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, <br />EXHIBIT 'A" <br />200104991 <br />two 22 <br />Vest of the: 5th P 147., H3" County, Nebraska, more <br />Part of the Neil hwest Quarter o[ the Northwest Quarter (fowl %4PeWI /4) of SEction Nebrty- <br />Township Ele•len (11) ` North, Mange Nine (9) s; feet South of he Northeast ceraer <br />Beginning at a point sixty- ( ) line <br />particularly described as follows: g arallel Parallel the West line of said 61ock <br />of said Block Six (i7 of South Grand Island, running thcac�e Wept parallel with We North boundary <br />or Said Block for a distance of 132 Teel, rtnst, parallel with the North line of line BI said Block for ca di tan <br />for a distance of 80 feet, running ihencr. East, p <br />of 132 feet, and running thence North, along and neon the East boundary <br />distance of go feet to the place of beginning, being a tract of ad having a East frontage of SO feet °n <br />Sc;utn Pine Street and a depth of 132 Feet, in Hall :,ounty, <br />P.Q. 2 <br />iortn Sottwu by Avt. —I.d 11-1 `.cta:. s•rvic es, tr�c. +- ton- '�or: y', <br />:I <br />S j <br />I t <br />fz <br />i.; <br />i:: <br />