<br /> _ t �1
<br /> f.Gro�wa ta�Accekntba of lklt.
<br /> ���"109477
<br /> ' (U Rt��slt.L�ndrr mag,cxc��p!as limitc�E}rc�ulations issued by tt�c Se�retary in the c;�r uf paymcnc�efuuUs,re���iire
<br /> immediatG p�yment in inll oi�Il sums sesured Dy this Security Inetrument ii:
<br /> (i)Borrawer defaulis by i'�Illna to RAy in full any nnonthiy paymer�t reQuircd by ihis Stc��rity Insirumcnt prior to or on
<br /> ('" the due due of►he next manthly payment,or
<br /> � (li)Borrawer drf�ults by��ilin�,fur a period of thlrty d�ys,tu pesfutm any olher Abligatians cont�►ined in ihis Sccur(ty
<br /> lnususr�ent.
<br /> tb)9re WYiapt(.�t�tdlt Appe�oYal.l.ender sT�lt.if pe��ittod by�ppika�le law snd with fhr�xic�r�+nn a!of the Stc-etuy,rccNire
<br /> imnadL�e p�ymnrt in fuU af W d�o sumt se;vred by this Security InstrurneM if:
<br /> (i)AU or put oF the Ptvpe:ty is cxherw�ise transfrrroi(ott�tf tAan by deviae ar desceru)by the&xroRer, and
<br /> (ii)The Property I�na occupie.i by the puah�er or�reMa�a!�or herpranucy or xcondary residenec.cu the
<br /> ' �r�neeo does sa atvpy�he Property but his or her ctadit h�s nd bern�pcvvad tn�e with the requi�t�ts of N�haser ar
<br /> _ Sa.'n'tuY.
<br /> ; (t�4�*WNter.U clrcumstancea cx�cur thtt would permit I.ender to requiro immcdiate p�yment in.fuU;buclendtr does not
<br /> , requ�s�e sueh paymtnts� Ltndec dcxs not waive its rights with rcspect ta nibsequent events.
<br /> (�11 R�tM�e o�HUD S�eret�ry.lo mwny circumstances rcgulatians issued by the Secretary wiU•Iimit Lender's ri�hts.in
<br /> the case of M�me.nt defaWW,to re�uirc immedl�to p�ymetit in•fLll�nd foreclose if nat pud.This Security lnatrument does
<br /> not authorize aacekration or forcclosure if not permltted by re�ul�tions of the Secretuy.
<br /> 1�. �drtNeae�� Borrorrer hu a rijht to be reinstated if Lender has required immediate payment in fuit because of
<br /> Hortower's failure to pny an�anount due under the Note or thi�Security Instrument.This ri�ht applies even sPter toreclosure .
<br /> , proaedin�ue iaaUtuted.To rtinstate the Security instrumcnt,Bonower sh�ll tender in A lump sum all amounts reQuired to
<br /> bri� 8oriower's uco�ne currrnt includins. to the extent they are abli��tion� of Bonower under this Security Irutrument.
<br /> foreelowice oo�ta uid rea�onabk snd customary attorney's fees and expenses properly �ssoci�ted wlth the forectasure
<br /> pra�eedic�.Upon rdnstatement by Borrower,thi�Security Instrumcat and the obilg�tion9 that it secures shall rem�in in e6lfecs aa
<br /> lf Lsndee hwd not rcquired immMiate payment in full.Hawovcr,Lender is not«quircd to permit reinsatement if:(i)Lenk�ttr has
<br /> accepted aeinstatemer�t after the eommencement ot foreclosure proceeding� within [wa years immedlately precedang ehe
<br /> commenvemrnt os�ennent foreclosure proceeding,(ii) reinstatement wilt preclude forectosure on dif[erent�rounds in the
<br /> future,or(iii)reinst�temnen!wiU�dversely�ttect the priority of the Ilen crcated by this Security Instrnment.
<br /> 11. Me�ewer Nol RNesud;Forbara�ce Qy I.e�der No1 a Walver. Eaeension of the teant of �aymens or maci'sfication �i
<br /> amottiution of the steto�secured by this Security Insttument granted by I.ender to any succes_�er in interest of Bono�wet s�all n�s
<br /> operate to release the ki�bility of the oYiunal Borr�wer ar Barrawor's sucrus�r in interest. l.ender shaU no[be reQuirecl to
<br /> commence pra�eedin�s apinst any succeswr in int�rest or refuse to extcnd tdrr.rfar payment or atherwise modify amortization
<br /> of the sum� secured by thi� Securily Instrument by reason ot any dcmand made by the original Uorrowcr or 8orrower's
<br /> �uceessors in interest. A�y forbearance 6y[.ender in exercisin�any right ot remedy shall not be a waiver af ar preciude the �
<br /> eaetclse oP�ny rijht or remedy.
