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<br /> I CON'iJNIJaTION ANO 90--1 0 2 3 5 4
<br /> That I/we Oelmar L. Garr�lts and Mona A. Garrelts. husband and r�,iife af [�o. 55A
<br /> Kuea�er LQke. Gz��nd Is�and. Neh�aska. QEBTOR(S) . and The Equit�b]�e
<br /> Building and Loan Associatian of Gxand Island, Nebraska, SECUREO PARTY� do by these
<br /> . pre�enta agree ea #ollowa:
<br /> i. The Financing Statement given by the Debtor(s) to the Secured Party undex
<br /> the date of Ju�e 11 ,19 75 ,which on the dete of Ma 1 �19 85
<br /> wea recorde�3�n t�e o ice o�e Register of Deeds of a ounty. Nebraska,
<br /> bearing Oocument No.85-00207A �and was further renewed an� extendad by a
<br /> , documen� filed with t e egsster o# Deeds of Hall �ounty, Nebraskat an the date
<br /> � of May 1 ,19 85 bearing recording No. 85-Q02075 ,and was further
<br /> renewe and eztende�y a document filed with the eg ster of Oeeds of Hal�.
<br /> County, Nebraska, on the dete of Ma 1 ,19 85 bearing recorcting No.
<br /> 85-002076 is hereby renewed en extende �rom his date, and on the date of
<br /> � un� 19� 75 ,was filed in the office of the County Clerk af Hall
<br /> ounty� Ne raska� bearing recording No. 01174 end was further renewed
<br /> and exte�ded by a document filed with t e ounty er of Hall County, Nebraska,
<br /> on the date of May 1 19 80 ,hearing recording No. 5278 �and
<br /> � was further renewed and extended'�y a document filed with t e ounty Clerk
<br /> � of Hall County� Nebraska, on the date of May 1 .19 85 .bearing .
<br /> � recording No. 9 6637 ,is hereby renewed and extended from this date.
<br /> 2. Such Fi�encing Statement secures e bond given the Secured Psrty dated �
<br /> . June 11 ,19 75 ,in the oriqinal amqunt of $ 29.000.00 , a�d
<br /> � t e property given as security is a dwelling building� toget er with all wells� ;�
<br /> .^.'.:�—h!l2��3il��, 3Lt3�'FI!!!?�±8 ?�?L� 3ffj,yg� o��iir�mor�t� lnratgei n(�- •
<br /> Lot Seventeen (il) � Kuester's �ake� a part of the East Half of the Southwest
<br /> Quarter (E�SMP4) of Section Thirteen (13) , Township Eleven (11) North, Range ,
<br /> Nine (9) , West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, said Lot Seventeen
<br /> ; (17) situated on the West side of the East portion of Kuester Lake.
<br /> , �':,.
<br /> OATEO this 20th de y of Anril ��9 90 �`��
<br /> �—_. �' - �-i
<br /> THE EQUIT ILDIN ND LOAN , ��� �•�
<br /> •/ �•� ,,�. " t � �,�f_rL� 'r
<br /> Qy � �. �,—+Cr'?.�
<br /> /f+�
<br /> son resid�nt/CEO 0 BT E )
<br /> �_.-- - � � MONA A. GARRELTS ,
<br /> � :SS
<br /> ,COLiNTY OF HALL )
<br /> e ^ '
<br /> . On tbis 20th day of April ;1g90 ' ,before ms the undersigned, a Notary Public ;_.____-__
<br /> wittlin and for said COUnty, person211y ceme Delmar L. and Mona A. Garrelts � �
<br /> Debtor{s) , who areknown to me and 4cnown to rne to be identical� persors(s) whose names(s)
<br /> � to the foregoing, and�qyL�acknowledged the execution thereof to be�
<br /> . ` e�'�� y�Et;'�pd deed.
<br /> ,, <; .
<br /> ,.v , , .
<br /> ,�� �j,,;��118�s.my,hp�nd and notarial seal the ate 1 bove written . �
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<br /> ',!t • �..tJ. i !� � /
<br /> r'. �: 1. : �. . !� ry Public �
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