. .�......�......�.,....Y�:4. . =���.a.���.:,•�:�-�c�r �a�--.nr�ssu.�r -- -
<br />. � . ��e_.
<br /> Ld
<br />_ i
<br /> �
<br />-�
<br /> � � �
<br /> ot a prOCh�pc tha eMOrcist+ot eny autl►right o�romecly. court act�on ta assen Ino nonex�stenco ut a dnlnuit or any other detene.o u1
<br /> 10. du0CN101'��t1dAliiQMBOUndi�t�n�&iv�ralLlabNtty;Ccr Borrotiverloacceteral�onandsalc.11thehre�chisnotcuredonorbetorpth�dafe
<br /> - ibpnwy. ThE�Cove�ant�end aQree�Mnt�fiereln Contalned shal!bind,nnd th� BP�itied�n Iho noliCO.l.CndCt,A1 LOt1dE1VS opl�on,f11fly d@G13f0 911 O)Q10 Sufi1S
<br /> rlgntat�lxeu�lMeh�llir►ruata,thares�tivesuccesswsandusslqnsotLen��r �ure�bythisi�eedotTrusttoba�mmetliatctyduoandpayaplowithoutlurth��r
<br /> prW 8orrow�Jr,sub}sc.'t to the provf�t ot peregreiph 15 hetcn}.Ail covamnts Ar�+nantl anQ may Invpks the power pf sata and any oihcr rerr�dip,�rmittect by
<br /> p�rt��p�ypr��vyM ehaH pe�p{p1 and 9e�eral.My Borrowar who ca �p�������tiy Lender�hatl bo CnGtlad to caliCCt m such precet!dinc�ati expen-
<br /> ��IApnathbDeed dTru�t,but doe�not exe�CUte lMf Revdvinp Credl Loan Aqree� �3 of fo�eclosure,inciudiny,trut not limited lo,reasonaWe attorneys'ft�es and
<br /> ff�� �rtNM,(i�i�CO�aipnlr.�;thbDeedolTn.�atonlytomartgage.prant endcOnvoythat �t�p��umeniary evlQence.a6stracts and tit{e repats.
<br /> 1 �bprtnwK'p IM�req;n lhe Prope�ty to lender under t�e terms a1 thia Deed oi ��«�wer of sa�o Is Invol�ed,Tn,stee shaU record a notice oi detauN in each
<br /> � Tn►ft,(b)li not p�lY liabis or►tA9 Rtti�rir.g Gredil taas�Aprcemen!a county i�i which any par:ot 1ho Property is Oocatcd end shaU maH copies ot auc�
<br /> �utl0et{hb pMd p!TN�t,and(c)q[+Bls Hut Lender a�d any dher 80Rt�wer ^o��e in thtj rtwc�ner ptescnbed by applicable law t0 BOrrOwCr and to the olher
<br /> 0►Mnuefd�►m�y�prwsbexterxf,rt�cidfy.tabef►.prmakeanYOtM►a�can- ��sPrascribedDyappllcapietaw.ARerth�time�equiredbyapplicaWelaw.
<br /> �"I rtqdNid»wNh rpardbtheterm�atiMe Oesd of Trust a tAe Revolvirg Crndit T�stee shall give pubiic rsotice of sale to the persona in Itw mannet praserihed
<br /> LOM1 I1�Rert�rM will�o��!thN 8ortowers Cwtsent and wNt�out(elec�sir►9 thaf bY eAWkabie law.lrustee,without dert�and on BOROwer,shail oeN the PropeRY
<br /> Bortow�ormodlyMplhiaDeedofTn�ata�tathat8orrower'elMerestinthe e1�����=aihehlqhesibidderatthetimearulplacsa�:dund�ttxt�ms
<br /> �� deslgr�ated in the notice of sa{e in one a rtwre parCtis end U�any onder Trustee
<br /> determinea Tnfsteo maY postpone aaie o!all or any Da�ct�of qte PropeAy bY
<br /> 11. MMic�. ExCrpt tor afly nOtkx requlred undet epQlicable taw t0 be publlC anntwncement at H�e time end place of any pieviuualy acheduled eale.
<br /> phren inanother menner,(a)any nallceta Borrower prov►ded for In thi�f)ead ot Lende►or ite dcesiflnee may purchase the Prr��e�ty at any sufe.
