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<br /> �
<br /> � �
<br /> �eed of Trusi
<br /> �.,�.,5 90--�- 10�?�a'�
<br /> Trind Properties I.imited
<br /> � TH(S DEFD UF TRIIST!s made this�t�_dey of�.b.�.l19.�yt� , t8 24_,by and betwaen�I1.��Lahiv. Bv Triad ,
<br /> -lav�sts�ata-�Co�po�aCi a�,--Ceuarsl-�a�Caar _whether one vr more,(hereinaRer ca�lad the"Trusror"),
<br /> M�hG1�me�M;n�addross fs.,.�'�1�. 6HR1 D
<br /> MOAWEST BANK-Nebt aka Nat�onal Aasoc atio (herelnaAer caued[he"T�ustee"), whose marling eddress is
<br /> P x 176 . Gra�n Island, NE AndNORYNESTBANK NPbraei�a= National Aasociation ,(hareinalter
<br /> c�roith�"Eene/lclary'), whosamalr;n�eddressls P• �- Box 17fL$ 6rand iel��� NebraAka 68$Q? ,
<br /> WlTNESSETH:
<br /> WHER S n�s ( i[r debted to 8enel'iclary in the principal sum of T� H�D�A �RTY SEVEN THOUSAND AND NO/100-----
<br /> i Odla�s(5�4�•o�•�v ),which indebtednessls evidenced by Tiusta's promissory note dated Fej�ruary 23, 19 2Q_, (hereinafter
<br /> : calkd the"Note'),payable ro the ader ol Beneliciary and having a maturiiy o/_M8LC1L..15_—, 200Q ,
<br /> iNOW, THEREFt�AE,Bnr the pu�pose of securing:
<br /> ' (a) payment o/the Note,together with interest thereon,�ate charges,prepayment pertalties,any future advances,and all extensions,
<br /> modiR�caQions,substitutions and renewals thereof,
<br /> ; (b) p�yment of al!oMer sums,fees or charges,fogethe�wrth inte�est thereon,advanced to protect the securiry ot thls Deed o/Trust and
<br /> the peAamance ol the covenants aRd agreements of Tiustor, whether or not set foRh herein,
<br /> ' (c) psrMrmance,disch�erge of and compliance with every term,covenant,oDligation a►rd agreeme»t o1 Trustor conlained heiein or
<br /> lncapaated by relerence a any other securiry instrument at anytime given to s�cure the Note,and
<br /> � (d) the repayment ol all other sums or luture advances, with interest thereon, which may heretofore heve been o�hereafter be advanced
<br /> � by Beneficlary to Trusto►or TruStors success�r in�nre►es�Qr cirre,
<br /> ? MI of whiCh Is hereirtaner coNectively ca!!ed t►w "Indebtedrtess"..Tnrstor irrevoc8bly grants end Gansfers to Trustee.r„r trust WITH POWER
<br /> � OF SAI.E,fhe lollow(Rg descrlbed property:
<br /> �
<br /> Lots Three (3) and Four (4) . in Argo Subdiviaion, in �flariY County,
<br /> . Nebraeka. '
<br /> � rogether with(1)all bulldings,st�uctuies,additions,enla►gements,mod+6ca�cr�s,repairs, replacements,and imp�ovements now or Aereafier
<br /> ' loCated tite►eon.(iij aif�quiprneni,nre4l�irro►y ai�u iixiurvs�nre:iutfiny, w;fhur�i ii�uifdiion,ari iiyirii►�y,7roairuy, ►6►�iriau:.y.CC�tir,g,3it .�__
<br /> ' conditloMng,sprinkling end plumbing fixtuies, water end powe�systems,engines,boilers,ranges,ovens, dishwashe�s,minors and mante�s, • �
<br /> � CS►pBtfitO.h/mBCes.oil twmers,elev8to�s and mofnrs_relriaerah(an ntantc nr unifc.cnmm.�ni_r.atinn cu.ctomc �lvnamnc tranclnrmprc A/A!`{lIf`AI �`•=
<br /> eqWpment,storm end screo�r windows,daors,awnings and shadesj now ar hare8tter attachad fo,oi buili in.any building or improvement
<br /> rtow or heroelter located lh�reos�,(Iri)a1!easemenis and rights of way appu�,ne.7ar.t the,eto,(iv), all feasehold estate,right, Gtle a�ea�fnterest ol =
<br /> � 7�ustor in and to all leases,wl�ether now or hereaft��existing or entered�ntcr{rrre/udm�,wethout Irm,tatr�^, all cash and securiry dep�osits, :
<br /> BdvaRCe Ientels artd depoSits o�pa}�ments of a srmitar natura),perteining thereta, (v)all ranis, issues,profits and irrcome iherefrom(subJect
<br /> ' (n Ms rlyht ot Trustor b colfect an�a�rply such�ents,issues,profits and income as they become due and payable so long as no event of •
<br /> � ds/ault sxis[s hereunder), (viJ al!r�ras'ties,rrrineral,oii and ges rghts and profits, water,water nghts,and s�vater stock. (vil)all tenements. �
<br /> ' hereditarner►ts,•pdvileges and appunenances belonging,used.�ac enJoyed in connection therewith,and(vii�)a1l proceeds of convetsJon,
<br /> � vduntery or invduntary,of any ot the(oregWng into ces;�wliqv,dated claims(inc/uding, wrthout IimitaGon,proceeds a�insurance and
<br /> ' condemnaavn ewerds),ai!ot whiCh is hereineftef Cel(eCtively C81Ied fhe"Tiust Prope►ry".
