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<br /> .9a"" 10 2�4'7
<br /> � 1, Fhry�eeui o!hf�clp�l�lete�l a�d I.�te Citr�s.l3orrower shall pay when dur thc principal oi', and i�terest on,tha debt
<br /> evidcnr.ed by tQe Note�nd luc ch�r�rs due undtr thT Nate.
<br /> �.Me�tldr hr�b oi Tua.larrs�ee ui OILct G�u�a.Burrower shaU include in each manthly payment.to�ethcr wtth
<br /> � the principd�nd interest a ue fotth in the Nate an�a�►ny I�tte chsr�es,wn iastsitment nf any(�)t�xes end speci�l�ssea�ments
<br /> kvied ot ta t�e kviad ysin�t the Property. (b)kastAald payment�or�round re�t�on the Proper[y, and(c) premiums far
<br /> insuran:e roQuired by Passft�ph,.
<br /> g.uh rppattl�lly iauWmes�t tar![sms(a}.(b)and(c)s�sl!e9uaf onrtwtlf�h of thr annu�l Amounts.as reasonsbiy escim�ued bY
<br /> Le�der�ptus aa uaaunt su(ticient to maint�tn�n�d�dilional b�lance of nat more ehan ono-sl�th oi the estlm�ted amounts. She
<br /> fuU anawl�mount for each item sh�ll be�ecumu3atcd by Lender within �period endinj one month before an item wouid
<br /> Decome dellnquoat.Lender shvl hotd the amonnts mDkcted in trust to pwy items(a)�(b)and(c)befoce they become delinquent.
<br /> If at any tlme the totd of the paymenu held by Lender for items(�).(b).and(c)�tojether with the future montRly ptyments
<br /> for euch ilems pny�tbk to Lender prior to the due d�tes of such itert►�,eaceed�by more than one•sbcth the atimated amount uf
<br /> paynxnt�requirod ta p�y such items when due��nd it p�ymenu on the Note are cutrent.then Leader sh�ll either eefund the
<br /> ptoa�over one-sixth of the atim�ted p�yments o� credit the exces�over one-sixth of the estimated psyments to subsequent
<br /> psymmts by Sorrower,at the optbn ot Borrowcr. lt�he tatal of the payments made by Rorr.Qwet for item(a),(b),or(c)is
<br /> insuffieknt to pay the item when due.ihen Boaower shall pay to Lender any unount nececsaz�ca make up the deflciencY vn or
<br /> be(orc tlu date tl�e itam baomes due.
<br /> A�wed in thi�Secadty Instrument, "Secretuy" means the Secrotuy of Ne+zsin= and L'a�an Devde�Rr�ent or his or her
<br /> des��nce.Most Secu�ity Instruments insured by tAe Secretuy are insured under�aegrams w�*_�crqerire ad�ucaa:e payment of the
<br /> tntitt mottp�e insur�nce premium.If thI�Secutity 1 nsttument is or ws�s inaured under a Dto�m whlch d'zd���Y cequire advance
<br /> payment ot the enUre mort�e insurance premium,thtn each monthly paymeot shall dso inclrt�8e eitfier:(i)at�installmeat Qf the
<br /> annual mort�sse insuru�ce premium to be p�id by Lender to the Secrctuy. or(11)� moQtPr,L�ch�rQe insExa� ef a�acr.gage .
<br /> inwranoe premium if tR.i,s Securlty Instrutnent is held by the Secretary. Eacb moathly insa'�imeat of tho mc,rt�gzgo in.�rr.r-ance '
<br /> premium ah�ll be in an aa�eoant suFficient to accumutue the full annual mortga�e insur�nce premIum with Lender one�nonth
<br /> prlor to the date the full ac�nual mortsa�e inaurance premium ia due to the Secretuy.or if this 5ecurity Instrumeat is held by the
<br /> Secrotary.each monthly chu�e shall De in an unoc�nt equal ta one-twelfth of one•half perrent of the outstanding principal
<br /> balance due on the Note.