<br /> 7tuat sfwN bs�iven by deliverinp H or by mafHnp such ndice�y ceRified meil upqn receipt af payment of the pnce, bid, Truatee 9ha11 deliver to the
<br /> � �dthe�rad tp Ndrawer at tM Rtoperfy Addresa a at such other acldres�as pu�huser Trustee'y deed conveying the Pr�pe�ty.The recitats In tha Trustee's
<br /> 8pr�owa mpy de�i�►efe by noNce W Lende�aa provlded hereln,and(b)any deed sha11 be p�ime tacie evidence oitho truth of the statements made therein.
<br /> �o114y to���d�r�t�M pe qivsn by ceAilWd maY to Lende►'s address steted Tivatee shail applY ihe p�oc�eeds ot the sale In ttes toMOwir�orde►:(a)to all
<br /> hsninarbxx:halheraddreasasLenctefrt►aYde�qnatebynoticetoBonower expensesolthesa�e,�ncluding.butnollimitedto,Trusteesfeesaspermittedby
<br /> a�q�virkNdhereln.Anyrwticeprovitfedlalnthia0eedotTrualshaNbedeemed applicabtetawandreasonaWeattomeya'fees;(b)toalisumasecu2dbythis
<br /> 1p hav�e been yiux�to Borrowor o►tenJer when pivan In the manner desig- p�d�f Trusr and(c)any excess to the person legally entttled to H.
<br /> t�Medt�ae�L 17. BoROw�'�Ri�hltoRlinst�t�. Notwithstandinglende�'sncct�lera•
<br /> 12, (ipy�rtMn��r;g�w�b�t�l. The atate and lacal laws apptiable to ticn of the sums secured by this Oeed ot Tn,ist due to 8ortower's breach,
<br /> Ws Deed d Truft shaN be the laws d the jurisdiCtion in which the Property is gorrowrer shall have tt�e righl to have any proceedings begun by Lender to
<br /> IocabdTheinropoi��paentence sha�nal NmH the appllcabil'ity of Federa�law to enforce ihis Deed ol T►ust discontinued at anytirtw prlor to entry of aludgmeM
<br /> tl�isDs�dMTiusl.lntheeventtl►atanyprovisionaclauseofthlsDeedofTruslor �}pr�;�thisDeedolTrustil:(a)BorcowerpaysLenderallsumswhiChwould
<br /> theHsvolrhg Credit LoanA�reement oont�i�Me with appticabie law,such con111ct pe then due under this Deed o1 Trust and the RevoNing Credit Loan Agreement
<br /> eh�Nnd�MectoMerprovisionsotMisOeeddTrustwtheRevdvingCreditloan �d���t1on occuRed;(b)Borrower cures ell breaches o1 any Wher
<br /> ApfssrnMlt whkh c�be yiven ellec,9 without the conlliCtin�pmWiion.and b �nants a agreements o1 Borrower contained in this peed of Trust; (c)
<br /> thi�end the proviaiona of this Deed d Trust and the AevaNing Credit Loan garawer pays all reasonaWe expe�ses incuRed by lP.nder in enforcing the
<br /> Apc�d�re dedarod to be severabie.As used herein,"o0ats","expenses" '�,��s and agreements o1 Borrower contained m this Deed of TrusL and in
<br /> and"atlomeys.hes•.NidudeaNSUmatotheextentnotprohibitedbYeAP��ae 'entorcing Lenders remedies as provided in paragraph 16 hereof,inciudir►g
<br /> Iew.or Nmited herein. �reasonabte ariorneys'tees;and(d)Borrower takes such action as Lender may
<br /> +` � " rea5onablyrequiretoassurethatthelienofthisDeedofTrust.lendersinterest
<br /> itl._.�tOiw�prCopy. Borrowershallbetumishedaconformedcopyof intheProperlyandBorrowePSObligationtopaythesumssecuredbythisDeed
<br /> ' ths Hevolrinp Crodi!Loan Ilyreert�M and M th+a Oeed ot Trust at the time or
<br /> exeGYtiOn a atler reCOrdallon hereof. of Trust sAall contirwe unimpaired.Upon such payment and cure by Borrower,
<br /> r. this Deed o1 Trust and the obligatlons secured hereby shall�emain in tuli torce �
<br /> 14, I�I1M�tbn LA�n A�rMtMnt. 60rrCwer shail tulfill aIl d Bc1N and eftecl as N no eCCeteration had oCCUrred.
