<br />�yf
<br /> � �^�
<br /> �1
<br /> NON•UNIFORAA C`OVl3NAN'PS. Aorrow•er�nd Ltndct furthcc rnvenant�x!agtne uv fotlows: �"~ �O����
<br /> 17.Fotttiawre Plrviced��+e.lf Itndcr tcvntircs inurafiuc Qayment in fWl underparagraph 9, Lender may lnvoke the pnw�ce of safe
<br /> . ntki any otlstt ren�odie�petmitsal t+y applleablt lAw. t.enckr�hsll be rfititlal ta rnilect all expeas�c irk�ur�J in pura��ing th� rcmedia
<br /> Emwickd in this�nph IT. includin�.Md not limited lo. teax�nabk attvmeys' Tecs and mst� of titk evidence.
<br /> Ittl�epowsr o�ab Y hroR�d.'I1ru�he�Yd trcord��atke otdehwlt h ac6 ceuoty(n MAk6�ay p�r�i ot the Ptoperty is lacated
<br /> �1 i�■wW cqiie�at w�d��otiee Is t�e� A��c�Eie hw to$omo�ver�t 4a the othsr P�P��
<br /> � r7'�aMe hw. Alyer tre Nee �iY b�'a�� �11�r�ee eW�ira puDlic eotice ot de to tbe peraoro�ad in the
<br /> �w'!e'acrlAed b�'�caMe I�w.'l�ke►wkMoYt de�o�dorrow�a*.�W�d Hrc Prope�ty�t su�tioe lo tLe hl�esl
<br /> Mi�e irt lie M�e a■d�ice�w�eier d�tams de�Med i�ttie�otke d Mle i�aae or more p�n�le any order 7'n�eta
<br /> �M�e��.71nMee prlpe tik of a�ar a�y pw�eei d tl�e b�r p�bik�nomc+e�est�t 1!e time and pl�ee d�ny
<br /> ��iM���we�wt���He p��io�e Wi,'f'�tea�ep�'MMe�N�e�ic.
<br /> �W de�te!to tio pm+c�er'I�lee's deed cour�r�tie Pt�operty.'iLe
<br /> raelt�i�iR tl�s 71et�e s dMd�W 6e peia�lticie erW�ace dts�li d t�e rfateaeats msde t�erdo.7hst�e iY�i app�tre proceed�
<br /> d tYe wM 1�tl�e a�iers t�)to ar expesu�at t6e a�le.���.brt aot IfsiMed to,7�wtee's tea�P�bY�P
<br /> �abie Isw���atkeo•meys'kes:(b)to aa�sa�e+e��t�ii Sccarity laeh�:aod tc)�oy Ke�to tee per�oa
<br /> ` ���i�•�P�Y�mf dl surt�sacu�+ed by this Securiry[nstrunrnt.l.encler slWl�oquest 7 na�ta to r000nvey the Prvpe�ty
<br /> and tlWl wrrender this Secutity Inwua�cnt�nd all eotes cvidrncing deht secured by thi�Secunty L�strument to Teustee.71�ustee st�all
<br /> , roc�onvey�lr�vrkhout wartanty and wlthcwt chuge to the peraao or petsa�s kgally eiw�tkd w it.SucA�e�aon or persans shaU
<br /> my oaw.
<br /> �1l.9rYf11�le 71e�iee.l�odei.at its apcim,may fium tiafe to time caaarrc Trustoe and�ppoint a succa+oc uustce w aay Tnutee
<br /> heaaMder by�n initnrt�e�rit iacorded in tho oounty in whkh thia Socurity lnsttunKtN is rcmrded. W�hout eon snoe of the
<br /> .�he wteoe�or tnnlee�Mll succ�eed to aq the ti1k. power and duties oonferrod upon 7'rusta hereiti�ad by appl�bk I�w.
<br /> � l6r Notle�s.Bomower requests th�t oopies of the natices of default And sak be sent to Borrower's�ddirs+which is tho
<br /> � Propeny ress.
