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<br /> � t0 That as edclitional aacurity,Truatar hareby glvaa to end conla+s upon Ben�ticlary tho rlflhL powar,ancl authoriry,durin9 tha continuanca o�thio Tru&�to
<br /> ! cauect tho propery Income.reserving to sru�tor the right,prlo�to Any defautt by Trustor in�yment ol any indeGtednes�eecured heraby or In pertQrmance ol
<br /> any ayr��mant hera�mdor,to eolloet and rataln 6uch p�pparty inaoma as i;basomas dua and payaale Upan tt��y S�,ch d�taE,it Ranetic���ry may at any dmo,
<br /> • wi4hput ti p aon,Dy aqent,or by n recelver to b�rppolnted by a court,�Mi without�a�Ard to Ihe nctequACy Ot�ny setunry I�r th9 indAblM►n89i
<br /> 1�e=eGy a�u��M��.B�and oaaess►on of said property oc any pa►t thereo},i�hi!pwn name sue Ip�or otherw�s�collecf auch propeAy income,
<br /> — includinp tfint paat duo and uR�apply the same,tess Co�b and 0xpenHa oi oplKRtion and Coll�ctian,inCluding ressannbto attornoy's lee�,upon�ny
<br /> �nAebtednoaa aecured hereby,ttnd in such ordor es Oenellcl�ry mpy tNtermins.The enlKiny upon and takinp pa,�aession of sat�1 prupe�ty,the cnilection ol
<br /> � such property Income,and the appilcation thareo}as nto�e�atid,phall not cure or wsivi�ny de(sult ot no:ice ol Truates's sc�le horeunder or Invalldate any acl
<br /> done pursuant to such nat�ce.
<br /> 11. �hat shauld T�ustor gell,canvey,tranater a:dispass W.�ar turtf+s�rncurnbse Mu prapsEiy,or any ps�t tlHraat,without tha writter�cans�rit of Ba�ltc+ary
<br /> being firat hrd and obt�lned,then�►eAciery�R haws thu ilghF,ai fis opHa+►.W ds�iar��n sums securecl heteby immedlAMiy due�nd p�y�bM.
<br /> 12. That upon deMutt by Trustor In the paymvr�0 04 any InWb�Mthtea�aecursd hersby a in pKiormanc�ot any�prMrnent har�und�r,8�n�lic4uy rt►�y�fNr
<br /> nQtice q7 cight to cure and faiture to cure.ii appNcnbk,d�ci�ra�tti s�ms wcund hanby imrnsdis�uutyr dw a�d payabk by dNiwqt to Trutt�a of writM�rtotiw
<br /> tnecapt;.s�e�r)ns torth the�ature theee�si,end�f etectivn to c�uae�ba fold sald propeAy under Mis Deeq d Tn�sl.BenMclery etw ihau chp.iail wHh Trusiu
<br /> thls L1aat��Yvust s�tid nole(s),and i�11 doCU11�+'�b wid�nCir�q exp«AtilW�seCUr�d iwr�by.
<br /> Trustee aR.ail racard and gi�•a naticp t�f TruatM's�ale in ths ms,nner re.�uired by I�w,aad aftsr the lapaa ot such ttrt►�aa m�y ttHm b�nqulnd by laiw,
<br /> Trusie��ha118Q!{;in the manner ruqWrad bx t�w,Mid prop�►ty at publfa auciion at ths tirth aod plaae Nx�d by It In asid noNca of 7nu1«'s s�h to Ms hi�hat
<br /> bidd�r ior ca�h�n lawtut money ot lQ�.+tlhstAd 3a1N,p�yabt�at rima of s�k+_Ttustee may postpon�ar con�nua the sala by�ivin�notic�ol poNpon�m�nt a
<br /> conN�wnce by pubHC dectarnt+cm�t tl�Nn�uM pt�a Nat�ppoiri'ted�IOr the s�b.Tru�te�sh�ll dNive to such purchafar ib�e�d conwyirtp the QroWry�o
<br /> aotd,but without any covenant or wwrt�ny. �xprNS�d a impiied.Ar�y psrsp�s,lrtctudin�Tru�Mr,Trustee,o��enaficiary,may purcha��t auch eab.