<br /> !t Borrower tendrn to Lender the full payment Qf a11 sums secured by this Security Instrument, Borrower's account shatf 6e
<br /> credlted with the balince remainin� for aii instaliments for items (a). (b) �nd (c) and any mongage insurance premium
<br /> installmeet that Lender has nat become obligated to poY to the Secretary,�nd Lendet shall promptly refund any eacess funds to
<br /> BortaMer. Immedi�►tely priot to �foreclosure s�te ot tfie Propeny or i!s n�yul.ritlon by l.ender, Bonower's account shal!be
<br /> c�edited NicA any bal�nce remaining fot all ia�t�ltments for items(a). (b)and(c).
<br /> 3.Ap�atia�of P���b. All pdti�ments under puaaraPhs 1 and 2 shall be applied by �rnder as follows: .
<br /> F]$�.to the mortpte insur�nce premium to be pald by l.ender to the 5ecretary or to the monthly charge by the Secretary
<br /> iastad of the monthty mortpse insurance premi�a�.un[ess Borrower pald ttie cistire mortgaae insurance premium when this
<br /> Secu�iry Instrument wu silned;
<br /> SECOND.to any tues.special assessmeats.lasehold payments or Qround rent:.and lire.flood�nd other hazard insurance
<br /> premiu�m.au�r,yui,r�i, T-�'
<br /> ��gQ.to interest due under the Note; _- =
<br /> FOiJRTH,to�rt►oniutlon af the principal ot the Note;
<br /> FIFTH.to tate chu�dve undv the Nott. "
<br /> 1.Fh�e�1�1ao��Otber H�aM Iwn�ce.Borrowet shal{incure aU improvements on tht Property.whether now ie enistence ,. `�
<br /> � or subsequently etected.asainst any hsurds.casualcies,�nd contingencies,including fi�e,for which Lender requires insurana. ,-
<br /> Thi�iesunnce shall be mai�tained ia tt�e amounts and for the periods that Lender requites. Borrovrer shall also insure all
<br /> improvements on the Property.whether now in eustence or subsequently erected.against loss by floods to the eatent roquired by _
<br /> tde Secreury.All iasuranee shail be cazried with compania approved by 4encier.Thr insuraace policia and any renewals shall =
<br /> be heid.6�Lender a�nd shall inciudc l�ss payrble c[auses in favos of.and in a form acceptable to,Lender.
<br /> In tAe erent of loss.Barrower shal!give Lender immediate notice by mail.Lender may make proot of toss if no�made prompt• _
<br /> . ' Iy by Borrower.Each insunna company concrrntd is hereby outharized and directed to make p�yment for such loss dircctly to �
<br /> 1.ender,instead of to Bosrower and to l.ender jointfy.All or any put of the insurance procerds may be applied by Lender, at its
<br /> � option, either (a)to tAe reduction of the indebtedness undet the Note and t[us Security Instrument. first to any delinquent �__
<br /> amounU apptied in the order in Para�raph 3. and tAen to prepayment of princ�pal.or(b)to the restoration or repair of the �
<br /> dun�ed property. Any applicatlon of the procceds to the principal shaU nnt extertd or postpone the due date oF the monthly ..r
<br />' paytnents whieh ue referred to in Parayraph 2.or change the amQr�nt of such payments.Any excess insurance praceeds aver an �
<br /> amount required to pay all outstanding indebtrdness under�hc Note and this Security Instrument shall be paid to the entir�:Iegal-
<br /> ly enutled thcreto. ' ' ��
<br /> In the eveat of forea5dsure of this S�curity Insirument or other transfer of title to the Property that extinguisha the in-
<br /> debtedness,all rijht.titte and interest of Bonower in and to insur�nce pol�cies in force shall pass to the purchaser.
