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<br /> 90-'9.02228
<br /> ; holders or other meetings of any corporation or company, or ot��rwise
<br /> . ta act as my attarney or proxy, with power of substitutior►, ia� respect
<br /> � �� any stocks, shares, bonds. debentures, ar ather �vi�eseees of
<br /> � ownership� or securities� naw or hereafter held by me and issued by ,
<br /> or on account of said corporation or company and for that purpose to
<br /> � execute any proxies, limited or general, or other instruments.
<br /> ll. Ta execute deeds��bills__tiotes. and similar instru-
<br /> ments. For all or any of the purposes he•rein, stated to enter into .�nd
<br /> sign. seal� execute, acknowledge, and deliver any coniracis, deeds.
<br /> or other instrumenis whatsoever. and to draw� accept. make, endarse,
<br /> � discount , or otherwise deAl with any bills of exchange, checks.
<br /> promissory notes, or other commercial or mercantile instruments.
<br /> � 12. To !do _all other _ihin s necessary in_ connection .
<br /> herewith. in gencral to do all other acts, deeds, matters, and things
<br /> whatsoever in or about my e�tate, property, and affairs, or to concur ' ..���
<br /> with PPrc�nc ;nintly interested with mvself therein in doing all acts, ,,�-'�
<br /> deeds, matters, and things herein, either particularl�r or generally '"-
<br /> described, as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as 1
<br /> ' could a�o in my own �roper person if personally �resent , it being my
<br /> intent to grant io my said attorney a general power t� act for me and _
<br /> in my behalf* and not a limited or special power. limited to the
<br /> �pecific acts herein deseribed.
<br /> � 13. Power of attorney becomes effective ugen disabilit
<br /> � of principal; continues in effect after �rincipal's death until
<br /> notice. Pursuant tc the provisions of Nebraska �robate Cade •,.,�,
<br /> Sections 30-2662 and 30-2663, I declare that this power of attorney ;�`'
<br /> shall becoir.e effective upon my disability or incapacity, but not
<br /> until then. and that ihe authority granted herein shall continue
<br /> d�urin� any period while 1 am disabled cr incapacitated. Further.
<br /> � pursuant to said Section�, all such authc�rity shall continue after
<br /> . my death. uiitil not�ce af surh death shall have bc�en received by
<br /> � my aitorney so thas he has actual knc�wtedgc of the fact that I
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