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<br /> 90�--i 0216 2
<br /> � If Lenda� rcquired �nsurance as a�ron�iitii�n,of m.9king ehe l��an securcd by this Sec;uritS lnslrument.
<br /> Hnsr�w�er shMt �+ay the}+e`tm�1l��quired to mninir..i�s sh�e�surt��t.c ir.�rffrct antil such eime as the requirement for th�
<br /> insur�nce Rtrminata ia 't�8orrower's and Lerr�er's w cittcr�a�ree�stcnt ar applicable IAw.
<br /> � �. I�eti�,�lLdi�i�igent may makE rcasanab.',r enxries upan and inspcctiona ef�he Prcperty. Lcndrr
<br /> �hs!!eive Bar:ower eotice at the ti m e o f'o r p r i o r t o a n i r a�pcc t i t+n sp�:c i d j�i��r e a s o n a bl e c AUSe for the inspect ion.
<br /> 9. Cw�de��atk►�. The praceeJs of any awnrci u.r clai.m fi�.r damages,direct ar cansequential,in cont��ction�vith
<br /> any condemnatio�o�o�her taking c�l'any part af the Pra�:rtp, aF,for rnnveyance in lieu of con�iemr�atlan,.a�e hereby
<br /> s as�i�ned�nd shall be puid to Lender.
<br /> � In the event of a tatal taking of the Property, the p�aceGds shall be applied to the sprns secured by this Securily
<br /> � Instrument��hether or nat thrn due,with ar�y e�ccess paid so Bo�rrawer. In the event af a partial taking of the Property.
<br /> � unkss Bonarver and Lender atherwise agree iro writing,the sueats Kecured by this Security]nstrument shal!b��cduced by
<br /> the amount of the pruceeds multiptied by the foltawing frxctitan:(al ihe tatal amaunt of the sums securM immadiately
<br /> � before the taking,divided by(b)the fair msrket valua of the Prap�erty immedi�tely before the taking.Any balttnar shall bc
<br /> � paid to Borrorver.
<br /> , If'the Propeny is ubandoned by Bonower,or if,ufter notece by Lendcr to Barrower lhat the condemnor offers tc�
<br /> � m�ke�n award or scttle a claim far damAges,Horrower fail9 ta�eapQnd to Lendcr within 30 days aftcr the date the notice is
<br /> � given,Lender is authorixed to collect and appiy the proceeds,at its aption,either to res,r.oration or repair of the Property or �
<br /> � to thesuxns socurcd by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> Unless L.ender and Bonower otherwise agrre in writing.any application af proceeds to principa)shall nat eatend or '
<br /> � postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> � 10. Borrower Not Rekased; Forbearaace By Leader Not a Waire�. Extension of the time for payment or �
<br /> ; modiflcation of amartiz�tian of the sums secured by this Security lnsirumrnt granted by L,ender to any sueeessor in
<br /> � interat of Bonower shall not operate to rolease the liability of the original 8orrawer or 8orrower's successors in interest.
<br /> • Lender shaq not be required tn commence ptoceedings against any succe.csor in interat or refuse to eatend time fpr
<br /> : payme�t or otherwise modify amoriization of the sums sccured by this Security Instrumrnt by reason of any demand made
<br /> by the origina)Horrower or Borroaer's successors in intercst.Any forbearance by l.ender in eaercising any right or remedy
<br /> � shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or rcmedy. . .
<br /> i i. Swccetton Md Aasip�s 8ound;Joint and Serersl Liability;Ca-st�ers, The cavenants and agc�ce�ments of .
<br /> � this Security Instrument shall bind and ber►e6,t the successots and assigns of Lender and Horrower,subje.t to tha provisians •
<br /> of paragraph 17.Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several.Any Bonawer who casigns this Security
<br /> � Instrument but das not execute the Note:(a)is casigning this Security Instrument only to mongage, grant and convey '
<br /> i ihat Sarro�•:r's inf:s�t in thc°ra�c:ty�unc3�:ihe t�rm�af 2l:is w.��srit;Ins:rucss:ni:(S�is not�,:.rsanat:�ohtig«i:d:�pai �`^'- _
<br /> i the sums secured by this Security Instrument;and (c)agrecs that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend. - �
<br /> ' modify. forbear or make any accommodations with regard to ihe trrms of this Security Instrument or the Note without,� -°°
<br /> ; :l�.::�r,:.•�:.'s:�r�.��i. . -
<br /> 12. laaw Cdar�ea If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is�ubject to a!aw which stts maximum loan
<br /> ' charges. and that law is flnally interpreted sa that the interest or other loan charges collectr� or to be callected in =
<br /> connecti¢m with the loan eacttd the permitted limits. then: (a)any such laan charge cha!! be reduced by the amaunt �
<br /> necess�r�to reduce the charge to ihe permitteQ limit;and(b)any sums alt+�ady coltccted from Borrower whieh eaceeded
<br /> permilted limits will be refunded to Borrower. Lender may chcwse to make this refund by redacing the principal owed
<br /> under the Note ar by�twfcing a dircct payment to Bonower. lf a refund reduces principal,the r�d�ctian will bc trcated as a
<br /> partial prepayment withatt an}prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> " ; 13. Lt�islatioa ARecti�rs I,ender's Rlg6ts. If enactment or expiration of applicable laws has the effect of
<br /> rendering any provision of the Note or this Security Instrument unenforceable according to its terms, Lender,at its aption,
<br /> may require immodiate payment in full uf aU sums secured by this Secarity Instrument and may im�oke any remedies
<br /> {xrmitted by paragraph 19. IP Lender exercises this optian,Lender shal[take the steps specified in the second paragraph oF �
<br /> paragraph 17.