<br /> 1. Tide.Trustor covenants,wanants and agrees w�th BenearYrary,its suecessors and assigns,thar Trustor awr.s tl2e Trrlst Properry fiee
<br /> � ho�m any prior(ien or encumbrance, that[his Deed oP t7.u�',s and wrll iemain a valyd and enlorceable l�rst lie�r�r.►the Trtas�Properly.
<br /> that Trustor,et;�expense,will preserve su�:tr tiUe an�w�u maintain thrs Qeed ol Trust as a h�st and paramoun7 lien uporn�"e Tryst
<br /> Property and K�'!taever wanani artd de�eu��':he validity and piioriry of the h�n hereof egainst tP�a claims of a/l pe�sons��aC�art;es �
<br /> whomsoeve�. Trustor,at its expense, wi11 cause this Deed o!Tnrst,and each amendmer►t a supplement hereto,to be filect arrd , �
<br /> , reCOrded 8s a mortgage ot the Trust Properry 1n such manner and in such place and will take such achon as in the apinron ot Trustee
<br /> may be requi�ed by any present or luture!aw in a0er fa peAect.ma�nfain and proieci the l�an o1 thrs Doed of T�ust, as the same may
<br /> be amended or supplemented from rrme ro errae. Trustor w,ll make such lunher assuranc�or assurances to peAect rts title to tAO T�ust
<br /> Property as maXtt9 required by Beneficrar� Trustor he�eby relinqwshes a►!right of dowe�and homeslead�n and to the Trust Prope�ty.
<br /> 2. Payment o/lndebtedrtess. Trustor sha/1 punctually pay;he pnncipal of and�nteres!on the Indebtedness secu�ed hereby.
<br /> 3. ConsGt�cOOn ol lmprov9ments. Tiustor shal!complote m yood and wodrmanlrke manrre�any bu�idings.�mprovements w repaus rela6ng
<br /> thereb whlCh may bg begun on the Trusi Properry or contemp/ated by the loan evidencea by the lVoie secured hereby,to pay when
<br /> due a11 costs and liabrl�tres rncurred fherefore,and not fo perm�t eny construcUOn lien agernst such Trust Properry.In the even!
<br /> construction ol buildings,rmprovements o�rpparrs a�e contemp/efed. Trusto�also agrees, anything►n th�s Deed ol Trust to the cont�ary
<br /> notwlthst8nding;{a)fo pto�»ptly Commenca any such work artd to camplefe the pr000sc�d improvements p►omptly, {b)to camplete the
<br /> ' Stsrr�B in Ecc�tdence�rdh ths plsns�nt!s�t�crtr�strons vs appravsd tsy Bsnetr��ary. .c/ta cor»pty wntr al;the tesms ot a burldrrrg loan
<br /> agreement,if any,befween Tru�ta snd Benefrc�ary, mv terms o!wh,ch arb,ncorpora�ed herem by reference and made a pan he�eol.
