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<br /> 9�-~-�.02156
<br /> UNIFOIIFt�ov�HAtvts. 8orsawer�nd l.ender cov�nant�nd agrce ps fallows:
<br /> � 1. Pay�t of Pri�eci�sl a+�Ieterat; PreMy�ae�t�ud Lte Clc�rRes. Banowor shAll promptly pay whcn due
<br /> the principal of ind interest nn th�dcht e�idencal by the Note and a�y prepa�men�ans�late charges dur under thc Notc.
<br /> 2. FwB�tor T�acq aw l�wra�ce. Sub,ject to spplicable IAw or to�vvntten v►�aivtr b3 Lcnder.8orrowar shall pay
<br /> to L�trfckr at tAe day monthiy p«ymrnts arc due under the Note, until the Alatc is p�id in full,a sum("Funds•')equal to
<br /> one-twdfth of (a}yarly tana �nd sssessments whicl� may �ttsin priarity aver this Security Inserument; (b) yearly
<br /> las�hold p�yern�ts oc sround �ents on the Propeny. if any; (c) yeariy hszard insurance premiums; and (d) yeatty
<br /> mort�e inwru►ct ptemiums,if any.Thae items are caltod•'escrow items." Lender m�y�timate the Funds due on the
<br /> b�sis oicurrent dsta snd ra�sonable atimata af future acrow items.
<br /> The Funds shall be held in an institutian the deposits or accounts of which are insured ar guaranteed by a federal or
<br /> s4se sje�y(includinE Lcndet if Lender is such sn institution). Lender shall apply the Funds ta p�y the escraw items.
<br /> I,ender msy�ot char�e for l�oldin��nd applyina the Funds,antlyZing the trcount or verifyina the acrow items.ualess
<br /> I�dcr p�ys 8�ro�rer interat on the Funds and applicabk taw permits Lende�ta m�►lce sucb a chuae. Honawer at�d
<br /> " � Lender may�ra in writina that interest shill be paid oa the Funds. U�las an agament is msde or spplicable law
<br /> requira interat to be paid.Lender sh�ll no1 be�equired to p�y Horrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br /> t1aJ1 pve to Bomower,without ebu�e.sn annusl a�countin6 of the Funds showing credits and debits to thG Funds and the
<br /> purpae for Mhich each debit ta she Funds wu m�de.The Funds ue pledged as additian�l security far the sums secu�ed by
<br /> this Security lt�trument.
<br /> If the amount oi the Funds held by Lendet.together with the future monthly p�yments oP Funds psyable prior to
<br /> tAe due dsta oP the escrow items,sh�ll exceed the amount required to psy thr escrow items when d�se,the excess shsll be,
<br /> at Horrorver's option.either promptly repaid to Barrov�cr or credited to Borrower on monthly payments oi Funds. Ii the
<br /> amouet of the fiunds held by Lender is not sufFicient to pay the escrow items when due,Borrower shall pay to L.ender any
<br /> amount necessary to make up the deflcirncy in one or more payments as required by i,ender.
<br /> Upon payment in full ot a11 sums secured by this Security lnstrumcnt, Lsnder shall pmmptty rat'und to Bonower
<br /> sny Funds lieW by�.ender.If under psnaraph 19 the Psoperty is sold or acquired by Lender. Lender�twfl apply,no later
<br /> thtn immediately prior to the sale of the P�aperty or its acquisition by I.ender,any Funds held by Lsnder at the time of
<br /> applicstion as a credit�gsinst the sums sccured by this Security lnstrument.
<br /> 3. A/�tiqHo�ot PaY�b. Unless sppiicable law provides otherwise,all payments received by Lender under
<br /> p�ragraphs 1 ar►�2 shall be applied:first.to late charges due under ihe Note;stcond,to prepayment charges duo uedes the
<br /> Nost;thitd.to�cnounts payable under psrsgnph 2;fourth,to interest due;an�lut,ta principal due. �
<br /> �• aar�Iaess. Borrowcr shall pay all axes.�ssessments,chaises.6na and impositions attributable to tht .
<br />: Property w�hich may �ttain priority.over this Security Instrummt. md laseho�d payments or groundp r�ents� if any.
<br /> BottO�ver�thal!p�y thqe obliltations in the mmner providrri in�ar��r�!ph 2,o.•if not�aia ir.!ltat m�tne*.^VtTQC:C=att:!! --=-
<br /> p�y them on time directly to the person owed p�yment. BonowEr shall promptly farnish to l.ender all nutica oPamounts
<br /> to be psid under this p�arrap�aph. If Bonower rrukts these psymants directly,9orrower shsll promptly fumish to Lrnder '
<br /> _ ..�,.�:�M.ea,�� ;._ ._ _-
<br /> S:b t w�7�'a='witsa.
<br /> BorroMer sha11 prompt�y dischuge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Bonower.(a) -
<br /> aaroa in�rriting to the paymrnt of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lrnder;lb)contests in good =
<br /> fiith the lien b7r.or defends asainYt enforcemrnt of tho lirn in,le�!proceedinas�hieh in¢Ae Lertder's opinion operace to —
<br /> pteveni the eaforeement of the lien or forfeiture of any part of the Pruperty;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an �f �
<br /> aareema�t satisfacWry to Lender subordinatiag the lien to this Security Instrumenl.lf Lender determines that any part of =
<br /> t�e Property is subject to a lirn which may attain prianty over this Security Instrument, l.ender may give Barrawer a
<br /> notice identifyina the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the I�en or take one or more of the actions set forth above w�thin 10 days
<br /> of the aivina of ac�tice.
