<br /> .� .��� : _
<br /> � �f
<br /> r— 90�-1 a 2���
<br /> Ex�iYazT "A"
<br /> A oert�in p�:t o:E th�e Narthwest ouarter �NW 1/4) ot Seotion TM�nty-Six
<br /> �26), Tc�+�nwhip ElevQn tll ) North. Range Ten t10) Weet n� the 6th P. M. � more
<br /> p�rtioularly d�rsoribed se: From a point Mh�rr� the North R1ght-of-Wsy line
<br /> oi th� Union Y�aif io Railroad Co. , intoreeat� the Eaet line o# th�
<br /> NorthN��t ou�rt�r �HW 1/4) af Seation Tr►enty Six �26), ToMnehip Eleven t 11)
<br /> Noxth, linnq� Ten t 10)� West of the 6th A. ?f. , H�11 County, Nebr�eki ,
<br /> � running thenae Southreaterly alonq end upon the Horth ltight-of-Wey line ot
<br /> tAe Uaian Psoifio Rs3.lroad Co. , for e dietenae of 9U0.00 Feet ta the aetua.l
<br /> point of beginning; runninq the�ce Narth parallel to the East line of the
<br /> � ' HorthMrat ouerter tNM 1/�4> of eaid S�ation TMSnty-Six t26), 225.0 Peet�
<br /> running thenae Southresterly parellel ta the North Riqht-of-Way lin� of the
<br /> Union P�oif ia Reilroad Co. . for a diatanaQ of 950.0 Feet� running thenae
<br /> Sauth p�rsllel to the East line of the Narthveet �luerter �NW 1/4) o# asid
<br /> S�etion Trenty-Six �26), 225. 0 Feet to e point on the North Right-of-Way
<br /> lin• o.� the Unian Pea3�ic Reilroad Co. , runnin� thence Northeaeterly along
<br /> snd upon the Horth Niqht-of-Way line of the Union Peoifia Reilroad Co. , sor
<br /> a distanae of 450. 0 �eet to the ectual point at beginning, exoepting e
<br /> oertwin traat o� land more partioular.ty deearibed in Werranty Deed r�corded
<br /> �� Doau�nent No. 77-U00473.
<br /> � AND
<br /> A tract of land cvmprising a part of the Horthaest auerter tNft 1/4) o� '
<br /> Seation TMenty-Six t26), ToMnship Eleven �11) North, Range Ten �10> West of '
<br /> !he 6th P.N. , in Hall County, Nebraska end more partiaularxy deacribed aa
<br /> tollorat F'iret. to aecertain the point af beginninQ. atert et e point on
<br /> inf iiortb�r2y �+$ht-af-�a, 23r.° c� th� �Jr{!�+n Paaifia Railroed CompanY. seld 1=,_
<br /> point beir�g One•-Thoueand Three liundred Fifty tl, 35U. O) feet South�reeterly .
<br /> - � �ro�n the intereectlan of a�itl rigttt-oi-May iine ri.ih ine easL 3.i;,e �.� aa�L --
<br /> Northw�et ouerter �NW 1/9) = thence northerly perallel to the eaet line of
<br /> aaid HorthMeat ouarter lNW 1/9>, a distanoe of Ninety Nine and Fifty-Five
<br /> Hundredtha (99. 55) F�et to the Actua� point of begining3 thence aosatinuing
<br /> � Northerly along tl�e laat desaribed course e distence of One-Hundred �+�
<br /> TM�nty-Five end Forty-F'ive Hundredthe t125.95) Feet� ther�ce Southwesterly,
<br /> p�r�llll to eaid right-of-xay line a dietence of Sixty-Four ead Eighty-Five
<br /> ' Hundredtha (69. 85) Feet; thence de�leating lett 90 degrees 00' end running
<br />' Southeaeterly a_ distence of One-Iiundred 5even and Thirty Two Ilundredths
<br /> < <107. 32) Feet to the Actual Point of Begir�ning. �
<br /> ' � .'�
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