<br /> �
<br /> —�
<br /> - _.. . .__. 1 �
<br /> �� �
<br /> � 1023i 3
<br /> NON-UNLF[1RM COYGNAN'i'S. HortowYr and I.cnckc furthcr rnvcrnuw and agroe av fullows:
<br /> 1T.F'a�clo�ti!''roce�x.lf l.ersdey�uites inv►xd�ta p+�ymerN in fu11 unckrp�naraph�, f�cn�ke�nay invoke 1hc p�wrr of'sAlc
<br /> . nnd any otber remcdi�s per�nined by�pplk�ble I�w. l�ernkr�II be eMitSetl to cdiect�II eapcnses iixurrcd in puiauing thc rcmedies
<br /> p�ovi�ied In Wi 1?. incluJin�.but na IimiteQ tn, rcaxx►tDlo attcNntys' foes and costs at a�lc evidenec.
<br /> It tl�epov�er �le f�i�voiud.'Il�tee i���ard�aotk�e o[dehuk M ad cau�ty la wAkl��n,y p�rl ot tl�e Prope�ty Is bcNed
<br /> ��W�ooplN d w��otioe M t�e e�er by�ppliesbk I��v to 1{orroeer wd to t!e atLer P�+�P�
<br /> b�'wYealle It�. ANK Ihe qwe reqrlredr�by����61�Y�iv�71�tirh.�e��prblic aatk+e at yle to tMe peruor iw!i�ttie
<br /> � �n'pc�c e!'�piic�6ie Yw.T , de�ed o�lEaRVwer. �dl tLe Pt�e,rty W w�tti�e t�I�e IifRb[it
<br /> ali��t�e tl�ie a�d�Moe atl rwier I�e br�s dMlp�bd h e�e�efiee a��le t�a�e or a�ore �1�M�r arder'I1r�
<br /> � dkMrsrirr.7YrM�ee�patpo�e Mle d�1!or�p�e+c�l d t�e��pbYc�enomehoeat st tLe tt�oe aed pMee of�nr
<br /> � '. p+c.iw�aclrMidei We.i.e�kt ar IM��y p�eelre t`e at sde.
<br /> lI�no�}t af�7iMt at t�e pirioe Wa,'hi�wN ir ddlree ta�pWe+cl�a~�!'n�tee's deed e�rellae+�le�vtYl���
<br /> � �Y h tM T��be r aei�W be prl�hde e�Me�ce d tr�a�tie���de tleid�.71�be iY�
<br /> �� d tie wle i�tMe�r1�arder(s)to ar d t6e mik,�.bet�t Iht�!l�ad to,'I1nMee�tas M�uiklcd�+iR
<br /> ' p�sble M�w aM r�o�l�ie d�or�e�rs'teea:(b to ar wm�ecured by tl�is Sa�arlh�t�sbwneat:�ed(c)aiU►exceM b�tlie peno�
<br /> � ar�i�b eMtdd to k.
<br /> : 1,•�!�•UP�P�Y�of al1 wmt soc�ued!y tAis Sa.�urity 1a4W maft,l.endet sluiq�guesl Tnube b RCOnYOy dw Propeny
<br /> atd sl�rtl w�reades ihis Sec.vntp In�ttunne+nl aad all nala evksat►Git�dd�t securod by thla Secunry IneaumaK to Ttuske. Ttu�ta sh�ll
<br /> � p��yyYn� �a��eowacs.�,w�ty and wi t h a u t•c l q u r e o to t b a person or peraoa,a k�x l t y emitled to it. Such petyon,u�,petaan sh�ll
<br /> ' I!.5�rtlfMe 7Y�tee.l.ender��t.0 optinn,msy from tima to Wn��rmove Trvstoe and a auocaeor hv�kke tu any Tiu�ooe
<br /> .
<br /> i appoiu�ed hareudd�er by an iniuumeot ra�atdod in tl�e cauriy in whkh this Securiry Instrument reconded.Witho t oonveY�t�oe of tho
<br /> � p�p��y,drb suo�sor trusta ah�ll sua�oed to All the dtk,Power and dudes ooaferrod upon Tn�stee herein�nd by eppl�cabk lazv.
<br /> � Z�. -��qreal far Notien.Horrower roquests�h�t oopk,c of the r�odces of defuilt and sale be sent to BorrowePs addrGSS whlch is the
<br /> � �P�+tY�.