<br /> s, rmer�Ho� a�d Mt1�le�troe ,�t tYe P�oper�f. l.ea�ekolds. Bonower sl►all not cocn:nit waste or destroy, damagt nr
<br /> substantixUy ehau�e the Propeny or sllow the Property to deteriorate,reasonable wear and iear excepted.Lsa►der may inspect
<br /> the property if the ptoyerty is vacant or abandoned or the lou�is in default.Lendcr may take reasonabl�ar.tion to protect and
<br /> � pt�trve suct!vacant a abuidoned ptopeny.If IRis Security Instrument is on a teuehold.Borrower shall cbc*:Dly with the provi-
<br /> sioes of tbe{ease. lf Borrower acquiree fee citle tn the Property. the leasehoid and feo titic shall not be merged unicss Lender
<br /> `ageq ta the mer�er in writins.
<br /> �„Ciuraes to/oreower�r!Proleciiu�ot 1,eMer's Ri�is i�tie Prapert7.'3vrtuwer shall pay all goycrnmcntal vr municipa!
<br /> chaiits.flnes and unpositians ttut are not included in P�raeraph 2.Borrov►e��:all pay�nese obBgatioas en time directly co che .
<br /> entity which is owed the psyment. If failure to yay would adversety affect Leader's interat in the Properc�,�upon Lendrr's re-
<br /> qutst Hotrower shall pram�tly furnish to I..ender �eceipts evidenrina tt�ese Fa3'ments.
<br /> If Botror�rer fails to m�ke thtse ptyments or the payments rcqu�red by Paragra�h 2,or fa:ls t�perform any other covenants and
<br /> � asteemtnu cont�ined in thi�Security Instrument,or tArre is a legal procteding that may significantly affect l.ender's rights in
<br /> tns Praperty isuch as�proceedin�in inuii�i u�tty.fo�coad:snnati�n ar ta:.-.t'ar::ls::�e�u regulations),then Lender m�y do and �--
<br /> pay whatever is neoasuy to protect the value of[he Propeny and Lender's tigf�ts�n the Propeny.including payment of taaes, •
<br /> huarct insvrance and othe�items mentionecl m Paragraph 2.
<br /> My amounu disbursed by lender unde�this Paragraph shall become an add�tio7al de�t of Bonow•er and be sccured by this
<br /> Security Instrument.These amounts shail beu interest from the date of disburcemenc. at the Note rate,and at the option of
<br /> Lender. shall be immediately due and payabte.
<br /> L �.CoNe�aetlo�.Thr proceeds of any award or:la�m for demages,direct or conseyuential,in coanec�t:on w�th any condem-
<br /> nation or othet ttkingo€any�art ot the p�flDerty,or for conveyance�n place of condemnat�on,are hereby assigned and�ha11 Ge
<br /> �aid to Lender to thc exaent of Lhe fuil amount of the indebtedness that rtmains unpa�d unQer the Kote and this Securiiy Instru•
<br /> ment. i.ender�hall npply such prnceeds to the reduction of tht in�iebtedness under thr tiote and tMs Secunty�Instrur.renl, first t��
<br /> any delinquens amounts applied m the osdtr provided in Paragraph 3,and then ro prr�aa�mieret of pr�nc�pal. Any app6cat�on of n
<br /> the pt�.cetds to tht prittcipal snall not eatend or postpon� the due date of iht mnnthly payments. wnich arc refcrred to m '�'��
<br /> Patagr�ph 2,or change thr emaunt�f such payments. Aoy e�cesc peviceed�oticr an amount re u�re3 to g�n N
<br /> Q Cav aU out�tand�n '+
<br /> dehtedness unrler the'�c.te and th�s �ecunty {s�strument shall t+c paicl n•the entr.� leKail� entnle�f�hereta ._, '
<br /> A.E�t�. 1 encicr may tullr,.e fres and.harge�autho:lll'4�'� (hf tif�(CSJf�
<br />� � � !'uqr. '�
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