<br /> _�
<br /> � �_ �
<br /> i
<br /> � ' � , .
<br /> � DEED�F T�U�T
<br /> 90-�10223�
<br /> THlS pEEOOF TRUSY(`SicuMty InN�urt��'1��maAe on th�� 16 th d�i oi. Apri 1
<br /> (�" +� �d .T,,,,N,�„ James J. Gaettsche and 5haron S. Goettsche �1�sb�nd a�d wifeZ _„�_� �
<br /> 1
<br /> -t`fbrror+e�"1 The trustee t�Gammercial ft�it Sgviifp5 9nd W�n AysaCyl;pn.
<br /> E"Y�"l.�OMMIfC+ary U Conlrtwrcial F�wra1 Savirgs ar�Loan ASx�clation.wh+c��s orprn;zed end exist�ng urxfei tne iaNS at NeW�Ska.and wnose addr�ss is 4{30 Farnam.p��.
<br /> �wa,�ee», •�.�ww-�.ex,�..�..u�+�«m��,�,,,mw Twelxe_ th�ousand seventy s1x dollars and no/100-------- �
<br /> (US i Z�'a�6•� ).TMs ow��s awd�noW Dy Bortaw�r's nob deted ths sime dtt�a�Ihi!SeCUriN In�trumerU 1"��).whicfi prov+de�tor rta�
<br /> mN Pa7l�e�+1a,w�M1 lM
<br /> r�w a.ec a na psjd ww►,a,,,a„e p.ricr.cn__ Anri 1 25. 19Q3
<br /> T��j4►InsMummt McrrM b L�rW�r:(�)iM npaynwnt d tM debt wklencsd by ths Nots,wRA intenst,and eN rsrMwsis,extensions and mOthfication9;(b)the payment of all other
<br /> Wm��wHh InNr�N.�dwtc�d w+d�pu�yrapN T to prolec�iha securtty ol thi�S�cudry InstrumenT,�nd(c►the peform�nce ol8ortowerb oovsnant�anq e,�reer!x�nq. Fpr thu p�xpp�s.
<br /> ����+�Y 9►a:�T-antf conv�y�b TnHIN,in htsf,witfi power of aak,tM tdbwing de�cr�ld prope►ry btated in_ f�d��
<br /> Counry,Nepruka
<br /> Lot Eight (8), 81ock Twenty-nine (29), Packer and Barrs Second Addition t� the City of
<br /> Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> ,,,�„�,,,,,�„��M� 211 North Grace Grand Island
<br /> �sueen � cc�n�� '
<br /> ,r.e,,,w, 68801 �..P,o�,�,�oa«ss�:
<br /> l�OCiETNER wAh�Il lht�+proNrrwnb raw a Mr�ah��,ec!ed on the�roperty,a�d ail eas�rtNnta.rghts.a�punenanaes. rents,royaM�ss,rcu�erai,oe1 and gs�rights and prof�ts,w�Nr
<br /> �Mf0�lodr�e+d NI fittl�aN now or MeMMer�part ot tf+e wraperty.Ax np��cemente end eddtions snan aiso ba covrxea Qy m�s Secur�ty instrument.Ali of N,e foregoing ia rotemed to tn
<br /> 1l�i�8�axNY InllrtxMM se fM"Prop�rry•
<br /> 80AROYVER COVENMET&lhat Borrowrr!�4iwluNy aelsW ot tha astats nersty can»ystl u�A nas tne rrght to grant ana conveY the PropertY and M�at Me Properry rs unen�umpered.
<br /> �xe�pt�MCUrt�br�nors o�ctCOttl.BOrrowMt wsrranh and wYl del�q�ryraly lM t�tb to the Properry ega�rtas a;l cia�ms and demand�,wDpes to�ny Mcumbrancea ol recqd
<br /> 7}MS SECURITY INSTF1t�IHEtJT oom0+ra�nilam cov�nrMa ta n�tio�al us�u�0 non•undorm coven�nts+1�21 t�mBed var4taru bY turhdictqee to caatilua�unao�m sxuMy 6c.91rument
<br /> ooMrkq rW PropM1y.
<br /> UNIF�RA1 COVENANTS.9arow�r and Und�r oov�naM an0 agrN as foHOw!• .
