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<br /> ' 90-�.02131
<br /> �
<br /> t. Ca�d�en��Mon.Y�e procaeds ot any award ar clnim tQe damage�,d�rect or consequent�af, in conncGl�an w�tA(tny
<br /> cantlamnatlan aaMAr tdkinp ot the Properry,ar pArl thereol,�r�or ConveyanCe m lieu ol conQein nation,arc�nereby a���gned
<br /> �nd studl be p�tid to L�nd�r.
<br /> � . In ths wsnt at a tohl t�kinp o1 t�s Propsrry,ths proceed�eh�ll be appf�ed to the aum�secu�ed by Ih�s Qeed of Trus1,with
<br /> ths excas,it any,pald to 6orrowN.ln the evant of s pa�tal takinp of Ms Property,unlesa Borrower and lender otherwise
<br /> a��Minw�itlnQ,thK��ha11D�•ppIi�dfott»sumisecur�oeabythi�aedO�Trustauchproport�onoltheproceedaesi�equ�lto
<br /> ' , tiutm��porNonwhich2hramountoili»sumss�cu�edbyt�hi�D�edOfTru�/immediatelyp►iortothedateottekinpbearstoMe
<br /> fair �icN vN+�of�pr 1mrtNdNNiy prkx to IR�d�ts ot ykin� with tf�p bat�nce o!fh�prpG�►d�R�id tQ�cirrpw�r
<br /> R tl�PropKry is�b�ndon�by 9orrow�r.pr tt,�ft��not+ce by lee�dq�to Bo��owe�mst Mc condemnor aNers to m�ke a�
<br /> •w,rd a rMtl��clalm tor d�m��,8ur�awK I�t1ts fo��spond to L��d�►within 30 daya atter the date such rtotice ia�rsaited.
<br /> LsndK b aulhari��d to call�Ct ont!�ppty th�prxs�Os,at l�ndar's option,eithar to restcusHon os re¢air al ths Property or to
<br /> tha wma Ncund 6y this MW of�rust
<br /> Unl�I.�ndeca�d 9or►owe�otheewise���es in woitinp.anK auch application of proceedsto princlpal ahall natextond a�
<br /> potq�on�tt►�dw daN o1 the monthly ir�stalimenh reterred M in pAr�g�aph�1 and 2 hereof or chan9e the amount o1 such
<br /> inshNr�tK►b.
<br /> t�. �oriowMNM�d.FacMn�iono/tMtimaterpaymentormodificattonofsmortizetionotthesumssecu�edbythis
<br /> OMd of Trutt�hnMd by L�nd��to any succ�uor ln�ntersot of Bor�owe�ahatl not operate to�elesse,i�any man�er,Me
<br /> IiaWiity of th�ori�inal 8o��ower and Borrowar'�tuccssfon intsre�t.lender at�ail not be�equi�ed to commanca proceedi�ps
<br /> a�i�at such suCCNSOr ar rMua�to�xtand Nm�for payment or oMerwfse modity amortization ol the suma secured by Mis
<br /> OMd ot T�wt by�Mao�of any demand mad�by tM orlpinal Borrowe�wnd Bo►rows►'s auccessors in inte�est
<br /> 11. Fo�b�ane�b�►L�n�Nel a WMw�.Any fo�beara�ce by Lender in exercisinp eny►i�ht o�remedy he�eunde�,ar
<br /> otheKwlN atMrd�d by applkabl�law,shal! not be a waiver of o►p�eclude ths exercise ot eny auch right or remedy. The
<br /> procunmMtot Inw►ance ol ths paym�nf of fsxes o�othe�r lien�or charqrs by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's right 40
<br /> eccele�ab th�rmtu�iry o1 tfis indsbNdr�secured by thls Deed of Tru�t
<br /> 1�. R��d1M Cun�W�llw Al1�emed�p�ovided ln Mb peod ot Tru�t are distinct and cumulative to any other ri9ht or '
<br /> remsdy unde� Mls Deed of Truat or efforded by law or equity, and may be exercised concurrently. �ndepe�nde�tly or
<br /> s:iccessasly.
<br /> 13. 3uee�o�s aed AsNOn� eound; JolAt and S�wnl WbIN1y;CspYon�. The covena�b end ag�eements herein
<br /> contai�ed shall Dind,and the rl�hb hereundsr shatl inure ta,the reapective successora and assi�ns ot Lendec and Borrower,
<br /> aubject to the provislons of pare�raph 17 hereol.All cavenants and a�reemenh of 8orrower�hal�be�pint and saveral.The
<br /> capNans and ha�dinps of Me pare�raph�ol thla Deed of Trust are far convenlence onty and are no!to be�,sed to interp�et or
<br /> deline the proviabtts h�reof.
