i. .�I� . . _— — .--l.•.�� ..u�:uuuaaucreuc:�cs:v,ac. �.��'.XS-�.:IXFi"`�.`i�fL:Citt1`r=
<br /> —____..n?i � .
<br /> -.,��
<br /> _��
<br /> � I
<br /> N�tv•U NIF�RM CnvF:v�nri's Bonowcr and t.endrr fu�he�cavc�nan at n7�r'cTC��IMlvs: 9���h�
<br /> 19. Aettle:�tioM; Re�ed(es. l.ta�eP sLsll �i�e nos�lca to B�srower prior to �ccele�a�ton [ollaNing Llorro�er'�
<br /> ►rp�c►of�y coveNUtt or s�rss�t Ia t�di Sec�uity Is�te�eu�ent(�t not prla�to acteleration under pua�rapA�t��ed 17
<br /> w{��lics�k Lsw �ii/es aHetwi�e�.'i're potice a�11 spec�ty: 1�1 tl�e default; Ib)tse �ctian re�uired tr�cure the
<br /> �shwlt;(cl N�late��►t 4w t�JO���tro�tbe I�te tre Notke is�t�tp to liorrawer,by which t6e det�ult must ae cured;
<br /> � uw 111 tl�t hrti�re to cwe tYe�eh�lt oe�or Se[ore tre d�te s�ecifled in tlre notice msy rault in accetention ot the sum� �
<br /> �er�end �y fkis SeerHtr ��Me�t�d s�le attAe Pro�erty,'�'ae eQNre sAall fu�thcr inform Borrower of the �ight to
<br /> ttl�te Nter �ceekntioN�tMe ri{r! to briµ a corrt aettow to u�ert the nort•existence of s det�ult or any otAer
<br /> i�feMe ot Borrower to�ccekr�tio�n aM�ale.!t tYe d�t�ult Fy aot cur�d oa or betore the date spesiRsd in tive notice.Lender -
<br /> i��i s��ay i��aiu trs�o�er o1 wle�i s�y oNer re�edies�er�alttsd 6y aOplicsbk law.Leader shall enNtled to
<br /> co!!�e! st!l:�aaes tes�re�e! Is �t�e rt�ia ��fded iw tMfs MrsQ�� l9, isclydi�� but aot Itmiced to.
<br />� rpso��le�ttarwe�rs't�a u�i cab ot Ntfe er[deece.
<br /> It t1N'ower ot�a{e b i�wkei.TrtMt� slsll recad�wtke ot deta��t i�r eacA conatY ta w6ich uy p�rt af the
<br /> Pro�ty b loe�ted�d slu�li w�ll co�ia ot�.�cb�otiee i�tde�swaer�rescribed by applieable I�w to Horro�er and to the
<br /> otMet�eso��prqeriDe�by aNlkable iaw.Af�ter t5e tta�e n��ired by a�/licabk law.T�u:ta a6s11�iY�pubik eotice ot
<br /> �ak to Ne�eeso�s a�i�tlK■a��e��esc�tred by a�lic�bk law.Ttusta.witlrout dem�nd oN Ro�rower.shal!set!t1x
<br /> � Pra�erty at�wbik arctioa eo tl�e Yi�est bidder at the time and place aad uader the tenns dai�nated ia the eodce of sale in
<br /> oNe or wort�arceb aiN i�uy�er Trrstee deten�iaa.Teustee�y�at�one sale of sll or aay'arcel ot the Pm�erty 5Y
<br /> �!k s���cew�t�t tre ti�e a�d olace ot ay p�eHoaslY se6edakd sile. I.eeder or iq ds�i�nee may pu�cl�ve the
<br /> Pw�erty�t asy ak,
<br /> Upa recei�t ot M�e�t o!t6e prk+� b�d, T�atee slNII detjve� tta the pnrcbassr Trustee's deed canre}�iAg sAe
<br /> Pio�ertY.T�e reciWs i�tMe Tr�stee's decd siall be pri�aa tkie e+idee�r at t�e autb of the atateuiean made therein.
<br /> Ts�tee�sll sMl�tlie�ac�ed�of d��in the toUowin�order.t�1 to all expenses ot ths sale.inciudin�.but not�i�eited '
<br /> to,7'r�ttee's tee�is�er�itted�y sp�icr�k tsw u�i rawaaNe =ttarneys'feex(b)to all sun�s ucared by this Security
<br /> � I��nt;an�(c)s�y ezce�to tl�e�erso�or�enowf leptly esdtled to it.
