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<br /> � 1
<br /> ASS1l�NM�NT OF TRUST DFEU ��� �����6'
<br /> KNpil ALX, MEN BY 'I'HES� P�tfiSENTS. Thnt The Qver.land Nat3onal t;atik of Grand Isl�nd.
<br /> a carporation, the prarey of tt�e firat part, in consideratian of the sum oC 't�irtv-
<br /> � aeven rhouesnd and na/100-�-��_.._...._______________..___ pollata. to it in hand paid by
<br /> � Coarerc al Federsl Martgage Gorporation a Corparation. the party of the
<br /> r��cond part, rcce#.pt ktiereo£ ia hereby acknoWl.edged. has granted. asaigned �nd
<br /> _ t�an�ferre� and� by theae presents does grant, asaip,n and transfer unto ite succe8sors
<br /> and aseigne, a cer�din Truat �eed vherein the said The Overland Netional Bank af Gxand
<br /> Island is Benafici.ery, Jerry A. Mendyk ancD Ta�ey S. Mendyk, hu�band and w�fe
<br /> is Trustor, a�d �amm�xaial Federal Savin a and Laan Asaociat an i� Trusteer
<br /> whfah,Truee Deed+a�s dated the _ _20th dt�y of A:�r31 . Z9 . end Xeca�rde� tt6ce
<br /> . Z��;h. day af ri �19 , as Dz��cusaent Naa. �f the
<br /> A,g—,�. ...9,Q R�tl�021�'S
<br /> • � lt�R�QAGB Ro��►x�6q of ��fl+�1fl �C�na�nC�, 3Vehraeka ard aal i�H ri�ght, tir�� a�s�l
<br /> �, � �n��e��eat ��i��t�h� property th�ra�n doaari�ed, aR follaWS, toWit:
<br /> . � .
<br /> �
<br /> Lot Ten (10), B1ock Three (3), Meves Firat Add itian to the City of Grand
<br /> Ieland. Hall County. Nebraska.
<br /> Together with the promiaPary note therein described, and the money due or to
<br /> becoRe due thereunder. including intereat thereon, eub,�ect anly to the proviaiona
<br /> � af said Truet Deed therein contained. • �
<br /> � IN WITN�SS WHEREOF, The Overland National Bank of Grand Island, a corporation. �
<br /> ' has caueed thie Aesignment of rrust Deed to be executed by ita President , � .�
<br /> �n.1 a�Ctl�ted,by ita Vice President , and ita corporate aeal to be ` '"`
<br /> • Iirx'�ltiiti�.,da"if;:c��•:.i�is 2tJth �a3r of 1ipr32 . �4 90 . � _v
<br /> ;'—
<br /> � - -��'. � � ���"'Y�'• • 'fHE OVERLAN� NATIONAL BANK �F GRAND ISLAND. �
<br /> -� : :-_ _....-_- __-- -_ .- ":_.-•-.= ,. A CU IiATI�N -°-.. ._ .
<br /> '.� �' �� � '
<br /> ' . r
<br /> •. • � a . �1•l, . $y` ��
<br /> Rob A. Morris
<br /> , ' Attest:
<br /> � Duane E. Aonaldson
<br /> , y ss
<br /> ' On this 2dth day vf Arril , 19 90 , be£ore me a notary public
<br /> ;
<br /> duly commiasioned and qualified in and for said county and state. personally came �-
<br /> • the above Robert A. Morris and Duane E. Donaldson of The =
<br /> Overland National Hank of Grand Island� who are personally known to me to be the �'�`
<br /> • identical persons whase names are aff�xed to the above Assi�nment of Trust Deed as �
<br /> the Pres3dent and Vfce Presid ent of said corporation
<br /> � • and they acknovledge Che instrument ta be their voluntary act and deed and the
<br /> voluntery act and deed of said corporation.
<br /> , �Mll I�Ir�M M Mi�it °� .^'-� �
<br /> � ����� Notary Yublic
<br /> l�fy Comtoission ERpfreQ: f'�
<br /> � �tETURN TO:
<br /> Grand I�land Rbstract
<br /> P.O. Box 6�7 . - -�
<br /> Graad Islas�d, NE 68802
<br /> ,
<br /> L
<br /> �
<br /> �
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