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<br /> 101Ai AL�. l�tl bY Tl�SE lRBSpiTS:
<br /> THATJaok Kemp � S�cr�t�ry o! Housin= and U�b�o �evelopment�
<br /> oi Waah�nston. D. C., Crantor, i� coa�id�ration of th� •ua of ON� DOb1.AR (S1.00) and
<br /> othar v�l��ble eoaaid�r�tioa� in h�ad p�id, da�s h�rsby �caat. bac�ai�, ��11 and aonvey
<br /> uAto Doaingo A. Peralea and Sheri L. Perales (Huaband and WiFe) �
<br /> `; o! Graad Ialand, NE , GTa11t!!S,
<br /> i . ai joint tan�at�� and rot a• tan�nt• in com�on. th� folla+in= d�scribed 1'!al prupertt
<br /> •itua�• ia th• Couaty of Hall , Stat• of Nebratka� to wit:
<br /> � Lvt Ten (10). Jasaon Subdivision. in the City of Grand I�land� Hall
<br /> ' C��ty� Nebraaka
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<br /> dEING the •ame property acquired by the Crantor purru�nt to the provistons oE the
<br /> a Mational Housing Act, ae amended (12 USC 1�01 et aeq. � and the Departmenc af Howing �ad :�;4,,
<br /> � Urban Dwalopment Act (79 St�t. 667). --
<br /> :�=
<br /> TOGETF�R WITH a 11 tenementa, h�reditatoents and appurtenancrs therrunto belongi�R. '
<br /> ind all the estate� right, title� intereit, cl+�im or demand ah�tsoever nf the •aid
<br /> Graator. of� in� or to the ��a�, or any part thereof.
<br /> IT 1�EING the intention of all parties h�reto th�t in the event of the deeth of
<br /> � eithcs of �aid Gr�ntess, th• �ntirs fae •imple title to the :eal estite de�cribed herein
<br /> � ahall vast in the surviving Gr�atae.
<br /> � Ttf �iA1iE JiIPiD ?8 HBLD the �bave deicsibed premi�es, vith tt�e app�irtenances, unto the
<br /> ssid Granteea a• Joint tanants, and not a• tenanta in comewn� �nd co �heir •ssiRns, or
<br /> to th: haira •nd a��igni of th� autwivor af than, foraver, �ad rhe said 5ecrerary of .
<br /> Housiag and tlrban Developsaat, �nd for hi� auccesiors �ad as�igns, does covee►ane with
<br /> the Grantse� h�rein nam�d� snd with their a�ii�n. .na. �ic�, the heirs, aad �ssigns of the ,_______
<br /> survxvor of th�m� eh�t the i�id Gr�ntor ia lw►fu21y a�ised of s�id premisea; th�t cn�y .
<br /> sre fs�• fro� incumbrance; that ths ��id c:raator ha• good riqht •nd lawful authority
<br /> to se�tT Lhe sawe, �nd Chat the said Secretary of Nouaing a�d Urba� DevelopmEr�t� wil l� '
<br /> and h3s aucc�ssor� and asaigns� �hall, WARRAttP and DEFEND th• sanie unco the named �c�nceess
<br /> �nd unto th�ir at�xgns �nd �th• hsir� and �s�igns of the survivor of them+ forever, eRrtn�t
<br /> the lawful cl�ims •nd demands of •11 per�ons claimi�y; by, thro��Rh or under �he�m� �and �
<br /> �gaio.st no oth�r claims or demands.
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<br /> SUBJECT to all covenant�, rritriction�. reserva[ ione. tMA�lurill M� rundi t tona rnd �n
<br /> rights appe�rle�x oE record; •nd SllBJECf to �ny et�te vf f�ctr en A�C��i�IP H���•vr�• �o�+��l�� cg
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