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<br /> ACIC1e1C!'W LED�MENT 9Q�"'�0 2 i O'7
<br /> i�y��� William Carl Gai be�l �nd Linds R. G�m�hell� Hust�antl 2nd Wi fo "Trustor")
<br /> (� w�det th�t axrtdn Da�d oF Tnwt in the oriitaa)princlpal amount of..,., ��'ent�r,F iue Thousand and no �0�-�----
<br /> 1 _... -- -- ---- -- - - ------- - -- --- - _(S 25.00Q.00 )uiddated
<br /> �ip�i 1 11�, 1�30 (D�i of Tsust)ta bt et�ttt�d i�to�mt�n�Ttustor,
<br /> A�snd 8. 8sa�i: (��'Trwta")aad HOMB FEDHRAL SAY1NCiS AHD LQAN ASS4CIATIQN
<br /> OF�RMtD[S1.AND(•�Be�eticiary•').ccwerin=tix fdb�vin�described ptopertY:
<br /> Lot Six (6) in Hidden lakss Suhdi�ision Number 7wo (2), heing a part of the
<br /> Southeast QuartQr of the Northeast Quarter (SE$NE�) and a part of th� North
<br /> Half of the Northeast Quarter af the Southeast Quarter (N�NE�SE$) of Sect�.on
<br /> � . Thirt�en (73). Tawnship Eleven (11 ) North. Range Nine (9) West oF the 6th
<br /> � � P.I�., Hall Gounty, Nebraska.
<br /> . baeby acknowkx�e thst it is undentood that (a) tbt Dad of Trust to be executed by Trustor i� �trust deed xnd noc a
<br /> � mortsye aod(b)the po�re�ot isle provided t'or jn the Deed of Trwt provida substantiat�different d�hts wd obliEadoes to �
<br /> _ _ , e1�eT�coe rbanamoct,ta�eiatbeevent of�defau[t a breach of oblijation. � `' �
<br /> Trustor acicno�vled�tlyt thi�Ackaa�{ed=met�t wst m�de prior to the execuuon ot iiu L000 oi�ron. -��
<br /> FaceCnted apd ddiver�d this 1,'+ diy of Anri 1 4,_, 19�_. �-
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<br /> OOUNTY OF Hall <, `�,
<br /> The foteroin=instrument wu acknowledged before me this ��tn day of APr i 1 ,
<br /> �¢ 90 ,by Wiltiam Carl Campbell and Linda R C�mpbeli,. Ftusband and Wife ,
<br /> Wttaas my lisnd and notarial seal at G r�nd I s 1 and, Ne _ in said county,the date aforesaid.
<br /> My commisaion cacpira: �_�� /.p"f`/ .
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