<br /> Afttr deductinfl atl coata,1ee�, and exp�nsM ol Truatee and oi Mia T►ust,I�ctuAi�fl cost al evidence ol title in cqnnectio�with�ate and �easonabie
<br /> attor�ey's taes ta ths extant�oermitted 6y Isw,Tru�h��hail appiy the proceede of sale to payment ot:All auma thw�a�cund h�r�y aod�I!oth�r tums due
<br /> undsr Ms tarms hereat,with accrued interesx and the ramalnde►,it any,to the pstson or person�legaliy antttled tt►e�sto,or es provtd�d In N.R.3.S7a-101 t.To
<br /> ihe�xtsM permitteci by t��,an t�c8on may be malntained by Be�afle}ary to�ecover a det(cisncy judgment tor any baiance due hsraundlK
<br /> 13. T�at in the ever�t otdeta;;1G tAe remediea provided In this D�ect�aro not exclusive o1 other remedies available to 8eneficiary and?rustee under tha law.
<br /> tA. Th�t Bensllciary ma�appolnt a aucceasor Truatee in the marii�er prescribed by law. A successor Truatea herein shall,without canveyance hom the
<br /> pred�csswr TrustN,auccNd to all the pr�dscstso►'s title,rights,powera.and duties.Truatee may realgn by malt or dsliverin�noUcw thsrsot to Qenoflciary
<br /> and TruKoc
<br /> �5. Thaf this Dsec3 ot Trust appii� to, inurea to the bsnefit oi. and Dind�ell parties hereto, their hei►s, leyatees, deviseea, edministratore, executors,
<br /> succM�ors,and�sbiQna.The term BeneNclAry a:uUl meem the owner and holder of Me note(a)axured hereby,whether ot not named e�8s�sflciary he�ein.In
<br /> tlila pNd pf Trwt,wlNinwsr the contsxf ao requires,the mASCUline�end�r inciudes the teminine and neuter,and the ainyutar numb�r Inciudq ths plural.
<br /> 1e. Thaf Tru�te�accepts ihis Tru�t whe�this Oeed of T►ust,duly execute�and acknowtsdped,is made a public record as providsd by taw.Truftss is nol
<br /> oDlty�Md to notity erty psas�r hereto of pending aate under any other Oeed ot Trust cr of any actlon ot proceeding in which TrustoL 8eneflclary,or Trustee
<br /> shali b�a psA�r untess brou��ht by Truatee.
<br /> ,
<br /> The und�nigned Trwtor raquesb that�copy of any notics o1 Trus�•s sals hereunder 6e mslied to him ut his�ddrsa�N fatA a0ow.
<br /> ��7F'!1 l.�,.—+ d4�`i� �—. :
<br /> ELKE M. PANQWICZ Truator `-) Trustor ,
<br /> � +�
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<br /> .. -, _ nT���vC�J��AO���Y� � - '. ._ -
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<br /> couNrr oF �,LL � ,E
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<br /> p�q� 2b �y a �j'RIL ,19 9a betors ms.ihe undersi9ned a NoLry Public, ,
<br /> dulycommisNon�dandawlillsdiorand�neaidatateandcounty,persona�tycame ELKE M. PANOWICZ, a s3n�le person _
<br /> to m�known b b�tM W�ntkal oe ns whose name Ps w names are aMixed to the for m�trumsnt and ackno '•
<br /> to br hf�,h�r a thMr voluntuy act�d�s�d� °�°i�fl� w�ed ths ex�cution thereol -
<br /> r ��"'
<br /> VYltr�s my har�tl and Notarial Sstl ths day snC year laat above wri2ten. � ., �� �
<br /> / n
<br /> �2..:�—�, L � .y` �w yc # .
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<br /> My Comrt►Is�ion�xpirM tlf��._d�y of '' �..5.� .19�. ��fARY.St�ll�I M�W
<br /> t�-�so�Rw.�vas � .�. �o�a����t
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<br /> -- 'le� � '�'�vSi. Iil ��YteL , . . _y� . � �
<br /> P.`{). Bc�x 1068 . 4 � �
<br /> Grarfd Islartid, NE 68802 ' ' ``' � �
<br /> (308) 36'Z-4520 � �
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