;,., -
<br /> _ 1 �
<br /> �
<br /> , ACKNOV�'rL�QGEMENY OF DE�O OF TRUST �0��o��
<br /> ' THt1STOR REA�THl�BEFOAG SlGNlNQ: �i 4
<br /> '�ru�tar under�tand�IhAt the document thet Truetor i�about to execute ta a Deed of Trust and nal a mort�a�e and thel the power
<br /> of sit�p►uvid�d tor In the Qaec!ot Truet grovides aubatantially dliferent rlDht�and oblipations to Truator than a moR��ps In ths event
<br /> �, oi�d�huit o�brMCh of oDl{p�ti0n under the Qeed o1 Truat,includinq,but not Ilmited to,the Lender'e right ta hava�h�Prapery eofd
<br /> b� !he 1'euStee wlthov!enys Jut�lciaf prpc�edinp. Trustar represent3 and warranta that this ecknowiedflement wAS executeG by
<br /> Tru�tor betore Rhe execulion o!tha D�ed ot Trust-
<br /> - V � •
<br /> f J Ag Truat�r
<br /> ; � '1
<br /> , (Bonnie Agui ) rustor
<br /> � THIS DEED OF TRiJST.ia made as o1 the_.1Qth_dey oi �r1� ,19� b and am
<br /> { y ong
<br /> tne 7rustor, T. 3. ilar and Honnie Aguilar, Husband and W3.fe each in his own right and as
<br /> sp�i38��ft?[�6�t�L'' .
<br /> . whose mailing address i�1�� �. � Sti. . Gtarx� I9landr NE fi8L�s ,;h�re-R 'tr�,sta�"vth2�'`�t One Or[rsOre�, .
<br /> � tha Trustee. Will�a G. B?L��kburn, A Member cr� tt�e i� Gtate � Assn. � ..
<br /> ,. � whose�ai�in�address is�P..�'-' �Y �?80, Cra+±� g�,j,�r�, ?� 688C?� (here�*..Trus!ee'7.�and .
<br /> .. } the Bene�c�x�. ��d�e Lao$r�� �dnk _
<br /> � whcse mailin�address Is—.P.S� Bo�x ��7. Qr,�I$ an� d, NE 68802
<br /> (herein"Lender"j.
<br /> � FOR VALUABLE CONSiDERATION.including Lender'9 extension o1 credrt identified herem to. T J. ActuilaY' afld
<br /> � _ Bonnie A�il�. Husband and Wife (herem°garrowei". whether one or more)and the trugt herem created, '
<br /> the receipt of which iS hereby acknowtedged.Trustor hereby irrevacably graniS, trpnsiers. Conveys and os9�gnS to TruSt88,IIY �
<br /> � TRUST,WITM POWER OF SALE,fOr ihe benetit and Security of Landar,undo�and sub�eCt t0!he terms and concf�tions hproinaRer 9e1
<br /> � � forth,the rea!properry, described as foliows: • ;
<br /> _ , Nos^th Half (N�) of Lot One (1) and the North Half (N�� of the East Eleven (11) Eeet � ;
<br /> of Lot ZVo (2), Block �ro (2), H. G. Clark's Addition to the City of Grand island,
<br /> � � Hall c7ow►ty, Nebraske '
<br /> ! Topether w�1i�eli bulidfn�y, improvamer.ts,fixtures, streets, alleys,pas9ageways. easements, nghts,pnvileges and a¢purte- .
<br /> j nanCe�IoCeted thereon or in anyw�se perta�n�ng thereto,and the rent�.�ssues and prot�9s,rever,�ons and rema+nders thereof,and
<br /> � suCh petsOnel property thet 1�atteChed to the imprevemenls so as to constitute a i�xture,�nclud�ng,Gut not limrted to,heeting and
<br /> covlinp equlpment;and topether wi*h the homestead or mar�tal�nterests.�f any, wh�ch�nterests are norsby released and waived:all s
<br /> � e1 whieh,includinp�eplacementa and addiYrons theroto.�s hereby declared to be a part of the►ea1 estate secu►ed Cy the lien of thls �
<br /> • Deed of Trust and all of the toregoing being r�terred to here�n as the•�Property".
<br /> i
<br /> � Thi9 Oeed of TruSt shatt secure(a)the payment uf the pnncipa� surn and �nterest ev�dence� Gy a prom�ssory note or cred�!
<br /> agreement dated �-1O'� ___ ___. hav�rg a matur�ty date ot _._._4-�Q-94 _,
<br /> � in the onginal principal Pmount of S-Z�L�Q��___� �_. .and any a�d a�'madd�caUOns oxtens�ons and renewals
<br /> thereof or therefo end any and afl tuture advances and readvances to Barrower ,or any oi them �t more than one) hereunder �
<br /> pursuant to One or more promissory i�tes or credit agroements�herem cat;ed' fVC*e 1.!tr)the payment of other sums advanced by ;�
<br /> Lender to proteCt the security ol ihe Note:(c)the performance of al I covenants a r�d agreements of Trustor set iprth nerem,and(d}al► !•',�.
