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<br /> NON-I�MFi)Rbi COVBNAM'S. BorrnKrr anci l.etxfrr furtlttr covtnant and agroe as fullou•s:
<br /> �o`� 102330
<br /> ��,Focttie�we pfroredMtr, If t,etxDer �rcs imnxdiatt p�ynxnt in full undcr�aragrWph 9, Lendcr may imoix the poveer of salc
<br /> ancf m� o�t�etttod�pem�+ua1 by appt�k law. ltn3cr slsaU Ec entiticJ to�}ect al!e�pcnsts innsr�cci in�x��uing the romedies
<br /> � �twidecl in tl�i�p�s�riplt 17. ixiuduf�.but �x�t[imilcd io. rtastx►+5k attnnx;s'f�s etYf�esis of titk ovidtnce.
<br /> �w�x ar�r d Y�wkM�7Y��WI nrard a aotk+e ot drhuit M ad�couiMy he w1�cM a�p�rt oi tLe Pnnperty k Wcated
<br /> �e/�Yi n�i�iu d�al�Mlt�e h tlre w�ee b a�icabk Yw to Herrowcr aed W tie M�er P�+�P��
<br /> b�!!��i�w.AMr IYe tlrr �7'M���rl��re p�lic �otiee ot aila to Me pereoas aad lo t!e
<br /> r w��M'��i��e�Ye in�'��t*M�e�wItMM de�d ar��we�.i�ser tLe Prope+'ty Mp��c Nctbw to tYe Mi�eN
<br /> t riii�r at IIt 1Y���ioe a�i�r t�c leRa��!e 15e eotiee ot�Ie!s�e or�nee p*ehe1�ri i��r�r aniv 71�vMec
<br /> i�q��M.71r�Me �wf�ese�le ot r or��ed d tMe M!r��at tie time�sd pbce ot aRy
<br /> ��'�!�1 �•i�f�qre Mriae IY,'�'�e�iM!i�eMrer�M��p�eewY�er 7Yw1�e•s�eed eoa�y�Me Pro�arty.71e
<br /> e+�eMrt itre 1tisMe��4e�r1■a fi�cie roMe�et s(tnt�ot tie�e�ls�ie tMd�.71rrMee i�i�ly tYe p�oceed�
<br /> �t f�e wk i�qie�w�ir:(t�l 1s are�q�a�ot t�e ak.��.b�!Nt Y�llei b.71r�ue'�fle�s a�!�bi�P'
<br /> we�Ms Inr aM reMw�lNe�rs'kt+:(a)to ar�r�a�rrd b�r tii�Sa�'k�I�te�eM;aMl te)�ay exca�to el�e peiaaa
<br /> � �r�e�i�l:��tl�Mi N N.
<br /> � 1!.R�e�a+e1�-UP�P!Y�'a of a11 sunn�ecured by dus Socuriry instrument,Let�de�'aMll teqnest 7'ni.�1a to reoonvey the
<br /> • aad�11�urtader tbn 5ecuntY t�a�t aed�ll �wla evida�ci�debt eecivad by dw ecuriiy L►stlwneat b Ttuslee.Tntstee�l
<br /> ° ��r���rrtnty aed wid�out clMrae to the per�an or pen+oas 1eg�lly eatillod to it. Sucl�petaoa ot pe�oro s1W1
<br /> � � }� � �
<br /> ti Il�9�M�Me'Rrbe.l,ader,at its aptina,mny fcam time to time ranove Truseoe�nd�pc�int a suocesoor austea to airy T�useee
<br /> � a� he�mda by+�n imatuneat rooaded in the oounty in wR9cb Ws Savrity Ia�net�t is rec�adai.Witbout convya�e of the
<br /> � F�die iuccasor uu�iee sh�ll auocead to all the title,Power a�d dutks ooatert�od upon Trustee lrercin•�od by a�p��icabk IaM..
