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<br /> � -� - �
<br /> ' TRUSTOR READ THIS BEFORE SICaNIN(�: �1Q�1 O�►�i O ia
<br /> Y�ustor un�ent�nds th�t ti�s document that Truetor is about to execute i�a Deed of Truat and not a mongaye end that the power
<br /> of als providsd tor In ths Deed vlYrual prc�vides subatantialiy ditterent riflht�and obUpatlona to Truntor than a mortpaQe In the event
<br /> � of a datault o�brea�h of obSlflatian under the Dead of Tru�t,Inaludfnp,but nat Ilmit2d tc�,the Lendar's right to have the Piaperty sold
<br /> _ by Me Truetee withaut an�r judtcial proceedlnp. Trustar repreaante a�cf warrante that thla acknawledgement was exeauted by
<br /> Truator befo�e the sxecutl�n of the Oeed ot Tru�t.
<br /> � �������
<br /> � ( d C. Wenn) Trustor �iLtsband
<br /> 1 �
<br /> • � (�, � y��) Tru9tor Wif@ •
<br /> ._ �
<br /> � .
<br /> . ` TM�S t�EE@ OF�6�l�ST,is made as of the �h day of �'�la ,19�by and amo�g
<br /> � the Trustor, Ar-netc� C_ nn � .Landa Went�, Hugband and Wife_ _ ,
<br /> ! whose mailin�address i� 2410 Overland Trail Circle, GYand Isldrid.�h����gtor,"wheti�er one or more),
<br /> � theTrustae, -�il3iam G. Blackbu�n,, A Member of the NE State Har Asan. ,
<br /> ; whose malUng addreas�s p•�� �X ?280• Gtanci I91and� NE 688U2 (hereln"T�ustee"),and
<br /> ' the BeneHciary. _Five Fointa BARk ,
<br /> � whosa mallinp address is—E.O. Box 1507f,__G'rand I91at1c]� NE 68802 (herein"Lender"). �
<br /> � FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERAT�ON,including Lende�s extension of credit identitied herein to �Old C. Wenn �nd
<br /> ; Linda Wenn, Husband artd Wife (herein'�Borrower",whether one or more)and the trugt herein Created, � �
<br /> ; the receipt ot which is hereby acknowledged,Trustor hereby irrevocably grants, transfers,conveys and assigns to Trustee. IN .
<br /> f TRUST.WITH POWER OF SALE,for the benefit and security of Lender,under and tsubject to the te►ms and conditions horeinafter set ' �
<br /> torth,the real property,described as tollows: ' �
<br /> i �
<br /> - ' T'i��e Sauzherly Fi£ty-�'1�0 l52} feet of Lot une (I j� in�Block Fourteen (I4j� iii - � _
<br /> ' Schinmer's Addition to the City of Grand Island• Elall County� Nebraska ��
<br /> , _
<br /> � -
<br /> �...-
<br /> � To ether with 211 buitdin s, im rovaments,tixtures,streets,atle s, assa ewa s,easemen:s,ri hts,pr►vsi es and a '
<br /> , 9 9 P Y P 9 Y 9 e9 pDurte-
<br /> { nances located thereQ�or in anywise pertalning thereto,and the rents,issues and profits, reversior.s and rema:n�ers thereot,and
<br /> ' such personal proper4y that is attached to the improvements so as to constitute a iixture,including,but r+ot limiied to,heaeng and
<br /> � � cooling equipmenx and together with the homestead or marital interests,ii any,which interests are hereby re!eased a^d waived;all -•
<br /> � cf whfch,inCludiny reptacements and additions thereto,is hereby declared to be a part of the real estate secured�ye?re s{en ot this =
<br /> i Deed of T�ust a�d ati of the foregoing being�eferred to herein as the"P�operty".
<br /> � This Qeed of Trus!shall secure(a)the payment o1 the principal sum and interest evidenced by a�romissory note or credit
<br /> agreement dated �2O'� , havirg a maturiry date ot 4-2Q-95 ,
<br /> • in the original principal amoun!of$6,020.50 , and any and aI� modifica;:ons, extens`cns and renewals
<br /> thereof or thereto and any and all future advances and readvances to 8orrower(or any ot them if more ihan one) hereunder ,;�
<br /> pursuant to one or more promissory�otes or credit agreements(herein called"Note"):(b)the paf��nt o!other sums advanced by —
<br /> { Lender to protoct the security ci the Note:(c)the periormance of all covenants ai��agreements of Trustor set forth t�erein;and(dj all }��'.
<br /> , present and tuture indebtedness and obligations oi Borrower{or any of them ii more than one)to Lender whether direct,indirect, .
