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<br /> �o-p-102105
<br /> � IP Lender rcqui�td moregage insurance as a conditio� aP making the Itwn sccurcd by this Security Instrument.
<br /> Hasrawer shali pa� �hc premi�ms rcquircd to maintain the insurance�n cifcct until such timc as the requlremant fnr the
<br /> � !�-surance terminatrs 1n accorda�ce v�ith Borrower's and Lender's written agreemcnt cu applir�blc law.
<br /> 8. IRS�ectioa. Lender or!ts aEont mAy mnkc rcasonable entries upan and inspect�ons of the Prcperty. Lendcr
<br /> shall give 8arrpw�r�tiae�t tho timo c�Pa�pri��t�pn in��ti�n s{xciPying re�u+nahle cau�e fo�the int�tio�.
<br /> " 9. Oaale�Ni�e. The proceeds of any award or ciaim for damages.direct or consequential,in cannectian with
<br /> any condemnation or othtr taking oP any part of the Property, o� i'or conveyam�e in lieu oP conden�nation.are hor�by
<br />_ � assigned and shall be p�id ta I.ender.
<br /> ; i�the eveot of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Securiey
<br /> ; Jnstrument,whether or not then due.with any e�ass paid to 8orrower.ln thc evcnt of a panial taicing of the Property,
<br /> � unless Borrower�nd Lrnder otherwise sarce in writing,thc sums secured by this Sccurity lnstrumcnt shall be reduccd by
<br /> , th�amcwnt of'the procee�ds multiplied by the follawing fraction:(a)the total amount of the sums secured immediately
<br /> before thc hkin`,divided by @)thc faic market value of�ht Propeny immediately before the taking.Any b�lance shall be
<br /> � paid ta Borrower.
<br /> • If the Froperty is abandaned by Borrower.or if,after natice by Lender to Borraw�er[hat the condemnor otFers to
<br /> ; m�ke an�ward or settle a clsim for damsges.Borrower fails to respond to Le�der within 30 days ufter the date the notice is
<br /> t given,Lender is authorized to collect and npply the proceeds.at its option,either to restoration ar repair af the Property or
<br /> � ta the sums secured by this Security Instrnment.whether or not then due. �
<br /> i Unlas Lender�nd$orrower otherwise agree in writing.any application of prc�ce�eds to principal shall not eatead or
<br /> gc�stpone the due dateof the monthly payments referred ta in paragrnphs 1 and 2 or change the amount af such payments.
<br /> � 10. Bon�owe�Not Relea�ed; Fosbarance By I.ender Not a Wai�er. E�tcnsion of the time for payment or
<br /> ! modiflcation of amortization of the sums secured by this Security instrument granted by L.ender to any successor io
<br /> � interest of Bonower shalt not oporate to release the liability oP tlie original Borrower ar Borrower's successars in interest.
<br /> tender shall not be required to commence procezdings against any succrssor in interest or refuse to eatend time for
<br /> � payment or otherwise modii'y amortizalion of'the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made
<br /> by the ortiginal Borrower or Bc+rrower's success�rs in interat.A�y forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy
<br /> f shaU nat be a waiver of or preclude th�eaercise af a»y right or remedy.
<br /> ! ll. Suceeisoa and Asdp�8ouad;Joint snd Sereral Liability:Co-�igners. The covenants and agreements of � � '
<br /> � this Security Instrument shall bind and txnefit the successors and acsigns of Cender and Borrower.subject to the pravisions =
<br /> ! of parAgraph 17.Borrowec's covenants and agreements shall be joint and sevecal.Any Bonower who co-signs this Socurity
<br /> Instrumtnt but does not execute the Note:(a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage,grant and convey
<br /> 1 �iiui PsviiOiirCi�iilQ�iwt fii i27c p:a�rsy andcr ils�:.res:s af thi��;.:.urit� I�strun�.ai.(�3 s;n�:�:.r.�c:�alty atZ�gat:.3 ta ya� - _-
<br /> the sums secured by t6is Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Bc�nawer may agree to e�tend. '-�
<br /> � modify.forbear a� m�ke any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Secunty instrument or she Note without
<br /> -- ' ihat lic�tmwer'sconsent.
<br /> ! 12. I.aan C6arQe�. If the loan secured L+y this Security lnstrument is�ubject �o a law which sets mazimucn loan -
<br /> ; charges� and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges callected or to be collected in � -
<br /> � cannection with the loan exceed the permittecj limits. then: (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount
<br /> necessary to reduce the charge to the permittal limit;and(b)any sums alresdy callectod from Borrower which eaceeded '��
<br /> . permitted limiis will be refunded to Bonower. Lender may chaose to makr this refund by reducing the principal owed "
<br /> under the Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower.If a refund reduces principal,the reduction wiU be treated as a
<br /> partial prepaymmt without any prepa�ment charge under the!4ate.
<br /> 13. Leglslatioa AReeting Lee�er's Rights. !P enactment or eapiration of applicable laws has the eftect of
<br /> I rendering any provision o4'the Note or this Security Instrument unenforceable according to its terms.Lender.at�ts option.
