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<br /> 20 NCTiCE�.ERCept tor nauc��,qemendi,requests or othor commun�cat�ons rc�quuod undor�lpplic�blp Iaw to bo{��vCn in�nolher mannt�r,
<br /> whert�v�r 9eneliGi�ty,Trua�ar or Tru�tee glves or serves any notica(including,w�ihoul limilet�on,not�co ot detauil and noU:e of salol,clnmanus.
<br /> � r�qu�at�or olhAt cammunlpaUan with respect to tMS Trust Desd,eACh such notice,demand,requeSt o�olher communicahon Shall be in wnUng
<br /> • andshallb��IhCllvsontyUtAesameisdeliv�rsdbypersanalserviceotismailedbycertiliodma�l,paslagaprepa�d.adcfrossedtotheaddress�s
<br /> �� se9fortN el ttt!Qaptnnin9 otthis Truat Deed.Any party rnay at aay hma changa ils addros3(av such noUCes D f dehtenng or mail�nQ ta the other
<br /> ��►rty h�r�ta.�a atar4l�id,#notice a!euch chAnge Any nptice hereunde►ahal!be deemed to have 6een given to Trustor or Eienefic�ary,when
<br /> � p�ven�n thR m�nn�•d�sign�Nd heTa�n.
<br /> , i
<br /> � ; 21.p�p��jpp�qQf��.Trustorand8eneticiaryrtoreDyrequeseacopYotanynat�eeatdefault.and�cQ�yot�nynpl�Geolsalelhereunder.
<br /> � be m�ii�d to�aCh peraR��vho ix a pariy hereto at the address tor such person set torth�n the firsl paragraph ot Ih�s Trust Deed
<br /> � 22.QOYEIIMINO tAMI.Thi�Trust Deed sha�l be governed by the laws of the State at Nebraska
<br /> � � � 23.f11CGE#s�1�ISAND AssIGNl.This Trusl Deed,and all terms.cond�t�ons and obligations herein.apply to and inure to the benet�l of and
<br /> binds sll panio�h�relo,iheir h�iro,Ieflatees,doviseea,personal representatives,succassors and assigns The term"9e�ef�c�ary"shall mean
<br /> � th�owndr and holder ot the hote,whether or nol named as Benelic�ary herem.
<br /> � � 21.JOINT AND sEVEAIAL�7AOILITY.All covenants and agreeme�ts of Trustcr shall be�oml and severat ,
<br /> { 25.SEYERA�ILITY.Inlhe ev�nt eny One or morQ althe ptavisioas confa�ned ir�th�s Trust Deed,ar the Note�r any othe�security�nstrument -
<br /> ; giv�n in Conn�ctio:�with this IransaCtiQn shall lor any reason be held to be invalid. �I1ega1 or unonforct�able in any re�t ect,such �nva��dity,
<br /> dl�p�lity,or unRMotcesbiAtX sha�l,ae the option pt Benehciary,nct a(tect any olher prov�sion of this Trust Qeed,but th�s Trust Deed sha11 be
<br /> � conslru�dwsifauchlnvaNd.iFt89a�,orunentorceat�feprov�sfonhadneverbeencoMemodhere�northere�n Ifthet�enofi�eTrustOeedis�rvahtl
<br /> or un�ntorCaabl�as toany pprtot the deb1,or dthe I�en i9 imahd or unenforceable as to eny pArt of the Property.!he ur.secured or partialty seeured
<br /> � porlion of lhe d�bt sAetl be completely paid pnor fo lhe payment o1 the rema�mng and seCUred or partially seCUred port�on of the de��.and all
<br /> { paym��ZSmadeonthedebt,whathervoluntaryor�nvoluMary,shallbecons�deredtohavebeenhrslpa�donandappr�edtptr.efullpaymenlofihat
<br /> , po�lion ol lhs debt whicn is not secured or not fully secured by the l�en of 1h�s Trust Deed.
<br /> 26.T11UiTEE LIA�I�ITY.So long es the Truslge shall aCt in goodfaith end�n rglianCe upon nOtices and other intormation wh�Ch�1.�n�IS sole
<br /> � d�aCretionmayde�mlob�reli�bte.ands0longasTrueteeshallexercisereasonableprudenceandcarein�lsadminiSlral�Onhereunder,Trustee
<br /> shall not b�liable far eny lo5e o�demafle suslained or�neurred by the Trustors or any Benelic�ary or Oy any other persons whomsoever,�t being
<br /> � expresaty stipulated IAat the Ttustee shall be I�ab1e only for�ts own gross negtigence and wdilu�detaull�n the premises
<br /> � 27.NUM�EIIAMOGENQEII.Wheneverusedhere�n.thesmguiarnumbe►shaumcludetheplurai,andtheuseotanygende•shallbeappl�cabie ; •
<br /> to au ganders. ` -
<br /> � �
<br /> 28.ACCEPTANCEOY 7RUSTEE.Trusteeatcept9l��s T�ust whenth�sTrust Deed,duly e�ecuted andacknpwledged.�s mad8 a public record
<br /> � asprovidedbyiaw. �_-•.S
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