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<br /> � AUJU���6�.�; R.A►T� 121��R Q
<br /> (1 Yeu l'reasury Indtt•R�tc CAp�) "O�,p�j',Q$
<br /> THIS ADJUSTABL�i RA7'L�RIl3GR Is nuuk th'w __.. 1 L�L��_di►Y��F �_ _...,ISl_,.�__..,
<br /> � wt u incomaated inta and shall be cleemod tu art►end �nd sup{+temcmt the Mort���e. Deed of Tru�t, or Secuiity Pted (ihr "Socuri�y
<br /> fMtrvn�ent")of tl�e�ame d�te�iven by tha undecai�ned(the"Borrawer")to secute Ho��owet's Adjustable Kate Note(thc"Note")co FtONE
<br /> !'�Q[IIAL.fAY1N00 a LQAN_AiSOCtAT10N Of O19AN013LAND�NL��lIA�KA(tha "l.sndet")of tho same date aed cnverin� �he
<br /> q�opt�ty deµ'ribOd ii11h!SeCtuilY Inttfumeat�a0lac�ted at:
<br /> , u61U Lakeside Qrive, Grand Island, NeP�raska
<br /> �,— (Froperty Ad�res3)
<br /> TW �Ne eM1Wa �i�i��s �N�w1� ior c1�� 1� � i�lete�l a!e aM a4Y �t!!� ,
<br /> pYw�h.71M nNe dw qwiq tre�ww�!�I�Ie�a1 t�k ca�cY�ye�t�q e�e t{�e�N
<br /> �Me�uw�M Ne�sl��rtk f�1 M�.
<br /> ADDITtONAL COVENAlVTS.In edditton to the rnvensnts and a�rcements made in the-Secur�ty I�strumtnt. &xrowet and Len�et
<br /> AirtMr oovww�t a�d yne a fa�lo�ra:
<br /> �
<br /> 'f1�I9ote provides for an iaitial interest rate ot 11 .75 �,�sion�of the Note provides for chanaa in the intaest tate uxf tho
<br /> � ��NY W7��.�1 follows: .
<br /> lA) Cry+DMM
<br /> � The interal�ate I aill p�y may chm je on thc�nt day ot �_. �y .19�_.�nd on that day every
<br /> � t��Ve manth�therafter.Each date on which my inYerat rate could cMnjc Is calkd a"Chan�e Date."
<br /> , (s? '�1�IMat
<br /> + Be�irtnln��rith the�rat Chan�e Due.my iaterat rate will Ne b��ed on an tndex.The"Indea"is the weekly�verye ykld on Unitat Stata
<br /> ! 'IYeaiuy�ecurities adjuited to�cotuant rnaturity M 1 ycar,a�mads availabk by the Federal Reserve Hoard.The most rectnt Index i'qure
<br /> ; avdlable as of the date 4S daYs beforo eactn�i'ranae Date is called thc`•Current Indes."
<br /> U the Inddt it no Ion=er avail�ble, Ct�C Note Holder wiU chaose a new indta which is based upon compuable information_ The Note
<br /> ; HoWer will�ive me notioe of this choiice.
<br /> i
<br /> ; (C) Cak�Y1M�N C'lM�w
<br /> &ta�each C'Au�e D�te.the Nde Haader will caku�te my new interest nte by�ins three and one/half �� � �::_
<br /> – — potrNl( -►-� �lri)ta tAe Cuma�t�Mtez atfd tuundina to the neacat 1/ath of t�h,sub]ect co the iunia auted in 5ecaon s�u)beto�v. --_
<br /> 'IMt rounded amount wiU be my new Inter�st rue until t!u aex{Chan�e Wte. �_�
<br /> The Alote Holdet�►�iU 1�en determine the�mount of the mon[hty paymem that would be sui!"kirnt to rep�y in tult the princip�l I am
<br /> -_---- `exyesiai io owe oa iiwR c;rw�qe�i�aic in:uo:w,niairy c�qa�u P�Ymenis dY titr matariry daCe ac my tftw lntaest rate.71x rauit oi this cakvLG�on _
<br /> wW be the new amamt of my monthlY WY�t•
<br /> = (D) I.iwIM a I�krwt R�le(�e� =
<br /> JZ�s_�nterpt rate 1 un ra�utred to pay at the first Change Ihte will reet be grater than 1����. �s'i or las than !!
<br /> 9 � �l�i.Therra�ter.my interest rate will ne��ec be increa.sed or decreased v�3ny single Chanae Date bp�sore than tUtO pe TCent
<br /> from the rRte o!interat i Fu�ve been payin�Barthe pra�eding twelve rnc+r.:;ss.The minimum intacst cs.i�e on this toaa will never he
<br /> �� 9.75 �and ehe muimum incerat ratr wiU never Ix grater chan �3.75 r,o,
<br /> (q Ef�ectlre I�Ie of CYwa
<br /> � My t�ew interat rate wW bttoaie effective on each CL`,a�n�e Date.1 witl pay the emount of my aew monthly p�yrnent beainnina on the first
<br /> � aanthly paymeet date aftes t6e�rist�e Dau vntil tbe amc*,snt of my monthty p�ayment chan�es a�ain.