<br /> t�. Nolk�.�xceptio�anynoticerequiredunderapplicablelawtobegiveninanothe�manner,(a)anynoticeto8orrower •
<br /> provided for In thls Deed of�rust a�atl be fliven by mailin such notico by certd�ed mail addressed to Borrower At the Property
<br /> Addnu or at such oMer eddress as Bo�row�r may des�qnate by�otice to Lender as previded here��,and(b)eny notice to
<br /> lendsr shsll��iwnby ce�tifled mait,�aturn recMpt requested,to Lendar's addreas atated hereln or to such other address as
<br /> Lenc1K m�y d�speraM by notic�to 6a►ow�►aa providsd M►ein.Any notice provided to�in Mi�Deec)of T►ust shall be deemed
<br /> to havs b�Qi+Nn to 8orrow�►a ls�d�r�rhM►�iven in the manner desiqnetsd herein.
<br /> lb. tMlbrw�OMA of Teu�Oowr�Law;�rMa6Mlr.The torm o1 deed ot truat c4mbine�unitarm covenanb tor
<br /> nstionat use�►sd non-unitdrm covenenb with limited va�iatipn�by iurisaiction to constitute a uniform security instrument
<br /> COVStittg�Nl props�ty.This Oaed of Trust sltall be Qoverrrad Dy t�e Isw of the jurisd�ction In which Me Property is located.ln
<br />—_,. the Overr.�f th�t any prOVlsio�or Clause of thls Oeed of Tru.ator the Note contlicts w�m appticabte Iaw,such conflict shall not �
<br /> a1TeC�Oflte►piovlsidns oiMia Deed ot Trust or tAe Note wh�CA Can bp�iven etteCt w�tnoutthe connsctmg prov�s►ons,ancf to th�s ---
<br /> end t�proVftiARt of 1h�D�d oi Trust and the Note a�e 4eclared to be seve�abte.
<br /> !i. �'opy Bor�ow�r ahall be/urnished a eontormed copy ot the Note and of th�s Oeed of Trust at the time of
<br /> _ .,..�,�.�..����.�,.4 w.,..��
<br /> �7�i�If��1�iFl�i�iMlr;�Mwhplio�.i1at1 or anpµ�rt of the property or an interesttherein is soid or t►ansferred by "
<br /> 8onawer without lehder"s pri0r writt�n consent excl�ding�a)the creation o1 e Iien or encumbrance subordinate to this Deed
<br /> of Trus�.(b)th�crwfbn ol e purch�se money secu�iry i�tere�t for household appliances,(c)a transier by dev�se descent or Dy -
<br /> operatiOn0liawupOraffiedsafhofsjoi�tterta�ROr(d)Me�rantofanyleaseholdinterestotthreeyeaiaortessnotcontaimngan � • -
<br /> � opt�on ta purchaee,lender may,at Le�der'�option,declare al I the sums secured by thi�Oeed of Trust to be immediately due ;
<br /> artd payaba.Lender sh�tll have waived auch option to ac¢elerete d, pnor to the�ate or transfe�,Lender and the pe►son to
<br /> whom ttts P�operty Is to b�3AkE Of trsnsfsrred reach asceement m wntiny that the crecfit of such person�s satisfactory ta —
<br /> Lender and thattMintwsst paysbb on the aumaaecured bythis Deed olTrust shall be at such rateas Lender sha11 request.lt
<br /> Lender has waiwd the OptiOn to aCCele�ate provided in this paregr8ph 17, and it 6orrower's suCCessor m mterest hes
<br /> execubd a v�nitt�n assumptlon s9reement aCCepted in wntmg by Lender,Lender shell release Borrowe►from a11 obliget�ons ;
<br /> under this D�sd ol Trust and the Nole. t t
<br /> It Lander sxetCiss�wCh Option to aCCeleate, lender shall mail 8orrower notice ot acceleretion�n accordance w�t+�. f.
<br /> pa�praph U hsrsof.Such notiCe ft�all provid�a period e!�et leas than 30daya irom the date the not�ce�s mailed wiih�n wh�cn !rF'�
<br /> Bdr�ower m�y pay fhe eums d�G�l�red dus.II Borrower fa��a to pay such aums prior to the expiration of such period,lendet
<br /> may,without fuAhet nodCe or Qemand on 8prrower.Invoke any remed�es permitted by paragraph 18 hereot •,�+j
<br /> NON-UMIFOlIM COYENANTS.so�row�e aed 1.��IurM�K eov�eun!and apra�as toNows: �
<br /> 1i. Aec�aMO��:R�nNdN�. Except as�rovided�n parapraph t 7 hereof,upon Borrower's breach of any covenant or
<br /> asreemsntot 8orrower in Mis Deed of Tru�t,mciuding the covenants to pay when due sny sum�secured by th�s Deed o1 Trust
<br /> Lenderp�lortoaccele�etionsha;imailnoticetoBorrowerasprov�de�l�nparagraph�lhereolspecitying (1)thebreach;(2)the
<br /> acllon required toCUre a�uch breach;(3)a date,not lass than 30 days from ihe date the notice�s mailed to Bvr�a�wer,by which
<br /> such D�each must he cured:and(Iy that ta�lura to cure such breach on or beforethe date apeci6trt!in the not�ce may result i�
<br /> ec�eleretion Of thtsum�ssCUred by this Oe�Of Trustand sete ol the Rroperty.The not�ce shall[ct�Cher inform BOrrower of the
<br /> ri�ht to rainitate aifbr acceleration and Me right to bring e court actian to assert the non-ex�stence o!a detau�t o►any other
<br /> de[ense of Borrowsr to acceleretwn and sale.lt the broacn�s not cured on or before the date spec�t�ed+n ine not�ce.Lender at
<br /> lender's opti0n rr�y dettare all of the sums aecured b�t�oaa peed of Truat to be�rtemed�ately due and payabte wnhout tuRher
<br /> ' decnand�nd may invoks the pawsr of sale and any ottr.er remedies perm�tted by a�xpt�cab►e iaw lender s�ea�t be ent�tted to
<br /> coiNct all rs��pn�btacosb and expenses�flcur►ed+n purSu�ng the rertted�es prov�ded in the paragreph 19.�rtGiuGing,buf not
<br /> �imis�d ta,naso�attons'�y s�ees.
