payable to Lender prior to thc due d�tes of such items, the estimateci amount of
<br /> paymenta required to pay such item� wt�ca due,and if paymenta on er shall either rePund the
<br /> exca�over one-sixth of thr atimated papments or credit the cxcess payments to subsequent
<br /> payments by Bon�ower,at tt�e optioa of Bonower.If the total of th� ar item(a).(b), or(c)is
<br /> insufficient to pay the item w6an due, then Bonower shs�ll pay to Len� ;e up the dMciency on or
<br /> , befere the date the item becomes due.
<br /> � Aa used in this Security lnstrument. "Secretary"mearu the Sccn �velopment or his or her
<br /> � da➢anee.Most Security lnstrument�Insureei by the Secretary�are insur �advance payment of the
<br /> entire mortga�e insurance premlum,If this Secudty Instrument is or w, �did not require advance
<br /> piyment of tho entire mortgage insurance premium,then each monthly �:(i)an installment oP the
<br /> • �naual mort�e insurance pretnium to be pald by Lendet to the Ss ;e instead af a mortgage
<br /> insurance prenuum if this Security lnsi�uraent is held by the Secreta 'the mortgage insurance
<br /> ptemium shall be in an amount sufficient to aaumulate the full annt with Lender one month
<br /> prior to the date the fuU smnual mongsge ieesurance premium is due ta lnstrument is held by the
<br /> Secretary�each monthly charge shall be Frt an unount equal to one-i he outstanding principal
<br /> batance due on the Notc.
<br /> � If Borrower tenders to Lender the fuEl payment of all sums secured rower's account shall be
<br /> credited with the balance romaining for all instaUments for items � �age insurance premium
<br /> lnstallment that Lender has not become obiigated to pay to the Secreta fund any excess funds to �
<br /> Borrower. lmmedlately prior ta a foreclosure sale of the Property o� •ower•s account shall be
<br /> � credited with any balance rteaaining for all instaUments for items(a),
<br /> � AppW�tioa ot P�yme�ts,pll payments under paragraphs 1 and foltows: .
<br /> FIRST,to the mortgage insurance pre�a'r.�:,rcn to be paid by Lender ta chazge by the Secretary '
<br /> instdd of the monthly mortgage insurance�r.emium,unles�Bonoa•ei u�ce premium when th6s
<br /> Sccurity lasuument was signed;
<br /> SECOND,to any taxes,special acsessa�ts,leasehold payments or� I other hazard insarance
<br /> - - — Dtemtums.as requlred;
<br /> � T'�,I�t�,to interest due under the Note; � _-
<br /> �, to�morti7ation of the nrincinal n(eh��.,r.•
<br /> �,to late charga dut ander thr 1�°otc. ' -
<br /> . � 4• F�e+F'lood ud Otrer Huar�1m�n�ee. Borrower shall insute all i +hether now in e�istence �
<br /> � 'This b�wan e sh�ll be mainnained na thedsamountst�aad�for he ingen� ider requ�res insurance.
<br /> peria rer shal? also insure all +
<br /> � improvements on the Property,whether now in ebstence or subsequentl o the extent requ'ved by �
<br /> � the Secretary,All insurance shall be carried with rompanies approved 6 ;and any renewals sha11
<br /> . be deld by Leadtr and shall indude loss gayable clauses in favor of.a der.
<br /> � In ihe event of loss.Borrower shall give Lender immediate notice by�r >ss if not made prompt- .
<br /> I ly by Borrower.Each insurance company corarned is hereby authoriu� for such loss directly to ; `
<br /> Lender,instead of to Borrower and to Lender jointly.Al1 or any part ef Fplied by L,ender,at its ' s�
<br /> opdon,either (a)to the reduMion of the indebtedness under the Na:� first to any delinq�ent
<br /> amounts applied in the order in Paragraph 3. and then to prepayrtiene �ration or repair of t6e
<br /> datna�ed property.Any s�pp�ication of the proceeds to the principal sh; ue date of the month1y
<br /> pAyments which are reftned co in Patagraph 2,or change the amount of rance proceeds over an
<br /> . amount required to pay all outstanding indebtedness under the 1Vote and paid to the entity legal- '
<br /> • Iyeatitledthereta.
<br /> . In the event of foredosure of this Security Instrument or other tra. at extinguishes the in-
<br /> debtedness,alt tight. title and interest of Borrower in and to insurance e purchaser.
<br /> S. Preaervatlo� aed MWtena�ce ot t6e Property,Lea�edald�. Bor �r des¢roy, damage or
<br /> suhstantially change the Property or allow the Property to deteriorate,i d. Lender may inspect
<br /> tLe property if the proprny is vacant or ab�doaed or the loan is in def� :action to protect asid
<br /> pnserve such vacant or abandoned propeny.if this Security lns�rumeat i romply with the pra�i-
<br /> . sions of the ltase. If Bonower acquires fee title to the Propeny.che lea merged unless Lea�es
<br /> sgee.s to the merger in writiag.
<br /> �__ � i.Cwrsee to Horrower asd Proiection ot Lender•�R;r�ts 1�th.P...� rnn�ciitai ur municipal �
<br /> chuges,fines and impositions that are nat ihcludM in Paragrapl�2.Bon on time directly to the
<br /> ertity which is owed the payment. If faiLure to pay would adversely affa ny, upon Lender's se-
<br /> q uat Borrower shall promptly iurnish t,�Lcnder receipts evidencing th�
<br /> i�'Borrower fails to make these payments or the payments required by Pa y other covenants and ----
<br /> a�rerrnents contained in this Security(nstrument,or there is a legal pro< Fect I_ender's rights in ,
<br /> tEze Property(sush ac�prc+cesding s�bar.�ruptcy,to::on�rmna¢iai or ti :n Lender may do and 1
<br /> pay wh�tever is necessary to proiect the value of the Property and Lende ing payment of taaes,
<br /> hazard insurance and other items mentioned in Paragraph 2.
<br /> Any emounts disbursed by lender under this Paragraph shall beromc s ind be secure�i by this t
<br /> Secur%ty Instrument. These amounts shall bear intetest from the date of and at the option of �
<br /> Lender,shall tx immesliately due and psyable_ �
<br /> 7.Coede�n:Unn.The proceeds of any award or ctaim far damages,di �on with any condem- 1 �
<br /> nation or othtt taking of any part of the:'roperty,or ior cvt��eyance in pl astiig�ed and shall he �
<br /> paid to Lmder ro the extent of the full amount af the indebtedness that re i rr::Securny Instru• �
<br /> m.tnt. Lendershallapplysuchpruceedstotherr.iuciionoftheindebtedne: ;•tn�rn�n�enr. i.,;;� ��
<br /> _- any de9inque����,wunis appiied in tne order pro���deG �n Paragra�h 3, nni �
<br /> it�e praeeeds to the principal shap no1 extend ot � �►�5�pplicas;on nt ,�
<br /> postpone the duc datc rh arc rc(errcd to in
<br /> _ Pare�raph 2,or change�he amount of such payments.Any exce�s prnree iy aIl���t�tandin�in- �
<br /> _��• dab�ec3nece �mcier!he `1o!e and�h�� �;c.u:�t>I��>iruu,cm 1F�ai? he paici �n ,
<br /> –= B.Pers. Len�fer may :ullect fteti�ndchargc: .iuih��ri�cd hy Ihr tic�rrta
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