<br /> 1. /�I��NM of��M�el��f and M�M�MI:Mpyre�M�nd La1�Ch�rON.8orrower Shau prompty pay wnen due tne pr�ncpal 01 and mterosl on tris debl av�tlenc�f py the Note and any �
<br /> 0�/�IM11t�nd IM�c/rwf�11 Ar,.Mwr Mw MMw ----
<br /> !.RiN�M falYaN ri/IiMrtM�ot.SuoJ�c!io appdeabM iaw«w�vurin�n w�iwr Dy lsrau.eorrows►enau pay►o t�naer on ehe aay monthN oar�+cs ars a,s unoer ma�uote,unh� •
<br /> GI�.MCM L!Nid h A�1.�!um�'Fu[Idt'I�aLl fn cfnw.fw�Wn nl_!�l _,��w.e.,,. �........��...�hw.....w.«.... o__.._.. �-- -• -
<br /> . . . . . .. _ .-.y�'�'�.�"���-�_..._._............�.........�".�.'«;."'..o.."'..'o..ew.nj t��i.�v..w�n.tv�j�w�ip iv�asi�oiti{x�menq Or
<br /> - 9iaund e�rxlt on MM PrOpMY„�+Y:(�?YeerlY hazard irtlurance peemfiims:tnd fa1 Y�nY�4�Go tsis�ance Gte+►uu+n3.:��yr.TiieS�e items are wli�d°e�crow Rems.°leneer may e�tcrtute
<br /> �n.Fu�dw a►in.o.e+s a cur�m dw.na�wsoRaa..ar�,�HS a n,n,ro esaow K.ms
<br /> , �1M FurfO�tMN Q�hNd in�n kf�tiMdon th�O�pwits a aocounts of whic��n inwred a guarantesd by a tederal or state agency�mcluC��g LenMr A lentler�s�ch an insGlWOn).Lender ,,: -
<br /> ��PP�Y�F�b DaY tM Ncrow d�rt+s.laWer may no1 charpe fa no'.A�ng anA apdrng me Funds.anaryz�ng tne acca,nt or ventyu,g the escrow�tems.ur:ese Lender prys 8orrovrpr -
<br /> InMr!!t on tM Fund��nd�ppNCaW�Itr+v p�m�ita Lendet to make such 8 chargs.Borrower n�d lender may agree in wrrting ma:�r:erest ehatl be pa+d on Itw Frr•xt�.Unbss an M is �
<br /> ��a�PP���M t�yMN kM�r�M b b�paid.LlnEer etfaN nol De rpqwred to pay Bca^�+er any�MErest or earmngs on C-�,Funde Lerqer ShaH qive l0 8orrpw�r,wrthoui c�har�gg.an ' � �
<br /> annud a000unYnp o11h�FunW Nwwinp cndR!ontl OsDRS to ths FunAs t�nd ths P�Nf�se br wr.urn eaCh deCa to th!Funda M0s ma0e.The FunQS ate pNtl�tl is addAbnat�ecunty IOr tM f
<br /> eum�s�cunM by tN!S�eurity Instrum�r�,
<br /> M th��m01N1f af tfM FunOS hN0 by L�n6rr,top�tfwr wdh the hRUro monthy�ifl�+ts ol Funds DeYa�P�rcx to R+e due date�af Mp escrow dems.sh�Y exaed ths amount rpumetl to pay
<br /> ►h�Ncrow 7MrtM wMn tlu�.!M��eo�M ihaN D�.at Borrower'e optan.enMr pcornpty repart cs SorroNar or credted to BprtoMer an montnty payments pf Furq� M tha amount of tne Funds
<br /> ��IN�dK i�n01 wlfiCi�rfl b piy Mb eSCrow Rstns when due.Bortower shp0 pey to le'T1�r any amp�M neCessery to md+cs uD��uerwyf M OM a m6rA payrt�enq 71S tequrced by
<br /> � ��WY��M in fuM of�M Mma Nc+xW by Cws S�cunryr Irtstrument.le�dsr shall promptty retund io Borrower Any Fu�+GS r.yrq pry lenCer.N unWr persgraph 19 the Propsrty is aold or `
<br /> �uirod by L�r�r,LmO�r sh�A no later than�mmed�atei ?��•
<br /> �pWy. y prror to the sab of the Property or rts ac4u�sdan ey Londer_a�y fun05 nekl Dy Lender et the t�me of appl,catan u a creWt
<br /> �p�lfl�t 1M!un'N iiCUOW by fhb S�cxxMy InStrUrtMnt
<br /> S cxxN
<br /> �.�PP�Mbn ar►�w�nb.Unkaa�pplM.abb�aw provWes oenerw�se.m•payments rocervep Dy Lender unqer paragraphs�and 2 shan Ds appl�ed 6rst.to late cnarges due under the �� ,•
<br /> ►�otr s�con0,b pnlp�ynNrn chuQM due und�r Mp 1�{ptp,th,rd,to ampur.ts paysDb under paragraph 2;tourth.to mtersst d�e.an�ias!.to pn�pal due.
