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<br /> � 1 PAYMEMT(fF PRINCIP,l1L AND INTEREST. T�ustar shall promplly pay wh�� du¢ Ihe princ�pai ol and interost on the �nqebtadness
<br /> evldsnced by ihe Note.and nii olher charges and laes 8y prpviQed in IAe Note.and Ihe�nnC�p�10�anc!�nlerost on anY Future Advanc�s soc ureo �
<br /> By th�s Tiust Qsed.
<br /> - � 2 wAIIRANTYOFTITi.E.Truslorisiawtullyse�tedandpossessedotgoodanp�n�iefoas�blet�tleandaslatetolhePraparlyherohyconvoyed
<br /> and hAS ihe right to granl and convey ihe property,tho P�oparty ia lree and clear ot all liens and encumGrancea e�ccept liens now oi racord.and
<br /> Tru3tor nrllt Ntarrant and detend tno ti118 to ihe Properly against a11 cla�ms and domancfs
<br /> �; 3 MAINTENAMCEANDCQMPLl�NCEWlTNLAW9.TrustorshallkeeplheP�operlymgoodrepa�randcondit�onantlshallnotcommitwaste
<br /> or psrmit impa�irment or detenoratron pt the Properly and shall comply wilh the provis�ons of any lease�t this Trust Deed�s an a leasehold No
<br /> , ImprovemenlnoworhereattererecteduponlhePtope►Iys�altbealtared,ramovedordemol�shedw�thoutlhepr�orwr�ttenconsenlol8e�el�c�ary
<br /> � - T�ustorshaUCOmptywitha111aws.ordinartces.�agulaUOns.covenants.cond�tionsandreslrictmnsaNeclmglheProperlyandnotcommrt.suBerar
<br /> p�rmil any act to he done��or upon the P�operty irs wolation of any law,ordinance,reguialion,�ovenanl,cond�lion or reSlriCliOn Trustor shai�
<br /> Complete or ra�tore prompily anQ in good workmanlike manne►any improvemenl pn Ihe Prupe►ty which may be damaged o�dostroyetl and pay.
<br /> : whsn duR,a11 cfa�lms Tar labor pertormed and mater�als turmshed ihe�e}or and for any aiterat�ons thereol
<br /> , 4.iNSURANCE.Frustor,al itsexpense,wil{ma�ntainw�ih insurors approved by Benef�c�ary,�nsurancewilh respecltothe improvemenls and
<br /> � perso�at propoHy,constflut�ng IhE�Property,agarost loss by fue.I�ghtnmg,tornado,and olher per�IS and hazards covered by standard ertended
<br /> � Coverage�ndo�sement,in an ampunt equal to at least one hundred perceni�100°0)ol the lul{replacement value thereof and�nsurance against
<br /> � SuChotherhazardsand�nsuchamountsas�scustomanlycarriedbyownersandoperato�sots�m�larpropert�esorasBenefic�arymayreqwretor .
