<br /> _ _ ___
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<br /> -_�
<br /> u�
<br /> - � • �
<br /> � EiwlMnt Don�ale.I.ena�i�1 hereCy UlS�pned eli tompen9nt�on.nweWS dama�os ana oin��p,7ympN3,�� �ri�cf�����o�nattr� r�oceeds �,n c�n�������r,�r�u,
<br /> chnctemntlt�pnorpthlrt�Mmyn!1hNPrOPO�IYOrpd�l�h8r001.prf�rCOn�Oy�nL'ouit�fluo�conaomnaUan LCndCr6ha11Ce�nldlcAllldlO(�1�Onic�r�mmoncu apPcair�tn�
<br /> profecut��n�t!Own n�me�ny aC���n or proc�eQ�nQf-11nd 9�d118I90 OQ Cf11dl2h;t0 mAkO Uny f ofnp�Om�90 Or g01UCmpnt���Cpnnocbon W�1�EuC h I01��nc)or d0m�g0 In I�o
<br /> Rv�N�ny part�on ot Iht+PrupetlY t!!0 ftl1�Bl1 0�tlHmA!10A.40ndpr e�rll�tlr0 i���pl�On �11 d9 aJ10 1�1U IbSO�t�10 d�BC�O��On to apply�II sut�ProtC�da A�b�dOduCU�p
<br /> - t��rNrpm�tico►1l�nd�M►»�sel�nCUrredbyitinC�nneUronwdhSuclproeeadf.upOnonymdebte0nesaeecurrilhereDyanU�nsuchurd�raeLanaorm:lVdotOrmmp prla
<br /> ' spp�y ni��ucn Rre!�rMe afte►6i�cb AetluaUons tn tRp r�sturation Ot th9 PropB�tY upOn�uGh cunddmna fls Lender m0y tlatCrmm� Any r+pD��crt�o�ot P�oceede�o
<br /> �nMDtt�lnat!abY���ot�xt�nd or pWIDU��e 11w tlue,Aita Ot any(?aymenis un�ar tno Natc.ar curc ony tletautt ineratm�er pr n+�r�„n:it�•
<br /> } h����y��r.IR1Ae�vOn101pOr�OwEi�lBihuelOpe�lOrmrnyOtlhacuuanenl8�eremormdkUdn�r00vmenlsrCywrCd�CtCOy OrilZnyechrt9kenpr
<br /> Np�Iprotattf�nflcomm�nctOwn�chm�ternlly�tfeclf4ender'e��terolt�nlheProperty Lentlermaymdsowntl�scret�on.butwdhoulob��Uabontddo90 a�dN�tnoutnoUCe
<br /> � tocxMm�ntluponBorrpwer�ndwit�outrel�atin�8orrowa�lromnnypbt�g�t�un doenydClwn��hihe8orrowe��a�ayreedbulta�i9todoendmayAlsodoanyot�errcl�t
<br /> d�fms n�c�ssary to prot�cl th�a�cunty nenof darrowar ah�u.�mmed�ately upon demand the�etor dy Lentler pay to lenaei��I tolts a�deRGenses��currad Rnd sum�
<br /> t�p�flAiACy4R�tlQ��nCOnnKt�O�W�l�th!!tlt��SEbylEntlQt0lthelOrQ90�n9nghl!tpglth8tWilh�nterp�lthQrEPn�ll�0td18DtOridltl�nt�ENOf@.Wh�Ch6hallb@8dd0UI0
<br /> iM�ndeD�Wnef�e�cur�tl Mrsby l.eetler�n�t�aot mcur any personni I��B�hty becau9a of anything�t may do ar om:t to do ner�un3ee
<br /> � i �ww1aM OMwk.TM�elfowinp shatt uan�titute nn event nt dettu�t under t���peee ot Trusr
<br /> (�y Fiilurotop3y�ny�n611�1im6nlolpnncipalar�nt!«llOrqnyotAe�aumaecuredhet¢byw�enGue,orla�lurGlppeywhenAueanyoth�nnACn1ldn�SSar
<br /> Bo►rower ro 4�nar:
<br /> � (b1 R�r1�c�O�or d�tault under�ny prov�s�o�conta�ned�n the Note.thu Deed ol Trust.eny document wh�cA secures Ine Nate.and any otner
<br /> � �nCUmOrant�upon tha Prop�rty,
<br /> � (c) Awritot�:�euuonorariachmentor�nys�miiarproceassnau0eenteredaga�n�l8o�rowerwn�chs�allbecomeat�enonlhePropertyora�yport�on