<br /> 20. Lende�tn Posrasion. Upon acceleration under p�rag�Aph IQ or abandonment of the Property. L.ender (in '
<br /> person, by agent or by judic�ally appomted�eceiver)shall be entitled to enter upon, take pos.ussion of and manage che
<br /> P�operty and to coltect the rents of'the Froperty includiog those pa.c=due. Any rents collected by Lender ar the rece�►�e�
<br /> sh�U be applied first to payment of the costs of mAnegament of the Property and collection of rents,including, but nut
<br /> lirnited to,rcceiver's fees.premiums an receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys'fees,and then to the sums secured by
<br /> this Secunty lastrument.
<br /> 21.Reeo�reys�ce.Upon psyment of all sums secured by this Secunt�• l�strument,Lender shall request Ttvstee to
<br /> teconvey the Property and shall sutcertder this Security lnstrument and all nates ev�dencing debt srcured by this Secunty
<br /> l�ccrument t�Trustee.Trustee shail reconvey the Propetty w�thout warranty and w�thvvt chatge to the perscm or persons �
<br /> k�lly entit[ed to u.Such penon or persons shall pay any recordat�on costs.
<br /> 22.SM9sttt�te Trusta.l.ertder.at its option,may fram time to time remove Trustee and appoe�t a succasor trusta '
<br /> i ta any Tnutee appointed heraunder by�n instrument recorded in the county in which th�s Security Instrumerot�s recorded. ,'�`-
<br /> Without wnveyance of the Pcoperty.the succeswr tcusta shaU succeed to all the title, power and dutia conferred upon �
<br /> Trusta here�o and by s�pplic�ble law. , ,
<br /> Z3.Re�Mest ior Notka.Horrower reques[s that,copis cf the notices oi aeiaoit and sale i�c sent to isorrower's :_ -
<br /> adAress rvhich is the Propeny Address. -
<br /> 24.Ri�ien to t6h Ste�titr tuitruieest. if one or more nden are executed by Banower and recorded together with ,�
<br /> this Secuntg Lnstrument.the covenancs and agreements of each cuch rider shall be mc�rporatcd mto and shall amend and
<br /> supplement the covenants snd agreements of th�s Secunty lnstrument as �f the n�e:(s) were a part of this Security i �
<br /> iasttument.(Check applicable box(es)j
<br /> � (',� Adjustable Rate Rider �Condom�nwm Rider � �-4 Fam�ly Rider _
<br /> C Gnduate�d Paymmt Rider �Planned L.rN� Development Rider �
<br /> � O�her(s) (specdfyJ ACKNOWLEOG(�FP:1'
<br /> 9Y SICiN1NG B�Gaw. Bonuwer accepts and agrees to the tentizs and covenants conta�ned m th�s Secunty ,'Z
<br /> Instrument and in any nder(s)executed by Borrower and rerurded w t h it. ��
<br /> . .....(x• . .... . .. ... .
<br /> ................................... ............ ...... . . ..... ....•. ... .... .....(Seai)
<br /> . . .. .. ...... --80rrowN
<br /> .
<br /> .
<br /> .................................................... .. ... ... .... . (Seall
<br /> ..............
<br /> ���IR I� Ep ER� � � —9o►ro..er
<br /> �: STATEOFNEBRASkA. HA�� Cvunt� »:
<br /> f3n this 1pTH day o! APR?L ,I99G , hefore me, the u�cfers�gned, a �atary Pubi��
<br /> � dulycommissi�onedandqualificd for+;�i�i:auaty, �+cr�onai�rcame RICHARD A Eu�ERLY AP;�
<br /> �ULIA f�'I EPPER�Y� HJS�R�VD AA'D WIF� ,to me known to be thc
<br /> �T__ IdST111S� �f5�_S!(S! L�'t]OS!` namel�! 3tC �U�JStillhw� tn rl��• fpr��{�3nv ir�tt�lr?fnf :�n11 r._Lnnulrri�+f� 'hr �•Xs•�•�!{ii�n =-�_-�__
<br /> ihereof to be THEIR �oluntan act and dced. '
<br /> Witncss my hand and noturial,cal ai GRA��D i�LAf�D, ";EB�t�SKR m �aid:��uni�, nc�
<br /> , date afocesaid.
<br /> �,/ i '� �
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<br /> OE9011AF14KIIMBLE ����C . � �..L !C-t,.. � <'. 1 �1
<br /> � � Mi�1M.fi►IMa?3 l!!1 � .•�•. � � .
<br /> ..T F�OR lRE('c)tiL f-1 �VC'E
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<br /> � r�, ra� SrEe �-
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