<br /> , dSprOtBCGOn.Trustorw�llCOmplywdhsuchother.requiremenis�s8enefic�arymaylromt�metot�me�•equestfortheprotect�Onby�nsuranceotthe
<br /> � inle�estaottherespect+veparties.AllinsuranCep0lic�eSrnainlainedpursuanitolhisTrustDeedshallnameTrustorandBenef�C�aryaSinsured.as
<br /> their►espeCtive interesis may appear,and provide lhat Ihere ba na cancellation or mod�t�cai�on wilhoul ai leasi t 5 days pnor wntlen n�tif�calion to
<br /> . TruSteednd8enefiC�arymayprocu�esuch�nsuranCe�naccorCancew�lhlheprpv�s�onsolparagraph6hereof Trustorshalldel�ve►IOBec�el�c�ary
<br /> , Iheoriginalpoliciesof�nsuranceandrenewalsthereoformemoc�p�esolsuchpol�c�esandrenewalstnereof Fa�luretoturn�shsuChmsuranceby
<br /> Truslor,or renewat,as reqwred hereunder ehall,at Iho opUpn pt Benet�c�ary,const�tute a delau�t
<br /> 5.TAXES.ASSESSMENTS AHO CHARGES.lruslor shall pay All laxes assessmer+IS and other charges,mciuding,w�thoul 1�m��at�on.f�nes
<br /> and impos�tions attnbutable to Ih�Property and�easeholtt payments or g�ound r�+n1s.�t any, beto�e the same beccme del�nquent TrustOr Shall
<br /> promplly fumish to benel�ciary all noUCes af amcunts due ur�der th�s paragraph.and m the event Trustor shan maka paymenl d�recUy,Trusto�shalt
<br /> ; promptly furnish te Benelic�ary receipls ev�doneing such payments Trustor s�al1 pay au tares and assessmenls wh�ch may be levied upon • •
<br /> i Bene}iCiBry�s�nterest herein ar upOnlh�s Trust Qeed withoul regard to 8ny law that may bo enaCied�mpos�ng pdymenl ol fho whole or any parl
<br /> i ih9reof upon the Benef�c�ary '
<br /> � 6.AO�ITIONAL UENS ANO PROTECTION OF BENEFICIARY'S SECURITY.Tr�stur sh�u make all payments of�nt0rest and prmc�pal and �. _
<br /> � t PeymeMs of any olher charges.fees and eYpenses conlracted to he pa�tl to any ex�shng or subsequenl henholder or benef�c�ary under a�y j�„r
<br /> � vwioiti:^yG:Si3�Jov4uoA�:3ilywyjd"v:::uutu'vv�uot'viviYnua'�1v::lo�oi6uoi�i.yci�iOi�.-��c:�dul2.nilv�ivwN�iyyuranuurSi.i�dryiranyanuaiiuiiro� �.:._ -
<br /> hens,claimsorchargeswh�chmayjaopard�zel�esecuntygrantedhere�n ItTrustor}a�lstomakeanysuchpaymentorladsbperfarmanyofthe ji
<br /> COVBnants and agreemenls Conta�nod in thes Tru 5t 0eed,or Ihe Noto reterred le here�n,or m any pr�or or subsequent trust deed.or�!any aC1�on or
<br /> .__.
<br /> O�QC��fLipf7�s Goatmenced wh,ch matepaUy aflortc Rono���.a...�,��o.oe�.n 16n P........�_. .,. .i� ...__ .
<br /> - - --•.---••-----......�. .•,r�.•� ...c.::,,:•,y-:.,,�••oi.:.—.��ic�iiv.annnanfoomamproceeo- .
<br /> - �ngs,praCeedirtgs mvolvmg s deCetl8nl.n�HCe uf saic by Truslee. noh�e of default by i r uStee.mortgage forpclosure act�on.or d Trustor 1a�ls to �
<br /> ; pay Trustor's debls genorally dS they becomedue.Ihen Benehc�ary.at Benehc�ary s opt�on antl wnnout not�ce lo or demand upon TrustOr and