<br /> ^' lMreolo►InMtMit�anin;
<br /> r�R (0) TAtn thall M f�Nd by or�y��nst Borrowe►�n acuon unde�any prexnt or tuture lederai,state or other statute,iaw or regut�uon�elaan9 to
<br /> � pankrupity.insolvenCYo�oth�rrNNftorQeQtor�,orthentnatiCeappo�ntedanytruetee.rece�rerorl�fluid�torof8orrowe�o�ofallor�nypartoftMProperty,pr
<br /> tM rMtf.�1fu�s a�af�t�llN�r�o1,or Borrawer s�a11 make any penera�au�gnment tor the benet�t ot cretl�ton
<br /> � �(�) TM s��.t�anth�.�tsiqnm�nt.conwy�nee or furiNCr encumbra�ce o1 a��o►�ny pa.t ot or any�ntere�l�n,the Property,either voluntarliy or
<br /> 1 invdun1ar11y,wlttrout iM��p�etf wn11�n tonsem Of lender
<br /> , ; (!) It Borrow�r�s not an�nd�v�du�l.the�aia,transfer,auipnmenl,conueYance or encumorance o1 more than__ percenl of(�f a corporatlo�)ite
<br /> +
<br /> � � issuM��d oultt�nAm9 tlxM or p1�partne�sn�pl percem o1 ptrtnersh�p mtcrests
<br /> � y M�M�;Ae�Nfrw Upow Wiwll.I�the avent cf any Event o1 pefault le�0er mav Ceciare at�maebteanes�secu'Pd heteGy to b!duE pnd pByABiO And t�c
<br /> sam�sh�11 th�nupon W�come d.is�ed paya�k wit�out any pr¢seNmeN.tlemsnd.protest or r.:t�ce ot any kmA T�aroaiter Ler.r.e�may •
<br /> (a) Gmandt��lTruatNexerc�xthePONfER�FSAIEgrantedhere�n.an4T�.-stees�sllthereatte�cause8o�awer'amtereatinmePropertytohasold
<br /> �ncf d►�prOCNd�t0 be dnlnDuteO.all:cn the manner pronded m the Nebreaka TruS2 Jeed�Aet.
<br /> �D) Edh��In p�non pr by�gs!?f,w�th or wdhout Dnngmq any acUan or DroteeC�ng.or py a�e:e�ver appo�nted bY a court eaa wdhoul te9ard to t�e
<br /> ad�qWCy of�ta Ntunty.entl�UpOn+nO t�ke p033l3SiOn Ot ih0 PrOpE�ty.0►iny pd�t thC►e01,�n it�c+w'r.e.7Te ot in!hC neme Ot ths?r���t,And d0�ny�Ct3 W AtCh
<br /> ft dNms MC�lsary o/d�lnabb to pro+etve the val'�e.market�hdity or reMabdity o1 thp Proplr'y' .r part therqo•ee interest Ihe�e�ih mcrease ifi!income
<br /> � , iMrolromorprONCtMeseCUtdy�eteotand.vr�tha�+M+lnoultakmgpouess�onottheProperty.�uet�rorotherw�sact�":scttherents.islues8ndpaC�f.:tsthero0l.
<br /> including INOa�p�st dua�nQ unpa�A,and�pptY the vame,iesa costs ana ea penses ot operat�on and conect�an mc i ua�ng a�to�neys teee.upon eny mclMledness
<br /> alCUtW h�rsby.U��n auCA o•der q LenCer may Ceterm�ne Tne e�tor�ng upon ena tak��g possess�on pl the Propeny.Ihe collect�on ot such renb.�.�S,�ea�nA
<br /> pra�!iU��d tA��pp��Cat�On Ih�reof as aforesauf.sh�n not c uce or wa�ve a�y aetau i[or noUCe ot aeta:i^rareunAer or�nval�aate any act donn in re4ea�se to suc�
<br /> � �fauH w punwnl to such noUCe ol6etaun a�d.notw�tnstandmg tho cont�nuance�n�o.sess�on r"!'+e Provertv or tnA coueet�on �eceipt dnd applital�on p!
