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<br /> NorvUN1FOtt�t CoVEtvAhTS.Borrower nnA Lcnder Purther cavennnt nnd ngree as toliows�o�"�v��o p
<br /> 19. Accel�ratian: Remediea. Lender shail gire nottce to HottoKer priur to acceleration toltnwing Qar�awer's
<br /> bre�ch of any co�eo�nt ar wQreement in tAi�Securlty ln�trument(but not prtor to�eceleration under paragrs�phs 13 rnd 17
<br /> unle��pplic�ble law provide�otherw(se).The notice ah�ll epecify: (�)the detault;(b)the �etion required to cure t�e
<br /> r dehult;(c)a date,not les�than 30 d�ys tram the date the notice i�given to Ro�rowe.�by xhlch the dif�ult must be cured;
<br /> ! aed(d)tYat tallure to cun the de[ault oa or before t'he date spectfled in the natice m�y reault in teceltration ot the sum9
<br /> �u:'�by t�i!Sccurlty Instrument and a�le ot t6e Property.The notice sh�ll fu�ther iaform Borrower af the rigi�t ta
<br /> rein�tate aitr�accekr�tion�d ths �i�ht to bring a caurt action to ssaert the nan•exiner�ce of a default or sny othtr
<br /> defense ef Borrow�e�to�cakr�tioa R:�d aale.It the detault is not cured on or betore t:�e date speelAed 1n the notice,LendEr
<br /> st ib optioa may reaaire immedLte p�ymeet in fu11 of n�l xums secursd hy this Stcurity 3nshutttent +eiihout tvrtlter
<br /> danaad u�d m�y in�oke the power of sale and any other remcdies permitted by applicable la�v.I.ender shsll be entitled to
<br /> collect dl ex�e� tncurred in purauia� the nmedies provided in thi� p��age�ph 19. including; Dut not limited to.
<br /> reasoaable attoraeys'fees�nd casb of Htle e�idence.
<br /> It t6e power of sale is in�oked,Trwtee sha�l record a aotice of det�ult in e�ch county in which 4ny put of the
<br /> Property is loatted�nd alull autil capies of such aodce 1e t6e manaer pres�ribed by applic�ble law to Borrower�nd to the
<br /> ot6er persom pracribed by applicable law.At'ttu the ti�e requirsd by Appllcable law,Trustee shdl give pablic natice of
<br /> ; �to the penons�nd in the maener pracribed by�pplic�ble lar►.Trustee,without demind an Borrower.shall sell the
<br /> , Pro'erty at�ublic auction to tl�e highest btdder at the tirne and pl�ce and uede�the terms desi�ted in t6e noHce of aale In
<br /> ' one or nare pucela aed�tn any order Trustee deteneinss.Truatee may po�tpone sa�le of all or any pucel ot the Property b3�
<br /> publle aanouncemeat at the time�and place of any pre�Iously scheduled sale. I.ender o�its designee may purchase the
<br /> Prop�rty:g,u�y sale.
<br /> Upow receipt af p�ymertt ot the p�ice bid, Trustee ahall delive�to the pyrc6aser Trustee's deed conveying the
<br /> Propertp.The recihls in the Trustce'a deed shat!be pr[m�facie e�idence of the truth of the statements m�de thereia.
<br /> Truata shall apply tMe praceeds of the sale is tRc tolloKing order.(a)to dl expenses of the sale.iacluding,bat not 1[mited!
<br /> ' to,Tn�tee'�lees a�perenitted b3 applicable lsw and re�ble attorneys'fees;(b)to dl suma secured by this Security
<br /> � . Instrmnee��nd(c)any excess ta tl�e peraon ar person�legaliy entitled to it.
<br /> 20. Leeder In Posses�ion. Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Property, Lender (in
<br /> � person,by agent or by judicially appointed receiver)shall be entitled ta enter upon,take possession of and manage the
<br /> Property and to c.c3ltect the reats of'the Property including those past due. Any rents collected by Lender or the receivcr
<br /> shall be applied fitst to payment of the costs of managena�nt of the Property and collection of rents,including, but not
<br /> limited to, rxeiver's fees.premiums on receiver's bonds ased eeasonable attorneys'fees,and then to the sueres secured by ,
<br /> � this Secnrity Instrument. . �
<br /> � Zl.Reconrtyanet.Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security lnstrument.Lender shall reyuest Trustee to � .
<br /> � reconvey the Properly and shall aurrender this Security Instrument and all notes evidencinR debt secured by this Security
<br /> Instrument to Tnutee.Trustee shall reconvey the ProperEV withont warranty and without charge to the pecsan or persons
<br /> ' legally entitled to it.Such perxon or persons shall pay any recordation costs. ;
<br /> ' 22.,bbqitute!'rastee.Lender.at its option.may i'rom ame cu�imr remuvC Truaice u��u'ap�,aiili a succ:sstsr trust� --�
<br /> to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument rxorded in th�county in which this Security Instrument is recorded. � _
<br /> � Without conveyance of the Property,the successor trustee shalt succeed to att the utle,power and Qvties conierred upon -_ _
<br /> � Trustee hcrein and by applicable law. _
<br /> 23. Request for Notiees. Borrower requests that capies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Borrower's .,_
<br /> address which is the Property Address. `
<br /> , ?A.Itiders to t6is Stcurity Instrument.If one or more riders areexecuted by Borrower and recotded together with
<br /> this Socarity Instrument,the co4enants and agreements of each such rider shall be incorporated into ttnd shall amend and
<br /> ' supplement the covenanu and agreements uf this Security Instrument as if the Rder(s) were a part o8 this Security . .
<br /> Instrument.[Chxk applicablc box�ex)]
<br /> _ ❑ Adjustable Rate Rider � Condominium Rider ❑ 2-4 Famity Rider _
<br /> � ❑ Graduated Payment Ridtr � Planned Unit Development Rider
<br /> � Othcr(s) [spacifyJ �.-4 Familg� Rider '�
<br /> BY S1rNING BELOW. Borrawer accepts and agrees to the ter¢ns and covenants contained in this Security ����
<br /> Instrument and in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br /> � ........................................................................................ ..`�......... ..... .. ...... ...... r ............ .����
<br /> .. ... .......
<br /> Richard E . Rief --�►rower
<br /> .......................................................................... ............. .�G:[h'v� .�.�....�'`�.............................��Seal)
<br /> . . ... .. . �" U
<br /> Ka ol L. M. Ri.ef .
<br /> ' STATE OF NEBRASl�A. �{ajj, C�oullty' S�:
<br /> Ott this 27th day of April ` , 19 90, heforr nic, tt�e undcr�i�nrd, a 1��tary� Yuhlic:
<br /> duly commissioned and qualified for said ruunty, �cr��naflc camr RichaTd E. Rief and Karol L. M. Rief, �
<br /> each in his and her own right and as spouse of each other , <<� n,�• tin��«n ��h��ihc '------
<br /> identical �erson(s) uhosr name(�) are .ubxribcd e�� thr furc�cun� �mtrumc��i and a�i,n„��irdgcd thr c�cru�ion
<br /> 'thercof to bc his/her �oluntar� a�t ancl dccci.
<br /> ' N'itnesti my hand and notarial scal at Grand Isl�d�(Vebraska .' �n�aid.�+uni�, �hr ,
<br /> datc aforesaid. /
<br /> ,
<br /> �1y Commission eKpirc�: �-I-�� / , �
<br /> � . . . .�. ���� �� . . . ... . . . . .. .. �
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<br /> ���Ykltiitt ,�,���
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