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Ju11-30 -00 13:16 From- <br />T -601 P 27 F -139 <br />200005488 <br />day every l2th month thereafter. The date on which my initial fixed interest rate changes to an adjustabl4 <br />interest rate, and each date on which my adjustable interest rate could change, is called a "Change Date." <br />(0) The Index <br />Beginning with the first Change Date, my adjustable interest rate will be based on an Index. The. "Index" <br />is the weekly averaEc yield on United Suites Treasury securities adjusted to a constant mautrity of 1 year, as <br />made available by the Federal Reserve Board. The most recent Index figure available as of the (late 45 days <br />before each Change Date is called the "Current Index." <br />If the Index k no longer available, the Note Holder will choose a new index that is based upon <br />compitrable information. The Dote Holder will give me nnuce of this choice. <br />(C) Calculation of Changes <br />i el'ure each Change Date, the Note Holder will calculate my new interest, rate by adding <br />Two and Three - Fourths pereenutgepoint(s) <br />{ 2.7500 %) to the Current Index. The Note Holder will then round the result of albs <br />addition to the nearest one - eighth of one percentage point (0.125%). Subject to the limits slated in Section <br />4(D) below, this rounded amount will be my new interest rate until the next. Change Data:. <br />"the Note f-lobler will then determine the amount of the monthly payment flint would he sufficient to <br />repay the unpaid principal that I dun expected to owe at the Change Date in lull on the Maturily Date at my <br />new interest rare in substantially equal payments. The result of this calculation will be. the new amount of my <br />monthly payment. <br />(U) Limits mo Interest Rate Changes, <br />Tile interest rate 1 am required to Pay at the first Change Date will not be greater than <br />13.6250 % or less than 3.6250 OA, 'thereafter, my ndjustabla interest <br />rate will never be increased or decreased on any single Change Data by more thaua two percentage points <br />(2.0 %) from the rate of interest I have been paying for the preceding 12 months. My interest rate will never <br />be greater than 13.6250 %n. <br />(F) Ffl'ecdve Date of Changes <br />My new interest rate will become effective on each Change Date. I will pay the amount of my new <br />monthly payment beginning on the first monthly payment date after the Change Date until the t»nount of ray <br />monthly payment changes again. <br />(F) Notice of Changes <br />The Note Holder will deliver or mail to me a notice of any changes in my initial fixed interest rate to an <br />adjustatble interest rate and of any changes in my adjustable interest rate before the effective date of any <br />change. The notice will include the amount of my monthly payment, any information required by law to he <br />given me and also the title and telephone number of a person who will answer any question I may hate <br />regarding the notice:. <br />10 -84314 (0003) <br />7200303 -00 <br />Initials: <br />Page 2 of 4 Fotm 3182 10/89 <br />