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<br />-a
<br /> � �
<br /> � 9Q-�-�10�271
<br /> rAgre�mant mada_--�QtP�'rn�er��Q _. 19_g�___• betweer-------____
<br /> _�l]��l.�rr_��2G�ca�i1�1..s�DS�.�b��Kr..$L�Q�i1�1.___�.......w_�__�.�_--------- af
<br /> _$'�;.�______���---_.._�.._______�__.---______ __ _ addreaa
<br /> C�ty of 5�s_Pa�.�-------•Caunty of_�1���--------StAke o��p.X's����.__°__
<br /> h�rein referrad to ea Seller. COLONIAL CENTRAL SAVI�IGB BANK,
<br /> F.S.B. . which ia org�+nized end exiatinq under tAe lawa of U.S.A. .
<br /> aucceanor through merger, snd whoae �oiling addreas ia 36800
<br /> ` Grt�tiot. !!t. Cle��na. MI 48043, herein referred to ea Mortgagee,
<br /> end Donald D. Herzog --------------------------___---�--of
<br /> 2407 A�ache Rd. ! ! -- - - -w---- -- addreas
<br /> , City of_Grand Ysl�__,Caunty of__Hall _______Stete of_ Nebraska �__w
<br /> ; herein r�ef�rred to ea Purcheaer
<br /> , 1 . Seller ia obligrsted end lieble for the pay�ent to
<br /> l4ortgega� of the debt evidence by e� pro�issary riote in the su�n of
<br /> . Thirty SeVen Thousand Three Hundred and 0 J100------------- ----- --
<br /> � Dol lora �37,�3Q0.00_ _,deted _4__3 __ _______,19 87___and
<br /> � ex�auted by Seller. which pro�isaory note ia secured by a
<br /> Nortgeqe dated .4-3-__ _ ____ � .19 87. .as boc.- �k�'�,-�0�.$,94
<br /> t ___ _ in the offica of^the Regiater of Ueeda of tha Count�r
<br /> � of_ Hall_______ StAte af__ Nebraska ______ end Mortga�gee 3s
<br /> � now the owner and holder of auch pro�isaory note and Mortgage.
<br /> 2. Stller has sold and conveyed or ia ebout to sell and
<br /> cor�vay the whole of the rael property deacribed in auch �ortgeg�
<br /> � �o Purchaaar, end both Seller end Purchaser hava requestad
<br /> �tortigagee to relee�ae Seller fro�+ further liability under or an '
<br /> accaunt df auch pron�iasory note end/or auch Ilortgage. . �
<br /> � For the reaaona aet forth above, and in conaideratfon of the
<br /> � i�utual conveyance and pro�iaes of t.he parties hereto. Seller. �
<br /> : Mortanqee, and Purchaser cor�venant and eqree a8 fal lowa: �_-s��
<br /> ' SECTION ONE �-
<br /> -__ _- - iiivs-RIv nni.Fri�iiE 8e �Ei.vt't8t'i vni.Iuniitiii • -
<br /> All �onthly inatall�enta of Principal and Intereat provided by � �
<br /> �
<br /> � auch note to be paid after___ 11_1___________,19__ 89_are u�pAid. ,
<br /> ; SECTION TWO
<br /> !�
<br /> t Seller ia h�reby releaaed fro� further liebility under or on
<br /> � account of auch Not� and auch Mortgege. �
<br /> � SECTION THREE ' �
<br /> � Purchager agrees to pny surh Hote in inatall�+enta at the tt�es
<br /> ' and in the wanner therein provided: to perforn� nll of the
<br /> � obligationa provided in such Mortgc�ge to be perfor�ned by 8eller
<br /> � at the ti�e, fn the �enner, end in all respects as therein
<br /> ° provided: and to be bound by ell of term s of auch Mortgage: all ��.
<br /> - as tl�ough such Note and I�lortgage, and each of the�, had .
<br /> � originally been r�ade, executed, and delivered by Purcha8er:
<br /> � provid�d, however, thet the tnterest on the unpeid Princfpal �
<br /> Balance shell, until peid, be peid at the rate o£ Ei.ght__ __
<br /> _ (8•�� X per annum, inconaecutive �nnr�thly instelln�enta of
<br /> . ��u,y�},�d�gd Seyenty_Three and 69[100�_ ----=-- --�=-•S _273.69_ ___ ,
<br /> including principal, plus 1/12 e�timeted ennual taxes and
<br /> insurance on the_lst______�day of eech Month, beginning_ DecemY�r 1,
<br /> 19 89 ^- � --
<br /> _______ SECTION FUUFi
<br /> The Whole of the reel property described in auch Mortgage sha 11
<br /> remain subject to the lien, charge, or encumbrance of such
<br /> Mortq+�ge. end nothing herein rontained or done pursua�t t�ereto �
<br /> ahall affect or be conatrued to affect the lien. charge or
<br /> encumbrance of ihe Martgage or the priorif_y thereof over other
<br /> li�ns, chargea oz� encumbrences. or except as herein otherwi�e �
<br /> provided. to rel�ase ar c�ffect th� liabil ity of any party or �
<br /> portiea whamaoover would now or r�ay hereufter be liable under or �
<br /> 1 on t�ccount of such note ond Mortgaqe. �:
<br /> I NTEftPRETATION t�
<br /> In this egreement. th� �ingular number includes the p.luraJ. and `�
<br /> the pl�.�reJ. numb�r fncludPS the �inqul�r . If thi3 anreement i� �M�
<br /> ex�euted by mazP th�n c►np E�Arn�,n, f irm nr �•nr�ort�tioe: c�� �•
<br /> Purche�ser, thc� o��liq:�tic�n� of ec��-1� �:u�•h E,�_•t �„n, fiem ��r
<br /> Corpotntion .hcreunci�� �it�cil i t�r �c.in� t�tiii rsi�vr�tc�Z .
<br /> _.. • �` �
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