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<br /> �•�RT�e�!et�tf�tlA�l,Istecest�a�i t.�le Ctah+e.Liorruwer:hap pay xhrn dur ehe principai uf, and iRterest on, tE�e dc�t
<br /> evlcknceci by ths tVote and late chu�a ciue under ehe Noie.
<br /> 2.MMt�1p hy�nb ot Ta�a,I�w���wi 011er Ciane�.Borrower ahall inctude in eachwm nthly paym�ent,togsther xit 1�
<br /> ("" the p�incip�l�nd intGre�t as set farch in rha Note�nd any I�te chu�es, an instalimene of any(e)taxes and spcciAl�ts.ussmencs
<br /> i teY�ea or co ee tc��aWnsc e�e propeny, (b)leuehokf p�yments or gtound rcnts oo tho ProExrtv, and (�) prrnniunu for
<br /> insurance P�ui�ttii b�r Paryraph�.
<br /> �ac�mo�athiy+aatall�aene fc►r items(a).(b)and tc)sAa11 equal onc-twelftA�f the annuef amaunts,as rcasonabig atlmzted by
<br /> Leada.piw+n Rmount sufficient to mainWn an additional balance of not morc than one-sixth of the eslimated amaunts.The
<br /> fuU�nnual amount!or qc1� item sAall be�ccumuiated by Lceder within n pertod endtn�anr month before an itern woutd
<br /> 6c�co+de deiinquent.Lender shall hold the amounts collected in trust to psy items(a).(b)and(c)t�eFore they become delin�uenc.
<br /> It u uiy tilae the tota!of the p�yments htld by Lcnder for items(a),(b),and(c),together with the future monthly payments
<br /> for sucA item�payabie to L.ender prior tw the duc data of such items,exceeds by morc than o�e-sixth che atimued iunount ai
<br /> p�ymeats rcquiced to pay such items when due,and if payments on the Note Ar�e current, then Lender sh�ll either refund the
<br /> e�ca�over one-siatA of the estim�teA p�Yments or credtt the excess over one-sixth of the estim�ted paymenta ta subsequent
<br /> W�enb by Horrower.at the option�f Borcower. If the total of�he payments made by Banower For itcm (a). (b),or(c)is
<br /> 1m�►tiicient to Qay the item when due,then Bonovrer shall 9Ay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the de�ciency on or
<br /> betore the date tAe item Decomp due.
<br /> As wed in ttis Securitr instrument, •'Secretuy'• means the Stcretary of Housing and Urban Development or his or her
<br /> desisnee.Most Security Insttuments insured by the Secretary ue insured under pro�rams which reQuire advance payment ai the
<br /> tatire mort�e ic�s-,�rance premlum. If this Securlty Instruraent is or wav insurcd under a program which did not require advance
<br /> paYment of the e�atirc mort�e insurance premium.then each monthiy payment shW also include either:(i)an installment of the
<br /> annua)mortyqe insurance p�emium to be psid by E,ender to the Secretary. or(ii)a monthly chArge instead of a mong�ge
<br /> in�unnce premit�f if thu Security In�trumrnt i�hetd by tht Secretary. F..�ch monthly inctaliment af the mortg�r insurance
<br /> Pmn1�m sft�U br ia an amount suificient to accumulate the full annu�l mon�a�e insuranee prccnium with Lender one monih
<br /> prior to tl�r date tfie full annual mort�ye insurance premium is due to the Secretary.or if this Security Instrument is held by the
<br /> Secretary. each monthiy charge shall be in�n amount equal to ane•tweifth of ane-half percent of the outstanding principal
<br /> baLnce due on the Note.
<br /> If Bonower tenders to l.ender the full payment of a11 sums secured by this Security tnstrument.Borrawer's account shall be
<br /> crMited with Ne btlance remainina for ali instaillments for items (a). (b) and (c) and any mong�ge insurance pren�ium
<br /> imultment t6at Lereder hns not become abligated to pay to the Secretary. and Lender sh�11 promptly refund any excess funds to
<br /> Borrower. immediattiy prior to a foreclos�re sale of the Propeny or its acq�isition by l.rndcr. Borrawer's account shal!be
<br /> credited with any!►alance rcmatnin� for al)instsilments for items(a).tb) and �c).
<br /> 3.A�tatlo�ot h�b. All payments under paragtaphs 1 and 2 shall be apRiird by l.tnder as follows:
<br /> Fl$,�T.to the mort�ta�e insurance premium to be paid by Lende�ta the Secretuy cs ta tbe mcc:hly charge by the 5ecretary
<br /> dnsttad of the monthly mortgage insurance premlum. unless Bonower p�id the entire mortgage ia�urance premium when this
<br /> S�curity Itatrument was signed;
<br /> — _ SHC'AND;to any t���c.��,`"s':�}�.w•sn_stts.!�.:rhat.a.�rs;�:eau ar gra::nd reats..:sid ti�c.t1�.3�ud uti�c�i��vxrd insurance
<br /> preuiium��as rcquired: �—
<br /> TH($Q.to interat due under the Note:
<br /> FOURTH. to amortiution of the principal of the Note; '
<br /> FIFfH.tn lue chua.a d�......a...��+.z.,.. -
<br /> —. -. _ - ---_�--...._........ ...........
<br /> �•�lee�l�loo�Wd Otiet Har�r!I�n�ce.Borrower shall insure all improvemenu on the Property,whsther now in existencc
<br /> or subsequtndy erceted,aj�ost any 6aurds,casualties.and contingencies, including tire,far which Lender requires insurana. �
<br /> This iasuance shall be muaptined in the amounts and for thc periods [h�t Lenda cequina. Borrower sh:ll also insure all ;
<br /> improvements on the Property,whether ao�r in txistence or subsequently erected.against loss by flaods to the extent required 6y
<br /> tlfe Saretary. Alt insurance shtll be carried wich rnmpa�nies approved by l.ender.The insurance gc�(i�.irs artd any rentwals shall
<br /> � be held by Lertder and shalt include loss Rap�bte ctauses in favor of,and in a form acceptable to. Lende�.