<br /> : withoulreleas�ngTrustorlrpmanyob��geUOnnereunder.maymakesucnappoarances.d�sbursesucnsumaandtawesucnact�onas�snecessary '
<br /> lo protect Benet�c�ary�s mterest. �nClutlmg, bu: not t�m�ted to. a�soursement c,t reasonable attorney s tees payment, purchase cGr.test or i
<br /> i compromise ot any ertcumbrance,charg�or i�en entry up�n the Propeny to make r�pa,rs.or decta�at�on of detauit under thrs Trust Oeed in the
<br /> � even11he1 T�usto►shal!ta�l to procure�nsuranCe or to paylaxes,assossmQnts.or any othor char�es o�ro make any paNments to any existmg or
<br /> subsequent IiBnt�olderS Orex�sting or subsequent benet�c�anes Benefic�ary may procure sur,h msuranCe an�make SuCh payment.but shall not
<br /> � be ObtigAted to do so. Any amounts d�sbursod by Benef�c�ary pursuant to t��s Paragrapn 6 shall b�COmt3 atld�t�ortat �ndebtedness ot Trustor
<br /> ; secured by tMS Trusl Deed Such amounts snal�be payabie upon noUce from Benenc�ary io T sustor request�ng payment tnereof and snaupear
<br /> �nterest lrom lhe date o}dishurs�mentat the ca!e payabte irom t�me to t�me on outstand�ng p��re c�pal under tha Note unress payment ol�nlerest 2t
<br /> such rate wout�be contrary to apphcable law�r.wficn ovenl sacn amounts shan bear�nterest at the h�qhesr rate perm�ss�ble unaer appncabie �
<br /> 18w.Noth�ngCOnte�ned�n lhis Paragraph 6 sha!' �equ�re Benof�c�ary to�nCUr any expense o� take any acbon hQreunder
<br /> ; T.ASS[aNMENT OF iiENTS.Berelic�ary shall have tne r�gnt. power and autnor�ty d urmq tne c�rtmuance of tn+s Trust Deec� io cor�ect the ;.�
<br /> i ronts.�ssues and prot�ts ofthe Property and ofany personal property iocated thQreon w�tn or w�tnout tak,ng possess�on u�Ihe property affacted �
<br /> 1 hereby.andTrustorhereDyabsolutelyantlunCO^d�t�onallyass�gnsausuchrents.�ssuasandprot�tstoBerehc�ary penet�c�a�y however �ereby •
<br /> ; eonsenistolhQTrustor scollecUOnandretent:e^otsuchrents �SSUeSandprp�,tsasihey accrueard�eccmepaya0ieso�ongasT�usro++snut a�
<br /> j SuChUme,+nde}aultw�threspectte�aymentotar.ymdobledness5zcuredher�py �rmtneDCrtorr-�ar;eafanyaGreemenlne�aunde� Uponany
<br /> SuChdC1au11.88n8fiC�atymdy8taryt,me.e�ther�nperson_pyagent.orbyarece�vertvbeapoo�nte.byacourt ���t�0utr.Ot�Ceantlw�lhUUtrega�o
<br /> � totheadeQuaCyotanysecuntyto►�RemdebtednessnareDyseC::�ed (a►enteruponandtaKeDessess^no�lneProper�ynracypa•tther��,t �nd,�
<br /> �Igownnameguelp:orotherw�seco��ectsuchrents,�ssuesancp�olds �nUutl�nglnosep�stdueara�np��d.actlappryth�sar�c, iesscoslsanU
<br /> expenses ol operator. antl coilection.mcsud�ng �easona0ie attorney s rees. �pon any �ntlebler.�ess securetl nereay ana �n ���n o�der �s
<br /> � 8enehC�arymaytleterr^c�e.(b�pertormsucnactso`repa�rorprotoct�onasmaybenecessary;�rpr�;;e=t�COnsewethevaiuecft^e?rOperty ��t
<br /> t8a58thesameoranypartthereo�to�suchrentai.term,anduponsuchcond�t�onsas�ts�ucsgmentm�yd�ct�te orte�m�nateo�an�usttnetprrnsanC
