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<br /> _ _(Spaw Abov�Thh lh�Far RaoxdnQ l]�t�) v�--10 2 3 6'7
<br /> Stati o� N�brasla Deed af Trust F,,,�G,.No.
<br /> . 10063Q-1 2 321-1393091709
<br /> . Thi� I��d ot Trust('s�axNyr Insaummt•) b m�d�on Aptil gp
<br /> � �9 90 . Tha p�nt«Is Jo�ph B. 9u11Man '
<br /> � ar�d Laua A. Sullhran. hustvs�d and wN�, jotntly ar�d ��
<br /> •sch M thN� own riQl�t ,(•e«row�'j. Th�trust�e b CO�A�AERCIAL FEDERAL SA�Y�OGB 1t1�iVb
<br /> 1.014N AsSOC1AT10N�(`Ttist�e"�'�TtY�r beoNlc�r ts FIRS'�'kEDERAL SAVINGS ANO LOAN AS50GU1'#FIlQ�1
<br /> OF LINCOLN. which b onqr+�arrr.f��extsttn�unda tM�awx a�± �1�s Un�d St7�tl�o�Am�HCa■
<br /> � and whos�adcwsa h 1235 "N" Sh�� Lincoln.I�hbra�lca��b08 ("La��'T• 6��ar owes l�der the pct��aC s�c�n of_� � . � �
<br /> ' FMty Two Thout�und S�n Nu�d��d Filt�and �o��Op �
<br /> , LTr�rs (U.9.i 52.TS0.00 ). This deWt�9 evid�nced Dy Barowe�'s c�d�tqcb ttic san�e ds;e as tt9s Security . . .
<br /> • , �i.r�irurn�t='NoN'),which provldes for rtw�ihly P�Yn�z'ds. vrilh the 1�N deDi. k Rtt�t p�id w�iir.dw and p�yro�P�e on • .,_ .
<br /> � . � May 1 . 20Z0 . This Sec�aity In�Wm�►t seaires to teRda: (�)tha ropayment bg 41tQ .
<br /> deM�id�nc�d by the NNe, with Interest. md aM renewtis,extension�and rt�o�Cationa; (b)th� p�yment oF M other wms,with lnte�est,
<br /> ad�r�ad ueder p�apA Q to protecl the securiry of thfa Security Inatrurnent; �nd(c) ths paAortn�ncs of�ixrowePs covenanta and a�ree.mmts
<br /> under this S�axNy Instrument and ths Note. For this purpose. Borrower Irrevoe�bly aanta and Conveys to Truatee, in trust,with the power
<br /> ' of�le, the toNowing desalbed property buted In Hall Counry, Nsbtaska:
<br /> . ,
<br /> ; (
<br /> �.:�.
<br /> -f—=
<br /> Lot Three (3) . Block One (1), West Bel Air Addition to the CiCy of
<br /> � Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska '
<br /> �
<br /> � �,,��-
<br /> . whtch has th��ddreea oi 1610 Soteth Blsirt� StrNt C;r�nd Island
<br /> (street) ��t�y�
<br /> Nebrasl�a 68803 {•Pro�ty Address•);
<br /> . � tTm rnAn; .
<br /> t .
<br /> T0�3ETHER WITH aN ihe improvemc�ts now or hereetter erected on the property,and aN easernenta, rights,appurtenances,
<br /> rent�,royaMk� mine►a!, pil md 9ea rishts and profrts, witer rlghts und stock and aN fucturea now a here�fter a part o1 the
<br /> prope�ty. AN rcpiacements�nd additiona shaN elso be covered by thl�Securiry Instrument. All of the foregoing is referred
<br /> to(n thfs Smcurity Iostn,ment as the •Property.' .` ----
<br /> D�AROWER COYENAN�'S thst 8or�ower is lativluuy seized ot the estate heset�y conveyed and has the r,ght to mortgage.
<br /> grant artQ'oonvey the Pftspaty and that the Property is unencumbered,except tor cncumbrances of record. Bortower wara.�ts
<br /> and wiq detarcd yenereqy the tiite to tfre Property agaiRSt a0 ckirtes ac+d demanda, subjeot to d^y encumbrences of reccsrd.
<br /> 1. �aym�nt oi Princtpal, Interest aa�d Lats Ch�rp�. Borrower shaA pay when due tcs princi�� o�, and �t
<br /> interest ort,the debt evldenced by the Note and late charges due under the Note. �
<br /> � 2. Monthly Payrnee�ts of Taxes, Insurance and Olher Chargas. 8otrower shei( InClade in each monlhfy
<br /> �aymenl, together with the princfpal and interest as se4 torth In the Note and eny late charges. an installment o1 any �
<br />_ 4a) taxes and s�ec!a� assesW^:cnts :�vied or !o be ii;v�c�i esyain5i Ute Property.(bj feasenoicf peyments or ground rents �
<br /> on the Property, and (c) prem:ums for insura�ce required by paraqraph 4.
<br /> . �,r.
<br /> �
<br /> S.
<br /> � � ���'A Y[C�o��� L�n�7 �'t�,;,! '1'd?
<br /> pga� 1�.� S �r�. F��.,�. G.r.,,�4�C+
<br /> _ rw �.�
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