<br /> �-CNM�M:UMM.BOrt�Wr lIWI p�y�M tax0s.eSilSSmEnt9.c�arge9.fin�anQ�mposrhons attnbutabte f0 t�e PropBrry Kn�en may attam p�wnry over tnr3 Secur,ry Instrument.ena ��
<br /> MYM1Wd p�yllMflt�Of�fDUtW r�.d�ny BOrrOwlr Enail Fqy thesE OOIgaUOns m the manner prov�ded m pategrap�?.or�f�+or Ga�C�n that manrter.Bortower s^.ilt pa,�them on dme Airectry
<br /> ro�0 PM��Gy��•BOrtOWl��tl pfO�lpUy tum�yy to Contlgr all np(��g5 Of amWntS t0 bC pab und8r th�9 p8ragrapr �t Borroxer makes fheee payr.�ents tl�:9Ctly.BOrrOVWr Sh811
<br /> Dromptly lumbh l0 Lender reoelpts evidenCing the payments
<br /> BOrtOwN flf�N prOmpfly��any{kn wAkA ha3 prqnty over th�s Secunty Instrumont unless Borrox�� a agrpps��wntmy to tr,o Dayr^ert ot tha oDl�gat�on SeCUreO by the I:en�n a
<br /> man+wr�CO�ptabFO to Lsnder,(b)Contesta in good fadh thg 6en by.o�tletenCS aga�nst en�ercoment o�trt�:e�;�.iegal Arocesq�ngs Nn�cn�n .r.o�endor's opmeon c�per�tv to provont Ihe
<br /> �tOrqrt�lt 01 U�s IiM or Io�taNur�01 any part OI fhe Prop�rty,a(t)seCUre9 hom tAe troldgr pt tng:�n an ayroement satrstactory to Londer SuCOrC�nai�r�the t•an to th�s SeCUnty fnstrument
<br /> B leMfOr detMmines that i�ny pYy of the PropNry Gs subpCl to a 6en wT�C�may ettain pnaly oti�e�th�s Set�r�ry Ir.strumo�t �ender rna
<br /> y g�ve Borrowe�a not�ro�Ce�bf�nng the tron Borrower
<br /> �ha1�Satisty lhe li�n a tek�oM q mpr�d Hf��tion�set Ec.Mt�ebove w�thM 10 days of tne g•v.ng ot notroe
<br /> b. lML�d MMYrinOf•SWro�shaM kNp tM imp►ow!r�x.ts now ex�sUng a heroafter erecte�on Ine Propnrty�ns��ed aga•xst ioss oy hre.naza�as mc��ed wnn�n tno term-e�rendeo
<br /> o�r��a�x1 anY dM►Aazards to�wMch LendN requ��es��swance Th�e msuranne sha11 bo ma�nta�netl m tne amounts a.�c��•the per.pds t�at Lender requ�rg5 Thg msurd�c0 carner
<br /> D��+dK+O�+e,ntu�ne�shail M Clws�n by BOrrmN►r suDpct to lender's approre�wt��cs�shau not be unreasonab+y wanneid.
<br /> ��+��D���d rEMVU�I;sffa��W�l".0lpt11bfe to LerKfLr entl Sh�l�mcl�a stnrtdard mortgaga clau50 Le�der sna.t have ttie�•y'�'!O hO�d t�e p0litig5 Antl rBnewA15 If LBnaer
<br /> �M����P��WY 0�+'�a�en0�r a��rocapts ot pa:d prem�ums antl ronewal not�ces in tho eveM ot�oss.Borrowe�s^au g�ve urcmpt not�ee to tno msurar+ce carc�er anci LenCer
<br /> lsneer m�y maic•proot o!bss d not maoe o�ompUy by Borra,ne,.
