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<br /> 1�1CKNOWlED�EMENT OF D��D OF TRUST �O""�.U2���
<br /> ' SAUSTiAR AEA4�Tdii�BEFORE StGNiNti:
<br /> T�u�tor und���nnds that ths dacumen!thaf Tru�tor ie e�boutto oxecuta is e t?eed o!7rust and no!a mort�a�e�nd M�1 the power
<br /> � of sat�provid�d 1or in ttte��ad of Tru�t provides aub�tanil�tiy dlAsrent ripht�end obll�etion�tA Tni�tcr than e mortgage i�ths event
<br /> ol�dsfault or bnach of obilgation under ths D�ed o1 Truet.includin�,but not Ilmited to,the lender's►Iphl ta have tt�e Properry sold
<br /> � by tha Truata�wlthout any ludiclal proceKtinu.Trus4or repreaenta end warrants that thls acknowtedpempnt wi�s OxpCUted D�►
<br /> � Tn+sb►ONoro th�sx�cuHon of the I�esd of Trust. �
<br /> (S ven U. Millnitz�Iusto�
<br /> ' CLS r �f.�..`►e'��,''`�, .�.i�i,i. ' ,
<br /> i
<br /> e�'a�Ila� R. Mi�ltai�'�lr��t�e e �
<br /> � THIS dEED OF TRUST,is made aa ot Me�h day o1 �ri� . 19�by and smon�
<br /> � th�Trusto�. Stia a� a• �ll�nitz and Pamela K. Millnitz• Huabanc� and Wife, each i� hia o�m right
<br /> � whoN mailinp�ddr�is � Hr�ntw�ood Cburt��rand ialarxl. NE �e1n��Truoto►:'whether one or more),
<br /> �hs Trua�eo, wiitiam G_ A1�rich��rIIt_a.�e�f tha� St�t� 8ar Aa�n. ,
<br /> whoa�mtlllnp�ddrast is_ p•0• �x 2280• Grand Ialand.NE 68802 _ �herein��Tru�tee"),and
<br /> , th�B�neNciary, �E1Ye Fb nta�p� ,
<br /> who�e maiUnp address is P•O. Box 1507► Grand islanc9. Pl� 68802 (hereln"Lende�").
<br /> ; FOR VALUABLE CONSI�ERATlON, includln9 Lender's extension ol cred�t identitied herein to � pvpn D_ Mi 11 ni - _
<br /> � �nr��P_�,mol a K_ M3 7 7 �, �yg� Wl �`
<br /> & (herein "8orrawer",whether one o�more)and the trust herein CreateQ, ,
<br /> . Me recNpt of which ie hereby ack�owtedged, Trustor hereby irrevocebly grants,lransfers. conveys and essigns to T�ustee, iN
<br /> � TRUST,WITH PQWER(3F SALE,tor the benef�t and secunry ot Lende�.under and subiect to the terms and conditions he�einafter set �
<br /> ! torth,the real prope►y,described as tollowa: : , .�
<br />_ __ . � Lot Eic�hteen (18), in Block Four (4), fn Brentwood Subdivisic� in the City of �and �,-=`
<br /> , Island, Hall County, Nebraska -�'
<br /> , i_
<br /> � �
<br /> . . ... i -__-__'_ _ " -- . .._
<br /> � TogMher wtth all buiidinga,lmprovem�nts.iixtures.s'seets.a[ley9,pa�sagewaj�s.easemencs.r�pnts,priviteges end appurta-
<br /> � nancss tacated thereon or In 8nywise pertairnng thereto,amd tho rents.�ssues and profits,reversions and remainders thereof,and
<br /> � �uch personal proRerty that ia attached to the improvements so as to canst�tute a fixture,including,but not limited to,heetinp and
<br /> coolin�equipmen�and to�ether with the hcrs;estead o�marital interes�,if any,which Interests ar�herehy reteased and waived;all _
<br /> j of whiCh,includiay replaceme�ts and sdd�ticna thereto,�s hereby dec�a7ed to be a p�rt ot the real estate secured by the lien ot this
<br /> ' Deed of Truat and all o}the foregoin�belnp reterred to herein as the"PropeRy".
<br /> i
<br /> � This Oeed ot Truat shall secure �a)the payment of the princ+pal sum and interest evidenced by a promissory note or credit
<br /> i
<br /> � aflreement dated ��� , having a rnatunry date of �'-`�-91 ,
<br /> I�the oriqinal principai amour�t c�t s�i,12F3_3fi_ , and any and all modifications,extensions and renewa�s
<br /> • the�eof or thereto and any and all iuture advances and readvances to Qorrower(or any of them �f more than one) hereunder ;
<br /> pursuant to one o�more promissory notes oc credit agreements(herein cailed"Note");(b)the payment o1 ather sums advanced by `�=
<br /> . Lender to p�otectt�te securiry otthe Note:tCp the pertOrmance ot all ceLeRants and agrfsements of Trustor set forth herem:artm(�el{
<br />