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<br /> ren�e, arreera of renC, and suma of money which now are or
<br /> � shall herealter become due and �ayable in respect thereof,
<br /> and also Qn nQnpdymen�. �hereof or of any part thereof to
<br /> take all necessar� or proper means and proceedings for
<br /> �letermin�.nq the tenancy or occupation of such ten3nts or
<br /> .occupiers and for ejectiag the tenants or occu�ierg and
<br /> recovaring the possesaion �hereof.
<br /> 8. To sell, either at public or private sale, ur
<br /> exchange any part or parta of my reA1 eatate or per�on�l .
<br /> property for auch consideration and upon such terms as my
<br /> attorney ahall think fit, and to execute nnd deliver good
<br /> and sufficient deed� or other instrument� for the conveyance .
<br /> or transfer of the Same�� with such cov�aiants of warrnnty or
<br /> ` , otherwise as my attorney shall see £it� and to give good a�d
<br /> effectunl receipts �or all .or a�ny part of the purchase price
<br /> or other consideration.
<br /> 9. To deposit any moneys which may come to my attorney•s
<br /> hands as such attorney with any bank or banker in my name,
<br /> and any of auch money or any ottier money to which i am
<br /> entitled which now is or shall be so deposited to withdraw,
<br /> aad either employ as my attorney shal� �hink fit in the
<br /> payment of any debts or intere��� galrable by me, or taxea,
<br /> aaseasmen�s, insurance and expeaeses due and payable ox to
<br /> . become due and pay�ble on account of my real and personal
<br /> estate, or in ar abovt any of the purposes herein mentioned
<br /> or otherwise for my uae and benef it, or tA invest in my name
<br /> in any stocks, ehares, bonds, securities or other pruperty, .
<br /> real or personal, as my attorney may think proper, and to �
<br /> receive and qive receipts for any income or dividend arising
<br /> from such investments, and all and any such investments or �--�.'-
<br /> other investments to vary or dispose of for my use and -
<br /> - - benefit as my a�torney may think fit. , .
<br /> 10. To borrow any sum or �ums of money cn such terms �
<br /> and with such security, whether real or personal property, • ` -
<br /> as my attorney may think fit, and far tY�at purpose to �i=
<br /> execute all promissory notes, bonds, mortgages and other —
<br /> instruments which may be necessary or proper.
<br /> � , 11. To carry on any of my business and in connection a
<br /> therewith to have the s�me po�rers of dealing with stock, t
<br /> cap=ital, and effects, nnd of entering into business engagements,
<br /> of increasing or diminishing capital, and generally of
<br /> transacting the affairs of any of my business as I myself
<br /> have or should have. �.�
<br /> 12. To enqage, empYoy, and dismiss any agents, clerks,
<br /> servants or other persons in and about the performance of
<br /> these presents as my attorney shall think fit.
<br />! � 13. To vote at the meetinqs of stockholders or other
<br /> meetings of any corporation or company, or otherwfse to act
<br /> as my atterney or proxy in xespect of any stocks, shares or
<br /> other instruments now or hereafter held • by me therein, and -
<br /> for that purpose to execute any proxies or other instrumen�s.
<br /> 14. To exercise any powers and any duties vested in •
<br /> me, whether solely or jointly, with any other or others as
<br /> personal representative, administrator, or trustee or in any : _
<br />