<br /> � Homuwrcr sgc�oes th�t should this 5ecurity L►stnuneat aM the nooe secured thereby mt be ellg�'bk for iasucu�ce uoder the Natlonal Hauing
<br /> i — Acl within 8 I�OI1L h3 fmm the date taroof,Leader mey,at its optioa�td a��twit�nd'u�g�nyttin8 in Paragraph 9.requue —
<br /> � immedia�e p,��asent in full of all sucns securod by this Socuriry 1�. A wrltten st�ement of any�utt�orizod ageot of the S�rentary
<br /> d�ed auMeq�ent to 8 InOnt hs from the dat�Ixroof,3a^3.itaing w inwre this Savrity Itut�ument ud the nae sewrod
<br /> tha�eby,ah�l1 be deemed a�actusive proof of such ineligibitiry.Nathw�g the 5o�egotng,tltis option may uol 6t exe�ised by l�endtr
<br /> � wAq�tbe unavpilability of iawrmoe i�s sokty due co Lender's failure to zemit a moctgage insuranoe prem�um to the Secntuy.
<br /> j
<br /> I ltiders to IYb Sec�e��[RStraweAl:If one or more riders are execuied by Borrower and recorded together with this Security - .
<br /> I Instrument. the covenants of each such rider shal:be incorporated into and shall amend and supplement the covenants and +
<br /> 1 agreements of this Security lnstrument ac if the rider(s)were in a part of this 5ecuriiy Instrument. (Check s�pplicable bQx(es)]. :
<br /> J.
<br /> i
<br /> ..- . ._ . , ' ! _l_�-
<br /> ❑ Co�xiominium Rider l�! Adjustabte Rate R�der U Gn�wing Equity Rider f:�
<br /> ---- r, -t- _
<br /> � ❑ Plannaa Unit Developrt►ent Rider L.J Graduated Paymem R�der �-; ather �
<br /> i HY S1GNING BELOW. Borrower accepts and agrcea to the terms contained in this Security Instrument and in any rider�s) �.
<br /> ,� cxecuted by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br /> ; -
<br /> r
<br /> � tn .
<br /> � � � tSeal)
<br /> � Borcuacr ,
<br /> ' r/ _J.���K.�/� ��fL� (Seall ,,l;�y
<br /> �;��.
<br /> ! y BOUNTHENG YARA ���«„��� ,��'`
<br /> _ � (Seal) �
<br /> � y,,«<�,.,•,
<br /> �
<br /> � _.�__ __ (Sea!) .
<br /> Hnnuwi i
<br /> ' SI'ATE OF NEHRASKFi, Coww�tyy ss: NALL
<br /> 0
<br /> � On this 27t h day of APr i 1 , 19 90,before me. the iu�dersi�od. a Ndary Public
<br /> duly oomaiasiooed and qualifiod for said oounry,personally came KHAMPFIEUA XAYARATH b BOUNTHENG XftYARATH
<br /> � FNJSBAND AI�OD WIFE .to me known to be the
<br /> identical person(s)whose�wn�e(s)at+e subscribed to the foc�egoing insuument azd a:imowkdgod the execution t6e�sof W be
<br /> t h�l Y voluntuy xt and deod. --• _�_
<br /> � Wimess my twnd and notarial seal at GRAND I SLANt) ����'� � ,
<br /> d�te aforcsaid. � , '
<br /> .� � ` �.- .
<br /> My Commitsion ex��s: � `
<br /> •-.<...:.�...�,:x
<br /> J� �S�MUTARY•Statea;K:��a;!.� Notary Public
<br /> �� OBEATA L. REE� R08ERTA L REEO ��
<br /> _ L .� �"Y ea;,.;�,.��.t��y�.�s� �
<br /> TO TRUSfE�: i+�
<br /> ' 'i?�e utdersigned is the holder of the note or notts securcd by this IXed of�rusl.Said note ot tat.^.s,together with all other indebtedness cp
<br /> secutod by this Doed of Trust,t�ave boen Qaid in full_ You r�t+e hereby direcred to can;zl said note or rtotes and this Deed of Trust, wtuch IR!
<br /> —�- are deliverad hereby.and to reconvey.without wan��.�.all che estate now held by you under this Decd of Trvst to thc peru�n or perwns , ,.
<br /> tegally cn�iQed theretc�. ._ �
<br /> Dau:
<br /> ------_—____---- -... . ..------_- --- �----%-, -- -_ _ ._ .. . - �
<br /> �
<br /> ,;�q'�_�r, •
<br /> : � ., •,
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<br /> , �. • ,-- . ,._. . . . _..._.._.__...._---��-�-- , -._, —_..... - --- --- - __.-._°- -- - •- - - -___-- - -
<br /> . � . ._...__ ___...-_ .,
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