<br /> In the rvent of los�,Botrower sh�1�g��e Lender immediate notice by m�il. Lender mar make proof of loss if not made promDt•
<br /> ly�l"BoROwe�,E�ch insurance company concerned is hereby authorized and dircr:ted ta maice payment far such Ioss direcsly to �
<br /> Lender.instead of to Borrower and to Lender jointly.All or any pan of�hc insuranct proceeds msy be applied by Lender,at iis
<br /> option. eitder(a}to the reduction of the indeb+cedness under the IYote and this Security Instrument. first to any delinquent
<br /> atnounta applkd in tbe order in Paragraph 3.and then to prepayment of principnl. or (b) to the «storation or repair of the
<br /> dataa�ed propertg.Any applicatian of the proceeds to the prinripal shail not extend or pastpone tlx due da►e of the monthly
<br /> payments which are refened to in Puagraph 2,or change the amount of such payments. Any excess insurznce proceeds oeer an �1
<br /> •mount required to pay a11 o�ctstanding indebtctifness under the Note and this Security tnserument shatl be paid to the emity Iegal•
<br /> �Y�dcted therao.
<br /> In the event a6 foreclosute of this Security lnstrument or other transfer oF title to the Ptoperty that exnnguishes [he in•
<br /> debtedness.aII►Yght�title and interest of Botrovrer in and to insurance policies in force shall pzss to the purchaser.
<br /> s' ��^�� �d M�te�aa'e o/tYe ProPety. t.ea�e�olds. Barrok•er shall rtot commit waste os datray, damage or
<br /> subxtantially chanse the propetty or Wuw the Propeny to deteriorate, reasonabte wwr and tear exccpted. Lender may ins�i
<br /> tbe property if the propetty is v�t or abandoned or chr loan is in defiult. Lender may take reasonaDle action to protect and
<br /> prexrve such vacani pt�handoned p�operty. If this Security Insttument is on a lezsehold, Sorrower shall comyly with!he proci-
<br /> siona of the kapc.;f gorrower�cyuires ke title to the Property,the le�ehold and fee title shall not bc mergcd unles9 Leader
<br /> yrees to the merser in writing.
<br /> �•�f��[e�►es as�!'atttefaa ot l.tt�et's�ts ir t8e Prvperc9.Borrower sh�11 pay a11 gorernmrnta!or murucipal
<br /> chuja.fina and tmpositions that are not included�n Puagraph 2.Bottower shall pay�hese obligations on time directly to the
<br /> , entity which is owed the paymenE. ff failure to pay would adversely affxt E.ender's interest in thc Property, upon Lender'ti re-
<br /> qnest Horrowu shdl prompUy furnish to I..ender receipts evideneing these p�ymrnr.s.
<br /> If Horrower fiils to make these paymet�es or the payYnents requ�red by Puagraph 2,or fails to perf�orm anv nther coti�enar��s and
<br /> a�reetr�enn��r�r,��� r�^����y ZnS::ss„tms. os itx:e it:ltga:Fro.-tt;l;:�3 th.t r,iay sigc,ii�euntiy affe�t Lendcr's tighis in • - - � -
<br /> the Ptopetty(such u Yptoctedin�in bankraptcy, for condcmnation or to er.force laws er regulations),�herr Lender may do and
<br /> pay whitsver is necessuy eo protect the valut of the Properry and[.tnder's rrghts m the Property, mcluding payment oF�axes,
<br /> h�mrd insurancc and other items mcntionec# in Paragraph 2.
<br /> My amounts disbursed by lender undet th�s paragraph shall become an additional debt uf Bo�rower and be secared by this
<br /> Securiry Instsutreent. Thest amaunts shall b�tr intercst From chc date of disbursemrnt, at ihc Noce rate, and at the upf�un c�( �
<br /> ' Lrnd=r.shall be immediatcly due and pay�t�lc. �r
<br /> � �•CoiAN�utiw.The proeeeds atany aw•atd oa clairr.!or damages,direct ur conse�quennal, �n�onnecuan uith any condem• �
<br /> nation or other taking of any put oi the Ptoptrty, or for comepente:n place uf rondemnation,are hereby a«�gned an�i�hall h:
<br /> DA�d to Ltnder to�he e�ttrnt af the fuli a�nount ol'the indebted�trsv�hat rem�ns uropa�d >�nder the tiotc and thn ti�cunty In�tru h
<br /> merit.i,ender sh�ll�pply such pTCr�teds to thr rtdur�ion of the indebtednFss undcr che tioee and thic�F�unty lnstrument,(ir�t t�, �tD
<br /> any delior�uem amounts apQlied in che urdcr prov�d�d�n Paragr�ph:1,and ihcn iu prep3y�mcnt uf��nn�ipa! llny �pple�au�m ��� �
<br /> the procceds to the ptineip�l shul! not e�tend or pusipune the due date o! the rnunthly patimenta, xhtch a�e re(etted r„ :n °
<br /> Pata.�taph 2,ut change the emour�t of such��y►neots. Anv exces,pr�r��c e.�cr an arnuunl rrywrrJ tu��a. :�I!���it�r.lndinK ,r� •
<br /> debtcdirrss und�r�he Note anci ih�� Sccunty lnslrurner�t �hul1 he{+a�d �o �hr rnut; IrE;a!I� cn�,�1;•J there���
<br /> __ �. Feey. f c��cler may�uiJect fec•. nnd �h;trce�nutl�ur�red hti the Sc�retai�
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