<br /> `
<br /> S•3reeeMOn�N A��o��d;loltl a�d Se�enl i,l�aflity; Co•51�se�s.The coven�nts and axraments of this Security !�"�s
<br /> Insirvmrnt ahaD�ind and benefit the succasora�nd ss�i�ns of I.ender and Borrower,subject to the pravisians of paragraph 9.b. F_.
<br /> 8onower'a covenanta and ynements shall be joint and s�everal. Any Bonawcr w•ho co-signs th�s Security Insirument but doee
<br /> not execute the Note:(a)Ia co•sianins thl�Security fnstrument onlp to monga{e, grant and convey that Borrower's interest in
<br /> _ - .k::°�.:�i�y u,-wici inc ierms oi inis�scority instrament; idl is m,t petaoil�iy O�ligated to pay thr sums securod by thio S�citrity ---
<br /> � instrument; and (c� ytees that Lender and any other Bu ri�M« may asrte ro eatend. modify, forbear or make any
<br /> accommodations with re�ud to the term of this Security Ins� uent oi �he Not� without that Borrowe�'s consent.
<br /> L1.Notkq.Any notice to Borrower provided for �n thes Secur�ty Instrument shall be�iven by delivering it or by mailing it by }�
<br /> Srst claas mail unless applicable law requira use of anather me�hed. The not ire shall be directed to the Property Address or any
<br /> other addr�ess Bprrawer dai�nates�5 c�uti�Y to Lender.Any nati�c:o Lender sh�ll be given by first class mul to Lender'saddress
<br /> stated heteaci or any address Lender drsi�mtes by natice to Barrot�rr.Any natice provided for in th�s Security I�strument shall
<br /> be deemed to hsve been alven to Borrower or Lender when gi�en a�provided in this paragraph.
<br /> ` �•Go�e�ti�t i.n►:�evenbfllt�r.This Security Instrument shAp be gaverned by Federal law artd the law of the juris�iction in i
<br /> which the Ptoperty is located. In the event that any provisi��rt ar clause of this Sesurity Instrumrnt ar the Note confticas with ap-
<br /> plieabk law,aueh eoef�irt ahap not affeet oeher provicions of this Security Ins�rument or the Note which can be gi��en effect
<br /> without the conf]ictin� provision. To this end che provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are dertared to be
<br /> aevaable. �.
<br /> �,
<br /> Li.Barower•s Copy. Borrower shall be given c�ae confc.med copy af lhis Secun�y Instrument.
<br /> ' K.A�er�e�!ot Re�l�.Bottower unconditionally assigns and uansfers to l.ender all the�ents and re�•cnues ot the Property.
<br /> Borrower auihorizes Lendet or Lender's agen�s to coilect ihr rents and r�venuesand hereby directs each trnaot of th�Property
<br />• to pay the tents to Lendes or Lender's a�ents. Hav�e�*er,prior to Lender's notice io Norrower of Borrowee's brearb of any co�•e-
<br /> nant or aatameet in the Security lnstrument, t3ora�vrer shall collect and recc�Ee all rents and recenurs ot'cEr Property as trast�e
<br /> for the benefit of Lefu+:s and Borrower.This assigs�ment of rents constitute�a.^�absolute assignment and not an assignment for
<br /> additioaal security onty.
<br /> lf Ler�det eives notice of bttach ta Borrower:(a)all rents reori��d by Borrawershall be hcld by 8orrower as trustee f.ir Nenofit
<br /> • • af Lenda only.to be�pplied to the sums secured by the SecuriYy�a�slrumenr�b)Lender shall be entit[cd to collect ttnd raaeive all
<br /> uf the rents of the Praperty;�nd(c)each tenant aE the Ptuperty shall pay al1 rrnts due and unpud to Lender or Lender's agent
<br /> an Len�ia's wzittrn d�sand co the ceuant.
<br /> Bottower hu nc+t eaecuted any prior i►ssignment ot thc rents and has not and will nut pcefarm any act that uould ptcvent
<br /> Lender ftom exercisinj iis rights under this parAgraph 16.
<br /> Lendet shall not t�e requircd to ercta upon,taice corttrol��f ot maintain the F'ropetty beforc or aRer grv�ng nonce of breach lo
<br /> Borrow•er.Howeves.I.endu or a judinally ap�c:.�ted receiver may do so at ar�y time Ihere is a brcach.Any appticauon of rents ��------
<br /> shill not cure or waive any def�ult e:invaGdate a�y other right or�emedy of' Lend�r.This assignmen�of rents of the Property
<br /> ani�i icirruhatC vYnftlltlO Q�bt SCCtifrd by the�ecttcity Instrument is paid in tult.
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