<br />, present and tuture Indebtedness artd obtigations ot Borrowar(or any of them�t more than one)to tender whett�er d�rect,ind�rect,
<br /> absolute or contingent and whe;ner ansmg by note,guaranty,overdraft or otherw�se The Note,th�s DPed ot Trust and any ana all
<br /> ' otherdOCUentsthetseCUrethe�!o!eorotherwiseexeCUted���conneCt�onthere•.v�th,inc:udmgw�thoutl�m�tat�ongu�+rante2S.secunty
<br /> � agreements and asslgnments ot leases and rents. shall be reterred to herein as the"l.oan Instruments�
<br /> ! Trustor covenants and agree9 w�th Lender as fo:lows
<br /> t• Pay�nMt W Ind�blldMW,All indebtedness seCUred her�by snall be pa,J�vhon due
<br /> 2. TRI�. T�ustor is the owner ot the P►operty, has tho nght and authonty io convey the Propo�iy. and warrants that th8 Iien
<br /> Cr82tled hereby is a lirst and prtor t�en oi the Property, excapt for �iens anA enCumbrances set forth by 7rustor �n wntmg and
<br /> delivered to Lender before execut�on of th�s Oeed oi Trust.and the execut�o�and tlet�ve►y or tn�s Deed ot Trust does not woiate any�
<br /> • contract or other obliyation to wnich Trustor �s sub�e.t
<br /> 3. TaYN.Aa�*stsitenb.To pay botaro da��nquency a��taxes, spe-c,iai asse::sn:en:�u:�d ait ofher;,na-,�e5 as�a�nst trie Property
<br /> : nGw Or l�iErbaftar tevied.
<br /> 4 Insurane�.Tokeepthe Property msured agamstdamage by f�re hazaras �nc�uded r.�th,n the te�m•Eatendedcoverag�".and
<br /> suCh o!h@r h228rds es Lender may requue.�n amounts and w�th c;ompa��es acc�:ptab'L•iU L�n;1C�,rti;.Im�(�g L�;nder as an atld�UUnal
<br /> named insured,with tpss payable to the Lende►.In casa�f loss under suCh p0l�cies. the lender�o author�zed tn ad�ust,collect and
<br /> compromise,all clasrns thereunder and shail have the opUOn of epQfy�ng au or part c>�tne�nsura rce Groceads p)t�any�ndebcetlness
<br /> seCU�ed hEreby and�r.SuCh order as Lender r^.�y determ�ne,(��)to tne T+,,st�r to be used for the repa.r�r resturat�on of the Property ' - "`
<br /> or(ue}fOr eny other purpose or CC,sect sat�sl��t��r!o Lende��.trout affect:ry tr.e i�e�c`�^�s Deed ol Tr�st tor�he f�;��amount sec:ured �
<br /> hereby R1el4re suth payment eves teok ptace Ar.y a�C�•cat:^. �t precee�s to�ndeLtedness sna�l�ct exterC o� :sstpone the due
<br /> date c4 any paymonts under the Note.or cL�e any :3atao�� t^e•euneer c�^e�euncier
<br /> 5• Escrow.Upa�writt@n demand by Le����. 'r;;s:or s�a. �ay s;_e^cel �r� Suct�mannpr as�P-�e� �a, ;es•g^ate,s_tQ:c.�^t
<br /> sums t�enable Lec�e�to pay as they becom���:,�flne or-r�re ot t^s tc���•h ng !,�a��taxes ascpss^�=��s a�d��r�r�nargss a�a�nst
<br /> the Property,(iq tho premwms on the properry�nc�,rance -e�u��ed herd„nqe�, �rd .���,t°�Fremwm5 0^. a�y--�ngage�nsurance �
<br /> requsred by Lender.
<br /> � 6. �Adnt�nanc�,R�pilr� �nd CompBancs wlth Lawt. Trustor shau keep !he ���perty �n g0�d CO��d�on ana repe�r, Shall
<br /> prorttptty repair, ar replace any �mprovemsnt wh;ch may be damaged o: destro�red. snau r.ot c�mm�t or perm�t any ,n�a4te rn
<br /> deteriorat�on of the f'rVperty, shail nUt rt�move.demoiish pr substanua��y aster any os thE� �rnprovements o��Ihe Properry. shail nOt �
<br /> COmrnd,sufter or po�m�t any�ctto t�e tlor�e m or upon t7o Pro�arty�n v�o�abon oi any iaw.o�d�eance.or reguiat�o�,and sr�au pay and tQ
<br /> ptOrrtpUy d�SChetge at T►ustar's COSt and expE!nse all Itens, tncumbr;�ntes and cnti�ges �t�vie:d-�mppsed o��SSCSSC� �ga�nst Iho �
<br /> P'roperry or any�art thereot �.
<br /> T Emin�»t Domtfn. Lender�s hereGy ass�gnEd�if campeng�t�on_ _�s�a�ds. ;�im,i��S�snd ��IhEr p�y�nc r.�s crr rE;�et�r;c�re�r,aftE�� T�- "
<br /> "proCQ@f�S��)1!1 CO��n@G110�1 Wilh CO�(�f'tT10El1�On Uf OIhE!►1<7l:�t�h 0}lhcw PmhHtfy n��,�r1!hiri,n� ;. (7:G:;.�..`.�,�.,�P,,: ;,�u V!CO��(1c��fi-
<br /> .+on Wander Sh�11 b�enbtlod iIt 1�5 0{7��ph�O CO�nfY1HhC� ,+PPat�� �n 11��� U�f�St!'i�[f•��• '.S G✓yn r::'T'P�1"y riC 1 �n r�f (.tCf ft('.1�n��S dh�
<br /> Sh�11 7180 b(f 0ffbtl�(11U mflkB��ny r.ompr�im5e o�SESit E'm(,:,�in G:s��•�BCt'f•'� N�1�: �.,iC�' tlh�n•a(.• '1d�r.i�E' � •""!•.f'"�t�in�r���:�t.,�n nt
<br /> •lUC3t3�ry>rey�u�'.,n�DE�c Re.�(.E9
<br />� QY/BP.EHR'.:-.s�Br.a�/(•r.,.n•;nT•es�a�dS�.,,,;�n5�-. a. ,. � ...� 4e•��un �
<br /> ..�J
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<br /> ���. - -- _ •• -- ----�.--� , --�- . - --�-_� Z-1__` ��,' ; _ .
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