<br /> rsntf.�uws ar prolib.7ruitee or lender sho�t ne entit�etl to exeruse eve�y��gh�prov�dea�or�n any o�tno 1.oan�nstruments o�Gy taw�uaor occuce�ce o�any
<br /> ewnl of ONau11.mClud�nq the nghf to e•ercisa��e power of sale.an0
<br /> (C) Commenee���tt�on to tprectose th�e Deetl o�T rust as a mortgsgo ap�4'��a recr�ver or specA�catly ento�ce any 01 th0 Covc�anb herepl. , +
<br /> NOr�medyher��ntonte�rMfe�r.c'orreserveQtDTrusleeorLendensmtanAedtobeoxUusrvOOfAnVOtherremedy:eremorbyiawp�ov�deAOrpermdtEA.bu183CASh�IIWr 1 ,
<br /> � CumubUv�,SRi�I be in idd�t�b'�.:o every URK,r r�.me0y gnen►�e�eu�de�or now or ne�Nalter pnst��g af�aw or�n equ0y or Cy statute.and may be exe�C�sed conZwr�entty,
<br /> ief�p�nd�ntryr¢�suecas3�vety ;
<br /> 10 1HMteS.The Trultee may rox�qn at any t�mo wdnout tause an0 Lenaer mav at any hme and wdnout causP.aDpomt a 9uttesso�nr suGStdufe T�ustee T�ustee �
<br /> shait no10�naoi�tw anr�n.v�v�7iya�:::.:.:��c:�»c:.o^a=''•"=„'•�`"°•^•w�u��a m�zcondud anA s�a�l not be reGwreO to lake any ecUOn m connlct�Or�«4h the �_-::�
<br /> 1 en(oreVm�M ol1MS ONd o1 Ttust unless maemn�fietl.�n wnnng,tor eh tosts compensaUO�or e■De�ses wh�cn may Do assouateC tnerew�tn tn adCrt�ort�n;,s1+2e may -j-�
<br /> • WCOeM�purCMN►at�ny9�1lOftMprop�rtyl�utf�ualorunserthepowerotsa�egrantetl�e�e�n� pps�nonetnesaieolano�anrporho�ollneD*oDerty asprnv,�eZQylaw, �' <
<br /> ' w sNl tM Prop�rty n a whob.or m�epsr�te psrceie or iots �:
<br /> --..__-. .. - .--•-'^_"_...... �.....�_........�.......,....� .......ane.�...,+.innn�.�n..oan�aru,qaannrnaerancnstoBncmrec.SuchedvanCelantl ��-
<br /> iiraiw�iwiwawwi3yv�:c:y.,�.o,w......o.........o._....,...._...-..............___--•�-•---- - --- --
<br /> �NOv�nCN,tlWth�nt��estih�r�on.sht�i besecureLl Gy th��Ueed ot Trust At no hma sRall tnc prmt�Dat�moun!o!tht,nflefl[ednres seturwd by;h-�D�.PO o1 Trust.not m• —
<br /> CluOit►�sum3idv�nCWtOD�OtlCftMeecunryotlhisDeeAOftrust.e¢eedtneongmaip�mwpa�amoumstatedncre�n or5 �.��QQQ�OO_ _ .. __ _.w�ichevEnS -
<br /> 9�k�
<br /> 12. IM�o�MMlew�rorM�o�� -
<br /> ��� ��lio1R�N�Nd.E.tens�on o�tne t�mo�or pryme�+�or mna�f�cauo�ot amo�t�rat�on or tne sums secu�ed by In�g Deed o�Trust granted�y
<br /> �enpOt 10My SuccessOr m�nteroSi o1 Horrower�naN not operate to retease-�n any ma��e� t�e��a5���ty O�tfi9 pr�9inal 80tt ON@�3t1d BOt�OVrd�95uCCE550�!ifl
<br /> int�rqt l�nAerthallflOtOQfE�QW�EOtOCO�nTl�C@ptOCCQ0��197d(Ja�n515uC�SuCCe55GtprrQluSCtOtlttBn�UmCTOtpaymBMO/Oth@tWiSfTOAdy,1R10rt�2Y1i0/1
<br /> ' of tM sum��ttured by Mq Deed a�Trust by reason o1 a�y Oema�CS matle bv�he or�g��a�Bo�rower ana Bo�rower s succe.ssors m mterest
<br /> (b) �M�M�'�IOMM�.W�t�0u1i11![Iingt�Chdb���tVOlanyot�erperSOn��80�etO�IheDaymenlofanyoC6gat�onnc�o�nme�t�O�ed.a��w�tnuulaftetlmg
<br /> the INn orc�argEO1 th�a 0led o1 Trusi upon any Oortron o�tne flrpperty nof tnen or tneretolo�e�eieaseA as secunty!o�tne t uu amouM ot a��unOa�O oDhqahoas.
