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<br />�:'�:
<br /> I .... . � �
<br /> 90--�,A2219
<br /> any part oi tha Propsrty i�loc�t�d and slull mall copl�s of such �otic� In th� mann�� as �a7a�arlba
<br /> by applicabl� I�w to Borrow�r and to th� oth�� p�rson• prssc�lb�d by •pplic�bt� law. ARar ih� tirna
<br /> • r�qulnd by �ppiteab�� law, TrustN shaU plv� pubiic notk� of s�t�to ti» p���ons �d lo t�+� ma�n�ar
<br /> pnscriA�d by apRllcabl� law. TruttN. wkhout dunand on Bo�r�w�r. shall MII th�Prop�rty at pubfic
<br /> �uctlon to th� htphast bidd�r �t th� ttm� and plac� and und�� th�t�rms d�sl��at�d tn thi notic� of
<br /> � sN� In on� ar mar� parcals and In a�y ordK TruNN d�t�nntn�a T�ustN may postpons �al�of all or
<br /> any paro�l ty!ttn ProPsrhl b'!! Publ{c �naou�a*msn! a!th�tit� �d pl�c*of�Y phvlously s�!»sla�lss!
<br /> s�ls� lsnd�r or 1ts d�st�naR may purchw�ths Prop�rty at any s�H. ,
<br /> Upait rfc�tpt af paym�nt o�f ths prk� bid� Tnista� sh�tl d�liwr to th� pu�chsN� Trost��'a d��t$�
<br /> conwyin�ti� P�op�rty. 'Th� ncitala in th� TrustM's tiM�!sh�ti b� prtma fact� wW�nc� e!.t� tnrth
<br /> o�th� stat�m�nb mad� tlwr�in. TrustN sh�ll ap�l�I th� procNds ol th� sal� i� th�tollawin� nrdsr. (a)
<br /> to all �xp�nsrs of ti� �a1�� tncludinp, but not Ilink�d to. Tni�'s t��� as p��mitt�d by �ppfI��bi�Is+�
<br /> � � j � snd r�a�onab?� attom�ys' f��s; �b)to MI wms s�cund by thit S�curity Instrum�nt; snd (c) ��y�xc�ss
<br /> to th� p�no�.or�na�ns I�slly �ntltNd to it. , �
<br /> � 18. Riao+�v�yaa��. t�,on p.ym�nt a.�swn.s�a,nd erir u�ts s.ax�y Msnum«��, �.�,d.r an.� �.qws! TQUS4es �o ,
<br /> noonvy�h•at+opMly�a sr�.l sunwuhr tM.s.axlty In�hum�m md NI eot.a .v�a«�dnp d.w ..aK.d by u�N s.a�Mamx�,�nt*a
<br /> Tn�s1N.Trust�s sl�a1 recaivy the Prop�rry without w�rt�nry and withoul elurp�to th�pKSao or pwsan� Ip�y �ntltl�d to i!.S�+c�le
<br /> p.rso�or penot�s sn.1 p.y.ey rocord.uon oosts.
<br /> 19. Stfb�tltut�T�ustH. L�ndar.�t Rs optloe,m�y 1bm ttm�to tlrti� nnsov�TrustN�nd appo(nt��uoe+�w�trwtee ta any
<br /> TrustM�ppeinted h�rourider by an instnxnent nco�dr!in tM oo�xdy In wMch thh 9�cwly I�strur�nt b ncoM�d. MAlhout anvey�nce .
<br /> of tM R�opwty� ih�aua»s:or tivate� �hall wow�d to dl th�tlM�,poww and dutNs conlKnd upoo TrustN h�nin�nd by�ppNcable. '
<br /> I�w.
<br /> Z0. R�quest for Notic�s. BoROw�r nquats that coplss ot th�notlas o1 dehuh and �at�M s�M to Barower•�addreas
<br /> widch b tM Ptopaty Addras. "BarowK turtha►nquab that oopi�s of tM notkas o1 dehuR�nd aaN b�ant to th�penon sef
<br /> fath hKMn." . �
<br /> Z1. AMENOEO COYENAN'T. In�deNHoe to th�cov�nts and �preentants mtde In th�Instrum�nt,MoRq��and
<br /> Mort�ya iu�ther.oov�t and agre�aa fowowa:
<br /> Barower��ea tMt ahouW tAb Securil�r Insttum�nt and th�nob s�cuted thereby not b�eNyibl� 1or inwrana u�der ths . ,
<br /> Nationai f�{ou�inp Act wlt�in NinMv Oasrs irom ths dtle hereot. Lend�►msy.�t Ib option and .
