<br />__. -. I��� � �
<br /> 90-1Q21.2C
<br /> i
<br /> tha Pro�rty 1!�q twkan or dari�syltf,lW�c�r�bi1f1 havo thR opt�on,in It3 aotb�nd abso�uts discratiun,to oppiy ali euCh Proceide,
<br /> aftar decluctlnQ th�r�iram�II�o�ts�nd ox�naeR incurred by It in cannection w�th such Prpceedf,upon eriy indebtedns�s ascuted
<br /> � 1►KWy and i��uch orcNr�s L�nd�r m�y d�t��mine,or to appiy all euch Proceeds,aRer such deductiona,to the netor�tion of ths
<br /> Ptop�rty upon�uch conditions as L�nder may determine.Any appUcaUon df ProceAds to IndabYednRSa s�a�l not sxt�nd o�pa�lpona
<br /> tN�dua d�ts et any�yme�f�und�r th�Not�,or curs sny d�fault th�reundar or hereunder.Any unepplled funds ehall b�paid to
<br /> Truitos.
<br /> . a. �allo�+.nc.ay�.ne�.U�n tAe occurrenc�of�n Evant ot petault T►ereunder,�r if 8ny oCt Es teken Ot le�t p►oCiwdin�
<br /> commancad which materlally�fttch�.ender'�interest in the Property,Lefnder may in�ta own discr�tlon,but wfthout obllgation to do
<br /> �a,and withoul notia�to or demand upon Trustor and without releasinp Tr;�stor(rom Any ot�li�ation,do any aCt which Tru�tar haa �
<br /> p��ed but taiis ro do and may also do�ny other$cf ft deems necesaary to pro+ect ths aecuriry heroof.Trusror ahalt,immscfi�bty
<br /> upon drmand M�nfo�by L�nder,�+ay to Lendar all costs and expenaes incuned and sum�expended by Lender in connection wlth
<br /> th��xKCise by l�nder of the fore�oinQ rights,to�ether with intere�t thereon e3 ths detautt rate provtded In the Note,which ahatl be
<br /> � added to the intlsbtednes� secured hereby. Lende� shall not incur any IiaDil+ry because of anything it m�y do or omit to do
<br /> � h�wndsr.
<br /> 9. Ha�dou�MaMriaN.Trustor shal! knep the Properry in compliance with all applicable laws,ordinances and repulations
<br /> �Nati��ta industrlAl hyQiene or environmenta!protection(collectively referred to hereln as"Environmental Laws'�.Trusto�shsN
<br /> kesp the Property f�ee trom all aubatances deemed to be hazardous or toxic under any Environmental l.aws(coliect�vely roternd to
<br /> heran as"Hazardous Materlal�"?•T�ustor hereby warrants and rap�esenta to Lende�that there are no Hazardous Materiats on�r
<br /> • under Me Property.Trustor hereby ayrees to indemni}y and hold harmless Lender,its directoro,oHicers,emptoyees and ayenta,and
<br /> , any succasso�s to lender's interest,Trom and against any and al1 claims,damages,losses and liabilities arising in connectlon wlth
<br /> the presence,use, dlsposal or t�anspon ot any Ha:ardous Materials on, under, hom or about the Property.THE FOREGOINQ
<br /> 10. As�ntMnt M RMb.Tru�tor her8by assigns to Lender the rents,issue�and profits of the Property:provlded that Trustor
<br /> ahall,until the occurrence of an Ev�nt of petault hereunder,have the right to col lect and reta�n such rents,issues and proflts as they
<br /> become due and payable.Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, Lender may, either in person or by a,�ent,with or without
<br /> bringing any aaiion or proceeding,or by a receiver appolnted by a court and without regard to the adequacy o1 its securiry,enter
<br /> upon and take ipossesslon oi the Property,or any part thereof.in its own name�r in the name o1 the Trustee,and do any acts which it
<br /> ' deems neces�ary or desirabte to preserve the vatue,marketability or rentabiliry of the P�opery,or any part thereof or interest therein,
<br /> increase the income therefrom o� pr�tect the security horeof and, with or without taking possession ot the PropeRy,sue tor or
<br /> otherwise cotlect the rents,issues and prpGts U:ereot, including thpse past due and unpaid,and apply the same, less casta and
