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<br />_ — .._.__.�..��;n.,:<<
<br /> _ _ - --- � ��
<br /> ;
<br /> � 90--. 10 21'7 9
<br /> � NnN-�►H�NC�RM GovENAHts.Horcower and Lender fl�rther covertant and a�trce as follows:
<br /> . !!. �ec�eletRl�o�; R�se!�ite�. I�ie+' �11 �e notice to Hortowec �erloe ta tecrltthtinn foll�n�la� &�rro*er'e
<br /> 1Ewe�ota�y ca�era�t or�r�e�t I�d�I�St�c�rity I�tt�e�!lb�t�ot/ciar to�cceleration uader para�a�lu 13 aed 17
<br /> �+kw q�Nesrie 1aw I�e'ud/es ot�erw�e).'!1e notice e1a�11 qeeiry:i�) tlie dehult;(b)t6e actlon n�nlred ta c�ra tl�
<br /> �!lwt�(c)�i�te,�ot i�tl�30 i�s hn�tre i�te dN Motie�i��i�en to�rower,�y�61ch t6e det�ult mwt be cwrcd;
<br /> � wi(�)tM�t f1Hl�ue to cwe tYe�NaMft�or retore!�e�ate pieciAei i�tiie�wlice�+sy rqult h�cceler�Non ot tbe ama
<br /> �ec�r�i i�r H!�Sec�ri!!►IaMr�t�ud M!e ot t�Fro�ert�r.itie uot�ce�bs!!Mrtlur taform Bonowtr ot t6e ei�lt ta
<br /> rM�b�e al�e aeoelarsNaR iwi tYe�t to brl�a eoure aetloa to�trt tlk aos-es4teeeo a!�def��lt or u�c,ther
<br /> 1�11aMe d borrv�a'to��nle.�f tMe rktaaft u�t ev�d o�or�e[ore tre date��ecifled ia the�atke.I.e�dsr
<br /> •t ib MtkN �pr rew4e�tlab My�t i� fWl ot all sMw� �wrei by tlts Sec�rity I��t eltl�odt iMrthe�
<br /> M���N�eqr��olte tM�owu ot afe�i�y ot�er re�eiia�Nittei iry y�liabk law.i.e�de�siall be eatttki to
<br /> a1Net dl a:Mw� i�ern«I i��t� ttie ra�il�a �rosl�ei i�thi�Mrap�µ 19. i�elMdi��, Iwt pat Ita�i+ted ta,
<br /> ca��Mattones►a'te��i eaa ottiNee�iiNCa.
<br /> � lf tMe pwer ot�sk d i��olce�,'l�wtee ehll record a�odca ot ieh�lt te ach couwtir i�wl�icb u�y part o1 tl�e
<br /> P�fy N lacabi a�i�11�il co�IN otwd�otke t�tYe�u�ee I�aedrei►y a�licatile Isw to Horrower aad to t1�e
<br /> " etie�Mrsw M�cr11e��y�/�1ica�k hw.After tk tue req�irod tiy ty�lieaWe law�11r�ta wall�i�e�abUc notke of
<br /> 1 �ie to tre Me+�or a�i t�tM��racrttiei tiy�Uc�tile 4w.Trwtee, witla�t ie�ud ou Borrowe�,s1u�H sell tl�e
<br /> � Pro�ety�t�wWk�ct1o�to tre W�ie�t N�ier at t�e ti�ne��s�i�Ner tl�e teria iai�uated i�t��otke of�ale ie
<br /> ae or wo�+e�arseis aM 1�a�y onier Tnrtee deter�t�a.7'nrtee�y�o�t�ose t�le ot aU or uy�aeal ot t�PropertY bY
<br /> �Llk�wo�eaa�f at tre tt�e�i�Isoe at�y�re�io�ly �chedyled ate.Le�de�or its destsaee insy p�rcbss�t6e
<br /> Prorerty�t�y Mle.
<br /> . Up� recei�t ot ryre�t of t�e�rke Iid, 7�qtee iYsll deU�er to tl�e purcla�er Trwtee'�deed cwi�eyisa t6e
<br /> , Pr�olerty.71e rodt�b ia tie Tr�tee'�deed �la�l �e�ei�s faek e�Idesce a!t6e trnth ot the statemeab asde tLercia. �
<br /> 'I'�tee�Il a�ly tre�rooee�ot tLe�ak i�tLe ivl�owtq o�er.(a)to aU ezpeda o!tYe sak,inclydie�.b�t�ot U�ited
<br /> � to, Trretee'�fea as�en�itte�d by a�lkatik law�resroa�sle�ttor�eYi'ftta'i(b)t0�3YIAi SlCYI'!d bY�I!S�YrI1)►
<br /> I�sdtiwe��aod(c)a�y eYOer to tlre�enoa oe!n'��Y e�dtkd ta it.
