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<br /> 16. MlrcNlan�ow P�orhAom.
<br /> � (a) BoROw�t Not RN�aa+l.EMension of the time for payment or modillcation oi amartization o1 the suma securet�R�y tnla
<br /> Deed of Trust yranted by Lender to any euccasso�in Intorest ot Barrower shaii no3 oparata to reteasa.in any mann�s,!he 1iabUlry
<br /> ot the oFiyinAl Borrower and Rorrower'�successars in interest.Lender shall not be�+atluired to aommence prc��ee��regs a�ainat
<br /> such successe�rcc r.�tuse to extend timefar payment or othe►wise m�i.tx a-r.�asHzaticn a!the 9u�rna secured by this�IIeec1 mt�lruat
<br /> by�saaon ot an7;ct�manda mada by the ori�i�al Borrower and Borrc�:sr"s s�n��es�ors in unSe.*�si
<br /> (b) L�ndM'*Pow�n. WithAUt aftacting the Iiability of any othe�r�erson iia�;a��r th�a��+�rient of eny obtigetlon i��ar�in
<br /> mentianed,and withoui aftectinQ the Ilen or charge af thia Qeed of Trust upon any portion of the Property not then or thoretofore
<br /> ' releaaed a�securiy tor the tuil amaunt of all unpairl obUgatiana,lender may,i►om tima to time and without notice(i)�elease any
<br /> � � peraon so Ilable,(i�extend tha maturity or altar any of the terms of any suah obligationa,(iii)g�ant othe�Indulpences.(i�?►eleaaa
<br /> . or�econvey,or oauts to be reteaiaed or reaanveyed at any time at Lender's option any pa►cel,portion o�al!ot the P�operty,
<br /> (v)take o►rels�sa any other o�additional aecuriry for any obligatlon hereln mentioned,or(vi) make compoaitlo�a o� other
<br /> � ar►sn�sments witA debto►s in rolation Msreto.
<br /> � (c) Forb�a���c�by L�ndK Not s Walv�r.Any torbearance by Lender in exercisin�any ripht or remedy hereunder,o�
<br /> otherwlss aftorded by appllcabte law,ahall not be a waiver of or p�eclude the exerclae ot any such ►i�ht or remedy. The
<br /> procuroment ot In�urence or the payment of taxe�or other lien�or char�e�by Lender shall noi be a waiver of Lender's rIflA9 to
<br /> , accN�r�te the meturiry ot the indebtedness aecured by this Deed ol Trust.
<br /> , (c1) sucasron an9 Aalpn�sound;JoMI and swraral LiablNlY;C�ptto�i.The cove�ants and ayreements herein con-
<br /> . tained ehall bind,and the rlphts hereunder shall inure to,the+e��ect�ve�uccesaor�and assipns of Le�der and Trustor.All .
<br /> cpvenenb and aprsemants o1 Trustor shatl be�oint and aeveral.The cApttons and headings of the parapraph�of thia Deed o1
<br /> Tru�t are tor convenience oniy and are not to be u�ed to interpret or deline the provlslons hereof.
<br /> (e) RpuMt b►NoM�N.The partie�hereby reque�t tha18 copy of any�otice oi de}auii hereunder and a copy oi any notlCe
<br /> 01 aate hereunder be mailed to each party to thia Deed o1 Trust at the address set torth abave in the manner preacribed by
<br /> � applicable law. Excepl to�eny other natice�equired under appticable law to be given in another man�e►,any notice provided
<br /> fo►in this Oeed of Truat shall be given by mallinp such notice by certitled mail addressed to the other parties,at the address 3et
<br /> torth above.Any notice p�ovlded ior in this Deed o1 Trust shall be ettective upon mailing in the manner designated herein.lf
<br /> T�ustor is more than one person,notice sent to the address set torth above shail be notice to all such persons.
<br /> (� Insp�ctlon.Lender may make or cauae to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property,peovided
<br /> I thal Lender shall glve Trustor notice prior to any such inspection specitying reasonable cause therefor related to Lerc9es'g
<br /> � Intereat in the Property. ,
<br /> , (g) R�canv�y��c�.Upon payment o}all aums seCured by this DeecP of Trust,Lende�shall request Trustee to reconve�a U�e � .
