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<br /> UNIFY)RM COYFNANTS. 8orrpwer and Lender caveaa��t�nd agree as foltows:
<br /> � 1. Pay�t o!Pri�c1M!a�d l�terqt;Pre�yMe�t and I,sta G9�u�, gurrowe�shali promptly pay when due
<br /> tht principa!af and intcres;on the dcbi e�idrnted by thr Nate a�d any prepayme�t and late charges due under the Note.
<br /> 2. Fua�foe T�Yts�d 1rts�neec, Suaject to applic.able taw or to a writtcn waivec by L,cnder,Harrawer shall pay �
<br /> to Lrnd�r on ihe day monehly payments u�due under tht Notc,until eha Note is paid in fi�ll,a sum('•Funds")equ�l to
<br /> one•tMelflh of: (a�yarly t�es and assessments which maX att:in priarity �ver this Se�urity lns�tumtnt; (b) ya�rly
<br /> taaehotd paymenls or ground rcnts on the Proper�y. if any; (c) yearly huard insurance premiums; pnd (d) yqtly
<br /> mort�insurance premiums.if any.Tl�ese items ue calted'•escrow items_"Lender may estimace the Funds due on�he
<br /> Easis of current dat�and tta,�n�;b1e estimates of fulure escrow items.
<br /> TIK Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of'Nrhich are insured or guaranteed b}a federal or
<br /> statc�gency (inctudins Les�der if Lender is such an institution). Lendtr shall apply the Funds to pay the rscrorv items.
<br /> Les�d�r m�y not charae for haWlna�nd spplyiag the Funds.�naJyzing the account or verifying the escrow items, unless
<br /> I.�rtder pays Bqrrower intaest on the Funds snd apptjcabk lawr permits Lender to make such a chargr. Horrower�nd
<br /> Let�der may agree in �vriting that interest shall be paid o�the Funds. Unless an aareement is made or tpplicible law
<br /> rcqaircs interest to be p�id,Lender shill not bc required to pay Borrower any interest or eamings on the Funds.L,eoder
<br /> ahatl give to 8orro�ru,wilhout chuge,ari annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Frunds and the
<br /> purpose far which ach debit to the Funds was made.The Funds ue pledged as additional security for the sums secured by
<br /> this Secwity Instcument.
<br /> If the amount of the Funds held by Lender,tagrther with the future moathly payments of Funds payable prior to �
<br /> the due dates of the acrow items,shall excecd the amount required to pay the escrow items when due,the excess ahsll be,
<br /> at Borrow►er's option.eithes promptly rcpald to Horrowrer or credited to Borrower on monthly pay�nents of Funds. If the
<br /> , aawunt of the Funds held by Lender is not sulficie�t to pay the escrow items whcr�due,Borrower shall pay to Lender any
<br /> amount neassary to make up the deflciency in one or more psyments as required by l,ender.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security lnstrument.Ltnder shaU promptiy refund to Borrower
<br /> any Funds held by Lender. If under paragraph 19 the Ptoperty is sold or acquired tiy Lender.Lender shall apply.no later
<br /> than immediately prior to the sale oP the Propeny or iss acquisition by Lender,any Funds held by Lender at the time of
<br /> spplication u s credit sgiinst the sums securod b�+this Security lnstrument.
<br /> 3. AMliqHo�of Payments, Unicss applicable law provides otherwise.all payments roceived by Lender under
<br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:flrst.to late charges�due under the Note;second,to prepaymrnt charges dae under the
<br /> Note;third�to unounts pr►y�ble undcr paragraph 2;fovrth,to interat due;and last.to principal due.
<br /> 4• C�u�Liea�, Borrower shtll pay al1 taaes,ass�ssmrnts.chasges,fines and impositions�ttribuuble to the
<br /> Property which may attiin peiority.over this Socurity Jnsttument, and leasehold payments or ground renrc, iP �nY
<br /> domoNer sAtll pay these obligations in the manner provi�f,td in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Bonower sh�ll
<br /> pay than on time dirxtly to the person owod payment,gattower shall promptly fumish to Lender all notias of amounts
<br /> to be paid wder this psra�raph. 1P Borrower makes th�ae psyments directiv. Bonower shall nrnmrtty fi�rnieh in 1,��� ,
<br /> - idxipia cviautCtns tI1C pljRffEfltS.
<br /> Borro�►er shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security lnstrument unless Borrower:(a) -
<br /> a�in w►ritina to the payment of the obligation securod by the lien in e manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contats in good =
<br /> faith the lien by,or defend�against enforcement of the.tien in.legal proceodings w�hich in the Lender's opinion operate to �
<br /> preYeat the enforcemrnt of the lien or forfeiture of an�•pa»of the Psnpeny;or(c)secures from the hoWu of the lien an :
<br /> agoemrnt satisfutary to Le�tkr subordinating the�*'eai to this Security Instrument.If Lender dete,rmina that any psrt of �
<br /> . tlie Prnperty is subject to� 1im which may attain pr'rority over this Security lnstnimrnt, I.ender may give Harrower a
<br /> aotice identit�ing the lien.Horrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or more of the actions set fonh above within 10 days
<br /> of tht aivina of notice.