<br /> � 20. I,e�der ia PoMatioa.Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Property, Lender(in
<br /> person,by"agent or by judicislly appointed rectiver)shaU be entitled to enter upon, take possession of and managc the
<br /> � Property and to collect the rents of the Property inciuding those past due.Any rents collected by Lender or the receiver
<br /> : shall be agplied flrst to pa�ment of the costs of mansgemcnt of the Property and collcetion of rents. including, but not
<br /> limited to. receiver's foes,gnsetniums on reaiver's bonds and reasonable att�sneys'fees,and then tn the sums secured by
<br /> this Security Instroment.
<br /> � 2l.Re�wN�eyaaa.Upan p�yment of all sums socured hr thtis Security lnstrnmena;Lender shall request Tr�csta to
<br /> � reconvey the Property and sh�ll surrender this Security Instrumrnt and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security '
<br /> ; Instrument to Trusta.Trustx shall reconvey the Pmperty without warranty and without charge to the person or persons
<br /> ? k�ally enNtled to it.Such person or pttsons shall pay any rocordation costs. �
<br /> 22.SMb�dt�te Trwhe.Lender.at its option.raay from time to time remove 7'rustee and appo�nt a successor trustee =��
<br /> to any Trustee appointed heroander 6y an instrumrnt rcoorded in the county in which this Security dnstrument is recordod. ' �
<br /> � _. ..
<br /> __– _� Without convsy�nce of the PropeR_y.the successor trusta shall succ.oed to all the citle,power and duu�s c�nferred unon =-�
<br /> . , i Tnuta herein and by applir�blt la�r. _
<br /> � Z3. Requat ior NoHces.Borrower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Borrower's -
<br /> � �ddress which is the Property Address. * �
<br /> ' Z4.Riden to t11s Secrrity I�strwNeaw If ane or more ridas are eaecuted by Borrower and recorded together with �
<br /> ; this Security Instrument,the covenants and agreements of each such rider shall be incorporated into snci shall amend and
<br /> � ; supptemrnt the covenants and agreemants of this Security Instrument as if the sider(s) werc a paaa of'this Security
<br /> . Instrument.�Check applicable box(es)J
<br /> � ❑ Adjustable Rite Rider � Condominium Rider ❑ 2�3 Family Rider
<br /> ❑ (3nduated Pay-ment Rider [] Planned Unit Development Rider
<br /> i
<br /> t � �}f�s� �8���
<br /> �is
<br /> • BY SY�N�xa BEtow. Borrower accepts and agrces to the terms and covenants contained in this Security ;���`�
<br /> � Inswmena and in any rider(s)executed by Bonower and rxard!cd with it. �
<br /> M �E60RROWER FURTHE,R REt]iIESTS THAT � /� � -
<br /> 1 COPIES OF THE Nt?T10E OF fIEFAULT ................1...�'.!,c'..".:�....... ........................................ .(Seal) ��- -
<br /> � E� NOTICE OF' SALE 6E SENI' Ti0 EACH tt DEAN HA�'1f'1ES � -eo►�ow�.
<br /> ..... .. . .. .. ..:..:�.�xn�x.l�l ......ts��>
<br /> THE EIDORE5S OF SUCH PERSONS SET ....................................... ,
<br /> ' (fP+�� ��tew 7n+s �ieN Fa Achn�*ledfonN+.t]
<br /> ' STAT'E OT .....�.�,��................
<br /> � COUNTY OF .....��...................... �SS: ,
<br /> I�.....�n?�RT�.1,•�:�......................�No!�ry Pu61i�in and(�r said county and state,do hereby ceriSythat --- -
<br /> •F!-�OEAN•1�1F1FM1E5��AND•iAAfiX•�••HAN�IE6••........H�JfiBAND•At�Q��i I F�.................. personatly appeared :
<br /> bet'ore me and is(arc)known or proved to me to be the person(s)who,being informed of the contcnts of the foregoing instrument.
<br /> have executed same.and acknowledged sald instrutr,ent to be....�,�i�r........ ....frec and voluntary act and decd and that
<br /> (his. her,their)
<br /> ..t�gy...............cxccuted said instrument for the purposes and uses therein set forth.
<br /> � (he,she.they) w
<br /> Wstness my hand and official se�l this......... 2flt h........ ...... . day of. ...Apr�i..................... 19...:�Q
<br /> .. .
<br /> �
<br /> bfy Commissi�n Expires: JULY 30. 1990 t '' �
<br /> �_...r,. .... �r; -_�'�.�.:�I,.�<, : . �—� ��.fCC.;, ✓,�;,:��'< <� (SEALj .� -.a
<br /> q �=�,�' _i9 i�i,t.I�E c0J � .� Notary PI1b11C •••••••••••••• ...••
<br />, ,,• '. ' : : � , .. f�l � ��, t'�l
<br /> i_:.y__...-.:_,_. - -
<br /> �3 .''-` [:f�� i.IMEiU�, c F f�k rini �,AV 1 NL�, kf�Ntc
<br /> 'fhis iststrurttent`�vas preparcd b9... . . ..... ... .._......... . ..... . .. .... . ..... ....... ...................... ......
<br /> .i477t �
<br /> �_..,__.,---�-..._. ...._.,__......,_�__
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<br /> ' ' � --- -
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