<br /> (d)to alMw Beneficiary to mspect tha 7rust Pioperry et au bmos Uunng construct,�r,.and(01 to�eprace any work or materra/s
<br /> unsebsfectory to 8enelrc�ary w�thrn Irfteen(t5�days after wntten noUCe lrom 8enetr�rary o1 such IaGt
<br /> �. Funds for Peyment of Charges.SnbJect[o applrcable la.v or to a wntten wa,ver by 8enef,c�ary. Trusto►shaii pay ro Benafi�rary on me
<br /> h?st dey of eat�:month,or such other defe each month as may be spec�l�ed by Benehc�ary,unf�![he lndebtedness�s pard�n/ull,a sum
<br /> {hpt9lnaKar GatlRd the"Fundc"1�+q�r,al m 1�1?th n!thn unarty Ierpg 2nii;+ccggcmante yyh,_r.h may attam Drtonty ove�th�S D98d of�iuSi � �
<br /> end ground rents on the Trust P�operty,if eny,plus 1�12fh of the yearly prem,um�nstal�ments lor hazard rnsurance,plus � 12fh ot the '
<br /> y�arry premrum�nsfallmenis lo�moRgage�nsurance, d any,a�l as reasonably esbmated rn�Uatly and lrom t�me ta trme by BenelrC�ary on
<br /> the besls o►assri.ssmenfs and b+lls end reasonaDlo esUma�es theieol 7he Funds shall bp held m an msbfution, the depos�ts o►
<br /> aCCOUnts of wlrich a�e insured o�gua�enfeed by a lederpl v�state agency�nc�ud�ng Bene.`�ctary.Benel�c�ary shall appty the Funds to
<br /> pay seid taxas,assessments,rnsurance p�emrums and gtound�ents Benehc�ary shau not be requrreU Io pay 7rustor any rnteresr or
<br /> eArrir.gg pn the�unds.BBtJefC/ary Shell giie to Tr��stOr, without Charge,an Annua►actount�rtg�l the Funds Shdwmg c�ed+ts and ��
<br /> dEt1i1.5.o thE�Funds 8nd fh8 pu�pose tUr which each de6rt to the F�n�1s w�s made The Funds are p�edged as addrtrona►secunry fo� �
<br /> 1 the/nCeDfedness SB�ured by fhis Deed of Trust !l the amount OI thp Funds held by Benefrc�ary,to,r�ethpr w,th the iufu�e mpnlh/y
<br /> �.. �nsta�lmenls at F�.ncis payeClt�pr�or tv the dvo datos o�taxes.assessmen�s. �nw�ance p-em�ums ar�rf ground renls.shaU vxceed tncr ,�
<br /> amcunt requ�ve�to pay sa�d taaces,assessmants.msu�anCe premrcmS ancJ y�ound��'nts as they ld'�duo. suc'�excess snal�trcr, at �
<br /> Tru:,lor'S optrOn,e�thQ�prompt!y rpp8%d f0 TIUStOI O!CrBdRQd tU TIUStOr agd��5t lutu��mpn*h1y,nSt�dmOnPS o!Fw�ds ll the amount vr tA
<br />: the Fund�held by BenebC�ary shaU not be sulfiCrent to pay tax�s. assessments. +nsu�ance l��em,um; iI/�d .?�OLl�d/C�fS d5 ltif!y 1aU duP ►�
<br /> Trustor Sha!!pay lo Benei�crnry any amount necessary io makv up the de��crnncy w:_'h,n t++�ny day; �•om t�e Urr!e�nt�ce•s ma��eo h�• �
<br /> Benalrc+ary to 1��ustor requestmg paymeni thoiQOl 1lpr,n�,aym�nt,n I.�1�nt:o,r t��pt��d�,u« gn„�e,_.�.�. <n�,:�,.;..,,�,.r,y.��r;,.,;���. �
<br /> Ftusfor t�ny�untls ht7+U by De.nefrc�ary Jf ih� Trust Piaperfy�S SO�d l�nt�E/Ihe poWb�t (AS3't�01 lhn 7r.�;r Is•,�f�F.r�� '.}t'trn/Yi tit�dc q,r��•��
<br /> by l3ar,�tecrary. BenehC�ary shat!,�ppty.�mmed,;�tety pnor tv fl�[�sa�e c�'!hc� 1�u�r�'rc,.�em•�.�ds :e c�,, ;rr.•�br Ne���'r .,��v ,r�; <<,��u•.
<br /> he�d by f3enehcr�ry r�t ttre trme o�ap�,l,C.al:p»aS a c�od�t aCjamst 7ho Ir.•Jehre.;r�!,ti ��(9P•��•(: .t'i�•�•'; u'F .t.•,• •��•�r�:d.� �, �r•�i�.,'�'' �.
<br /> f�LhiJirlruny uncie�lhrs Lr<rra?raph 4. Trustc��CovE•n�tnts�7{7(�ii(��C('C!i�/._�� ('�•f(✓!•(�if• •,�p, t (q; :mt. ,. '.�ul•.. . '.����� �� �.�,.,�,�..r. �
<br /> . .C� �_' .:i9• .
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