<br /> rpwera����urWera�yt�ome rEhabilitation,improvemern.repair,aothet
<br /> � fo�n which 9arowes er►te�into wilh Lender.Lender,at lender's �8• Nsl��rt+�^t of R�nts; Appdntr.e�nt of R�cNvK. As addilional
<br /> pp�ipn,trNyrpMreBarowertoGcecuteanddelivertoLende+,inafamaCcept= �urity Aereunder,Borrower hereby ass'r�os to Lende►the rents ot the Pra
<br /> �bleto Lender.anas�Iqnme�tofar►y�Iyhts.ctalmsordelenseswhlch Bo�ower 'Pe►ty PrOVlded that Borrower shall,pnor to acCeleration under i�arag►ePh 16 �
<br /> �may hsyeiqairyl p�rHeg whp aupply 18bo►,materials a servic�s in Conn�ction hereof a 8barxlonmenl of the PropeAy,have the rigM to cdtect and retain such ,
<br /> Wl�h IfflpfpVlfilEll�;fT18(�t0 thC PfOQEf�y. . :[ElSt,S 3S',�!°y b!L'CMII°A�rw anrl�ayahlw —
<br /> Upon accxleratton under paragraph 16 hereof a abendonment ot ihe P�o-
<br /> . . - .- � fN ���� a��4N� 1�4 A��fKClfl 1� l..wl�.. 'vw� / �I`W�h - _ .
<br /> G�°!.^.��..•�. !�@..:.'J"'�'_! nl....�Ar!a...._.�.YL+? �iy.afru'8idf��1{�Tkiyi�'v:2viY�v'���o�w..t'..a.:y�.;. .,,'^.�°.....T.'�S.�t!
<br /> d the Property a an interost tf�ecein,exdud�ny(a)the creatlon af a lien w ;,,9��ol the F�roperty,and at any time prio►to the expiration at any pertod o1 _
<br /> encumbr�noe subordnate to tRis Deod of Trust,(b)a transfer by devise,des- redemptlon fdlowing sate of the Property,Lender shalt be entitted to have a `'
<br /> oe�R,orbyaperaUor�dtawuponthadeathofajolnitenanLa(clthegrantolany receiverappolntedbyacouAtoenterupon,tateepossessionotandmanagethe =
<br /> IsMe►�pld kMe��edto�itlxee yeara pr les�not contalning an option to purChase. Property and to cdleCt the►ents of the Property inGudir.Rg those past due.All =
<br /> L�nt1K may dedlt�itl d the aums eeCUred by thts Oeed of Trust to be im- rents oollected by the receiver shall be appHed first to pay�e�t of the costs ol �� �
<br /> rtwdifRNy dus an�psyade.If Lender exetGses such option to aCCelerate,Len- managementof the PropeAy and Coll�cttlOn ot rents,inGuding.Dut nd limited to, y
<br /> d�t�tuWmaM6attpweriWtlCtlGfr�ppeleretbnlnaccordancenitltparagraphll receivelsfees,Premiumsonrot;eiver'sbc�idsandreasor►able2ttOmeYs'tees.
<br /> AK�of.SuchnOflCesheNprpvi�aperlpddnollessthan30dayrfranthedate andthenlot�esum9securedbyihis�ee�ofT�ust.Thereceh•ershaflbe�leto ,
<br /> � tA�notiCe I� tnYbd pr dethrered withln which Borrpwer m8y pay the sums account onry tor those rents actually rece��.ed• . S
<br /> dsdared due.N 8orrower faits to pay wch surrs Prior to the expiration ol such ,
<br /> pKip�l.���der mty�yvithp�t furtl�e►noUoe or dema�d on Borrower,invoke any �9• R�conwy�nu• Upon payment ot a.'�slms seCUred by this deed oi
<br /> ����n�����8�� Trust.Lender shall requesE Trustee to reoonveytl�e Propertyand shall5urrenCet ;
<br /> NON•UDMFORM COVENANTS. BoROwer and LendertuRharcov�enantand �his Deed of Trust and a1I notes evldencing debt secxued by this Deed of Trust to ` `
<br /> Trustee. Trustee sha11 reconvey the Property without warranty and without �
<br /> aproe as 1db�a charge to the person a persons Iegally entitled to it.Such person w persons
<br /> 16. AOC�i�ffOfl; R�fn�dMl. ExcePt as provlded in paragraph 15 shall pay any reCOrdation costs. ,�
<br /> ' hNrpf,upon BacpwePs broech of any covenant w a9reemenl of Bonower Er p0. SubsHtut�TiustN. Lender,at its option, r2ay from time to time
<br /> thb Desd Gf Tr�f, a In the Revohrinq Credit Loan Agreen�ent,inGuding th� remove Trustee and apparn a sucCessor trustee to any Trustee appointed '
<br /> COrefwMitop�ywhendue8ny5umseACUredbythis0eedotTruSt,Lender. hereunderbyaninshumenlreCOrdedlrrtheCOUntyinwhiChlhisDeedOfTrustis
<br /> ptFCXtpsxAleratlOn,sh8l1 qive notleet0 BOrrower as Pro+rlded.�n p2ragr.�tph 7 t reCOrded.Without Conveyance of the Property,the successor trustee sha!suc•
<br /> hereofspecityirg:tt)thebreach;(2)theactionrequiredtocuresuJ�breach;�3) �d to a�i the tiile,power and d�TPS cx�s�ferred upon Trustee herein a�d by
<br /> a dMe,not bss Nen 30 day9lrom the dete the notice is ma�led to Borrower,by �p�;�ble[aw.
