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GENERAL DURABL. E POWER OF ATTORNEY <br />20170 4501 <br />1, JAIVILS W. SASSEN, of Grand island.. Nebraska, a citizen of the United States, hereby <br />appoint my wife, ROSE M. SASSEN, of Grand Island, Nebraska, as my lawful. agent, for me and <br />in my name, place and stead, to act in, manage and conduct my affairs, and for such purpose in my <br />name and on my behalf to do and execute all or any of the acts, duds and things set forth herein. <br />If ROSE M. SASSEN is for any reason unable or unwilling to serve as my agent, I appoint my <br />;laughter, SHARRE K. JAHDE, as my successor agent. Any person to whom this durable power <br />of attorney is presented may rely . upon an affidavit presented by a successor agent attesting that the <br />previously appointed agent is un.ablf: or unwilling to ser 'c as my agent. <br />i hereby make this durab pow . r ofattorney' and revoke all other durable powers of attorney. <br />1 intend this to be a general power of attorney. I have specified herein certain acts which my <br />a +`t fit is authorized to do on my behalf, but this is not intended to limit the generality of this power. <br />1 intend that my agent shall have the. power to exercise or perform any act, power, duty, right, or <br />uillii ation whatsoever that I now have, or may hereafter acquire the legal right, power, or capacity <br />to .exercise or perform, in connection with, arising from, or relating to any person, item, transaction, <br />thiiig., business, property, real or personal, tangible or intangible, or matter whatsoever. <br />Without limiting the generality of the frregoing, my agent shall have the following powers <br />and be subject to th tolk;?wing ditties: <br />Sss Etrick 'J L.,f :` Y.xt �i�it'tIS. loa '.k,rl;r+" . !i ,,.1.:_rbr.; :rbn': <br />d Iv it , :st ;d1 . rover ty. sums of money, (1,: Ns, dues. tip i;Is, <br />!Cconias, ii1 +'act's, be ue..ts, interest, ::tividcnds. ea 1.iitie..., 11etn ",G'ilc goods, wares, rilercha:ridisf.'•. <br />?;fi.Ci ls, +_, e.. Ls, 0: devises, rotes, proceeds, ec.irities, any and all (loci anei `.s oftille, claims, <br />)er::on rl and re :;it nic'pecty, intai;gibl_ and' ,property and property rights, and demands <br />, liquidated or unliquidated anct'thi.uzs of whatsoever nature or description which now <br />.ir: or h. rent' r shall be or become due, o 'rugs payable or belonging to me in or by any right, title, <br />ways, or ;;reins howsoever., including without limitation any benefits payable any governmental <br />tnony or (such as Supplemental Social Security, Medicare, and Social Security Disability <br />Insurance and for purposes of receiving; Social Security benefits my agent is appointed my <br />Representative Payee), and to take all law €n1 means and equitable and legal remedies, procedures, <br />and writs in my name for the collection a4r1 recov .ry thereof, and to adjust sell, compromise, and <br />agree for recovery thereof, and to adjust, sell, compromise, and agree for the same, and to make, <br />_ xecute and deliver for me, on my behG i'f; and in my name, all endorsements, acquittances, releases, <br />receipts, or ether sufficient discharges for the same and to recover such assets or to qualify me for <br />such pi,atzrani . and upon receipt thereof of of am: parr thereat() `.fake, sign, execute, and deliver <br />such receipts, released, or other disehar. =..cs for the same tespectively as my agent shall think i:l or <br />be a( vised. <br />2. ' {'ii Deal Avi ii I3ai►1:s. 'I make, draw, sign, accept, endorse, deposit, and de'.i'.'er <br />cu.- : :cks. drafts, and oilier insti'nnlents or :ss ae uctions for the payment or transfer (.money or <br />renew a! or'reinvestment cifOrwith respect to airy and r'I1 bank atcounts (i.e., checking, :.on7nlci'cial, <br />s4. ; accounts, C t .).. savings and loin: assoetat.roi; accounts, or accounts m any other tinaIIL oil <br />nstf'utioin ' (1,e , brokerage accounts, etc.), i,herever situated now standing in my name or hereafter <br />opened in my -; to f.. <rgn.. receipts for canceled checks and vouchers with respect to such accounts; <br />