<br /> cortd�t+vrts of ex��Ung leases Ur!ess Tru,tor and Ben�efitiary t^,oieof ayreW Othe�w�5e m writ�nq ary 3pD��CdhO�C��en1S �ss:.es o�proht�to�ny
<br /> mdebtednpss secured hereby shal' nol extEnd or postpone the duc�date ot the �nS1211mPnt rqymNnfg�g Crpv�pea •n sa:a�rnm�:;nry r.r.ir nr
<br /> Cnanp��tl8amountotsachmy121lments ThgQnter+ngu�on:ndtsk:i:QpL1$SUS>�Gi�v�ihd��Jp@riy f'*et'tl%jt'ct�onoTsucn-erts �ssuesar.d�rol:ts
<br /> ' and the appi�Cat�on tt�ereo)as atorosa�0,shall not werve or cure any defau�t or n�t:r.Q oI de�aull ne�eunde�or�t•va�Wate��y ac t��nne p,,��,�•,,nt to
<br /> � suchnot�ce Trustoralsoass�gnStoBctnel�c�ary,asfurthersecur�tyfortnepertc�.mancecfitioohi�gat.onssecuredrereny a�ip*�•oa�7�enitdncl�-�
<br /> momes which may have 5een armay hareaftcrbe deposded wdh sa,ATrustor py any�ptis�oof r�ie Property to tier.urc�t�e payn•.e��l of�ny •Cnt!'�•
<br /> damages.ar upOn c]plduit m!he pertormanco ol any o�the prov�s�ons hereo� Trustvr ag•e�s t;�tlei�Yei;uch�enis anA dep��s�t5 io Ae��r�`:t.n�v
<br /> Uehvery of wntten noUCe o�8enehc�ary se,corc�se of lhe r�gn�sgran�etl nere�n ;p�ny tBn�int pt�upy r,q s7,;-�GfA����ses s•�� �be�.."r�•��t i;,�r�q,,.�s• �
<br /> � �diu i6i�dRi iJ yey ii;nt tu i���o6n���i:rniy ui�iri lu�if�er�TC�fice �
<br /> 8 CONDEMkAT10H. 1ttd�P to any part ot Ihe Prcperty snail ne taren��!pntlCn�n��:.�n piC•CBr•(I�nyS 7y r�9n;�,r E�T,i,t•n� �;�m,; �,, , , �,.i.i•
<br /> act�on.�r sRa1i be sald under tnreat o1 condemna��on �+I awards tl.�mcige•s.i��c!p�uthod� ��e••e�rbr��s� gnen ann 5�.� �br p:� 1 r_ !i��•,•� , ,,•,
<br /> who shali apply such awards,damagesand �roceeas to ma sum sec��ed ny in��; irUSI GGEd Ndn 1^C ��a�P1;•, ��1n r�. Tr,, t,r i� +
<br /> V r,�`1 ti i:;�,1 .
<br /> recerves any nohce or other�nlormanon ragard�Ry suc �11Cf'On5 0� :��OC[PJ��f�S T rLSfUt �hl�l t�•vE' :�'UrnG�t�vi,11Pr nc•'.0�.inf�•..��t; �<t,�...• s'
<br /> °-
<br /> enehc�ary snau bcr ent�tietl :lT�1S opti0n to Comrn�ncr� d(I�JQd��n :IfqJ p•�tSpC.:�!f•.n,1[)p:fn n,t'nn.11�y ti.�. � �:� 1.• •.i• ,•;.�..�..� � : +'•I ' .f '
<br /> � entdlod to make any comprpm�se o�seCIL'Rtf?/11�R cunn�Cd��„r�,1n,�cy ..�c��,�� t:�r.i � ;r! :PeC, ��q•. •
<br /> 9 FUTUAE ADVAHCES.Upon reyuest ot tiu�tor �ten�rt � �,,rL,it F+o�,,•t c.,��, ,, �,i,,,. ;.,;, �; • •
<br /> mAke�ulu�a�id�ancestu Trusro� Su4f�f:llu�t!�(k�-�ncE�, .�.Ih rp•i��:,��nf.��.�,�i :�:� '!�n�P; •e�d^✓'n . •.•,!,, � •i: �. . . • , .; .. W
<br /> tip1CS S�ellmy I�at SJi(1 ftCi!OS i1�C Sf'CU�Cf�t�f.'tE,bY i�U� :•.P.1"`Jr ��. ��...�..n,� 1^� .i•.-.. • J: ^i .�' � • . . �• �II. . .. • • � �
<br /> •f(1vJn�f:d lu�l�n�M:t thn�,C(ur.�y �,Ai...c'�1 f+... '�o� _n�•n �i���i c�rt�,•m- � .•r•�.., .,� . � �.� , �.�. i� , ,. � . . .�.
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