<br /> � Bortorver th�t ahould this Sa:uriry U►�cumrnt atd the note secnrod
<br /> �grces thereby nat be eGgibk for inwru�ce uMer the N�tional Hausin8
<br /> i _ Kct w�ithin 90 OaY s fiom the d+�te heroof.Lender may,at iu option�u�d notwithstaMing anythi�in P'araar�ph 9,t+oquim —
<br /> iamedi�e p�yrtKaw in fuU of all wmy socu�ed by this Security instrument. A written sta�ement of any auttwrixod�ga�t of the Secrctsiry
<br /> , ���� 90 DaYs fran the daee hereof,deelining w inwre ddc Securiry lnuiumec�t+md elie nae sccw�ed
<br /> tha+eby.�ll be daa�ed ooaclusive proof of such inelig�bitity.IVothwilhstandin�the forcgoing.thi9 option may not be exercixd by l�ender
<br /> whee the nnavailabitity of inwrance�s sokly due to Lender's fiilure to rem�t a mortgage uticurance premium to the Secrctary:
<br /> Rlders to thb Sec�Mty Inttryme�t.lf one or morc riders are eaecuted by Borrovrer and recorded together with this Scz:urity '
<br /> lnstrument, the covenants of each such rider shal:be incarporated into and shall amend and supplemem the covenants and ; .
<br /> agreements of this Securit}Instrument as if the rider(s)were in a part of this Securuy Instrument. �Chak applicable box(esl�. •
<br /> �—1 � i�.
<br /> . ❑ Candominium Rider U Adjustable Rate Ridcr ❑ Growing Equity Rider �,;�"'
<br /> ------ � w :., o:�.. n a a d �a__ n .__ '- -
<br />. .--- �'" - t�� '�i� Rii �.'vL'.°�a.�.uw8i � .� a_—s �.�'.iwiw�w d'j'iii:�i� iw• �_� tn�w• �
<br /> }
<br /> ; BY SIGNlNG BELOW� 8ottower accepts and agree.ta the rerms cantained in this Security Instrument ard in am•rider(a)
<br /> executed by Borrower and recorded W ith it. ��
<br /> ' Witness:
<br /> Y �,, � /I
<br /> � ' �_�C``�-�-�! (Seal)
<br /> r Randall 1. mousel x"""""
<br /> ;
<br /> ��
<br /> - - —•- — ---(Seal1 ; =
<br /> , r
<br /> G.rr��..cr �:�.
<br /> ------. _ . . ..--�--- —--°-- -----($C3�)
<br /> (1.nn.a�ct -
<br /> --- - — ---- ----.----------___.____(5ea1)
<br /> is.,�,.,.«<
<br /> • ' STATE OF P3EBRA5KA, Hall Counry ts:
<br /> " On this 26th day of A�Til . 1990 . before me,t!k uide�signal. a Notary Public
<br /> duty commissiunod and qv.alified for said oout►cy, personally came Randall .I. (�'lousel, a si ng1[? person
<br /> .tcn me known to be[he
<br /> identical per�aKs)whose nwie(s)ue subscribod to the fonegoing ins:�nnent ard r�cknowkdgod the exxution tlxroof to be
<br /> .this vduntary act and dood. ,°_-.-_-
<br /> Wett�s my !�!n1 and nntari��� as Gran� Island, P!ebraska ;a said rounry.c},e '
<br /> due aS'oreaaid. � ;
<br /> � -� - ..
<br /> � � ���� �
<br /> My Coeimisvran e�tpires: - � ?�`t'�'�>� /,j/ ��(_��. '
<br /> �AAt MOT St�le�t �a. Naary Public
<br /> � YYILUAM L �LE2lA� �
<br /> �Op�M.Ex0• t�
<br /> TO'fltUSfEE: �..
<br /> 7T�uttdetsigtod is tt�holdes of Sh�r.s.�te ot s�.es secur!d by this Ueed ef T'tt�s?. G�:!ncur ar tx_��Ps,ro�e.hF.*With%±�l o�Pr in.febte��s �
<br /> sxutod by this Dcv�d nf Ttust,ha�e bc�en paid in full. You are hereby duected i��xel said note�sr rwte�:uxi this Ueed�f rru�t,whirh
<br /> ate del�vcrM hcte�y,and ta ncamc�•,without warranty,all thc c�tate now held•br you urxier thi�Ikxd�f 1'rutit�n thc per.im c.r perv��. •'
<br /> Itgally entitled tAetetc� .. •-
<br /> Uate
<br /> �;�.,-- -- _. ._.�_._ _ _ . ,. . . � :.
<br /> r. ., a • � -
<br /> -�—.v�vP.r�e`� ..-�•-,_ �r ,��1�e�4�te�rv.TV�c e�.+.- r �_ , . . • ._ ..�---• , - M� . �,. Y - . �`_ �. ..-- _ .. __�.,
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