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<br /> ADJiJSTABI,F RA,Ti F �1i)�t� 90�--���2��
<br /> . (1 Year'I'rcasury indcx•FtateCapsl '
<br /> TNISADJUS7'ABI.ERAT�RIQ�RIsm�dethis Z? ,dryof ApTil ����q 90 �
<br /> �r�d is incotpornted into�nd �haU be deemM to amend wnd supplemeat the Mort��e, Deed af Trust, or Securiiq C�eed (the "Security
<br /> � lnsuunsrnt")af ihe iama clata Qictn by th�undcrsi�n�(the'•Eiorrower")to st`,ute Bt,rr�we�'s Ad}ustat+le RQqe�ote(th�"Note")to H�ME
<br /> ��ML 8AVIN�ii�lOAN�SOCIATION OF ORAND iSLANO.NESRASKA(the "Lender")of the some datQ�nd cc��erinf tht
<br /> Pr��Y descnibed in the SecurHy lmuument aad located at:
<br /> 250i W. Okl�homa Avern�e� Grand Island, Ne
<br /> (Properiy Addcess)
<br /> 'I'1� �ote co�Wr peo�hlaa� allorrly ta c�ae� In a�y I�tensl nte ��d a�y mo�thlp
<br /> ; �q�e�a.T�b wie�ho N�ib t�e�so��t m�i�terat nte q�cMa�=e af��y oee Ume awd
<br /> -i. �Yo tYe�Id���sN tlie�ul�tiw nte I u�rst ay.
<br /> i
<br /> � ADDITIONAL COVENAM'S.ln addition to the rnvenanu and agrcements made in the 5ecur�ty lnstrum�t.Harrower and I.ender
<br /> � fltrther coveu�et and a�ree a.+followa: :
<br /> _ 'ibe Nae proKidas for an ini¢nal interest rate of 8•�� ri, Sect3on 4 of tt,�:�tote pro�ides far changes in the interest cate and the
<br /> ��NY Daym�sw.as fotIows:
<br /> (A) CY�e D�ta
<br /> � Theiatereat�ate I will poy may change on the�rat day of maY .19 g� ,and on that day every
<br /> ' +�.�01� months thereafter.Each date on whIch my interest rate could change is called a"Change Date."
<br /> 1
<br /> , (�) 7k IMe:
<br /> Be�ianlns with the first Change Date.my interest rate will be based on an Index.The•'Index"is the wcekly avenge yieid on United Sqtes
<br /> ' Tre�sury�ecuritia�djusted to a consant muurity of 1 yesr,as made availabic by the Fcderal Reserve 9wrd. The most recent Indea fiture '
<br /> avaikbk�s of the date 45 days before ach Change Date is catled the"Curteat Index."
<br /> If the Inda�l�no loneer pv�ilAble,the Nate F#oldes wlll choose a new index which is based upon comparable infotmuioa.The Nott
<br /> Holder wlll�1ve me noHoe af this choice.
<br /> �� ����� Two & one-half �
<br /> Befote each Chan�e Date.the Note Hdder will qlculate my new interat�ate by adding perxnttse ; _l;.
<br /> points( �_a•9 Rl tA thP��►rMt I�dC7t atui rn��ntiin�t�ehe nearess 2!9th nf t".'a.:ubjut ta ih.timiis eiaLCd in w:ctiOn 4tSJj�lOm. _'°=�
<br /> _Th1S IQlindEd lmQUnt WIIl he IDY Ilnw intarest nitC uritil Lhe IIlxt ChanAe I]a�f e. .
<br /> The Notr Hoidu wUl thtn dttermine the amuunt of thc monthly payment that would be suffccient to repay In fult the pdncipal I am -_
<br /> expected to owe on that Chat�e Dau in substantially equal paymenu by the maturity date at my new interat rate.The result of this calcWition
<br /> , will be the uew amount of my monthly payment. _
<br /> • (D) IJriu oo I�1t�0e ChKes ;�-
<br /> • �t�e terai rate I am requlted Eo pay at the first Change Date will not be greatcr than '��.?5 7� r less than •.�
<br /> 6."l� �wo percent
<br /> � �.Thereafter,my interest rate wiU ne.er be increased or dcereased on any singlc Change Date by morc than
<br /> � 2•� S*�m the nte of interat 1 have been pay-ing�or the precediog tweJve monihs. �n�n um interesc rate on this loan will never be
<br /> ���� 6.?5 ty��e muimum interat rat=will nerer be greater than ��' r� ali,
<br /> t� Fxr«��au or cw,�.