<br /> Unlsss t�ndar s;.d B.�e[CW6t 6itt8tWli6 8gre}g i�svnt�:�,v�u:arr..e Proce6d5 Sf�J GB 3��KPA t0 r05fOtaGOn Or rPpa�r pi SJV�F ,�,wrty tl3m3gE+�.:f.no r�!D�St�.z ae�os�r�ex.-,am:eaiy
<br /> feas�IS�nA Lerxkr's a�e�,;nty is npt Wsserya If the restae:�un or�epan is not econorte�ca y�»aa:bid��lenqer's securTj wou�a be�essoned tne�ns�ra�pr��y sha�l�e appi�ed to the
<br /> wrtt��cu►�d�y th�f S�cunty Instrurn�nt.wt�ether or not tr+en pue.wdn a^y excess pa�d to G:rrorver i1 Borrower at+a'�dons Ne Pro�erty.or dces�ot answer wdhm 30 Gays a noLCp from
<br /> Lsnder thN tM inEUr�n��rnOr h�s oftlrW to settle a cla�m,tnp LondBr r�ay c0ltecf lhe�nsurance proCeedg Lende�ma�use tneµrpcee05 to�epa�r or restore fho Prppqrty or to Day Sums
<br />. 9ECUMd by thil SlCUnfy hStNrtMf1I.MRlEt1M!Of rvyt th9n Ou0 Thp 3p-day pCrpd will pgy�n whpn iRC nOt�CC�s yNe�
<br /> UnNSe 4sndea tr.d 8or�aMe�otherwis�I�gret in wnLrg,sny epp:�catron o!procaeds to v���+c�oai snan not eztona or postpone the duo da!e ot tne mooitnry pa�ments reterr�to��paragrapns
<br /> 1 and 2 or ch�nge ths a�qunt d MW paymsnte N under paragraph 19 tho Properry�s acqu�:e:Cy Londei.Borrowor s ngn±tn arc��nsurante po!�os ana prp��ds rosuit�nq trom damago!o
<br /> l�P��Y P����CQUtl�hOf1 Sf1iY piSN t0 LQndCr tQ ifk BYtC+nt O�1RA 5�m5 SBCU[eG Ca c^.s�ur�ry��srr�me�F�m�cr;a�e:v prrr to�ne ecqv;s�tw�
<br /> S- PfMMHI{Ofl afld'�hl�IMf1t�O}pCOPN�I:Lfa�ah�Fd�.Borrowar Sha'�n�1 dO5trpy.�3��A[JO Gf SuDS'd^.LSI;y Ch�nc-jp L'�? �rove�ty.a��ow tne Property�o de:erwrato or comm�t Yrasto •-_-_��--��-� �
<br /> H fhi!SACU►Ify Ilqtfurtknt�9 Ot1 INSe110id.BpffOK'2t Sha!1 C6RIply with th0 ptpv�5�0�5 O�th01CdSC.&!W+f BO(fOWLr aCqw�ES!ea'f.'.a tn the Pr[uft�tty thtf W.dSnMW aM fpa t,tw ehali nnf marnon '
<br /> unf�Si 6�+700r�r�910 tM fYktQs1 i�wtitinQ. '
<br /> �• o+W�etlon of LM�d�r'�q10Ab In ttf�P►opnty:MOrtyir MtuqrtC�.If gprrovver tgns to pe:1o�+Ine covenant5 s^d agreoments cr-�a:�c��th�s$eCUnty Instrument.or therp i5 a
<br /> iega�p^�^..eed�ng tnat may S�gnA�nLy atfad LerWe►'S ngnts�n tnfl Property lsucn as a P�aeed�ng m D3nkrup!cY.p�oDa�e tW tor.do�nn�1�- �r'C enfort@ laws or rogulations/.thpn�.ontler
<br /> mey Qp a1�0 piy f W wRaltvbr��neClsggry t0 protett tA9 ud'ue o1 the Pr�ny antl lentie�s r�nts�n tha Properry Le�r's hct;ee�s m�y inc!��e w t�.rtq a�y sa,ms secured by a��en wrnc�has
<br /> pr��P/over tt�iy$��rty Insirument,aypeanng 1n covh.pay.ng reasonab�e attomoys tees a�e entenng�n tne?rope�ty to ma•3h�,rs Altnougn;encer�+ay r.iRe act:on,;�tle•tn,y paragraph
<br /> 7.LenOar aoe�nci"�n�to tlo so.