<br /> � P�operty and shall surrender this Oeed of Trust and all notes evtdenciRC�:�debtedness secured by this Oead of Trust to Trustee. F
<br /> � t T�ustee shall reCOnvey the PropeRy without war►anry and without cr,arge to the person or persons legally entitted the�eto.
<br /> � •
<br /> ! Trustor shall pay ali costs o1 recordation,if any. •
<br /> ' (h) P�nonal P�opKty;S�curlty A9rNm�nt. As aad�t�ona� secunty tor tne payment of the Note,Trustor hereby grants ,
<br /> . • lender under the Nebraska Unitorm Commercisi Code a security interest in all fixtures,equipment,and othe�personai property �-��`
<br /> y;
<br /> ' used in connecUon with the real estate or improvements locatesl thereon,and not otherwise declered or deemed to be a pa�t of �_
<br /> the real esiate�ecured hereby.This instrument shal!be constre�ecf�as a Securiry Agreement under said Code,and the lender -
<br /> ahall have all�'ee ri�hts and remedies o1 a secured party under s2+d Code in addition to the rights end remedies created��?der -
<br /> and accorded 3he Lende�pursuant to th�s Deed of Trust;provided itsat Lender's rights and remedies under this paragraph sfiaS{ _
<br /> ' be cumulative w+th,and in no way a limitation on,Lender's rights and remedies under any other securiry agreement signetiby • �
<br /> �
<br /> BoROwer or Trustor.
<br /> (i) LNns aed Encumbr�neti.T►ustor hereby warrants and rep�esents that tnere is no detault under the provisions o4 any ��
<br /> mortgage,deed of trust,lease or purchase contract describing a��ec any part of the Property,or other contract,instrume�t or
<br /> � agreement con9tituting a lien oc encumDranCe ageinst all or any�art of the Property(colleCt�vely,"L,ens"),existing as of the
<br /> date ot this Deed of Trust,and that any ana all existing Liens remain unmodified except as disclosed to Lender in Trustor's
<br /> • written disclosure ot liens and encumbrances prov�ded for herein.Trustor shali timely pe�torm all ot Trc�stor's obllgations,
<br /> cavenants,representations and warranties unde►any and all oxisiting and future Uens,shall promptly forward ta lender coples
<br /> of all notices of detault sent In connection with any and all ex�st�rtg er luture Liens,and shall not without Lender's p►�or written
<br /> consent in any manner modity the provisions ot or allow any fut�re a�vances under any existing or future Liens.
<br /> (j) Applicatlon ol Paymmb.Unless otherwise required by law.s:,r*ts paid to Lender hereunder,including without I;rn�tation
<br /> payments of principal and interest, insurance proceeds,condemnatson proceeds and rents and prof�ts,shall 4e apps:ed by
<br /> Lender to the amounts due and owing from Trustor and Borrower m s�ch order a9 Lender in its sole d�screUOn deems des�rable. �
<br /> (k) S�v�rablllty. If any provision of this Deed of Trust confl�cts w�th appl�cabte law or �s declared inval�d or otherwise �,
<br /> unentorCeeble. 9uGh conflict or invalid�t� shall not aftect the other�rov�sons o�this Deed of Trust or the Note which can be
<br /> given effect without the conflicting prov�s:Qn,and to this end the pro�sions o1 th�s Deed of Trust and the Note are declare�d to ba
<br /> ' severabte.
<br /> (I) T�ms.The terms"Trustor"and"Borrower"shall include both smgular and ptural,and when the Tr�s�or and Borrower
<br /> are the same person(s),those terms as used in th�s Deed ot Trust shau be�nterchangeabte.
<br /> (m) Gov�mlrp Law. This Deed ot Trust shall be governed by the �aws of the State of Nebraska.
<br /> Trustar has executed this Deed of T►ust as ot the date wntten above.
<br /> L-'/f1.�!!�� �'1 '��',
<br /> . ' . (Arno�d c. wenri} T:ustor xusband
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<br /> �(tinda Wenn) Trustor Wife
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