<br /> which�uch bro�ch rtwst be ared;811d(4)that tdlure to ture SuCh breaCh on Qr
<br /> belors th�d�1s�peciAed in the notioe may resuH in acoNeration of the sums 21• Rpwst fa t�tk�s. Borrower requests that copies ofthe notices o}
<br /> �ecx�rod by ihis Osed of Trust.end sele Of the Prpperty.The notke shall turther detautt and sale be sert N Bonower's address which is the Property Address.
<br /> kNwm BOrrowerM tM right to veinstate aRer acceleration and the right to�ring 2P, pryp�y of Futur�Adva�ces. All future advances sha11 have t�e
<br /> same prionty as d advanced at the Aate of this DeeG o!Trust.
<br /> BOrtowerandlender request the holcler of any mortgage.QeeA or trust or other encumbrar�ce wrth a uen avh�ch has pnonty over this Deed of TruSt to g�ve NotiCe f0
<br /> LCrKie�,�f lentler'8 eddress set forth on page one ot thfs Deed of Trust,of any defautCunde�Ihe su�erwLencumbrance and o1 any sale or other toreClosure . �_
<br /> eCtiOn. .
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEpEOF.Bonower has executed thfs Deed of Trust �`� •~ '� � ��� _'-�----
<br /> + �� BOrrower
<br /> bert �. Si gel ;�. ,
<br /> �,
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA._��C{,_I_ _ Gounty ss �Ll��'-��?_.__��,.s. R �� �
<br /> -- - - � thele R. Sie�el e� eor�owe• tsl�
<br /> IL � _ . _.. .._.. a Ne2ay Pubisc�n d�d�O•sa:c5 counfy antl staie- r]o tTereby ceh�fy tha! �
<br /> L �
<br /> �t
<br /> _ ItuburL 1'. 5i�.:c:1 �ztd :S:�L�;u K. 5i��;�1 �`'
<br /> cn
<br /> ��
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<br /> Oe►SOrt�llykr�ountometoGet�es.�mePCrsnn�sl�nusan�meisi ° ti�,:.�_ ���K.��,,,�.e.b:....� •�:a� , � ... ..�,r•� •� «e rr �-:.�:�n[:����r,ani.�•�
<br /> nrmiedped t�,ai he 1:yne-S��niF Jr�•vr'�•�i tt�e oa:3„����i.r, .•r�„� ',_, � �.:. .7r�.. ., „. . �.. . . , , ...,......�,�,..v.
<br /> (i �f„i,ri:lrr rn��'.i•..y,r�:t t�M.. ' • , ` .
<br /> �GE�MIt�IAI4Y�S1,�1t 01 N� ' • .
<br /> �`•IG2Hn1...»'::t�n±•r�+r�; KAftlAS.fANOflY • � • �
<br /> M�fr Comra E�t�.f�11,19B1 rt� r.�y� �
<br /> _ _ � ���;:F.,,.�...a — -- - -
<br /> '_�Rt�yv,ts_r�`�w�.�+m�ps�tts!!-:a.tcve+�p�'t1'1�ro z r� . � ._ _ . . _ . . . .. . . . .. _ . � - .• .. . . ...
<br /> . . � - ' � ., ' , � - � '-''.. --' ' . . _ � . C . . . . - r" ' .f, ��.
<br />