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<br /> Nnnt•Uwrc�Rht Cuvl'NANI'S Unrrowcr and I.ender furlh�r corcnnnt nnd ngree as follo��s: �O�°" �O��V�7
<br /> 19, Acceteration; Rcmrdie9. i�ender ebdl ��re rtutice to Hono�ser psior tv acceler�tion follawiag Borrowtr's
<br /> bre�ch at�ny cuvea�nt o����remtat In this tierurity Instrument(Eut not prior to tcceletttlon under paraA��phs 13 und l7
<br /> unlesw�pplic�bte I��r provl�a otherMt�eT. The notice s6a11 epeclty:(a) the def�ult; (E) 1he action required to cvre the
<br /> � dehulh(c1�date.nut le�thse 30 day�trom tbe d�te the notice i�given to Borrawer,6y whlch the det�ult mu�t be curcd;
<br /> �ed(d)tdw�failure tu�ure the det�ult on o�hetore the date�pecifled tn the nutice msy result in�cceler�tion of the sum9
<br /> •t�ctired ay thtf Setu�tty I��t�a�e�R�nd ut�le of the Property.The notic�e shall t1►rther inform Borrawer uf the right to
<br /> r�ti�t�te�Aer aecekr�tion �ud tMe ri�ht ta b�tw�M ta�+rt actiae ta assest the nan-EX�StteCt Of A�t�ftlit Oi NOy Oi�Mi'
<br /> . de[ense ot Borrowe�to�ccelentioe and wle.It the default is not cured on or before the date spec(flcd da the no�tce,Len�der
<br /> at ib o�tioa ms�r rt�aire im�edtate p�y+neet in tu11 of ali sueris secured Dy this Sscurity lestn�ment without further
<br /> deinaad ant!nwy inroke the poMer ot sak�nd�ny otl�er remedies permitted Sy�pplic�ble l�w.I.ender ah�ll be entltled to
<br /> collect ali expen� iecumed in punuing the rtmedla pra�ided in this ptrsgraph 14, inc[uding; but not limited to,
<br /> reaau�ble attorney�'fea and cats ot title evidence.
<br /> If fh�e powe�of sale is inroked,Trwtee s6�t11 record�notice of det�ult in each caunty in which any part of the
<br /> Property is located and�Aall m�til copia ot suc�notice in the manner prescribed by spplicabte law to Borrower and to the
<br /> othe�pe�on�prac�ibsd by�pplicaDie I�w.After the time required by appBcable I�w,Teustee shall give publlc nottce ot
<br /> � s�k to the penoeu u�d in the�n�nner pracri�ed by sppllcable la�r.Trustee,�+itAout demand on Bonower,shall sell the
<br /> � Property at prblic�rcNon to the highe�t bidde��t the tlme and place�nd unde�the term+desi�ated in the notice of aale in
<br /> � oae or nro�e parcets tnd ia any order Tru�tee determines.Tru�tee n�sy postpone s�le of dl ar any pucel of the Piroperty by
<br /> public announcemcnt at the time and place ot�ny previously srheduled stle. I.cnder or its designee mny Purcl�ase the
<br /> Property at any sak.
<br /> � Upon recetpt oi p�yment of the pri¢e bid,Tru�tee sh�ll deliver to th�purch�ser Trustee's deed conveying the
<br /> • P�operty.'IUe recitsls in the Trustet'9 deed sbdl be prima ticle evidence of the truth of the statements made the�ein.
<br /> . . Truata ahall apply the praceeds of the s�te in t6e following o�der.(s�)to�11 expenses of the sxlc.including.but not limited
<br /> � to,Trasta's fces as permitted by applicsble law and reason�ble Attorneys'fees;(b) to all sun�s secured by this Sscurity
<br /> Instrument;aed(c)any excess to the peraon or persons legaUy entitled to lt.
<br /> ' 20. Lender in Possession. Upon acceleratian under paragraph 19 or abandonment of'the Propeny. Lender (in
<br /> : person,by agent or by judicially appointed receiver) shall be entitled to enter upon. take possession of and manage the ,
<br /> � Property and to collect the rents of the Property including those pasl dlue. Any rents coIlected by Lender or Fhe receiver
<br /> shall be applied first ta.payment of the costs of management of the Prupeny and collection of rents,including, but nat
<br /> . limited to,receiver's fees,premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonab4e attomeys'E`�,and then to the sums seeured by
<br /> this Security Instrument. � �
<br /> 21.Recun�eyance.Upon payment ot'all sums secured by thes Serurity Instrur�ent,Lesader shall request Trustee to �
<br /> reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Securety Instrument and aU notes evidenoing debt secured by this Security
<br /> Insttument to Trusta.Trustee shall recanvey the Property without wartanty and without charge to the person or persons '
<br /> :. legally entitled to it.Such person or persons shall pay any rerrnrdation costs. '
<br /> �
<br /> • . 22.Su6stitute Trnat�.i.cnder, at its aption.may frorn ume to time remove Trastee and appoint a successor trustee _
<br /> to any Tn�stee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Securits]nstrument is recorded. --_ -
<br /> � Without conveyance of the Property,the successor trustee shall succeed�o ali the Utle,power ana duiies conierred upan - -"
<br /> Trusta herein and by applicable law.
<br /> 23.Request tor NoNces.Borrower requests that copies of the natrces of d�sult and sa�e be seret ta Borrower's
<br /> address which is the Property Addrcss. �
<br /> 24.Riders to thts Security Instrument.lf one or more riders are e�ecuted by Borcower ar�recorded together with �
<br /> this S�curity Instrument,the covenants and agraments of each such ri�er shail be incorporated into and shall amend and
<br /> supplemrnt the covenants and agreements of this Security Instrtiment as if the rider(s) were a part of this Security
<br /> Instrument.[Check applicable box(es)]
<br /> _ � 4djustable Rate Rider ❑ Condominium Rider [] 2-4 fiami{y Rider _
<br /> �
<br /> , � Graduated Payment Rider f,] Planned Unit De��eCe�mient Rider ,
<br /> ❑ Other(s} [specifyJ � �`
<br /> BY SI(3NING BELOw. Borrower accepts and agrees to the temns and covenants contained in this Security
<br /> � Instrument and in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br />' ....................................................................................... ....._. .�{.�t�2.41�'./.�.:��e;/L�......................... ..(Seal)
<br /> —8orrowet
<br /> Ro�erick L. Korte
<br /> ........................................................................................ ......... _............................_....._........................_............... (Seal)
<br /> —Bor►ower
<br /> STATEOF NFFtItA5K1. H311 Cnunt}• ti�:
<br /> On this 30th da}• of April , 1y 90 , hetorc me, thc e�ndrnigncd, a ``ntar� ('uhlic
<br /> duly commissioncd and qualificd for �ai�i count�,rcnun:.ally rame Roderick L. Korte, a single person
<br /> , t�mr I.niiun 1� hc ths • -�
<br /> idr:�tica! pi�$Oti�S} ��(liC illillt;��� �aTC ;itt•tiCiS�7CU 1�1 11ii f:�fC�t�li}c iil�IfiiiNlll� :IIIG.� .1L'�:l1:1::�C�(;:c� l�lt' C\LtiU1lCtrt
<br /> thcrcof to bc hiS �i�luniarc act and dcrd.
<br /> tVitnes,my�hanc�anci n��tarial�eai at Grand I�n . Nebraska ��� �a�d ���uru�, �h�•
<br /> date aforesaid. �-�"`�
<br /> i ; ---� l «
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