<br /> Rny amount5 O�St]R.r9el1 by Lender unpgr this p�'ogr�,�h'���i he�comc ayCdr�nai tloDC ct 6c^or�t.++Sow�ea e�tn s Sec:,r r�.-;;����nem u^'e>s 6n*�o.ve��••�.-;^der;,���fi t��'n�r tc��.s M�
<br /> O!p3Ytrs8�t.th85B Qf117UMS SRdll bt3r�nt9rf5f frOF�tft9 tld:C U 4.Sb.nSQ�nCnt at l�f NOt<•rd'0 drK:Sh�7 p0 P3ydC.(` r.�tti.,.c,�C57 .CC�'�9:,LC�tr;m l P"dOr�••a(••:.9LCr rf�a„esUn9 oayme'�I �
<br /> � it:e.�er roau:rotS mOrlqago insuranCU P5 E�oon4�t�orc o'r�,a^.g t'�e iCa�securCC tr��r�s S^cun.Y i.,,.,�R.£,_, �..,rcr��e:•,-.e.�-:�,_�f,C•r� .s�y rc.'].•e���».,...,���n�,�n:..�a^,ce.�e ve;t
<br /> uM::sue:h hme 8s Ut?reqy.4Bn>en!!or tr,C r•�^.u+ar;,o Svzm.na:�3.-�aceaca-.-e�.an&✓r�v+��5 'a��Le.••���:�:.w-•,r,a7,oc�-c-�- • ::.e an
<br /> 6. tosp�ttlon.le�wor or As nqor.t m:y�nak��oaso:�a�:e e°• es.,C?��a�`r si�!-�rS+'�`�'�'`�fi<"tY<<'°�F'?. _ y , _. _.. . •re a•�°�...��. , •. .,. cf
<br /> .,•, ,... �,... ,.,... . _�,. ..-. ,
<br /> • - .�.,t.,�,,;.�.��,..,� 1�
<br /> roaSOnADb c3use I�r t�w mspadnn .
<br /> 9. COndlmMtbn.1To procoec5s ot .^.���crn,artl o•c�a:m t��r tli•r]ypS :Y•c+o�c[.:.��_6-?a . •...�� � .. , �-� . • .. �,�� , . i,,,�.,•...,.: . . (G
<br />- Wnv0y3n�p�n 6EU G7 COntl�nrW'.pn �r0 ha;CU��sS��nC�2n�Sn2: CP C3 3'�..���,7Er „�• � �
<br /> 1��hi+CYC+�!01 B t��3I tOking Ot Ih.p PrOPetty th0 C�OCBEtl17,��5:�U AGPrr:.:�tr,0 S�n....,CC;,�!'.Y Gy tr�.5 aC:r'��• . . �.�.�. . ,,i.� ' . p�.,•„ :. _ . •� �
<br /> fhC�vent of a p�rh.:r lakm�b'1�0 F'ti:t�Pr`� �,•_�PSS fSi�nu+iti�dr!7 LC� .. _ � � .. . . . .' • a ,' , , �r ' • . , . '
<br /> �e. .h.� ����•-•t! t.f! r j� . . .
<br /> �..
<br /> l�'UtOCtls m.u:t.�::od ny��n}n':n:roavi fea:!:.� �:�.t��.,i,.e9`8^.... . . , :� ,'�f�:„'C:1, r. , . . . .. . . . .. . .. .. • � . • . .
<br /> ,.,���.
<br /> '�U tat�r�q Any Ga'ar��o sna�C�oG�.d t�(t:,n.mu� • . � � .. • � � , , ,
<br />� 1�S�iO�4.��i1r.�,C:�]�*K`il LY f�t�rrpYiC' Or.� F1'tC��'- . :.!l e^.a'� r.q�,' ...,. .. .�. . . � � . � .. . . . . - . .
<br /> I Cn;':C .,1r�n 7:J 9:�3 il!:tn 1"t0 t!.1•C:'+E�^.�'r� - q rr� t r(�i. � . . �t<•i � - � . .. . • . � . . . . ; � ,. .. .
<br /> .-.�:rC:l.'�!!. �f,C� ;.4��^.. .:�i9n/ r.'�t:'ir�.r��:;i•..r .✓ � .
<br /> i��k._.!�• , a�ti±f+�•�;•n.a,:�.,,�.n:�.e�a�•• . a� ,.� . . .. .r , . , . . • . • . .
<br />. _•-. _ z!�...__._�...�...,..... �......._ . �
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<br /> ,�.�i.'� ^''S�� � ��?3a'e�n4.�..inl4. S�fFCt't�ft'9'
<br /> _ I�i3 f ..°�„ L �. �f,
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