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<br /> D. UN►�Uil11i 5ECUitiTY INSfRU11iF.1��':GQVF.RNINC I.Adl�;5F.�FRAQIt.I�'Y
<br /> Uaif�rm Cdvenaet!Y of tha Securtty I�itrument ls�ttKnded to�ead�s fc�ll�ws:
<br /> IS. U�It�Mt�eM�I�e�t;P,wenly�w;6erKaWlt�,.Thi�form at Security imtrurnatt combincs uniform caveriant�f'o�natiaul usc
<br /> r, Mnd no��ueitorm coYtn�nt�with Hmited vuiations by jurisdlclioo to constitute w unifa�m ss�turity Instrumtnt coverine ir.d property. This
<br /> 5ecurity Iaitrumeat shW be Roverncd by FMeta!I�w and tAe law of the jurisdiclio�in wAich Ihe i"roperty is lacated. In the event that�ny
<br /> yrorition c+s c1�ux af this:Securitr Insu�urKnt or the Note conflicts witts�palic�bto t��r.such�Anftict sha!!nat affs�.�t other pra�lsiaas of thig
<br /> 5aurity liattwnxnt or the Nate which can tre siven effat without the conflktin=ptavision. �nd to this end the provlsi4ns of this Serurfty
<br /> � ltatrueaeM and the I�iote ue declrred to be severabte.
<br /> ; Unifo�u C.aveaant!7 of the Security in�trumert is�mended to rad u iNlov�n:
<br /> ; IL '8�K o�14 ln�ty K a ltieAdd 1�i�f�rowK.lf al1 or any put of the Propeny or�n interest th�-rein is sold or transferred
<br /> , (or i!a ba�eflci�!iatemt in BoROwer is sold or trwferrod and Borrower is not a natur�l penon)without Lender's preor writtrn cortsent.
<br /> � 1.aWa nu�y.�c l.endet's aQtion,declare�li the surtu ss�wrcd by thla Security Instrument to be imnxdiatdy due and p�yabk. However.this
<br /> � optjoe sluil!not be exercisod by Lender N exercise is not authorized by Federa!law.l.e�der may waive the exercue of ttis option if:(a)Borrower
<br /> awa to be w�mlttod to l.ender intorm�don rcquircd by Lender to e�•aluate the lntmded traneferce u if�new Iwn xere beins m�de to the
<br /> transter�e;and(b)i.ender rcasa�abiy detmnines that Lender's security wlll not be dmpaired by ttie lan assumption and that the dsk of the
<br /> brach of�ny covetant or a�reement in this Securiry lnstrument is acceptable to L.,endor. .
<br /> To the extent permitted by�pplicabk 4w.Lender may charee a rasonable fee u a condition to Lender's consent to the loan usumption.
<br /> l.endes rwy aha require the trwferee ta kap a11 thr promises and ajreemrnts made in the Note and in thls Security Icutrument.
<br /> '�`�&Lsndes exercixs such option to�ceeter�te.Lender shall mail Bonorrer notice oi�ccelerxNoa in�ecordsnoe with parajt�ph 14 hereoi.
<br /> Such aotiCe stu�q provide a petiod af not ias than 30 days irom the dste the aotic�e is mailed within wfilch Barrower may pay the sum�declued
<br /> I due.If Hotrower tails to p#y such sums prior to the eapir�tion of�uch periad.Lende�may,without funher notice or demand on Borrawe��
<br /> iavoke any remedia permitted by thi�Sdcurity Instrument."
<br /> �� "3�'atwitfistandinj a sale or trwfer,Bonower w�ll continue to be obligated under the Note and ehi�Security 1nsFrameet uNess Lender ha�
<br /> tek�ed4�orrowtr ie wxitina.,•
<br /> � F. LOAN CHANGFS ,
<br /> , If the lo�a aecursd by the Seeu�ty Instrument is subJect to a law which sets manimuun toan charges.and that law is finally interpreted so �
<br /> ; that the interat or other loan chartes eolkcted or to be collected in connection with the toan exoeed permitted llmits.then:(1)any sucb lwti
<br /> : dw�e sh�ll be reduced by the amount�eassary to reducc the chargc to the permitted limit;uid(2)anY sums atrady colkcted from borrowrcr � ,�.,;
<br /> �rl�kh exceeded petmItted limia will be refunded to Horrawer.I.ender may choose to make this refund by reducins the princip�l owed uader the � -'�
<br /> Note or by makins a dlrect payment to Borrower.li a refund reduces princlpal.�he rcducUon will be treated�s a p�rtial pre�yment ur�der the � t.-
<br /> Note. ' --
<br /> , :r.-—
<br /> 1N WITNFSS WHF.RF70F.Sorrower Ms e:ccrted t1As AdJ�scabk ttate Rider. � �
<br /> �
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<br /> Laxry W. awle ' ORRU ER
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<br /> tx�a A. Fa,de
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