<br /> tfi the power o6eaie ia inw�Ca�.Trustee��.afi recorci a nohce of detault in each counry in wn�Cn the F'roperty or some part
<br /> thereot is tocaNd and�hall mail copies of such notice in the manner prescnbed by appi�cabfe�aw to 6orrowe�and ta the ather
<br /> pe�r=ons prticribb by�ppl7csbie law.Afle�the lapse of such time as may be requ�red by apphcable iaw.Tr,�astee st�atl g�ve
<br /> pnb�ic nWkeo!s�ft to the p�raua+s artd in the manner pse�cribed by app►icable Iaw.Tru�tee,w,thout demartd on Borrower,
<br /> ahafitsll th�PropMyat pubiicavCtion to the hiyhss!MQder et the t�me an0 pface end under thetGrrns des�gnated fn the notice
<br /> 01 s�N in on�or mas parcets�aRd in euch orQer as Trerstee may determme.Trustee may postpane sale ol a11 or any parcel ot -_�__—____
<br /> ti�e Pia�a�iy+6y pub�ic announcerisnt at the tirne and��ace cf a�y prqnousiy scts�Cul:,�s:!� L�:�d�r ar Lcndcr's�cssgrcc �
<br /> may purchase tM Prpp�rty at eny sale.
<br /> I��n rec�ipt dpaymentof t�e price bid.Trustee shait del�ver tothQ purchaser Trustee's Qeed conveymy the Property sotd
<br /> Tfaer�cifalsintheYrusleebdl�eCshellbeprimafaC�eevidenCOOlRhetruthnfthestatementsmade3herein Yr�57k@S�alldpp!y
<br /> the proceedsol the�ale in Me 5oilowmg order.(a)to aN reasonable casts Anc!e�p�nses of the saie.�nciudmg.b�t no���m�ted to.
<br /> Trustee'sleesofnotmorsthan�. %oltheyrosssal�pr�ce.reasonebl�attorney's(ec�sanCcostsoft�tleev�dence.
<br /> (b>to ell sums sec�red by this Deed of Trust and�c)the excess.if eny,to tha person ar persons lc�gally ent�tted Ihereto �
<br /> 1�. donowN'�N101N la RMnst�N. Notwithstanding Lender's acceterat�on of the su��s secured Dy tn�s bead o1 Trust. «
<br /> L Borrowe��hallhavetherighttohaveanyproceedmgsbe9unbyLendertoentolcetheQeedolTr,sstd�scont�nuedatanyt�me ��
<br /> pr�or to the earlie�to occur o1(i)tfee hlih day botare the sale ot t�e Properry pursuant to the power oi sale cu�ta�ned�n the Qeed
<br /> - o!Tiust(+s)ente�d ol a Judg�nent�ntorceng th�s Oeed ot Trust d (a}Sorrowar pnys Lan��r ait�ums wh�ch wauld be then due �t
<br /> under th�s Qeed of Trust,the Note and notes secunng Future A�ivances.�t any,hed no acceier�t�on occured(b}Eiorrower t��'
<br /> Curesatl breeChesof eny o!ltet COvenentS a►agteements o1 Bortower containetl�n th�s Ueed of Trust 1r)Bnnowcr pays a�� ���
<br /> rea50neb1g expenS09 tnCUrred by Lender end Ttustee entotc�ng tt�v co�enants anci agreemc�nls ot Borrowe�c�nt�jmed m�t���
<br /> _ D6�edolTrustandmenforcingLereder'sandTrust�e'sremed�esasprov�ded�r,paragrnphl8hereot,��c��,d�ng Gutnoti��r��ie,� �
<br /> __ to.reasonableattorney's t�s,nnd(d)Elorrower tnkes such acNOn as L�nde�may rE�asonob!y�ec;u-rr r�,�ss,rr•tn�t tr�rr nc�:��,�
<br /> __ this Deed of Tr�.!st,L6nde�'S mterest m thp Property and BorroNer s ob��qah��r,t:,c,ay the sun��se�c.ur��ci! y th��.flr•n:7�.i T�.,�.�
<br /> — Shr711COftlli'lU0lLf11R1pc�IfOCI UpOhSUCh(TflyfTl@MAndfU�f?biH'lr��.JYI'I T1hi��'�nN��itlru'.i�f��'llht• .!J.(�'{L��� �.ir. .��4•'lht•r�•I�r
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