<br /> . �y�lbar Notka.Borrower roqu�ts dut oopies of the notices of default ud silo be seat to Hcxtuwer's address wh�Ch is tR�
<br /> f
<br /> ' Bonowet was @ait should this Securicy Iramunent aed the t�ooe savred thccet+y no!be eliguble fix ineurutioe wnder tt�Katiotil Housing
<br /> ; Act�ithin 8 �ont hs fraa the d�oe Ikreof,Lender msy.w its opdon aod notwi�anythW in P�c�pi�9.roquiR —
<br /> ' � itrntedislo pwymeir in full of al!atutn eocvied by thi�Socnricy instrument.A v►-ritten st�e�nent of any authotizod aEait af the Secretary
<br /> � ���� 8 INOi1t h8 fio�n the d+rte haeot.doclining a ins�ue thia Securtt9 I�nuna�t and the noee aawnd
<br /> ; a�eey.alrll be deemod oarchisive pmof nf aoch iKliga'bility.Nothwitl�tatding the fois�viog.��on m�►y oa�exe,�.ea by ta�aa
<br /> � w�ikn ihe uaavWability of insutmoe is aolely due to It�dtr's fiilure to�emit a mang�mw�anc�e premium to the Seceetacy.
<br /> !
<br /> I
<br /> ;
<br /> ;
<br /> .�t)des to tl�b Sec�rity l��ne�t.lf one or more rtders are executed by BorroNrr and recorded togethei���;L�this Security �=
<br /> lnstrumeni, the eovenants of each such tider shal:be incorporated into and shall amend a�d supplement the cu►enancs and � .�'
<br /> agramenis of this Secnrity Instrument as if tEec rider(s)were in a part of[his Security Cnstr��ment. qCheck applicablr bot(es)J. �
<br /> � . :�
<br /> i (�
<br /> - �Csuuwxninium Rider ❑ Ad�utilable Rate R�der , L__� Gruwing E'quit�• RiAer �•�'-`
<br /> !
<br /> n � Graduated Pa�•ment Rider U Other �~
<br /> - Qlan�r�1 11ni1.aevelopmeat Rider _ -
<br /> ! - -
<br /> " � • $x SiGN1NG BELOW. Borrower accepts artd agrea to the terms co�tained in this Security lnstrument and in any rider(s) _
<br /> . � c�ecuted by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br /> 4
<br /> �
<br /> . � s: � • ,
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<br /> . • STA7'E OF NEBRASKA. �y ss: HALL
<br /> - : r� ;a 27th �y�� APr i I . t9 '� 6ef«e roe.the uodusi¢ned.a Naary Public
<br /> _. atYCLqsWified for said county.petstxsalty came �VID A KOELIER AND KIMBERLY K KOELZER
<br /> aIFE ,����c�n��
<br /> ideatieal persex�(s1 whose oune(:)are sub6cribod w the forcgoing i�trument aM aclmowkdged the executioo ttrereof to be
<br /> . t11Clr vduetaty act�nd deod. .-_===._T
<br /> __ . w;mest my bam ma�di:is�t a�+as� G.4P�'!�J I�!�!D in sa;a oou�y. the .
<br /> d�te dcmuid.
<br /> My Cotm�isaion�apires: �(1 �' �
<br /> �,.,�„�,�,,,;_,. Notary Publ�c
<br /> Jt11_Y . � �t��ASr-5ca�e•�t K:�•;, � ? ROBERIA l REEO
<br /> L qpBEflTA 1.. REE�+ s
<br /> ..�� I��r Cor,t.,i.f�.!�34 t`-?c�
<br /> TO TRUSTF.E:
<br /> -- '�.<<n4r�ien�t ir rM M1Mr n{thr mt��r mtes secuted by ttus Iaetd of�'rust 5aid nae o�nutes.togethar with alI otlaer�nckbtodness �'`
<br /> securod by this bea�of TYUSt,tuve ban pixt in[ull You u�e hercbv d�rertai to carxxl saxi nute or naes arM1 th�s Dad of Trust,which ��
<br /> ate delcvetoci hercby.ar�d to rernnvcy.w�thou!wur�nly,all the estate nuw held by y.a.t under this E�+d uf Tnist w tFtc person ot perwns
<br /> icg�Uy cditicd tFxrcta. -� .'
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