<br /> � . notwkhttanc�rp anythin� in Par�9ttph�, nqt�in Ym�t� p�ynwnt in fu� ol �II sums s�ound by thit S�curily .
<br /> Instrw�nL A writien � staternanl of any aufhaiz�d a�nt of lh� S�crNary d�t�d aubspu�nt to .
<br /> � .
<br /> ���!�.�.�� �t'C.st�.!!!�Sf��1:.^!O�,dr!c!!rt!!IQ !o!R!Jte tA14 S+!r+!�tN��n�lnlnMnt anrf fhn ��:_'-
<br /> nM� srcured th�neby. shali b�ds�n�d conduslw proM ol such inMpib�y. NoMrithstandinp th�fonpoin�,tMs opt{on -
<br /> � ; m�y not br�c�cis�d by LerMer when the unavaYDily of inwnncs is aotely du�tv Lender's talure to nrNt�m�atpapa
<br /> — � i�stuarta pnmkim to ihe seaelary. . . :..,. :
<br /> 22. Ridsrs to thls S�curky Instrum�t�� If ona a mnre dden �n exeatsd by Borroww and noord�d top�ther wich ,�'�
<br /> tna s.cwity insenim.n� tns cov.n�nes a «cn such�ia.r an.11 e. incapor.tsa inco and sn.r am.na ana n��pl�rnKd M. co+nrw�a _ w �
<br />. and aynertwnts W thb Sacudty Instrument as M th�rfd�r(�)wera�n a prt ot this Securiry Inatrument. [CMdr appNc�DN box(a)). ::�`
<br /> . �;�
<br /> ❑Condo+r�irt►Rid�r ❑A�d�ustabN Rat�RWrr C�(lrowinp Equity RWer ,
<br /> �PMnnsd tlqit OsvNopm�nt FUde� ❑C,rndwt�d P�yrtNnt Rid�r �Othw Acknowledgement E Mor[gage Addendum
<br /> <�,;:
<br /> . .�.
<br /> BY SIaNiNO BELOW,Borrawer accepts and a9rees to th�t�tms rontained in this Securily InsUument ana in�ny dder(s) executed '�;�
<br /> by Bortower and nCOrded with ii. .
<br /> ._,, ..
<br /> .. ty�»saes: , . . i .�
<br /> �, v � .. . � "f •i'"�"l) ��� , .
<br /> eo.�o�. a A. arofd ,
<br /> ' � . . �f - '{-����
<br /> 'f j�7���:��x�ll �I /. ; �l���.J�.. ��
<br /> _ e���Kimb�ri N. Hsrotd
<br /> � t5pace BNOw Th�s Une fa AcknovNeopemerrt)__ -- --
<br /> r----
<br /> , , SY'ATE OF N�brlska � �
<br /> ss:
<br /> courrr�r oF Ha�
<br /> Th� toreyoki9 Instrument was�cicnowledyed bdor�me thhs 24th day of _ April �19�,
<br /> by D�ryn A. Haiold and Klmb�rtx,N. Harold . husband and wN� ,. _ _. ...� _ �
<br /> � VYrtness my ha�d�nd officia) seai. �� --— -- • • �
<br /> My cammisslon e.�res� N�, � �, . �
<br /> 6E�i.q�1 ��.,ry Si��a r,t N��taska J�l r�� -� � �, � �/ � - � �f
<br /> t.`.- . •'EY M aILION �
<br /> kotary t�___ p�`,-------._....�..� _� _ .. . �
<br /> _- � e'. .. .,•.• <<� IuN 2.13�1 .,
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<br /> �514�ICL �'�Vf�. [�ia/Jp) U{4/J/90) 2�fi0053
<br />, �
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