<br /> S. H��aei I�pnace, Bonowet shall kap the improvements now eaisting or hereafter erected on the Property � -
<br /> iasured a�ainst Ioss by flre,haurds included within the term"eatmded coverage"and any other huirds far which Lender
<br /> t�quira insurance. This insunnce sha1) be mzintained in the amounts and for the periods that Lender requires. The
<br /> insur�noe csrrier providing the�nsurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to 1..ender's approval which sAalt not be �
<br /> unreaaonab{y w"sa3sheld. �
<br /> Al) insutance policies and renewals shall be acceptable to E.ender and shall include a standard mortgage clause.
<br /> Lender shal!have the right to hold the policies and renewals. If Lender reqwres.Borrower shall promptly give to I.ender
<br /> all receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices.ln the event of loss.Borrower shal)give prompt not�ce to the insurance
<br /> curier and I.ender.Lendtr may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Untess L,snder and Bonower otherwise agree m wnti�g,insurance proceeds shall be applied to restorat�on or repair
<br /> of the Propeny damsged. �f the restorat�on or repair is economically feasible and Lender's secunty�s not lessenod. If the
<br /> ratontion or rrpair is not econnmically fcasible or Lender's s�+cunty would be lessened,the�nsursnce proceeds shall be
<br /> tpptiad to the sums secured Esy this Security instroment.whether or not then due,with any eaceu pa�d to Borrower. if
<br /> Barower ab�ndons the P�apeny,or does not answes aithin 30 days a noticc from Lender that tht insurance camer has
<br /> olFered to setik a clairre,then Lendet may collect the msurance proteeds.Lender m�y uce the proceeds to repair or ratore
<br /> the!'rqxrtg�ns'tt�pay sttms stseere�by this Sxe�tity �nssrameai.�zhethcr ar r�ot shen due. "�'he 3(3�aiay period wiii begin
<br /> whm the notice is givrn.
<br /> Unless Lender and 6onower otherwise agree in wntmg,any appl�cat�on of proceeds to pnncipal shall not extend or
<br /> postpone the due cfate of the monthly paymrnts referra!ta in paragraphs 1 a�d 2 or change the amount of the payments.If
<br /> under prragrap�s 19 ihe Property is acquirec!by l.ender.Bottow�et s nght to any msurance�aol�cus and proceeds resulting
<br /> ftom damage ta the Property pnor to the acqmsition shall pa3s[o Il.ender to the extent of the sums secured hy th�s S!runty •---
<br /> instrument zrtsra:ed�atety pr�or to the acquisit�on. •
<br /> 6. Pnstnation and Mdntentnce ot Proper�;Leaseholds. Borrower shall nat destroy.damage or substant�atly
<br /> change the Ptopeny, allow the Propeny to detenoratt ot c�mmn waste. lf th�s Security Inscrument �s on a leaxhold.
<br /> Borr�v►er sha][cnmply with the provis�ons of the lease,an�d Borrower acquires fee btle to�he Property,t he leasehold and
<br /> fee title sh�3t n�t merge unless Lender aRrees ta the merger m wnt�ng.
<br /> 7. Prot�ection of Lende�'s Ri�hts in the Properiy; '�fortp�ge Insurance. If Borrower fails to perform �he �1t
<br /> � covenants and agreements cnnta�ncd�n th�s Secunty lmtrument,or thete is a legal prc+ceedmg that ma}slgn�ficanlly affect �
<br /> I,ender's nghts in the Pre�e�ty (such as a prareed:r,g,�n bankruptcy, probate, for condemnar�on or to enforce laws or
<br /> erguiations),tnen Lender may do and pa�•for w haacLer as necessary to protect the�alue af►he Propcm and Lender'S nghts `f
<br /> m the Ptop�ert�. l.ender's acunns may s�:�lude �+�y�r�g any sums secured by a lien w•h�ch has �+nonc: n�er tMs Sec�nty ���
<br />, instrument, appearmg�n cceurt,paying rrasonable attarn�ys'fees and ent�nng on the Pr<�persy tc�make repairti Althc�ugh
<br /> Lendcr may lake a::hon untler this paragraph 7,1_en�e?does nnt ha�e to do ti� �
<br /> Any amounts dssDurSed by Lender under t^iti�-�:�agraph 7 shali bec��mc��ddih�nn!deht��f H<�rrrsuer�erured hy th,c '
<br /> cs,�.:uniy I�isitur,�eu! Z'nlc.>Bnrr��wei anc i.endc:a�;ree rn other�erm�01 patiment,the�amour.t�shall hear intereti�frnm
<br /> the date of dtshurtiemcn► at thc "V��te rate and �hall t+c parable. w�th �ntcretit. up�n s�uti;� frnm ( encicr �c� Bnrr��u�er
<br /> rcquest�ng�+ayment
<br /> ��
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