<br /> expert9e�ot operation and collection including attorneys'feea..upon any�ndebtedness secured hereby,all�n such order as Lender
<br /> msy Qefermine.The entering uQort.and taking possessiort crf the Property.the collecUon ot such rents,Issues and profits and the -
<br /> application thereof aa atoresafd,shall not cure or waive a�y detault or not�ce ot c}efr��!t hereunder or invalidate any act done�n � �
<br /> response to such dQlault or pursuant to such not�ce o1 default and,notwitRstan�i�g ii�e continuance in possession of the Property or '
<br /> the cottection,rece��:end apptication of rents,lssues Qr profits,and Tru�r�e and Lender sha►1 be entitled to exerclse every right
<br /> provided for in a�y of the Loan Instruments or by,law upon occwrence o�a^y Event of Default,including without;�mitation the right ,`
<br /> ; tp ex@rC+se the powe►ot aate.Further,Lender's rights and remedies under this paragraph shall6e cumutative w�tfr,and in no way a y �__
<br /> ! ' limitation on,Lender's rlghts and remen�es unc7er anyassignment ot reases ano rents recoraea agamst me NroRer*_Sr �enoer,irustee -_--
<br /> and the receiver shall be liable to account onty for those rents actualty received. �. �
<br /> tt. Ewnb ol O�hulf.The followinfl shall constitute an Evenf ot Detauit under this Deed of Trust -
<br /> —_. (A1 �Ailura!n nstu anu lnefallm�ant n1 nrinr.lnal nr infs�rwat nt anv c►thar n��m aoci�raA hornhv �.han rt,.sa•
<br /> _ ._.._ . --•.
<br /> ..._.._...-- ---r- -- --- -- --•. ---�-- --...----.__ .._.__� _ ._----- -
<br /> (b) A breach of or deteu�i.under any provislan contained m the Note,this Deed ot Trust,any o9 the lo�rt tnstrume�te,or eny
<br /> oUtet Nen o:encumbrance upan the Properry;
<br /> .. ,. � (c) A writ of exeCUtion Cr attachment or any simil�r�rocess shall be entered agalnst Trustor wh�ch sha:1 become a lien on -
<br /> the Properry or any portion thereo}or interest t�erein;
<br /> � , (d) There shall be filed by or agamst T�ustor or Borrower an act�on under any Qresent or future federal,state or other -
<br /> statuta,law or regulation relating to bankruptcy,insolvency or other re��et for deDtors;or there sRall be appo�nted any trustee,
<br /> ' i �eCeive�o�liquidetor ot T�ustor ar Borrower or o1 all or any part of the Property,or the rents.�ssues or prpfit8 thereo4,or Trust�r
<br /> • or 6oriower ahall make any general assignmem for the beneUt ol c�editors;
<br /> � : (e) The sale,transier,lease,ass�gnment, GonveyeRr_e ar turther encumbrarrce of a01 or any pa►4 of or any�nterest in the
<br /> , • Property, either volunta�ity or involuntarily, without the express wr�tten consent ot Lender: provided that Trustor shall be
<br /> permitted to execute a lease ot the Property that does r.ot conta�n an opt�on to purcnase and the term of wh�ch does not exceed
<br /> ' one year,
<br /> , (� Abandonment of thg Property:or �._-
<br /> � (g) (f Trustor is not an indtvidual,the issuance,sale.tcr3nster.�55cgnment.conveyance Or encumbrance of more than e totSl .'
<br /> �';:
<br /> o} _perCent of(i}a corporation)�ts�ssued and outstanding stock or{if a partnersh�p/a total of percent 01
<br /> paRne�ship intetests during the penod th�s Deed ot Trust rema�ns a I�en on the Property
<br />. . 12. R�m�diM;Aee�Nndoe Upon DNs:�N.In the event ot any Event ot Default Lender may.w�tho:,t noc�ce excepi as requ�red by
<br /> � ' law,declare all indebtedness secured hereby to be due artd payable and the same sha11 thereupon become�ue and payable
<br /> without any presentmenL demand, protest or npt�ce of any kmd. Thereafter Le»der may.