<br /> I ' Lrtay require immediate payment in fuil of all sum�secured by this Secur�ty lnstrument and may invoke any remedies
<br /> ' permitted by paragraph 19.If'L.endet exercises this option,Lender shall take the steps specified in the second paragraph of
<br /> : paragraph 17. '
<br /> � 11, 'VotiCes. Any notice to Borrower provtded for in Ihis Secur�ty Instrument s?�al)be given by dclivering et or by >
<br /> � mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another methc�d. The notice shall be directed �a the ��
<br /> ' Property Addtess or anv other address Borrower designates by notice m LenJer.Any not�ce to Lender shall be given by .
<br /> • 6rst class mail to Lender's address siated herein�ir any other address[,ender�tes�gnates by notice ti�Burrow•er.Any notice .
<br /> provided fctr in this Security Instrumesu shall be deemed to ha�•e been sn•en tc�Borrawer�r Lender when given ac�rovided
<br /> in this paragtaph.
<br /> 1S. Gorerniog I�w;Serera6i{fty. This 5ecunty Instrument shall be governe�t�y Pederal law and the law of the
<br /> ,�uriuliction in which the Property is locs�:ed. in!ho event that any provisien or clauu af tti�s Securcz4 lnstrument or the
<br /> : Note confliets with applicable law,such conflict sttatl nat affect other prmts�ons o�this Secunty lnserument or the Note
<br /> � which can be�iven eA'ect without the conflicting provis�on. To this end the pro�isiom rf this Seruntl lnstrument and the
<br /> Note are de�elared to!x se�ersble.
<br /> I6, $orrower'9�opy, Bc�rr�wer sh�ii be gtven�ne co:formed copy of the Note anc��f this�ecurity Instrument.
<br /> 17. Tnnt[rr ot tf�e Property or o 8eneficial lnterest in Borrowcr. lf all or any� part of the Property or any
<br /> mterest in it is sotd or trasesferred(c�r ifa bencficia!interest in F3orrower is s�fci or transferrcd and Borrow•er is not a natural
<br /> person)withaut L,ender's prior writien�onsent, Le�nder may.at its option, rcqu�re immediate paymenl �n full of aU sums
<br /> seeured bc this Seeurity Instromens. However, th�y opt�on sf�alJ n�t tx exerc�ted h�• Lender �f exercisr i, prc�hiG±ited by
<br /> fedcral Iax•as nflhe date of�hic Secunty Instrument. --_—_
<br /> If l,ender etereises lhis aption.Lender shai!give Botrower nottce of acreterat�un The notice t!:atl protiide a penod •
<br /> of not Iess than ;Odaysfrom the date the noticeis�e�livered or rt►ailed�v�t�in wh�ch Horto«•rr mutit���all wms secured by
<br /> this Security Instrumen�. if E3c�rrower fails to pa}these sums pri�r to t he rxp�rahon nf this pennd,Ixnder may inL�okc uny
<br /> remedies prrmitted by this Seeuraty Instrument w�thout furthrv�c,t�ce c�r�ernand rm Horrourr .
<br /> 1$.Borrower'sRight to Rejnstate. If I3o�rower tr.ee•as cert��n c�nditum�, Horr,�uer •,hnll ha�e the rirrr i�have
<br /> cnf'orcerrtent nf th�s 5ecurity Instn�ment diccontuiued at any timr�rior t�+the carlicr�(: la15 da�•�(or uich other penod as {`
<br /> � appltcahfe!aw• may �pecif}�for rcin�tatc�ncntl hef��re�.ile��f the Yropercy purtivant n�uny p���ser+•!'<ale a�ntained in thi� �
<br /> Sccuc�ti� Instrument; or 1h)rntry a(a judFrnent enfe�rcing this Secunt} !nslrumcnt. Ih�}tie cnnd:*.cr:��arr that Hurtoacr
<br /> (�) pati��s Lrnder al! yun» wfuch then would br c9ue uttider th�s �ecunt� Inrirumrnt ,i�d the tir[e h�d nn acceleratum �t
<br /> occr�rred. {b)ruret any default �f any i�ther a��enant� ur aKreementti. (c) �+ayti ;il! ctt�cn�eti incurred m enfe�rc�n�; thiti ��
<br /> Security lnetrurnent, includ�ng, hut n�t l�m�ted h�. re��a»able attc�mry�' fecti, and �i1► takc� wch e.:•r�ri a� I.cnder may ��
<br /> teati�»�ably� rcye�irr t�►n�eure t!it�t the iien��f thi� Secunty tm�rument. I ender'� rikhr� �n ahr Pr,,.-r�ti ��nd F3urrc�arr'. �
<br /> t�bl�gait�n tn �,;�� tti; tiums �c�ureJ h� thie 5ciuntti Intittutnent �hall ���nttnuc un.tiencr� l rnu� te�ntitetcntrnt h� �•
<br /> Hc�rr�nticr.this tici us�t1 ln,uumcrit.�nd thc�,hhg:�ti,�m�ecutrd hetrh� �4t,e11 rrnram ft�ll� <•i1r.tnc.n i( n�,.i:�cic�.iti<:n had
<br /> ��ccurred N�,ue�es. 1hi�nhlit 1��re•in.tate�hall nnt ,i�+�l� �ri thr�.,���•f.���rlet.�rit,n un�le�� {�.+r.��r.��•h, ; z��r I�
<br /> �.�
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