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<br /> Aa ui�d k� ihi�S�curity in�irumant, „S�Wry" mea,n�th�S�creRiry o1 Housinp�nd Urban Oev�toprt�l w hb or ha s�nee.
<br /> � Mose 3ecxtsRy MstfL�nt�In�urad by ttte L�eCtet�ryl aro k►atKac!under p�op�eme whlch�tQuke asi+rance pay�rnent ot tAa entlre martqapa
<br /> � hwrar�c�p��r�. If thts S�curlty InatnxTMnt b or wn inwrad und�� proQnm whi�h did not ��quk��dvanc�pay��nl ol tA��ntk�
<br /> mort�y�inaur�no�pr�mium, lh�r►�rch monlhy paym+nt sAa/��o inc�ud��ithK: (I)�n hstaNmenl 01 tM anowi modg�q� hswmc�
<br /> prnt�ium to bs pNd by Lx�d�to tM S�a+�Wy, or(��montAy cMry�tn�tMd ol�moKp�� tns�mu pr�nium K thti S�cudty
<br /> � M►�t�unwnt h hNd by 1h�S�a�t�y. Each montMy in�tM�+it of lM mort� (nwnnoe prwr�um shM b�In an rnount wMdmt to
<br /> �t� th�fu�Mxwd mortp��haix�►c�pnMum wilh L�ncUr on� manth prior to tA�dat�th�1W annwl mat�� ins�uu�u
<br /> pan�km�k cl�,.eo t++. s«xwy, o► M thi.s.aNNy In�Mum.nt M N.te oy tn.s.«.t.ry, ..cn n+ontny c1�q.sn.�b.tn .n an,ount
<br /> �t�i to at♦lw�MtA ot atth�M pKant of tM aitsW�dn9 P+1nc�1 bWno�dw on ih�Not�.
<br /> M BorrovrK hnd�n ta L�tM 1W p�yn�N W�1 wm� a�cw�d by tM�S�c��ily InstrurrNnL Barowar'�aooax�t shd 0� ondit�d
<br /> wMh tM b�Yna nn�q 1or M InstaNnMnb tor Ihms f�1. (b) and(c1 ��Y�9�9� �G p����nst�n�t tt►�t UndM
<br /> Ms no1 b�con�obN�t�d to p�y to tM S�a�Wy,�nd l�nd�t sMl proaptly nAmd any�ccas 11md� ta Bo�rowK. kmNCMtey prior to
<br /> •bndown wN of tM Pmp�ty or ks acquWMon by l�. Barawu'�aooax�t�ha b�a�dited with any baMnd�tnh� tor��
<br /> N�hltnwnt� ta 1l�ry (�)� lb)�nd (c?•
<br /> 3. Applicatlpn pf Paym�nh. 11�p�yrtNnq undK para�raphs/ and 2 shaN M applied by Urtdr as totowa:
<br /> Fl�t to th.monyp� Inwwna pr«Nun+a b.p�id by �.ndu to tn. s.cnary a to tn• n�ontny chr� b�►tn. se«.tary
<br /> , Instaad oi t�monthly morty��tnsunnc� ptti�ittum, unNsa Bort�ow�►p�id tM�nfln mat�p� insu�na pr�tt wh�n this S�axily
<br /> In�irument rw� si�n�d;
<br /> S�CWfd, to�ny Was,�p�l ass�sstt�nt�, INSN�oId p�y�n�nb�qround nnts, and fKe, Aood and oth�haz�rd�rsauance
<br /> Pnrt�xns.as nqutnd�
<br /> Third.to int�t dw under th�Note; �
<br /> Foutth,to rmo�Uration o1 t►�e�pnc�ip�i d tM Notr,
<br /> Fifth, to rc.chwy�a dw under tAe Na+M.