<br /> absolute or contingent and whether arising by note,guaranty,overdraft or otherwise.The Note,this Deed of Trust and any and all •
<br /> ' other docuents that secure the Note or otherwise exacuted i��connection therewith,including without 1�mitation guaranteas,securiry -
<br /> f agreementa and assigrtments ot leases and rents. shalt be reterred to here�n as the"Loan Instrumerets". � -
<br /> ' Trustor Covenants and agrees with LenCer as tollows:
<br /> ' 1. Paym�nt ol tnd�bbdn�.All indebtedness secured hereby shall be pa�d when due.
<br /> 2. Tift�.TrustOr is t�e V�vner o1 the Property. has the�ight and authonty to convey the Property, and warrants that the lien
<br /> created hereby.is e first and prior tien on the Property, except for uens and encumbrances set forth by Trustor in writing and
<br /> delivered to Lender befare execution otthis Qeed oi Trust.and the execution and del�very of this Deed ot Trust does not violate any
<br /> � . • conlract or other Obligation to which Trustvr is subject
<br /> 3. TsxN�Assusmsnt�.To pay betore delinquency all taxes.special assessments and alI ofher cha:ges against the Properry
<br /> now or heroatter levied.
<br /> � 4. Insurane�.To keep the Property�nsured aga�nst damage by tire,hazaras�ncluded within the term"extended cov�rage",and
<br /> ` suCh other haiarde as Lender mgy require.in amounts and with companies acceptable to Lender,naming Lender as an additional
<br /> named insured,with loss peyebte to the Lender.In case of loss under such polic�es,the Lender�c authorized to ad�ust,collect and
<br /> Compromise,811 Claims the�eunder and shall have the option of applving all or part�f the in�„rance praceeds(il io any indPbtedness
<br /> seCUred heroby and in Such orde�as Lender may determine,(ii)to the Trustor to be used for the repa�r or restoration of the Property =_-_�-
<br /> Or(iiiy Eor any other purpose or object satisfactory to Lender without affecting the lien of th�s Deea ef Trust far the tu3i amount secured '
<br /> hereby before sucii payment ever took place. Any appilcation of proceeds to indebted.^.ess shai� not extend or postpone the due
<br /> date oi any payments under the Note,or cure any defaulL thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> 5. Escrow.Upon written demand by Lender,Yrustor shall pay to Lender,in such manr.er as Ler.Qer roay des�gnate,suf��c:ent � ,
<br /> sums ta enabte Lender to pay as they become due one or more of the fonowing�(i)all taxes,assessmen:s and other charg�s agamst
<br /> the PrCE3e�c�.(iF} the premiums on the property in�uranCe required hereunder,and(�r}?�e prErr:,;ms Cn any ma::gage insurance
<br /> required Dy LenCer. Y
<br /> � 6. Malnt�nanc�, Rtpatn and Compliance wlth Laws.Trustor sha11 keep tha Pruperty in r�oorf condition a�d repair, shall
<br /> promptly repair, or replace any improvement which may be damaged or destroyed, shalt not commit or permit any K•aste or �
<br /> deterioration af the Proporty;shall not remove,demol�sh or substantielly alter any ot the�mprovements on the Property. shall not
<br /> commit,suHer or permit any act to be done 1n or upon the Property in violation of any law,ord�nance,or regulat�on,and shall pay and ���p
<br /> pramptly discharge at Trustor's cost and expense all liens,encumbrances and charges lev�ed,imposed or assessed against the W
<br /> Property or any part thereof. r. ,�,
<br /> 7. Eminont Jomaln.Lender is he�eby assign���II CompenSdtion.dwards.damages and other pdyments or relief(here�ndfier � ••
<br /> "Proceeds")in COttneCtiOn with Condemnation or other t8king Of the Property or p8rt there0f.Or fOr�OnveyanCe in liev Of condemna-
<br /> 4ion.Lender shafi be enUt!ed at�ts option to cornmence,appear �n and prosecute�n�ts ovm name arry acUon o�praceed�ngs,and
<br /> shall a1SO be ent�tled to make any Compromise or settleroent in �onnechon wdh SuCh tdk�ng Ur dd�nay� In the Ev�n1 8ny pOrtiOn 0�
<br /> HBC3d57lNanepncutruralDoetllRov f0�88 �
<br /> Q�t988 Nanonai B�nt of r,ommorce Lust ene 5n..�po assn<,.+r„�, l.nv,�r Not,�ns�n
<br /> � 'CL. _`nr�,:'v.^c:...�� .�.�...r,,.r �i.. ... .,. ., t , . �..t.,^;-R^z"w!`�!!)`�`�'£t'�"„'Y!PlT� :� - . -
<br /> - i . . � ... _'c`�ti�o,v ,, _
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