<br /> � , tf�. Notiees. Any notice to Borrawer provided for in this Secunty Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by ���
<br /> �� mailing it by first class mail unless apptirable law requires use af another methcxl. The notice shaU be dire�:ted to the �
<br /> Property Address or any olher address Borrower designates by notice ta I.ender. Any� notice tu Lender shaq be given by
<br /> first class mail to Lenc4�e's address stated her��in.or any ather address txc�der designutes by nc�tic;e to AorroK•er.Any notice �
<br /> provided for in this S�urity Instrument shatI ne deemed to have been g�ven tn Borrower or Lender whcn given as provided
<br /> in this patagraph.
<br /> 1S. Go�eraing I,�w;Seree�eltiliry. This Securit}r trestrument shall be gc�erneci hy federal law as�d the !aw of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Propertc is located. In the event that any provisinn or clause of th�s Secunty Instrument or the
<br /> ' Note eonAicts with appiicable law.such conRict shall not aPfect other pro�•�cions of this Securit�r Instrument or the Note
<br /> : which can be given effrct without the conHcc��ing provision.To this cnd the pro�•isions of this S�:.urity Ins.srument�an�the
<br /> Not�e are declared to be scverable.
<br /> � 16> Bortorrlt'�Co�y. £�sfxouer sh�ll be gevers nn:�r�nfurrn�d c.3py of tl�e tiote and�i fhi,Seceari�y Znstrument.
<br /> ` 17. TraAS(er ot t6t Pro�erty o�a 9eneflcial Intertst In Borrower. If all or any part of the PropYny or any
<br /> interest in it is sold or transfe�red(or if a btneficial interest in Borrower is so!d or lransferred and�Borrowrr is not a natural
<br /> petson)without l..ender's prior written consent, Lcnder may, at its npuon,reyuire immediate�ym£nt in full uf all sums
<br /> seeueed by this Security lnstrument. However, this opticro shall not be e�ercised by�Lender�f exercise �ti proh�biteal by ---------_-_
<br /> federal law as of the date of this Sec;urity lnstrument. ' ; _
<br /> If Lender exereises this option,Lender shall give Borrnwer notice of accelerauon.The notice shall prm��de a period
<br /> af not lcss than 30days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed w•ith�n w•hich Bc�rrower must pay all �um�Serured by
<br /> this Security Instrument If Barrower fails to pay the�ce cums prior to the eap�rat�nn of Ihis penod, I.ender may invc�ke any
<br /> remedies permitted by this Secunty Instrumrnt w�thout further n�t�cc or dem:�nd�n Horroa�er �
<br /> 18.Borrower's Right to Relt�state. [F Borrawer meetc certa►n cc�nditinns, Rorr<�aer thal!have ti�e right to ha�e �
<br /> enforcement of this Securi�y� lnstrument discnntinued at�n�•time pr���r ta the carher oL(a)5 day�(nr tiuch��ther pennd a�
<br /> Lappl�cablc laa�rt;ay specify far remstatement) before saie of the Pruperty Pur+uant ic,an� power c�f;.ale cctn�amed u� thic
<br /> Security Instrument;or(b)entry of a�udgment enforc�ng th�b Security Irntcumrnt 'f hexe c��ncititian�arer �h,�t Borrnwer
<br /> fa) p.+y�s LenJer atl surns whtch then woutd t*e due undcr thi� Ser�r�t� (ntitrumcnt an�i thr tiotc E�ad nu ac�cleratinn �`'
<br /> occurred, 4b) cures any default �f any other cmenantti �r cigrremrrzis. (r) (�a}� �II eKP�mc,incurred t:� cnfi�rriug thi� �
<br /> Securit� tnctrument, �nclud�ng. t►ut not linuted ti�, rea4nn�hie ,e�a.rne}�' fr�x.. and !d� tai�e,w. t� :,;t���rs .�� f cr��irr Tn,�y ;
<br /> reasunt�bly reyo�re t�+accurr that the I�en af thiti 5ecunt� 1n�truineraL I..eriurr'� n��ht� �n t:ie }'s��prrn .:nd !i:�rn�wrr'� .
<br /> nbl�ga�ion ta ra. II►c tiuniti �r.urc�1 fi} tb� 5crur�h intit�umrnt .hall ���ntinur un;ti,an�;rd ['puri r�in+t.i�r•tric��t h�
<br />� �it�[ft�KCi. (��1�`�CUt11� in.trument anc3 th�i�f�tigatie+ri��rcure_3 hefCh\ ��I.t��t;'ti4N11 1ll��t'�.�f.14�� .4�11 /1n,1�iC�t'i.ttt;�l� fLUi
<br /> �ti.urreJ H�,ur�er.�hiti nghv tn rcin�late�h.��l n�,t a�,,ly �n rhe�.t,c"t .,�.�•,�•r.:ti�.i� ..ri.ic� �,..�.+���.,rt��I :�tr 1,
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