<br /> (a) Demand thaf Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted herein. and Trustee shall thereafter cause Trustor's
<br /> interest in the Properry to be sotd and the proceeds to be d�stnbuted.a�l�n the manner prov�ded�n the Nebraska Trust Deeds
<br /> Act
<br /> ' • (b) Exercise any and all r�ghts prov�ded (or�n any ol the loan Instrumsnts or by law upon occurrence a1 any Event ot
<br /> • Qe4'aulx and
<br /> (C} COmmenCe en dCt�on to to►eclose th+s Deed o�Trust as a mo+igage.sDpo�nt a rece+ver.or sDec�t�cally en`orce any ot ihe
<br /> covenanty heri�cri.
<br /> No remedy herein Conterred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender�s�ntended to be exclus�ve ot any other remedy here�n.�n the
<br /> Loan tn�truments pr by law provided or perm�tted.but each shati be cumuiat�ve.shats be�n add�t�on to every other remedy g�ven
<br /> • hereunder,in the loan(nstrumer�ts or now o�h�reafter ex�st�ng at law�r�n equ�ty o�by statute.and may�e exercised concurrentfy.
<br /> independentty or succ�sslvety.
<br /> t3. Trt!lle•. Th� Trustee may res�gn at any time w,thoul cause.and Lender mav at any [ime and w�thout tause appoint a '
<br /> Successor or Substit�te Trustee.Trustee sha�l not be I�aole to any parry.mclud�ng►v�tno�t I�m�,at�on Lender.Barrower.Trustor or any '
<br /> purchaser ot the Property.'or any lass or damage unless due to reckless or w�ilfu�m�sco�tluc�,and snaii not be reQu�red to take any
<br /> 3CGOn in CortneCtion w�th the BMorCemg�t of this Oeed of Trust unless ��desnn�}ip�f. �n wt�trng. (or aI1 costs, ccrrpensat�on or
<br /> expenses wh�ch may be assocfated the�ew�th In add�t�on.Trustee may become a purchaser at any sa�e o}the Properry�ud�c�al or
<br /> under the powar ot sale grantod here�nl; postpone the saie ot aii or any port�vn ot t�e Pr�pe�ty as p�owded by taw.or seu the
<br /> Property as a whole, o►�n Sepa�eto parce�s o� lots at Trustee�s d�sCret�on �
<br /> L 14. F�N and Exp�nt��.In ihP event Trustee sells tne Property by exe�c�se of power ot saie Trustee sha���e ent�tied co appiy
<br /> any sate proceeds fust to payment ot aIi costs an�expenses of axerc�smg po�ve�01 sa�e.�r.c�:,d.ng a�� 7'rustee s�ees.ana�en�er s
<br /> ancf Trustee's ettorney'g 4ees.actualty�ncur�ed to extent perrr��tted by app'�cabie�a+� �� !ne eve�t Bo�r�we�cr T�us!o�exe�c�ses any
<br /> nght prav�ded by faw to cure an Event of pefault. Lender Snall be ent�iteo to�ecorer`•om Tr;,,5t0�d��c�sis a�o expe�ses a:.cua��y n,
<br /> mcurred as a resutt of 7rustor's detau�t, inClud�ng wdho:,t ��m�tat�o� ar Trusiee's ar� atlorneys fees i^ tre e�tent permitted by
<br /> appl�cabte law
<br /> 1rJ F4tUt�AdYanCp. UpOn requeSt of Borr0�0� Le�der m8y. 8t t5 Opt•U�- �'�;yKy dy�t�o�e� a��� +�tu�e adv�nces and �@- .
<br /> aQvaneesto Borrower Sucn adv��nLes a�tl�QaOvances r��t���iN�@Si•�e�eo�• s�����[e�suc,,�r�[,,����s OFed•.;� '•ust �i R�_�r.me�s�a�� -�
<br /> the pr�ric�pal amount o}the��,deb;ea�E+55 SEC�re�!by 1h�S Dc'ed t�� Tr�.St ...�i n, .1����.�^S d jv,l"c P:':,G'i>'f'�:�ht:5E'�_:�•ty r•�th�S
<br /> DE3E'd o1 TruSl oxCCe�the orig�n31 prir±��p�l am0�^S SIJtt� �'(?r��n � � 5 �a jQ�.t�O �nr�����t•.t�� S �'t'd:@�
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