<br /> � L�fIL��M�y,1rOm t�me toUmE�nd wilhou9 nOt�Ce(�1 r¢IldSC any perSOn so I�aDte i��l @�IBnO t�0 m8tu��tY O�eitOr 0ny OI IhC tC�mS O�dny SUGh OCI�9aLOn9.(m)
<br /> ynn�0lherinCUtQEntes.ln)role7�seo►reconvey orcau5eto0e�e�easedo�reco�veyetlatanyt�meatle�tlersop��onsa�yparcM p0�t�onorauoltrteVroperly.
<br /> (vH�keOrr�IN�eanyot�erpraOdd�o�alsecur�tyPoraoyob��ga��onneremmenuoned O�Iv�ImakPCOmpOS�t�On50�Ott�@ra��en90TCM5W�thdEDtOts�ntpldti0n
<br /> thereto ' r��
<br /> (�) F���Oy�,��Np��W��.AnytO�bearancebylender�ne■e�c�s�nga�v��4^torreme0yhereunAC� urotnerw�seatto+Qatlhyappl�ce�!e - �
<br /> � I�w.sh�11no1Qe�wa�rerolo�D���udetneexerasenlanysuchr�9DtorremedY T�oD�OCWCmentOt��SU�BncePrtRepBymen101WrC50tOthBrl�pns�2cchHrgeS � �_
<br /> ; by lenGer anall not De a w�sver of Le�eer's ngnt to acceiaate tne maturay ot tne��aeoteCness secu�ed Dy fms�eeA ot Trust �'
<br /> , (d� sua�Mas M/AN��SqMd:��������yp;�ry;C�pnp��.The Cove�ants ana agreemPnts nerc��conta�ned snall b�nd an0 Ine r�gnts ,
<br /> ' noreurtdersnai�muroto.tnerespect�vesucceua+eandass�g*+solLenae�ana8o�rower suD�ecfrotnep�o��s�onsMparagrap�8�ei�e�eot Ancovenamsand
<br /> agreema�tsol8orroweryh�llDq�o�MSnAxverai Tnecapho�sandnead��gsol�nepn�ag�apnso�tn�sDeedotTrustaretorco�1en�enceontyandareno�to�e
<br /> useA to im�rpret os Qet�M tne pror�s�on�nereol
<br /> ,�e) qpy�►tlp►NOMC�s.TAeD�rt�es�erebyrequesltnatecopyo�a�y�o��ceotdetau�t��reunAeranOacopye}a�ynot�coolsaiehereur��e+0ema�tetlto
<br /> laChpiTtytOt�ilOREdOfT�uSfttthpadO�CSfSQIfOrthebOvO��I�OmennC�D�OSC+�hPAbyaDD���2bfe18w EaCCDt10�d�yOtnernotiG6requ�rCCunOe�apO���aOie
<br /> Iaw to b�g�w�����othe�manner,any not�ce D�ov+ded for m m�s Deed o�Trus�sna��d�gwen by ma�ling sut�nol�t@ DY terl�f�ed�sa�i saaressra ro t�e otne�
<br /> • part�es.at tM�tlMals sal lo+th abow .
