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<br /> (d) 8enellclsry may ek3ct to cause ihe Trust Prope�ty a�eny pnrt thereol to bQ so/d un�or tho pawvr ot salo,and m such ovent.
<br /> 6sneNCi�ry a Trustae sh�lf g�Ve sucA nat(ce of�alault artd rtotice o/salA ss may tre then reqi�irad by law. Therealter,upon t'�e
<br /> explreticx�ot sueh iime And the giviny ot su�J�notiee o!saJa as niey Ihen be r�qulred by Ic�w.Trustao.�[tho timo and plac�speci5ed
<br /> by the rtotico of Se�b,sRall seN such Ti�ust Prope+fy,a any part thareot speciHed by Beneficlary,at Rub;ic auction to the hlghest
<br /> bldda for cesA in OawfW mor�y ot tha Unite�l States o!America.Upon receipt olpAymont�t the prlce Did. Trustee sl�all epply the
<br /> ptoc.wds!�ths A�lfowlr�Q ads�:(i)to tAe'cost en�expenses of exerclsinq tho power pf sa/e and ot the sa/e,incl�:ding b�t nof►;mlted
<br /> � ro,trustss's/sN or nat moro Man 5500•00 plus onn•hatt of one percent o!the gross sale prico, and reasonaD/a erttaney fees, (ii)to
<br /> th�Ind�rbt�dnsss,mrd(;il�the excess,il any.to the person or persons/egrlf�pnfiNed therefo.
<br /> A�R costs�d expsnles Incurcad 6y Beneliclaryr in e.�Facing any right under th(s Deed a!TrusL!ncluding wlMout��mltaNOn,abstract or title
<br /> � iMS��APP�MsM lsss�pMIf111N1i9�OI hi19 Il19!/fAl1C9.at�orrt9y f6es and Coun Costs.sAal!be and constiiute indabta�tass secured hereAy.
<br /> � 27. A�uNss ol Tiusls�. TrusMr eg�ss tM1:
<br /> (�) puNes end obkyaGions oi Trustee shall be dete+mireed solely by the express provrsions ot this Deed al Trust anq Tiuste�shall nat De
<br /> � Q l;ab�s exc�pt IIa th�perbnmance ol se�ch dertios and oDligations as are speci6cally set forth hsrein,end no implied covenants a
<br /> �j ol�allons shuM ber lmposed upon Trusree,
<br /> � (b) No provision o/th/s Deed o/Tiust sha/f require Tiustee to expend w risk its own turtds,or othen�vise irtcus any/rnancief obNyatlon!n
<br /> � ths p�rRamanc�o/any of its dvties hereunder,or in tho exerclse of any pf its rights a powe�s.
<br /> � � (c) TiwMs may cartitWt with counsel ol its own choasing and tha edvise ol such counse!shalf be fut!and complete auMoifzallon and
<br /> p�tscdon in dt�rospscl of Any actiat taken a sofleretl by it hereundar!n good feit�and raliance thereon,and
<br /> (d) �iW(+rs shdl rtW be liable tor eury action Mken 6y it In�ood/aith and reasonably Defi�ved by it to be authaized a withi�its
<br /> discr�Nort or rights a powerS contened upon it by tMs D�eed ol trust.
<br /> 28. Sscwify Agroement and Flxture Flting. This Oeed o!Trust shaN constitu�e a securiry agreement and lixture filing und��iha provislons o/
<br /> fM Neb�raska Unilorm Commsrclal Cade with respact to those fixtures described in the preambles hereof as constitudng a part of the
<br /> Tiust!'�opsrty,together with aN oiher properiy o1 Tiusta.eiiher similar or dis5imilar to the 5ame,now or hereafte�located al a on the
<br /> Trus�Propeity.
<br /> 2�. Futws Advancss.U,pan request of Tiusta,Reneliciary,at Beneficlary's option,prla to full reconveysnce of the Tiust Properfy by
<br /> TiusMs to Tiusta:r*�y make luture advances ro Trusta.Such future advances. with interest therea►,shal!be secured by thls Deed o/
<br /> Tiust.At no Nme sl�t!ths p►incipal amourt�af'he Indebfedness secured Dy this Deed of Trust,not irtcluding sums advanced to protect
<br /> Ihe seCU�ify.exaeed fhe totar Scnr;ol S .Advances ot dlsbursements made by Benelicisry to protect the securiry,
<br /> wtder the tenrfs hereo/,whife c8'sc�eNonary,shall not be deemed to be op6onal ad�arrces.