<br /> My new interat rate will bocome effective on each Change Date.I ai:�pay the amount of my new monthly payment beginaing on the first
<br /> monthly payment date after the Change Date until the amount of my mcnthly payment changes again. ,
<br /> (F� Notice of C�aqa .�C,s
<br /> 'the Note Holder will mail or deliver to me a notice before each Change Date.The notice wiil advise me of: ; �
<br /> (i) the new interest rate on my loan ac of the Change Da[e;
<br /> (il) the amount of my monthly payment following the Change Date;
<br /> (u1) aay additional matters which the Note Hnlder is required to disclose:and �
<br /> (iv) the addras of the assaciacion you could contact regarding any questions about the adjustment notice.
<br /> � �. CHARGES;LIENS
<br /> Uniform Covenant�of the Security I�strument is amended to read as follows:
<br /> 1. Ch�r�;IJew.Borrower shall pay all taxes,asseccments,and othtr charges,fines,and impositios�s attributable to the Praperty whicts may
<br /> rttain a privrity wer this Serurity instrument,and ieaseholci puyments of grounQ rents,i F any,in the manner providcd under par�graph 2 hereof
<br /> or.if not p�id in such manner,by Sorrower making payment,when due,directly to rhe payee thereof.Borrowcr shall promptly furnish Lender
<br /> �l!notioe�of amounu due under this paragraph,and in thc event Bonower shall make pa/ment directly, Bonower shaU promptly furnish to
<br /> Lendet receipts evidencing such payments. Borrowet ahall Dromptly discharge any lien which has priority ocer this Secutity Instrument;
<br /> hotvever, Borrower shall nat be required to discharge any such lien so long as Horrower: {a)shall agrce in writing to the payment o£the
<br /> �obliption seeured by such tien in the manner acceptable ta[.ender;(b)�hnll In good faith contest such lien by,or defend against enforcement of ,--_, _--
<br /> � ..such lien in.k6a1 Droceedings which in the opinion of l,eader operate to Qrevent che enforcemen�ot'rhr�i���r forEeitvre af the Pr�perty�r�y .
<br /> plirt thereof;or(c)shal!secure from the holder of such 3ien en agteement in a fe�m sansfactory to t.ender subordinating surh lien to this
<br /> Sxurity instrument. �
<br /> If I.tnder determines that all or any pan of;he Property is sub;eci ta a}icr.w'�ich may attain a pr+ority eber this Security lnstrument,
<br /> � Lendtr�h�tt give Harrower a notiee identiTying such lien. Borrower era.f�as�sfy .<.uch lien or take une or more af the actions set forth abo�e
<br /> withig tend�ysof the giving of the notice. .«
<br /> � L � G. .Nt37'iCF, r �
<br /> — UniForm Covenant f4 of the Security fnstrument is amended`to read as fallaws: #
<br /> , �
<br /> .w
<br /> li. Natice.Except for any notice requircd ur.der applicabie law to be g��en m anuihcr maiincr,(�)any noc��e io Sorrower pronded for m this !�
<br /> 5ecurity instrument ShaU be given by deli�ering it or hy ma�ling it by(ust ctass mai{to Hortt�ucr at the Proper�y Address ur ar tiurh�ther add ress F�,��
<br /> _ as 8orraaer mav deci_v,nat�hy n�tiiice io t er!cler;��rr�,�,�ta n�•�e„�,and(b}au� uc�h�e to I r�td:r cha:!!-e ::�=cr.tn�t�:.t�In.. ma3t ;o!cndcr'a ,. .
<br /> � address statrd herein or to tu.h oihcr addreti�a5 I endrr n�.�y de���:nete by n�,t��c�c�Hncmwer a.rroti�ded hrrein •\m m�u.c nrrnideJ for u� thn
<br /> Secunt�•lnstrument tihall he�9cemed tn ha�e i�een�;itie��a�Firaro..cr�u 1 cn�}cr +�hen gnert�n ihr m.�nner ilc���.neicJ hcrci7
<br /> �f� �
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