<br /> � Any noBCe prov�ded 1or m thu DeeA ot Tr�it s�an be dee�nc0 ro rare been g�ven te 8o�rower or Le�tle�wnen gwen m the ma^��Ces�gnate0 nerem
<br /> (f) (e�YOn.Lenderm�ymakeorcausetoDemaae�easonab�ec�i«es:�«��an0�nspect�or�0�ineP�cpe•ty D�ov�AeOtnat�entlersna�:g�ve8orrower
<br /> not�cs p*ror loa:r�s:xl��n��-etdun sisec�ty.nr�r.:a;r�aD��causa tnorelor ra!ateC�.::.enae��,nte+tst����+P•^R?°'�r
<br /> (y) R�Cp1ArM1N.UponOSymemola;tsnr.s3ecure00rtnhDeedo+T•,,'.Lende�s�anreQueSlTrusiee'c�econveytneP+oDertyana9�3`S�rrenQCr
<br /> � Ih��Os�0o1 Ttust and a�l npt�flv+OQrtCmy mCNStEAnEf!SCCU•eC by t��s Oeed cT T rust fo T�usfee T�vstee snan reconvey tnp Prpperty w�lnout na-ranty and
<br /> WR�OUt CMtgQ 10 thE p6qpn Or QErSOM ItlQYIIy Ent�i!td f�Btf10 S�ch per,on or pe�sons sha��pay a�l costs p1+eco�Aatw�.�f a�y
<br /> �n) ►K�pM1►re�Nfr,Mtyr{fyA4�N�tl.bed0�uoca�secw�tyfO�t�Cw8ym0rtohhoNotc9�lfi�tu�es equ�pme�1 3�OOtherDe�sona�p•_peHyuseC
<br /> �nconnlCUO�wdhlhereileftiteor�mp�Ovlmer.SU:cateCtne�eu�antlnoto!rer,�-seaeUareOb�deeme0/oUea�arlo�tne�ca�estate5etureQhere_y snaliCe
<br /> suD�eclt0�secr.�:ty�nterost�nfworoft�eLender�r.Ce�meNC�raskaUm+o�T�•n^me�c�a�Code Tn�smShu�n��tsna��beCO�StruCdasaSecuntyAgreement ---
<br /> --- • -
<br /> U itdlt yilA�ode.a nd tne Le�der sna u nave an tne�gt+ts ana remea�es o�a se..�:ea�m tr���aC=sa•J G.^..'.��^3���•�'v�t'v:r.^-t::r^:%:.'°tl t�rrlCd+op g.ao�nn,.n�p♦
<br /> � anC aCCOr�Rd the�pnCfE�pursW nt to t��!OeeO Ot T r�5t .
<br /> S,) ��y�y.Inl�Aeventthat0�yp+ov�s�onottn�sOeed:,tirustconl��ctw�tfiapp�.<ab�eiawo�aredetiareJm+a�•OOr��ner,v�seu�emorcoaD!e sucn
<br /> • cont��tt or mvel�O�ty snaunol aftetl thg Otner prov�s�o�s o�tn�s Ceeet ot Trust or me Note wn�cn can pe g�.e�e�tec t w•�hc�.�t•nr co�h U��9 D�ov�s�on.2n0 to I�•s
<br /> enOlne p�o��s�o�s o1 tne QeoO ot Trust a�0 the Note are deUaroa to be seve���:e
<br /> 9orrower nas eKecutea tn�s OeeO o�Trust�no oate wntten anove ,
<br /> l._ e�.°�.:. x .-',�
<br /> �3onnie L. Molle ��������
<br /> ;��,�7� `���
<br /> �
<br /> Robert D. Molle f'��" '��' �i
<br /> -r) �
<br /> ..1
<br /> °'�1
<br /> �r�
<br /> 3
<br /> ('
<br /> �
<br /> . . ._. _ . .. . ._ .._..-_ __ ......5-T .. .. ._ .�.- ,. ..�,. - _ _ .-- . - ..
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<br /> -- ,7., ,.. , (.' �. .ti. � ,t 'P'F� ... -b�"';rL�� ..m:^�s�faelta,q:""�..-r�-..
<br /> , ,. ... : ."'.. ,. . �
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<br /> i. ""'—.T�— .— ..__ .,...._,—^-.._._. -_--_ '--_"_"__ `-_-_ . . . _. .,
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