<br /> 4. Fi��� Ffood and Oth�r Hszsn! Inw�anc�. Baroww sAaN Inwn aM krprov�ments on th�Propwry,whether now b
<br /> txiu�ra or wbs�qwntty atctsd, a�fnit�ny hazards. asu�NNs, and contln�endes, hdudiny 1in. M► which L�nder requi�e�
<br /> tnwrana. This t�w�o� sh�N b�m�k�t�+�d in th��nwunts and 1a th�p�iods that Le�dw�equk�s. Bortoww shM also insura aN
<br /> knprovemenb on thu Pr�opeity,whethe►�ow h�d�t�e+a or�ubspu�nty erscted, ap�inst bss by fbods to th��ct�nt nqukd by ths
<br /> 9�aNary. AN InstKana shM M carrisd wkA oq++D���PDr��bY t.�nd�►. Th�insunnce policks�d�ny ne�nb sha�bs t�eid by
<br /> Lender and sMN indud�bsa p�yabte ctausa in Mvor ol,and in a lortn acosptabta to, Lender. .
<br /> In the�vent o1 ios�, Hortawer aha� �iv�L�nd�►hn�t� nMiw by mY. lende►m�y m�ka proof ot bs�M noi rtride prompty by
<br /> 8orrow�r. Each hwnince eompany eonewmed b h�nby authafnd and dneted ta m�ks paymenf la such loss dnctty to Lender,
<br /> inst�d of ta BoROww and to Lond�r Jok�tly. IU a any p�A ol th�tn�uranes praeMds n�y be appted by L�dK tl Rs vpNo�.eithK ,
<br /> {wj 2ri 2l18 i6wiC�w'i O!th: :idC�J2�tr..:iiiiQ»2:tv l:C.'v Ci:.'�t!`«:..Q..""..�'!M`�!!l:�.lS.l1"�M..!�'!2'J II!!y '.�'.�ls!`�S1','.l�.! �.'!!�'!!�.! �!!R!�t!Ci�' --- -
<br /> b Paragapf� 3,�nd thm to pnpaynMnt d piinci�l,,or(b)to tM nstoralion or npalr of the d�m�ped prop�rty. My�ppNcarion ol ths -
<br /> - _ _" .......1..�w �Aw �tw.�1 �M M w.An.. ww�M.�ww=b�A...�d.M....�K...w��w�.. il�V J�-� . _ - _
<br /> - - y:vv..w rr �.w y."w'i��r 3.....:�w�w.ti ri'C pw4ru.w .ti v�..vw��w nw��wn�u�.y Mw`7i�wiuG ii►t�n.rt in►i�wtws io tt�ayii4Ji1�. vf
<br /> chanp�tIN amounl of wcft WY��^ts. My exass klwano�proCNds owt an �rtiount required to p�y�outst�ndn� tndebt�dness
<br /> u�der th�Not�and tl�it SeaxMy Mat�ument aAa/b�paid to th�a�dty Nqvy�ntltled tAeraco. -
<br /> In th��+r�nt of tor�iasun of thb S�axily InsturtwM or ath�r transhr o11kN to the Prop�ty th�t �ctln�uithN th�ind�btednts�, �II - •��
<br /> tipht,tkN and bt�t ot Bortow�r in a�►4 to inawfne� poiciy h to�sAar paat to tM purchasw. s
<br /> ,
<br /> 5. Pr�nrsNon and Malnt�nanc� o�: th� Prop�rty. Li�,ss�holds. 9oROwK snw na oam�t wai• or e.saoy,
<br /> denw� a wbstantiYy chan�th�PropMty o►Now th� R'opMty to atetiorat�. reasonabN wrr �nd tw�xqpt�d. UIndK rtwy
<br /> tnsp�c.t th�property N th� prop�ty is vac�mt or ab�ndon�d or tM lo�n k fn dMault. Lend�r may Wc� rwsaMbM�cdon to protect and
<br /> pnssv�wch v�cant or�banda�ad prop�ry. M tAis Seaxfty N�itrwrNnt b on� feas�hold. Bcxrow�► sh�N cortipl�r vrllh tM provistons ,
<br /> M Ih�Iw�. H Bartow�r fres 1w titN to tM th� IMt�hold�nd fe�tide ahaM not D�mer i
<br /> acqa Prop�rry. �d u�ss Under a�rees to th�
<br /> � tr�Qa M1 wrifk►p.