<br /> S. Htrard IASUra�ee, Borrower shall keeF ttae improvements now eaisting or hereafter ercetod on the Property '
<br /> insurod a�ainst laas by fire,haurds included within the t�erm••extended cuverage"and any other huards for which Lender ` �•
<br /> requires insurance. This insurance shall be mu�tiia�ad i� the amounts and for the periods that Lender requires. The �'�
<br /> insunnct ctrrier pr+ariding the insurance s�3 be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's approval which shall not be
<br /> unreasonably withhrFd. �,
<br /> All insunnce policies and renewals shall be�,�table to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage clause.
<br /> I.ender shall have the right to hold the policies and res,r.�vals. !f Lender requires,Borrower shall prom�¢Jy°give to l.tnder '
<br /> all rcceipts of paid premiums and renewa!notices. In the event of toss,Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance
<br /> carrier and Lender.Lendetmay make proof oiloss if not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless i.ender and Bonower otherwix agree in writing,insurs�nnce proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair
<br /> of the Property damaged.iP t�e restoration or repair i.c�onomically Peasible and Lender's seeunty is c�ot Lessened. If the
<br /> , r+estasation or repais is not accn�smically feasible or Leader's secunty would be lessened, ehe insvraact�}+s�xeeds shall be
<br /> spplied to the sums socured.�x�shis Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with any eacess pacd io Borrower. lf
<br /> Borrower ibmdons the Yropeny,or does c�Qt answer within 30 days a notico from Lender that the insesrs;y�r,e carrier has
<br /> offetod to setde a claim,thrn l.ender msy en�yxt thr it�sutance prflcetds. Lendcr may use the proceeds to tepair�r rcstore
<br /> thr P�operty or to p�y suris secureci by this Secunty Ingtrument, wheiher or not then due.The 30-day period w�1!begin
<br /> w�hen the notice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Bonower otherwise agree in wnung,any appl�catinn of proceeds to pnncipa4 shalD not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments�eferred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If
<br /> under paragnph !9 the Ptoperty is acquired by Lender.Borrower's nght to any msurance policus end proceeds result�ng
<br /> �r�m�3magr t�the?rcfperty pnor to the acquiset�on shatl pass to Lender to ihe extent of the sums secured by th�s Secunty
<br /> lnstrument immediatdy prior totheacquisit�on. " �
<br /> 6, P�r�ation and Mdntenance ot Proper�;I,�aseholds_ Borrower shall not dcstr�y,damage or substannally
<br /> change the i�roperty,allow the Property to dctcnorate or comm�t wastr If th�s Secunt�• Insttument is on a lcasehold,
<br /> Bortow•er shall comply with the provisions of the lease,and�f Borrower acqwrec fee t�tle to the Propeny,the leasehold and
<br /> fa title shall not merge unless I.ertdcr agrees to the merger�n wnt�ng.
<br /> 7. Prntection of Lcnder•s Rights in the Property; Nortgsge Insursnce. If Borrower fails to perform the �
<br /> eovenirits and agramtnts contained in th�s 5ecunty instrumeni,or there os a legal procerd�ng that may s�gmficantly affeet
<br /> L Lender's nghts �n the Property(such as a prncceding in bankruptcy, probatc. for condemnation ar to enforce laws or �
<br /> rsgulations),then Lender may da and pay for whatecer�s nec:essary to pr<ytect the�al�e of the Property and l.ender'�,nghts �
<br /> in the Properry. l,ender's acuc�ns ma} include pay�ng an� surris secureci by a lien which ha� �+r��nty n�er th�s Srcunty �`
<br /> Insttument, appc�armg in rc�ur2,pbyms reasoeiahle attorneyc'fet�and entenng nr�the Prc�perty to make repa�rs Although ��
<br /> L.endtr may take achon under t his par�graph '.1 ender does not ha.e to dn•.i�
<br /> Any amounl�dishuned hy Lcnder unJer this paragranh 7�h:,ll t,�<<�mc a�±d�e�tm�!deh�<��Be�rr�:�c�ce.-iue.i t�tTi�.
<br /> Secunty Incirumenl l�nletisF3K�rn�wer and 1 cnder a�ree[u��thcr r�rm��,f patimrs�t.rhecr acT�.�urit�,hali t+car interetit R��rn
<br /> the date of dtchurrernent a� the \��te r.itc .�nd ehall he �+a�ahle. ��ith intere��. ���k�il n��t�,r fr��m f en�ier t � I���rr��wc�
<br /> rrqucsung payinent
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