<br /> 30. Reconvsyance. Upon payment of a/l lndebtedness secured by this Deed of Trasf.Beneticiary shall request Trustee to reconvey the
<br /> Trust Property and shall surrender thls Oeed a/Tiust end ali nofes evrcPercing Indebiedness sacured by this Oeed o!Tic�s�ta Tiusteo.
<br /> Tiustsu shall reconvey the Trust Prope�ty without warranry and withou5•r�rarge ta the person or persons legally entitled thereto. Such
<br /> person a persons shall pay a11 costs of recordation, if any.
<br /> 31. Subsdtute Tastee.Beneficiary,a!its option,may Irom time ro ti,ne remove Tius:ee a��appoint a Successor trusfee to any Trusiee
<br /> appointed hereundei by an instntment recaded in the caunry in which this Deed ot T�ust is iecorded.Withoui t�onveyance ot the Tiust ,
<br /> Propeify,the Successa riustee sha!!succead to aIl t;Ne.power and duties confe�red upon Tiusteet herein and by applicab�e la�v.
<br /> 32. MlsceUaneous R�gRts of 8eneliciary. Seaef�cBary may at any time and i�r�.�,�►time io ti�ne,withaut rra�'.ce,consent to the mak.cr�ol any .
<br /> � plat ot the Tiust Prope�ty or the creation of any easement the�eon or ar�covenants resiricting use vr occupancy thereof ar agree to
<br /> eTter w ernend iiiv i&,i75�t fh;,;:.a8d ot 7tust. �trr Fot�^,"S!j1tOp�R'�rw�:s:.^.?ttg:;r!!'hs Fi;..�ef P!Jr��Bn9/thA T/JlC1 PI�RI�/nAC
<br /> � - bs�n possessed a xcupied by Beneficiary,its agent or any purchaser foUowing Trustee's sale. lorec/osure.or undei any deed in lieu .
<br /> o/Tiusbe's ssle a forectosure,shall be concluseve(y presumed fo have G�een abandoned by Tr�sior.
<br /> J.'!. �O iV 1'/iJSIOf. i►usivr irerdoy requesis iirai dr wpy o�arry rraii�ro vi ireretrir anv ii'viiF.n vf 8a�v���QVO w owo:.i,iav�j:irvaivv�ii�ifa'rii .
<br /> � . ro ths provJsions hereol be seRt ro Tiustor at its mailing address set foRtt hereirtabove. See �achibit A f or paragraph 34. �
<br /> ;
<br /> IN W/TNESS WHEREOF, thls Deed o1 Tiust hss been duty ex��U������r��t/���w��ERSHIP, BY TRIAD ��
<br /> . .,:�•..._
<br /> � t ��.� �� �
<br /> � STATEOFNEBAASKA ) Richard J. Mer ick� Freisdent '
<br /> 1ss.
<br /> COUNTY OF. �L )
<br /> r
<br /> t.
<br /> On Mi�da o���KU.�!, 19 9d betore me, a norary pub.:c rn and lorsard county,p��sonatty came Richard J. ,
<br /> p� �� ' ,krrown to me to be the identiCal persons who .�r
<br /> slg 'ng Ue9d o ►ust and ac rtowfedged the execufion thereof fo be therr voluntary act and deed,and the voluntary act and �
<br /> dsed o/said caporao�or►.
<br /> W/TNESS my hand end notarial sea!on thls the day and year last above wntten.
<br /> (SEALJ ���«�IY /
<br /> � ��L�1� �� �` /_�-c c�L 4��
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<br /> � )ss.
<br /> COUNTY OF �__ }
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<br /> .� On thrs day of... �.., t9�,befo�e me, a notary pub6c m entl lo�sard county.personglty Came�_____._.._ � - �
<br /> end —_____ �_______._._–.___ .._..__. _ ._. _. .knOwn fo me to be the�denbcal pe�sons who
<br /> slqnetl the foregoing Dasd ol Trusf and acNnow�edged the execut�vn thereof ro be tne�r vo�untary aci ar�d deeU
<br /> WITNESS my hand and natdnal seA!vn thrs the day and year Iast above wniren
<br /> � (SFAL) �
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