<br /> a. Char s ta Borrow�r a�d P�d�ctbn o1 l.�nd�r's Ri hts in th� P�o • :#
<br /> 0� � P rtf►• earow« .Na11 var .r
<br /> povwnm�tW a municJpN ch�es.fhea and impo�Nloe�th�t�n not Induds6 In ParayKapA 2. Borrow�r ahal p�y th�a� obfipe6ons on
<br /> thN dU�ctly to tM enflty whkh Is owsd tM p�yrMnt. H hlun to pay would adveraey eflect Lenda's interest h the Prope�t�t, upon
<br /> Lender's requast �ower sMp prompty i�xnbh to L�nd�r naipts erid�rtcinp these payment�.
<br /> It BarowK /ais to m�ke t�ese paymmts a ths p�ym�rtts nQu�red by Pan�raph 2, a tails to peAortn�ny other covenar�ts and
<br /> prNrt�nb canWn�d in thb Securiry In�tnxrNM� or th�n Is w ip�t Proc�dr+0 th�t rt�y slqnificanty ailkt t�ndK'f �iqhb in the
<br /> Pfrap�rty (wch as •proo«M� in b�Ncn�pk.y.tor cond�srsatian a to�nlora laws or rpul�tlons). tMn Unda m�y do Ked p�Y
<br /> whatev�r b necessary to protect th�valw d th�PropKty�nd Lender's riyhta in ihe PrapNty, indudnq payment o1 taxes. lsuard
<br /> Insurana an�f ott�r it�ms m�ntion�d b Parayrapb 2.
<br /> &sy isssouriti dabutiad by tCStQa tsttdir tltti PisiQri�h =!ss!De:.Otr�a it►addiiit)nal Cebi of E3a'row�r attid be setvrrd by thn
<br /> S�curi[y Insirum�nt.TMa�arnounts shaM DMr int�nst tirtxn th� d�t�of di�bursernent.tl tAe Note nts, and at th�option of LenO�,sh�A
<br /> b�Irtm�tdy dw�nd p�yable.
<br /> ?. COAdfmn�t101f. The procaeds ot any �w�rd or c��irn tor dsrtwpex. direct or consequenti�l. In conneetion witA �ny
<br /> oondertnation or other Wcjny of any part o1 tha Propaity, w to�conveyance in ptace ot conderm�Uon,are hereby asslpned uod shaY .--_��--
<br /> oe paio to Lantia t'v i1e a�ieni oi iha iu+ �trwuai oi in�ii�idiriia'tzais� 21►ai t1�i+s unpaiid unuer ii�e ntitd ir�G tr�i5 3i�Gwiiy insirumeni. '
<br /> lender ahd �pply suCh proCeeds to th�roducUon of th�indebtsdness under the Note and this Security InsUUmertt, fuat to�ny
<br /> delinquenl am0U+lis applied in the order provkkd in Pu�praph 3,�t1d then to prepayn'►ent o1 p�tnCip�l. My appNGttiOn 01 the p�o4eeds
<br /> to the prindpal shal not extend a postpone th�due date of the monthly p�yments. w�ich are relened to in Paiapr�ph 2, a ch�nge '
<br /> the�moum o1 auch payments. My excess proceeds ovx an�mount rpuked to pay oA outstbnd�nfl indebtedness under the Note aRd �
<br /> thia Security Instrum�nt shaq be paid to tne entify teg�ty mtitfed the!eto. �
<br /> L8. F�Ni. Lender may co9ect tees�nd charges�ulhorized by the SeGretary ��
<br /> 9. Grounds for Accal�ration o� D�bt. �
<br /> to
<br /> (�) O�f�tJlt. Lender r.�ay, exCepl es Ner�ited by regulebons issued by the Seuet�ry vi thp cese of p3yment delaLlis. reqwra , ��
<br /> knmediate payment In t�tl ot aN sums secured by this SecLriry lnstvume�t A '
<br /> c�.�t��r, -w•x, �:.,5. .:�c r . .
<br /> . <��_. �
<br /> �
<br /> r:,=S�� _ -,,,r - ----_-- - - - -_
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