<br /> } (F► NMkeofCrs�a ;-�
<br /> 1 The Note Nokkr wlll mail or detitiea;.�.z me a notice before each Change Date.The notice will ad�ue me of:
<br /> 1 C� d�e aew tnterest nte on my lutn as of the Change Date; ���
<br /> . (ii) the amoicat of my manthly p�ynzent foltowin�the Chan�r trate; �,
<br /> (iii) any addiciaa�S mstters which the Note Halder is required to disctose:and
<br /> (iv) the�ddrrss of the uscxiation you wuld contact regarding any qucstions about the a0justrrient notice.
<br /> , �. CH1IRG�S: I.IElYS
<br /> Uniform Coveaant�of the Se�rity Instrument i�amrnCed to rcad as follows:
<br /> " � 1. (.1�rNat lieir.Sorrow+er shal!p�y all taxa,assessments,and other charas,fines,and impossuor.s�ttributabk to the Propersy which may
<br /> � ituin a priaity over tt;�a Security Instnime�nt,and Ieasehold payments of graund rents,if any,in ttc�m..anner provided wider para�taph 2 hereof
<br /> os,i[not�aid in snch e�ut:x�,by$orruw��:ukirtg payrrrrns,K hcn dur,dircetly to thz pa��ee thece+�t. 8orrux�rr shail promptly furcish Lender
<br /> a11 notica of amounts dut r,inder this parsjtaph,and�n the t�ent Horrower shall make payment d�recUy, Borr�wer shall ptomptJy furnish to
<br /> � Lendet rereipts eviderKins sach payn�ents. Bonowet shW promptly dischuse sny [ien which h�s prioriEy oitr :his Security inscrumnnl;
<br /> lowever. 8orrower shaU not be requircd to dischar6e any such lien so lona as Borrow�cr. (a)sAal1 agra in avrir:�sg to tfie Ga3ment of the
<br /> obli�tion securcd by such tirn in the manner accCptaDte to l.ender;(h)shall in good fai�h contat suc:k Len by,or defrnd e�rst ec�foroemrnt of ,–_ ��-_-_
<br /> 1: rw� w w...F •..� �.R i ui�t L�j.�i�ia iv^�.f��a..::IiC tIIfL`ft=ii'n t L` . � ......:fv^:Ft: t i3!L� C.j`�'..' �0:«.^.� . ._
<br />---- :5::.�t..."'Y:!R.�S Z vK.�"`�i..sa t::.,..iE i :�;ilivR� �.;;..�:..... ;:i: �f W s..
<br /> part thereof;or(c)shall secure Prom the holder of such lien an agrtement in a form satisiactory tc•Lender suEor�inating such lien to th;s
<br /> Security lnstrutsxnt.
<br /> if Letyder determines Cfyat all or any pan of the Propeny is subjcci t�a hen whirh may attain a pnority o,e; th�s Securrty Instrument, •
<br /> ' Ltndtr shal!give BotroK•es A notice idrntifying such lien. Horrower xhall sausfy such hen or eake one or rnore of tke acuon, �t forth abo�e
<br /> withie tm days olihe giving of the rtotice.
<br /> � C. NO?ICii
<br /> UniCorrttCoo•enant i4oPtRrSr.cuntylnstrurncnt�samcndcdwreadasfollows:
<br /> �
<br /> 11. No1kY.Excep� for any nohce re�quirM uadrr eppl�;abla lau tu be gi�eis �n anuthrr manncr.Ia)am nu;uc io Hntri�Ker p�i���ded for in Ih�s
<br /> Security Instrument shall be giaen Ay drMtcring rt or hy mail�ng�t by i�n!clat5 m��t Iu N.��t��we�3t f ht F'ro�x tl} 4ddrt�+or.11 tiu�h��thev add:cti�
<br /> as l3orrower may Qesign�tt by not�re ta Lrnder as rrotiidcd hctem, and�bi an} iuTu�c�u I erulrr�h�ll hr g�.cn b} F+t�i�lsc. m�il tcr l.tndei'c .> �
<br /> � url�ress ctated h:re��or to sucfi c•th.r addre;�ati 1 cndcr niay de,�gnntr M ur:i.e�u 8��rra,»er a�prr�:�drQ hrr.�r� �n� :r,�t��c��r�,.�dcd t„r m ih�.
<br /> ar�W�Sv luit�utucili +i�yti hr'�CCtItC.I1U�1��C PKO RI�CfI fU$�rn�urr��t i Cadcf«hen r,ntn�n!h�in.u�nc:dc��Kc,itc.1 h;•sc�r.
<br /> �
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